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05-24-2013, 07:18 AM
I didn't get into serious weights until I was older. Feeling pretty good now, and guys like Sperwer are an inspiration.
Have to laugh when Burly describes himself as older, though. Ain't seen nothing yet, bud, LOL.

Gains are much harder to accomplish, (I guess), and cutting is much harder, but with a little 'help', progress can be obtained.

One of the main obstacles is that other people find it hard to accept that you are looking good, and younger than most people your age. This really pisses me off. I had some health issues that have pretty much cleared up since I've been working out, (5 years seriously) and I'm getting grief because I look good?

Anyway, if there's any message in this, it's just to stick to your own beliefs, whatever any one says.

05-24-2013, 07:23 AM
I didn't get into serious weights until I was older. Feeling pretty good now, and guys like Sperwer are an inspiration.
Have to laugh when Burly describes himself as older, though. Ain't seen nothing yet, bud, LOL.

Gains are much harder to accomplish, (I guess), and cutting is much harder, but with a little 'help', progress can be obtained.

One of the main obstacles is that other people find it hard to accept that you are looking good, and younger than most people your age. This really pisses me off. I had some health issues that have pretty much cleared up since I've been working out, (5 years seriously) and I'm getting grief because I look good?

Anyway, if there's any message in this, it's just to stick to your own beliefs, whatever any one says.

No, it's true. You are definitely a minority if you're in any kind of shape over age 40, let alone have visible muscles. I'm 39 this August so I suppose I'm on the verge...lol

05-24-2013, 07:28 AM
I remember 39, sort of. LOL

Spent a good deal of my life working in the music industry. Rock bands are pretty unhealthy, and there's lot's of casualties, but as with everything, you make your choice, and thank FK for that!

05-24-2013, 08:13 AM
I don't see why it bothers you so much. I'm 46(47 in 2.5 months) and (SOME) people look at me funny when I tell them my oldest son is a senior in college. I see you were in the music business. With all the hard drinking/smoking that happens(not saying you partook of any haha) for you to still look good, you should be proud. I see some of my old classmates that partied hard and it shows on their face and body. I would rather be 47 and look 37 than to be 37 and look 50. If nothing else when someone gets under your skin, you should tell them "yeah I take care of myself... try it you might look better also" Ouch!

05-24-2013, 08:24 AM
don't give others the power over you. I learned this lesson with my mother in law, her opinion means nothing to me-really pisses her off (yes!) I can literally look someone in the eye and say too fucking bad for you isn't it? Once you are able to not let other's opinions and words influence your mood and attitude, you can begin to achieve personal harmony and peace. they own their thoughts

05-24-2013, 08:48 AM
don't give others the power over you. I learned this lesson with my mother in law, her opinion means nothing to me-really pisses her off (yes!) I can literally look someone in the eye and say too fucking bad for you isn't it? Once you are able to not let other's opinions and words influence your mood and attitude, you can begin to achieve personal harmony and peace. they own their thoughts

Though my mother-in-law has never pissed me off (i've only been married 1+ year), I can agree with OD here. I have the same take on not letting someone's jealousy, pessimism, or negativity bother me. I'm only 28, but I can give 2 shits if someone doesn't like me, like what I do, or like my beliefs. I am who I am, and no one will change that.

05-24-2013, 09:11 AM
Doesn't really bother me that much, just wanted to make a point.

I think that most people seem to accept that it's normal to be out of shape when you're older, and
when an older person is in good shape it's hard for them to handle. If roids get mentioned, then they
have some ammunition, so I always give credit to creatine for my gains.

I remember reading how animals would sort of know when the time was right for them to die, and this
process would take about two weeks, where the body would basically shut down.

That's how I want to go, not ten or more years of bad health supported by prescription drugs.

Basically, live life to the full, then die.

BTW I'm not 'that' old, whatever that means:)

05-24-2013, 09:17 AM
Yeah, I see what you're saying, it's just a pain when one's immediate family are so oblivious about their own health and also judgemental.
Pretty crazy, in fact.

05-24-2013, 09:28 AM
I actually verbalize when people are like that. I'll say things, as uncomfortable as they may be-but true, "wow, that's pretty judgmental, did you get a new appointment I don't know about?" Or, "I don't recall asking your opinion, when I want it I will ask though, thank you." Those statements if you are polite about it are just being assertive and totally within your rights to ask or say. The mother in law one day actually asked me how much fish oil I took, I told her then she ripped on me for spending so much money lmfffffffao! so calmly, I asked her what she thought was a better use of cash, spending $14 on a bottle of wine every day, or $25/month on fish oil for my health. She didn't answer, so I pushed and said if you want to talk to me about my life and health, and preach how I should be acting, not that you have the right to do so cause you're not my mother and even my mother knows better at my age lol, you had better first better ask to see if your opinion is welcomed. I'm sorry but I won't be told how to eat by someone who spends 20x what I do on fish oil per week on booze. In the future I'd rather not discuss my health, thank you. so,,,,, we smile when she comes over, I go in the garage lol, and then we smile when she leaves. A person who wants to dictate to me is not worth having in my life. she's my wife's mother and that's it. Stand up for wwho you are, what you believe, tell others to shut the fuck up (in so many words) and mind their own business. No need to be around people like that, rid your life of them.

05-24-2013, 09:57 AM
Doesn't really bother me that much, just wanted to make a point.

I think that most people seem to accept that it's normal to be out of shape when you're older, and
when an older person is in good shape it's hard for them to handle. If roids get mentioned, then they
have some ammunition, so I always give credit to creatine for my gains.

I remember reading how animals would sort of know when the time was right for them to die, and this
process would take about two weeks, where the body would basically shut down.

That's how I want to go, not ten or more years of bad health supported by prescription drugs.

Basically, live life to the full, then die.

BTW I'm not 'that' old, whatever that means:)

Creatine, grassfed beef, and all the eggs I eat! :)

05-24-2013, 10:06 AM
I actually verbalize when people are like that. I'll say things, as uncomfortable as they may be-but true, "wow, that's pretty judgmental, did you get a new appointment I don't know about?" Or, "I don't recall asking your opinion, when I want it I will ask though, thank you." Those statements if you are polite about it are just being assertive and totally within your rights to ask or say. The mother in law one day actually asked me how much fish oil I took, I told her then she ripped on me for spending so much money lmfffffffao! so calmly, I asked her what she thought was a better use of cash, spending $14 on a bottle of wine every day, or $25/month on fish oil for my health. She didn't answer, so I pushed and said if you want to talk to me about my life and health, and preach how I should be acting, not that you have the right to do so cause you're not my mother and even my mother knows better at my age lol, you had better first better ask to see if your opinion is welcomed. I'm sorry but I won't be told how to eat by someone who spends 20x what I do on fish oil per week on booze. In the future I'd rather not discuss my health, thank you. so,,,,, we smile when she comes over, I go in the garage lol, and then we smile when she leaves. A person who wants to dictate to me is not worth having in my life. she's my wife's mother and that's it. Stand up for wwho you are, what you believe, tell others to shut the fuck up (in so many words) and mind their own business. No need to be around people like that, rid your life of them.

I reckon this is something that anyone that lifts will have to deal with, sooner or later.

The cost of fish oil when they're spending £££ on booze is a familiar one, lucky they don't know what else you're buying:)

05-24-2013, 10:47 AM
lol, If I get much bigger they will begin asking I suspect, and I'll tell them. Remember, I don't care what they think. If the funny side of me comes out I'll say something like sure I inject steroids but that ain't the half of it, you know when me and your daughter are having sex, right after I take my dick out of her mouth I like her thumb up my ass......any other personal info you want to touch? lol Oh man, I could go on forever, you know it's only in the last year or so I've been able to do this (no the thumb up the ass). I think for me it's that I am happy who I am and done trying to be what others' want me to be. It was a revelation really. I'm not rude about it unless they take it there, then, I pull out the big guns and very rarely can someone out funny me when I'm on. it makes for very few Christmas presents the following years but meh...that's life.

05-24-2013, 10:53 AM
^^^ this struck my funny bone. Wife is in the car with me trying to figure out what's so dang funny.

On Markam's point, firstly, yeah I know I'm not "old", but on a forum with a lot of 20somethings with taut abs, I'm still one of the older guys. I'm just glad you and Sperwer are here to make me feel younger! Haha.

On the point about others opinions... people get jealous that you have done what they haven't and it's easier for them to criticize or discredit you than to look at their own failings. Most if the time I just ignore the little subtle comments. If they become rude, I just let them know the only difference between me and them is that I'm actually willing to put the work in to do something about my physical condition. All the while, I'm smiling like a cheshire cat. Then they get mad and either stomp off or they get really quiet. Most people who know me know better than to be confrontive. They learn real quick not to bring a knife to a gun fight. ;)

05-24-2013, 11:07 AM
One can always rely on Oldawg to elevate things to a whole other level. Maybe elevate is the wrong word:)

05-24-2013, 11:18 AM
Classic reaction lol my familly/friends when they see the protein tubs and all... just want to say mind your own fkn business

05-24-2013, 11:21 AM
I've only got say 20-30 years left max! Have to make the best of it, I'm the same too I think you said it mark, I don't want to carry on once my body is spent. Wife and kids all know that I want them to wheel me to the edge of the grand canyon or something like that. they don't have to push me, I'll take the brake off myself but one last thrill, and out with a bang. maybe 3-4 of us can all go over together, we'll be old and tired, but muscular lol, 'cept for Ippy he'll be wearin a loose medium, still 165lbs

05-24-2013, 11:39 AM
It all comes down to insecurity. For some reason, alot of people feel threatened by someone else's success, whether it be financially, getting in shape, etc. They project their own insecurities on to the people who are accomplishing what they aren't....or even better....they can't. Small mindedness in action here. Not even worth your time worrying about it. If they would put some effort into themselves and stop worrying about what other people are doing, maybe they'd be able to get shit done in their own lives.

05-24-2013, 11:42 AM
I think you're selling yourself short old dawg! No one that funny only has that long left. It's time to go when you can't make jokes and you aren't muscular anymore! Haha

05-24-2013, 11:44 AM
That is if Ippy survives his next run hehe

05-24-2013, 12:02 PM
It all comes down to insecurity. For some reason, alot of people feel threatened by someone else's success, whether it be financially, getting in shape, etc. They project their own insecurities on to the people who are accomplishing what they aren't....or even better....they can't. Small mindedness in action here. Not even worth your time worrying about it. If they would put some effort into themselves and stop worrying about what other people are doing, maybe they'd be able to get shit done in their own lives.

Exactly. I've dealt with this both on the physical side and on the financial side. So many people discouraged me from starting my own business and then didn't want to be around me once I did well with it. I don't need those types of people in my life. Nobody does.

05-24-2013, 12:32 PM
Exactly. I've dealt with this both on the physical side and on the financial side. So many people discouraged me from starting my own business and then didn't want to be around me once I did well with it. I don't need those types of people in my life. Nobody does.

Likewise. If you're makin bank AND you're jacked....watch out! Haters are coming for you in full force.

It just doesn't make sense for people to be that way. They are doing themselves a huge disservice. I look up to and admire people who accomplish things in life. I strive to be more like them. I'm going to say it's this outlook that's made me successful. Why, when you can choose how you want to view life, would you choose to go against people that are successful and doing things other people secretly wish they were doing. Puzzling.

05-24-2013, 12:54 PM
I like this conversation, especially the part where OD talks about the Thumb butt! :o I'm not hating, just stating!

05-24-2013, 01:11 PM
It all comes down to insecurity. For some reason, alot of people feel threatened by someone else's success, whether it be financially, getting in shape, etc. They project their own insecurities on to the people who are accomplishing what they aren't....or even better....they can't. Small mindedness in action here. Not even worth your time worrying about it. If they would put some effort into themselves and stop worrying about what other people are doing, maybe they'd be able to get shit done in their own lives.

Exactly. I've dealt with this both on the physical side and on the financial side. So many people discouraged me from starting my own business and then didn't want to be around me once I did well with it. I don't need those types of people in my life. Nobody does.

I think the hard part is when family get involved. It's easier to tell someone else to shove off and then forget about them, but when it's your family, or wife's family, it gets more complicated. Me and wifey have talked quite a bit about it all and she sees their attacks, she walks away and tells me to defend myself lol. and now I do whereas before I would just take it and bite my lip.

05-24-2013, 01:14 PM
you can take care of that yourself R ;)

I like this conversation, especially the part where OD talks about the Thumb butt! :o I'm not hating, just stating!

05-24-2013, 01:42 PM
Basically,get jacked, live your life, then die.

Works for me, any way,

Ps.And about the bands I've been in, let's just sat Ippy would cream his pants!

Sorry for that image lol.

05-25-2013, 02:19 AM
I didn't get into serious weights until I was older. Feeling pretty good now, and guys like Sperwer are an inspiration.
Have to laugh when Burly describes himself as older, though. Ain't seen nothing yet, bud, LOL.

Gains are much harder to accomplish, (I guess), and cutting is much harder, but with a little 'help', progress can be obtained.

One of the main obstacles is that other people find it hard to accept that you are looking good, and younger than most people your age. This really pisses me off. I had some health issues that have pretty much cleared up since I've been working out, (5 years seriously) and I'm getting grief because I look good?

Anyway, if there's any message in this, it's just to stick to your own beliefs, whatever any one says.

Thanks for the props. Thought you'd enjoy a report of my experience today at the dentist's. I've been seeing the same dentist for about 10 years, and in some ways my talks with her about my dental problems were one of the seeds of my (re)turn to exercise. She explained to me the link between (bad) nutrition and physical degeneration (starting with one's teeth), and got me to read Weston Price's famous book with the eponymous title. So besides fixing my dental problems, she's been avidly following the progress of my journey. When I showed up for a regular grill detailing today, she naturally asked about the contest, and I showed her the pics. She was so excited she grabbed my phone and showed them to most of her staff of about 15 as well as a female French patient who happened to be in the waiting room. The French woman, whom I would peg for about 40, though she looked 50, and was a shapeless hulk witha double chin and mottled skin, sniffed and archly inquired why anyone would show pictures like that in a dentist's office. Although couched as a lesson in etiquette, it really was apparent that what bothered her was the implicit challenge of anyone my age looking that fit. I just laughed in her face.

05-30-2013, 09:57 AM
I am 48 and didnt get serious about lifting until about 2 yrs ago. I am not where I want to be but I do know for a fact that I am in better shape than 90% of the 30yo I work with.