View Full Version : Post Finasteride Syndrome

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  1. How much are those orange bastrds to b
  2. Would you ducking off yourself if you couldn't be a hard on cock.like shrunken rubber
  3. Recoveries are flukes
  4. I! A ducking impotent spastic now was handsome.now ducks for God's sake
  5. Fuck this lazarusnshit
  6. How the fuck couk d ridership have recovers nearly andnnotmme
  7. Should I ducking killmyself
  8. Should I ducking off myself with massive muscle wastage tinnitus and imootence
  9. Those dirty ducking orange abstatds
  10. How the fuck do I survibe
  11. I probably wanted a gallon of .com to taylor swift when recivered
  12. I could Wan k on demand for ten years
  13. Want tolillmyselfntwenty four seven three six five
  14. Snowking a gimp
  15. CD Nuts must admit he has no fucking clue about how to fix PFS
  16. Only gimps and twats recover or have mild PFS
  17. I had solid.libido for nine years and never even groped a pair of for a the whole tim
  18. the PFS community needs to emulate Caesar and Napoleon
  19. Fuck me man what an existence
  20. Fourteen ducking years man
  21. It'll be alright Paddy
  22. Santa Claus isnt real Damon
  23. Santa doesn't exist
  24. What the fuck is this shit man
  25. Fucking cunts
  26. Shrunken bollocks shrunken balls testicles shrunk
  27. Hate gimps who can tolerate this poison
  28. Used to fuck all the time with gorgeous women moaning felt tight and comfy long hair
  29. what the fuck happened to my cock
  30. gorgeous long hair nice thighs and hips wandering the city finding hotties
  31. It's poison you fucking stupid gimp fucks
  32. masancnre the trelsslless communtyi and asymptomatic
  33. Keith Kaufmann should be given 1 year to fix PFS
  34. Fuck me man
  35. Jesus ducking christ man
  36. DO THE ducking Orotpcol GIMP
  37. Will SEE DEEZ NUTS jeffrey epstein?
  38. Kenny needs to shut the fuck up or I'll find him one day
  39. Kenny is king gimp
  40. Do hcg or shut up pussy cunt fgimp fuckwit
  41. Allen Worthington aka awor
  42. See these gimp nuts worthington
  43. I can't ducking believe it man
  44. How the fuck can I go from least affects timeless affeceted
  45. What do you get ?
  46. How about anothahd joke MURRAY
  47. I feel.fucking raped
  48. Two.men in wheelchairs at the Kiel study
  49. I.just wanna ducking killmyself
  50. My symptoms 2013 to 2020
  51. My symptoms now
  52. what kind of single, middle-aged loser calls himself "cdsnuts"?
  53. I feeo.like ducking Arthur fkeck
  54. Should I ducking killmyself
  55. Allen Worthington a ducking useless cunt
  56. Dirtybiranegbabstad
  57. Want ronlill.myself twen
  58. Worst crash eve
  59. Fuck this shit
  60. I could sunbathe aand get Hardin a formyears
  61. Paddy has to hold on to hope
  62. Things are happening Paddy
  63. Ten good years post ofs
  64. Literally nothing has changed in thirty years ofs
  65. I feel.no.androgens whatseoever
  66. Worthington propeca hel l mithball
  67. Which would you
  68. Can't even get a hard on
  69. Can't even get a hard on
  70. In was a ducked serious case 2009/10
  71. This blogs is unsu
  72. Worthington is a cunt
  73. Mitch has done more for pfs than anyone except Dr. Santmann
  74. Dr. Santmann, Mitch and every other volunteer/donor are the heroes
  75. I can't believe i neve r groped a juicy pair of
  76. What would you rather have
  77. There must be SOMETHING that can fix an overcrowded androgen receotir
  78. Mitch talking about informed cinsent
  79. Insomnia is the worst cunting th ing
  80. There needs to be. Team of researchers and scientists working full.time on pfs
  81. Let's get to two.thousand threads for cdnyts
  82. Can't get a ducking Hardin and penis I shrunken dead rubber
  83. I wan to machete to death those counts unsubstantiated me taking seroquel again
  84. Can't trafficking hard on should inofmyself
  85. Ducking hard on can't geyone
  86. Ducking hell.man
  87. Are unfickingbkidding me man
  88. Can't get a ducking hard on man
  89. Massive muscle ducking wastage
  90. Should have helped a misogynist doctors and as s at least fornfucksnsake
  91. Why the fuck did unit go bacl.to.a.urologist for TR T between 2913 and 2020
  92. Nuke America , Vlad
  93. The fault is mine
  94. I feel fucking raped by life
  95. Why was hacktasis hidden
  96. Whose fault
  97. I feel zero.testosterone I may as well killmyself
  98. Who scripted my life the ducking devil
  99. My life has been utter white and I want to die
  100. Allen Worthington aka awor protocoll
  101. My suicide is inevitabke
  102. All androgen fix room has been turned off
  103. Forty six and fucked
  104. My baseline was paradise how can this hello be possibpe
  105. I want y kill myself twenty four seven three sixfive
  106. Allen Worthington aka awor
  107. I feel raped by life
  108. I feel raped by life
  109. I'll never travel again
  110. Micripenis
  111. Micronesia suicoee
  112. Awor is a fuckinguseless cunt hope he dies
  113. I want to kill myself
  114. Forty sixth worst age
  115. Fuck you God you cunt
  116. All days hell
  117. Did someone out a curse I. Me
  118. Shouk.I ducking iffmysekf
  119. even when I crashed
  120. I ducked up a miracle
  121. Should I killmyself
  122. My life has been so ducking shit
  123. My Whiteside is i
  124. Twenty four seven three six five suicide ideation
  125. I was the most recovered !an on Oripecia He'll now I'm the worst
  126. How fucking ckuess was i
  127. How did I fuck it ujp
  128. Munchasuen sydnrome
  129. Why didn't I visit abspecialist
  130. Stupid cunt
  131. Was crashed and suicidal 2009 recovered didn't thickness
  132. Are you ducking kidding me
  133. Constant sizzling in ears
  134. I feel raped and violated
  135. The protocl.of debuts does not work for pfs
  136. I hate that cunt Greek
  137. Filthy orange bastarss
  138. Should I killmyself
  139. Filthy orange ducking bastard
  140. Allen Worthington a usless.cunt
  141. Scotsman is the most boring gi.p.alive and a reason why I never went back to. prospec
  142. large aggressive offensives and intiaitives must be undertaken by the pfs commnity
  143. Rene russo
  144. Erection
  145. Life is a torture chamber
  146. Life ducked me in the arse
  147. Gonnakikkhself
  148. Im.being punished for not sticking up for.myself.I'm life
  149. From mildest case I. Propecianhell Help to.most serious in two years
  150. Should I killmyself
  151. Killing myself when I get the guts
  152. Extreme Marc Turner /axo/Lazarus level pffs
  153. Why no guide on Propecia He'll to TRT
  154. Want to Kill myself twenty four seven three six five
  155. Worst affectes
  156. For ducks sak
  157. Why does Lazarussay he's had pfs for twenty hears
  158. I wan to kill.itself every day very ducking minjuets
  159. I can't see any option but to take my life
  160. My life is coming f an end
  161. I despise prophecies help
  162. I despise cdnuts
  163. Why the fuck did innit visit a Heineken inhale erections and libido and could do.hype
  164. Gonna you a Sinead I connor
  165. Worthington a fucking gimp
  166. For ducks sake
  167. What a gimp with quetipine
  168. The fucking useless pfs foundatio
  169. what does pddy thin k of the pfs foundation
  170. Paddy must hold on
  171. DUcking post Androgen Deprivation
  172. Fuck PFS shite and Sinon Beirdart
  173. Itchi coc n balls look like Damon midgit
  174. I need a new Coc
  175. Life is fucjed
  176. This life is not sustainabke
  177. Stress tinnitus
  178. One stupid post unpaid ducking voluntary job
  179. Would you even have known Luclfax was recovered depressing hisnstuff
  181. Fucking shut life itsbbeen
  182. PropecianHell is ducking shute
  183. Zerolibido
  184. In 2009 I crashed insincere insomniacs no libido ed etc
  185. Instant to find scaredmalels aka David Mattin in London and torture him to.death
  186. Ducking neck tendons and leg tendons stikciknbfucking oitvman
  187. Damon is retarded
  188. DUmb yank shite gimp Damon thinks he can fighure out PFS
  189. Saturday night's with odd 2012 to 2021
  190. Waking freams
  191. My dock is completely dead and shrunjed
  192. Otherwise be some rich count out there with its or pssd
  193. Snowing gimp
  194. They need to hurry up this crisps shit
  195. Why did I take seroqul
  196. I was recovered for eight ducking yeasr
  197. Michael Clements is snugly cocksucker
  198. Michael Clements has a con like Jimmy hill
  199. Michael Clemys is a gimp
  200. I'm giving its until next year fed up being raped by kife
  201. Michael Clement sucks moose dock with his big chin
  202. If I could get a gun would sueyside
  203. I had severe odd and recovered and ducked it up
  204. !y life has been ducking shit
  205. Gene edit me now efidit the fuck out of maw man
  206. Studpi ducking bahnshit
  207. HaARDOn
  208. FuckING
  209. GEt
  210. CaNT
  211. Me
  212. Kidding
  213. FuCKING
  214. YOo
  215. ArE
  216. CD Nuts Disgrace to human species
  217. Kenny from Joes Cht will bE shown NO MERCY
  218. Wasted buttocks aw fduc.k
  219. Can't vetta fuck in hard On man
  220. Dusting shite swiss dog crap
  221. Duckigngngn
  222. I'm so ducked in.the head will.probably walk down the street naked
  223. Might post me cokc photos all over again
  224. This is midlife fuck this What is even the point
  225. I'm killing myself when I get the guts
  226. Informed co sent
  227. I wan to kill.myself
  228. Fuuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkkkkkkkkkk
  229. Fffuuuufucucuuuckkk youuuuuuu
  230. In want to killk.myself
  231. In 2030 I thought I was cured
  232. Those ducking oranegbbastards
  233. In want to fucking kill myself twenty four seven three six five
  234. Life is ducked man totally ducked
  235. Murdering orange bastards
  236. Keith Kaufman and Inhiuse Oa
  237. Loss of subcutaneous fat all o
  238. Can't wait to die
  239. Can't wait to fucking off msysef if I get the alls
  240. New Irwig paper
  241. Congrats to Dustin getting his life back fuck Worthington
  242. Onlygimps.com
  243. Brewers sooner humps on propecianhell hel l and spastic cunt inn here watchable did i
  244. I had zero symptoms of pfs between 2013 and 2018
  245. New Irwig paper
  246. Informed consent
  247. I feel like an old mattress that has had rusty old could springs burst out everyhwere
  248. Can we get to two thousand tnread!
  249. One. More thread