View Full Version : Post Finasteride Syndrome

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  1. pfs community has no aspirations
  2. The cure is 4-8 years out
  3. People avoided PH because it was depressing and useless
  4. Join my gimp Slack for 100% recovery guaranteed
  5. We need more broscience gimp shite protocols
  6. [META] We need active moderation on this forum.
  7. Gimps are trying to censor us
  8. Euros are so stupid
  9. Muck mouth cunts
  10. Where is my hardon
  11. can I give bj CD
  12. Penis is size of raisinsis
  13. gimpmobi ans zerolibido sitting in a Tree
  14. PH sayd to cut my dick off, should i
  15. Is CD Alive ?
  16. Considering a Sex change?
  17. herbs?
  18. paddy get your phone sorted
  19. Ryan Houston needs to be slaughtered
  20. What will happen to Ryan Houston one day?
  21. I am the new CD
  22. Ryan Houston lives in Texas I believe
  23. Swole source bitch
  24. Swole source gimp
  25. Forrest Gimp Soup
  26. Swole source bitch
  27. CD Nuts was a gov't conspiracy
  28. Gimp moderating butch
  29. It's a war gimps
  30. Calling All Gimps
  31. Gimp me up
  32. I wanna be a gimp
  33. Hi I'm Allen Worthington
  34. Should I killmyself
  35. How to jerk off a gimp
  36. I want to.kill.myself twenty foeubsevennbbthree six five
  37. Why I despise cdnuts
  38. Gimp Mcgoo
  39. In hard the body of a ninety year old man
  40. Info Tomlinson for one year if I send one .more.dodgy email said the jusge
  41. Multiple posters
  42. A good life ruined Cynthia cunts
  43. In want to kilometre twentybofuenseven three six fuve
  44. See See nuts sucks horses cokx dresses in star spangled banner panties
  45. Who the fuck is Ryan houston
  46. Hey Ryan houston. You live in a shot country that castrated you
  47. In the is a of the free and the home of the fags
  48. Yank gimps castrated by the satsr and stripes
  49. Hurry up and nuke USA vkad
  50. Can't get a ducking hard on you what
  51. If you Cabrera ducking hard on to her you may have post finasterude syndrome you cock
  52. Hi I'm Allen Worthington
  53. As nuts is a consuming cunt
  54. Why do seroquel crash me ten times harder than even worst case finasterude crash 2009
  55. Why is Allen Worthington such a ducking gimp that he walks way from pfs when his own
  56. Hi I'm Allen Worthington
  57. Ryan houston rimming cdnut s area in star spangled lingerie like a gimp
  58. Ins and Tonkin myself twenty four seven three six five
  59. Is malware debuts and Allen Worthington sixty nine each other then blow their brains
  60. I can't Betts ducking HaARDDDOOOOOONNNNMMMM
  61. Should be allowed euthanasia for this shit
  62. Ryan houston is a cOOOOCKKKKKSUCKKKKEERRRR
  63. I'm in deep sh it with those ducking office bully cunts
  64. I wish inclusive a fighter for ofs
  65. Turkey neck
  66. I want to kill myself twenty four seven three six five bitch
  67. Allen Worthington aka awor a more useless ducking cunt thunder see nuts
  68. Hi I'm Allen Worthington
  69. Give me reasons not to kiolmyself
  70. In Want to kill myself 247 365
  71. Mitch is a ducking gimp has well
  72. I'm going to kill myself
  73. Allen Worthington thought cdnut s was beneath him couldn't even deconstruct this foru
  74. I ducking hate prophecies help and I ducking hate cdnuts
  75. This e ducking scu m cunt my baseline was amazin
  76. Why can't I get a ducking gun
  77. Posters on here
  78. Fuck Allen Worthington ducklings fixings nuts did
  79. Fuck Allen Worthington fuck CD nuts duck every cunt man fuck everything fuckneveryine
  80. My sueyside is inecitable
  81. Sont to to a medical.profession so just use cdnuts
  82. I want to ducking top myself somjuxh
  83. Going through this Marc Turner sh it alone at forty six
  84. I'm going to killmyself
  85. I want to killmyself
  86. Thusbusnimpossibkemman
  87. I want to kill myself twenty four seven three six five
  88. Should b allowed to get euthanasia for this shut if you are extreme case
  89. Fierce bully a stupid as s bitch
  90. Jew think I should kill myself
  91. I don't even thunderstorms can berecivered
  92. See See nuts wanks to pics of microorganisms in star spangled underqewar
  93. Going to ducking kill.myself you cunts
  94. "In the land of the gimp, and the home of the castrated"
  95. Hackstasis was better than this white for mild to.moderate vixtims
  96. Do that fuckingbpriticl.notch
  97. Jew that interlocking ortoocl.bitch
  98. What a ducking useless son I havebeen
  99. Illness get to Wan k to.Instagram hitches and ducking at a tennis players sever again
  100. I Can't believe I never even fondled a nickname of big tuts with mild recovered pfs Y
  101. Are you wrrkinhtthat ducking protocol.cunt???
  104. I can't believe i took quetipine on and off for.months like it was a ducking melatoni
  105. Cdnuts is an arrogant yank cunt
  106. I want to ducking killmuself
  107. How the fuck do serve cases heal? I just can't seeit
  108. I want to kill.myself T we th four seven three six five
  109. Hi I'm Allen Worthington
  110. Hi I'm Allen worthington
  111. Coffee used to use we want to Wan k now.it marks me suicidal
  112. Allen Worthington hates recoveries
  113. Cdnuts banning aclohol.And coffee
  114. This ain't even a natural recovery or holistic recovery site it's all about the fucki
  115. I'm going to ducking killmusrlf
  116. I want to ducking kill.myself
  117. I want to ducking kiollmuself
  118. Why doesn't even I Google seroquel?
  119. Please ducking help.me someone to frucks aske man
  121. I want to killmyself
  122. That Pali cunt khera
  123. I want to kill myself
  124. Hi I'm Allen Worthington
  125. I want to kill msyelf
  126. I hate myself and want to kill mysekf
  127. For him e years all.I did was but vitamin d zinc and magnesium
  128. I need to kill.myself
  129. My life is coming to an end
  130. Fuck me man finasterude ruined my lige
  131. Suicide support WhatsApp group
  132. I'm killing myself soon I Cambridge like this
  133. I can't live like this at all suicide soon
  134. I had a Wan k this morning and a coffee now so see suicidal
  135. I'm killing myself I refuse to live with extreme pfs
  136. In Want to kill myself
  137. Fuck living like thisnman
  138. CD nuts is a cunt
  139. If this next b itch finds pfs studies I'll. It their shut clothes fire er
  140. Does.anyone egetbsongs stick in theirnhrad
  141. Hi I'm Allen Worthington
  142. Whom feels worse after a wank
  143. What's your stiry, god?
  144. Penis gone
  145. Dreams are banished why why
  146. Who is the biggest cunt in pfS history
  147. Let’s go cunt
  148. Who is penis is now a Tic Tac?
  149. Worst case in history
  150. Massive muscle Wastage
  151. Baylor
  152. Song stuck in my head
  153. Cdnuts rims crack bitches
  154. I want to.machete orange astads
  155. Fucking gimp layout fuck that cunt
  156. I want to kill myself twenty four seven three six five
  157. Goethe fuck can I crash severely recover to ninety percent then ducking stagnation do
  158. One hundred concerts city breaks thousand of wanks
  159. What a nightmare
  160. This e dirty oranhebbastards
  161. Ducking spastic like me taking seroquel and staying in romanticism environment
  162. Jew think On should off mysekf
  163. Worthington a fuckingbgo!o
  164. Why is there no disclaimer about NOT USED IN PLACE OF MEDICAL ADVICE on here?
  165. All.i.had to do.wssmnorhinh
  166. Hi
  167. I just want to be able to travel and drink alcohol and check out women again
  168. Lazarus is a cunt
  169. Dirty orange bastards
  170. My three favourite things were probably boozing, music and travel
  171. I never had this no response to alcojol bpllocks the first time
  172. Why I hate Cdnuts.is personal self.loathing
  173. Doing a big metaphorical steaming white all over CD cunts page
  174. I want to do a big steaming shite all over cdnut s fce
  175. Worthington a fucking useless cunt
  176. Want to do a Taxi Driver final scene in those orangenbastards
  177. Two massive miatakws
  178. Ducking filthy orange bastards
  179. Wanna ducking top.mysekf
  180. Hi I'm Allen Worthington
  181. Wanna top.myself
  182. Wolf siren sucks see a nuts
  183. Wolf siren sucks see see a nuts
  184. Wolf siren time s see see its whole playing dungeons and dragins
  185. Probably gonna fucking tip myself because of this hite
  186. Want to ducking yptip.msyelf
  188. Want to.murder those disinfectants basyrds
  189. Odds on my SUICIDE since PFS 2009
  190. Wolf siren sucks see see nuts ass
  191. Totally unstable baseline
  192. I wanna ducking killmyself
  193. T her should be ducking centres of excellence for this stuff in very western nation
  194. Wolf of current with oddballs in his mouth
  195. In Want to massacre those filthy orange basard cunts
  196. Worthington should have been on here debunking this cult
  197. Hi I'm Allen Worthington
  198. Allen Worthing is a useless Swiss spastic cunt
  199. Cdnuts had mild pfs
  200. How the fuck can you lose fidtybpoiunds
  201. Hi I'm Allen Worthington
  202. How the fuck can bounce like this for ducking years On end
  203. Fuck this I can't do this for years
  204. My life has been ducking white because of that ducking stupid shit
  205. Those ducking orange bastard
  206. Everyone worse than me.is dead
  207. 5 alpha victim
  208. Hi I'm Allen Worthington and I'm going to waste Santmann and your money on a shot duc
  209. Should I ducking kill.myself
  210. Europe or China will solve this
  211. tigershulla kegend
  212. Acnt even get a ducking hardddooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnn!!!!?!!!
  214. Cdnuts I used to.message on p help
  215. I want to slaughter some orange bastards
  216. This is no existence mate
  217. Ignore list
  218. Ducking orange cunts
  219. Gonna end up ducking killing myself
  220. The lack of sleep and childbearing is killing me
  221. Any one else have it had a numb foreskin?
  222. Can't even get a fucking HSaaaarrrrr ddddddoooooooooooooǹnnnnnn
  223. Im.ready to end my life
  224. Cojkkxsussuuuuukkkkeerrrrrrrr
  225. Can't even get a ducking haaaarrrrrrrdddpoooooonnnnn
  226. The protocol is a ?pad of steaming shite why didn't I do trt
  227. My life been ducking SHITE
  228. Where is Michael Clements and why isn't anyone talking about him????
  229. Sueysude
  230. I just want to.sueyside
  231. I can't believe I took quetipine aka seroquek
  232. Several.years with no libido living like ducking tsunami pension fucinthatbdhit
  233. We should be allowed to kill.ourselbes
  234. I want to kill yself
  235. Cdnuts is ducking white coffee used tp.make.me horny
  236. For free makes me suicidal used to make me y rny
  237. Oseph
  238. Who is the biggest doomer on p help
  239. You k ow who I feel like? Muhammad Ali from the mid eighties onwards
  240. Twelve years TWELVE FICKING YEAR of FAILURE from Allen Worthington
  241. Ik.worse than when I crashed inn 2009 - much wirse
  242. Hi I'm Allen Worthington
  243. Can't even get a ducking HARRRRR DDOOOOOOOOOPNNNNNNN
  244. My head is just skull I tap my fucking head and it's hollow.skull
  245. What are Allen Worthington symptoms anyway?
  246. I actually have more respect for see these tested than most of the gimp On propecianh
  247. I'm Allen Worthington and I'm a spastic who sounded all the foundation money
  248. Reasons to off oneself
  249. How the fuck can Baylor have taken eight years?
  250. "Guys, hang in there"