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View Full Version : Swole Source Rules: Mandatory Reading

11-11-2012, 04:10 PM
Welcome to Swole Source.

We are very happy to have you join our community. This community was designed to provide a communication medium for advanced level bodybuilding and weightlifting discussion. We pride ourselves on maintaining a high level of quality, both in the information we share, and the members we gather.

In order to maintain this level of quality, there are some Rules which must be followed. Moderators will make every effort to enforce these rules, but we also ask our community to self police and report any violation seen. Breaking these rules can lead to a disciplinary infraction and/or access to our community being revoked.

1. Play Nice. We are all here to both learn and teach. It is through this community-based approach where we can all help ourselves advance towards our goals. Entering into petty arguments not only reflects poorly on you, it reflects poorly on the community as a whole.

2. No Source Discussion for Controlled Substances. This is not, and will never be, a source board. There are plenty of message boards on the internet dedicated to this type of communication, but it is not welcome here. Linking to a source may result in access to the forum being immediately revoked.

3. No Linking to outside stores. With the exception of Swole Source approved product representatives, there will be absolutely no linking to outside stores. The discussion of stores and sources for LEGAL products is acceptable, however for the safety of our community, we ask that you do not link to stores outside of this forum.

4. Do not post personal information. This should go without saying, but at no time should you post personal identifying information on the internet. While our community is populated by very trust worthy people, personal safety should always be highest priority when on the internet.

5. Enter into discussions at your own risk. Since Swole Source is a forum for advanced discussion, there are many topics discussed which are sensitive in nature and may be counter to the laws of your country. Swole Source does not encourage breaking the law, and at no time should any part of this site be seen as a recommendation or opinion of this site or it's staff. Since the internet is an international medium for information, these sections are provided for discussion by those whom are legally able to do so.

6. None of the information here is to be interpreted as medical advice. The majority of members here are not medical professionals. While our community may feature members who work in the medical field, none of the recommendations or discussions that partake on this website should be taken as medical advice. Please always consult your doctor with any medical concerns.

7. No Spamming. Advertising on Swole Source is only available for Swole Source approved product representatives. Soliciting or Advertising on this message board under any other circumstance is a violation of this rule.

8. No Trolling. Excessive trolling can result in an infraction, a repeat offense may result into access to the forum being revoked. This community is intended to be an enjoyable experience for all participants, and we will do our best to maintain it.

9. Do not spread misinformation. Bro-science is a plague upon the world of bodybuilding. Please do not share any information in which you are not certain of it's accuracy. Please make every attempt to fact check any information prior to posting it to the forum. While confusion and misunderstandings will not be punished, repeat offenses of sharing misinformation may result in disciplinary action.

10. Respect your Moderators. The moderators chosen for this site were hand picked due to this track record of being exceptional members of prior communities. Their intention in the moderation of this board is pure in nature, and we are incredibly thankful for this volunteered service. At no time should you argue the actions of a moderator in a public thread. If you have a question or concern with the action taken by moderation, please contact them in a respectful manner through PM.

These rules can change or be updated at any time. Please keep yourself updated on any changes.