View Full Version : Post Finasteride Syndrome

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  1. I never had pfs for eight years
  2. Life was so easy in disability
  3. Ducking communicate bastrds
  4. I want to fucking kill myself
  5. Why only now a fucking study
  6. I was more recovered than ninety five percent of pfs gi!ps just too stupid too realis
  7. Fed up of life
  8. Im.allergic to testosterone
  9. Awor is probably alright
  10. Anyone who thinks someone called CD Nuts can fix PFS is inbred
  11. Dumb cunt Damon thinks Cookie Monsta can solve PFS
  12. Damon is a dumb fuck hillbilly
  13. Dumb gimp Damon thinks he's the special one. who gets to recover
  14. Crash monkey Damon proudly announces he has made himself worse once again
  15. Damon is too stupid to know he's stupid inbred gimp
  16. Damon steps on rakes during his free time. Crash test dummy monkey man
  17. Damon thinks cookie monsta on reddit can solve PFS. dumb fuck
  18. Damon won't recover . Too stupid to realize it
  19. How can I say off damon?
  20. Bring fog boy
  21. I recovered in four years after going through bell
  22. Awor is a ducking gimp
  23. Imagine taking seroquel what a ducking test as bad as Damon taking an ssri
  24. The only difference between me and Damon is that I donated
  25. Suicidal Twenty four seven 365
  26. Fuck this place
  27. Cdnuts a ducking king gimp
  28. Taking swroquel.man
  29. Munchenhausen syndromr
  30. Cock.is just t c King dead
  31. We should do justbstop.oil.type demos
  32. CD nuts should be jailed and made to.apologise
  33. Duby a b a boring ducking cunt
  34. When will Paddy get a phone?
  35. America is a soulless corporate shithole shopping mall pretending to be a country
  36. It'll be alright Paddy
  37. Can't sleep
  38. Why is Damon so fucking dumb? How is it possible?
  39. I want to ducking killmyself
  40. F2f up of this white want tomkillmyself
  41. cdnut s a cun
  42. Whose faulty crash
  43. Duby a b the most boring pompous joyless cintbaroun
  44. Scotsman just fingers his ars e all day
  45. Nucklear hellfire
  46. Gimp fuckwits brong fog boy and cd nuts
  47. CD Nuts and Brong Fog Boy should be forced to fix PFS for everyone
  48. Dumbshit twats Damon Brong Fog CD NUTS
  49. Damon listns to Christian rap
  50. Only the UsSA would have dreamt up this drug and sold it
  51. Why didn't I visit a urologist a bog standard MHSone would have saved me
  52. Patryk nd damon
  53. How the fuck can I go from recovered to disabked
  54. PrOTOCol
  55. MotherFuCkIN
  56. GodDAMn
  57. The
  58. Do
  59. BItCH
  60. LiSTEN
  61. I am telling you to do the muthafucking protocl
  62. PEaNUTS
  63. Perspiration
  64. Tripe
  65. BItCH
  66. THAt
  68. Five Alpha gimp
  69. Drug smuggling for PFS
  70. This fucking Swiss spastic
  71. I want to fucking kill myself
  72. No response to
  73. My life ruined by finasterude and ofs
  74. Just disobeying everynday
  75. My suicide is imevitaboe
  76. It's not even finssteeid
  77. Rwac a good man
  78. Paddy's bottom 5 and top 5 PFSers
  79. 5 Alpha Gimp
  80. I hate brong fog boy
  81. Dogshit community
  82. Damon thinks a water fast can fix pfs and cookie monsta on reddit has it figured it o
  83. I even hate chi
  84. See these nuts has. Nice website with some nice tesimonies
  85. I did tr T twice
  86. Road to Recover
  87. Lets spend another 20 years on hcg joe kool brong fog gimp and cd nuts protocol
  88. Fuckkng hate thijsn life
  89. My life ruined if I hadn't taken seroquel or left that toxic office in 2018 or thrown
  90. My life post seroquel and other shite crash
  91. This Shi T is DNA damage
  92. Italy side effects aka biatch
  93. pfs ccomngity is fucking boring
  94. Damon Damon Damon Damon Damon Damon Damon Damon Damon Damon Damon Damon
  95. Nuclear hellfire for New Jersey
  96. Paying thousands for a Shi T transfer
  97. Adolf Hitler committed sueycide because of Pfs
  98. Do the fucking protocol gimp
  99. In want you to reverse the head shrinkage food intolerance and prostate cell death
  100. As a thworst Allen Worthington is xecllen t as leader and sta
  101. Should I off myself because of this?
  102. To be or not to.be that is the question
  103. Reaching out
  104. Gonna ens.up.Ducking killing myse!f
  105. Should I ducking killmyself
  106. Ill.need a third puberty
  107. Killing yourself the eu
  108. I thought suicide in 2009
  109. Should dimoffmysekf
  110. Cock.like a vagina
  111. Should I ducking killmyself
  112. Mass if mussel wastage
  113. What a filmmaking seroquel.like a Buckinghamshire supplement
  114. Do the ducking prot
  115. Werknthatbpro
  116. I can feel zero testosterone in my body whatsoever
  117. Should I ducking killmyself
  118. Celebs who had pfs
  119. Celebs who had pfs
  120. This e fuckingbhighway astrologers them tindwath
  121. Should I kikl.myself
  122. Should do killmyself
  123. CD Nuts is a fucking loser
  124. Should I offmyself
  125. With the fuck was I researching tr t like a.a man first two years
  126. Want to murdertbkse cunts
  127. I fucking sleep.fro!.7pm ro.!idnugt
  128. From recovered for years to severely disabked
  129. Can't be ducked with tgis
  130. Should I ducking killmyself
  131. Sueyside
  132. Do the God damnprotocolbitch
  133. Birch plesse
  134. What's an way way to sueysude
  135. Ducking orange abstard
  136. Ducking cints
  137. Want to ducking topmkyseld
  138. Want to ducking topmkyseld
  139. Shouk.I ducking iffmysekf
  140. Ins and to die twenty four seven three six five
  141. The years no libido twenty years no li
  142. I'm just some random Scottish guy
  143. Should I ducking killmyself
  144. Dignitas
  145. Kill.myself
  146. Mysekf
  147. Kill
  148. Fucking
  149. This fat ginger orange basard who dissed mynogs
  150. I want to want to semtex that office of cunts
  151. My life has been mostly shit
  152. Cock has been eradicated
  153. Ducking scu m cunt A ducking seroquel cunts
  154. Im.up in court for sending threatening emails to.this doesn't bastards
  155. I wan to.killmyself
  156. I want to fucking offmyself
  157. I want to.suicide twenty four seven
  158. Swiss ducking soastuc
  159. Canberra disintegrate om
  160. Can't enjoy music
  161. Can't get a ducking hard on
  162. I want to fucking Kill myself every second of every day
  163. Rap
  164. Cdnuts rap
  165. Luclfax rap
  166. I wish I had done the jorbi e podcast
  167. Tigershull a legend
  168. Bitch my life is shit rap
  169. Will science cure pfs?
  170. Raps
  171. Ducking depressed
  172. I think cdnut S is crap but I hope the guys here recover
  173. Thew it away for no reason
  174. Want to end it twenty four seven three six five
  175. I hate the Swiss spastic
  176. I'm not doing this Marc Turner Shi t for years
  177. Extreme pfs will never be cured
  178. The paddy protocol
  179. The paddy protocol
  180. Which is the best protocol bitch
  181. Mr Paddy Luckfax McPaddyface Paddington PaddyLuck
  182. English is a gimp
  183. How dare propcian help ban sommanynoeople
  184. constant sizzlingg in ears
  185. Probably end up.topping myself feel violated by the world
  186. Mews a fucking gimoas well
  187. Fucking massive muscle wasted and penile shrinkage
  188. I ca see a say innit suicide
  189. I feel.violated by life and it's a living hel l everything's aspect In want tinkiklmm
  190. See a or logistics next week
  191. Question do.you visit a doctor
  192. Blurred vision
  193. Taking seroquel.what a gimp.!y life is ducking iver
  194. No discord in my day
  195. It's inevitable that I kiollmyself
  196. I was ducking recovered and those office cunts ruined it
  197. Ducked rap
  198. CD Nuts must pay
  199. Yanks are so fucking dumb
  200. Could you tell from Luclfax posts that he ha
  201. I'm gonna end up desd
  202. Why didn't I visit a urlogist
  203. Fuckingbawir soastic
  204. Ducking useless cunt awor a ducking pic on the community
  205. That ducking spastic Worthington told u to take.meelk thistle in Trieste
  206. If you can't get a hard on to her you probably have lost finasterude sydorne or unde
  207. My neck is thinned out and fucked
  208. I'm a ducking gimp
  209. Cdnuts a lying egomaniac yank cunt
  210. The USA must be oblitersted
  211. Want to machete to death a
  212. Ill.have the ducking carers jnsoon
  213. I recovered quicker and better than CD nuts
  214. Should I ducking killmyself
  215. Xhorndog
  216. How the fuck can that gimp Lazarus have a kid when ninety percent of pfs men don't
  217. Paddy needs to hold on
  218. Can you do the protocol with massive !muscle WaStage
  219. Sizzling in ears
  220. I was in psychiatric wards had severe fatigue balls.like peas still recovered
  221. Do you think someone will take revenge against CD Nuts?
  222. USA must be eradicated
  223. when ?
  224. yuna kim should fix pfs so i can wank to her again
  225. Used to
  226. im losing my ucking mind
  227. People show you who they really are when you are fucked
  228. Gimp named himself Biatch
  229. CD Nuts Revenge
  230. Crispr being used for a rare diswsse
  231. Where is the biggest shithole in the world and why is it New Jersey?
  232. Swolesource is a cult
  233. I don't blame Merck this time.round or even cdnut s though that cunt water my time
  234. This site is actually entertaining now
  235. Physiological caused of pfs
  236. Poor Sheep led astray by this false prophet cdsnuts
  237. Allen Worthington aka awor as big a gimp as see these nuts
  238. Why did CD drop "testicle painting" from his program?
  239. In Want o pot ducking kill myself twenty four seven three six five
  241. Why the fuck did I take quetipine for.sleep.when inhale mild insomnia
  242. Gonna kill myself probably
  243. Coc k destroyed wanna killmyself
  244. This dumb bitch and the spastic psych
  245. Dock.like a dead piece of rubber after ten years recovery no solutions tonne found in
  246. I'm going to ducking topmysekf
  247. If I had taken TR t at any point between 2913 and 2020 would be fully cured
  248. Why did new just let cdnut s take over
  249. PFS dumbfucks
  250. Wantro.murder those cunts