View Full Version : New: Oneiromancer from Antaeus Labs

07-11-2013, 03:56 AM
Antaeus Labs' NEW Oneiromancer: Discover The Power of Dreams!


Oneiromancer is the only product of its kind.
-Induces visionary, powerful, and productive dreams.
-Promotes deep and energizing sleep.
-Has recovery-enhancing & anabolic properties.
-Contains effective nootropic and neurotrophic agents.
-Supports general health.

The quest for novel bioactive ingredients often leads to unexpected places. Some interesting and valuable natural compounds have been taken from Siberian lichen extracts. Others have been identified in the secretions of poisonous frogs from the Amazon. The famous drug Rapamycin was discovered in the dirt of the Polynesian tropical island Rapa Nui, now its namesake. Still other drugs and drug-candidates, like purealin and spongosine, have been isolated from the bodies of organisms living at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. (Sometimes these creatures are found once and never seen again.)

Our quest, in this instance, has taken us to the cape of South Africa, where Xhosa diviners (amagqirha) partake of unusual herbs in their ancient rites of passage. Herbs which are reputed to induce powerful, lucid, prophetic dreams; which are reputed to facilitate trance states and open the gates to an inner-world… Herbs which, in short, have a very interesting reputation, but which have been largely ignored by modern science.


The first of these is the root of Silene Capensis. This root – locally known as undlela ziimhlophe, or “white paths” – is a true oneirogen in that its use is solely intended to induce divinatory dreams. Traditionally, the root is washed, pulverized, and the powder shaken with water to produce a foamy froth, which is then skimmed and partaken of. (This method of administration suggests that the ‘active ingredients’ are triterpene or steroidal saponins, and our proprietary extraction process has been developed with that in mind.) Traditionally, the froth is taken for a period of three days during the full moon. Anecdotally, it is said that it takes some time for S.Capensis to “kick in.” Although this must be taken in the proper cultural and emotional context, Xhosa diviners who have used S.Capensis report dreams which have aspects of the “vision quest” – dreams which may give answers to problems, deliver messages from ancestors, offer spiritual guidance, and so forth.
Silene Capensis is the subject of ancient and detailed myths and rituals, which are partially described in Hirst’s “Root, Dream and Myth: The Use of the Oneirogenic Plant Silene Capensis Among the Xhosa of South Africa.”

The second herbal oneirogen is the tuberous root of Synaptolepis Kirkii. Locally known as Uvuma-omhlope, this root is used by both the Zulu and the Xhosa to promote clear vision prior to heading into dream states, to induce prophetic and visionary dreams, and to lead to profoundly restful and restorative sleep. S.Kirkii’s active components have not been clearly determined, but it has been shown that the root contains neurotrophic daphnane diterpenes. [1] Kirkinine, in particular, is a remarkably potent neurotrophic agent, and is effective at low-nanomolar concentrations. The use of S.Kirkii may have, therefore, a lasting nootropic effect.

The combination of these two herbs, in proprietary and thoughtfully-prepared extracts, should facilitate powerful and productive dreams while also allowing for deep and restful sleep. The S.Capensis and S.Kirkii we use in this product have been ethically and sustainably hand-harvested by Xhosa Shamans, whom we are now closely affiliated with.


To round-out the formula, we have included several additional ingredients, beginning with the closest thing Asia has to an oneirogen: Hemidesmus Indicus. The root of this Ayurvedic herb is used to assist in entering meditation trance-states, and is also said to prolong REM sleep and improve dream recall. Furthermore, it is well known for its activity as an Ayurvedic panacea, with antioxidant, hypoglycemic, nephroprotective, hepatoprotective, otoprotective, cardioprotective, and mild diuretic properties. [2,3,4,5]

Hesperidin is a sedative which presumably operates primarily via adenosine [6] and opioid [7] receptors. But the most interesting thing about it is a completely unrelated trait: It directly upregulates the myogenic differentiation factor MyoD, which “suggests a beneficial role in promoting muscle regeneration.” [8] In vivo experiments strongly suggest that it’s an anabolic aid which can support muscle regeneration and growth following exercise. Hesperidin gives Oneiromancer ergogenic properties which every athlete/bodybuilder should find strongly beneficial.

Triacetyluridine and our phospholipid compled (80%+ phosphatidylcholine) were included for their ability to increase levels of acetylcholine in the brain. Activation of cholinergic neurons plays a vital role in the induction and duration of REM sleep. Triacetyluridine also has a reputation as a nootropic.

The rest of the ingredients in this formula need little introduction. Melatonin can increase REM sleep duration [9] and normalize sleeping patterns. Vitamin B6, at high doses, can increase dream recall.


Ergogenic Benefits:

For a long time it’s been understood that muscle growth depends on three things:

Stimulus (exercise)

Countless different exercises, training techniques, machines, and routines have been developed and employed to ensure that muscles are adequately stimulated to promote growth while Intermittent Fasting, GOMAD, Paleo, Ketogenic, Carb Cycling, and many other diets have been perfected, not to mention the contentious issue of dietary supplements.
The third part of the triumvirate, however, is often neglected. Aside from taking a few days off from training every week most bodybuilders don’t give rest much thought – but maybe they should. Poor sleep can have huge negative effects on both training and everyday life, sapping energy levels, reducing testosterone and growth hormone levels, and increasing catabolic hormones.
Oneiromancer promotes deep and restful R.E.M. sleep, which can help to maximise training results.
Oneiromancer goes way beyond the standard Valerian Root/Mucuna Pruriens/ZMA sleep formulas. It is not another run-of-the-mill dream supplement. In addition to the obvious rest and recovery benefits it may help increase dream recall, improve problem solving, aid in meditation and relaxation, and even induce lucid dreams and astral projection.

Potential Uses

Dream Recall
Dreams have been interpreted for at least four thousand years, and are sometimes seen as visions of the future, sometimes as a window into the psychology of the dreamer, or as gifts from a higher power.
To increase dream recall when you wake, instead of getting straight out of bed and starting the day, take a few moments to go over what you can remember of the events of the night. This can be with eyes open or closed, sitting up or lying down – but be careful not to drop back off to sleep! Often this gentle inward direction of focus can help you recall elements of the dreams you would otherwise have forgotten.

Dream Diaries
Human beings have been writing down their dreams for over six thousand years. One of the most useful tools to aid dream interpretation is a dream diary. It is important to write the dream down immediately upon waking, as otherwise important details may be quickly forgotten. It should be completed daily until it becomes a habit. Writing down tomorrow’s date after completing today’s entry can subconsciously help this commitment. Once recorded, dreams can be interpreted by internal reflection, outward discussion, using dream dictionaries, or other forms of psychoanalysis.

Problem Solving
In Guatemala, problems are told to small “worry dolls” which are placed beneath the pillow at night. These worry dolls are supposed to take on the sleeper’s concerns, and the sleeper awakes untroubled.

A western variation has the sleeper write down their problems or wishes, and place the piece of paper under the pillow at night. Psychologically, these may both be effective tools, as during sleep the brain has the uninterrupted time to mull over problems and explore them creatively, finding solutions unavailable to the conscious mind. The restive and restorative sleep associated with Oneiromancer use is a conducive state for these problem-solving opportunities.
Shortly before retiring to bed write down your problem or goal on a piece of paper. Put the piece of paper under your pillow, and literally “sleep on it”. You may find that the next day a creative solution to your problem or an opportunity to reach your goal presents itself to you.

Meditation and Relaxation
Meditation can aid mental and physical wellbeing, and has been practiced in various forms for millennia. Many different methods, techniques, and mantras can be employed, and the following is only a quick guide.
Find a quiet place free from distractions (set your cell-phone to silent!) and sit on a chair or on the floor with your back straight or lie quietly (though if you lie down you may fall asleep). Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes, and focus on the in-and-out flow of your breath. You will become more aware of the sensations of your body, and your mind will wander, but you can gently return your thoughts to your breathing. Recognise and accept any extraneous thoughts that drift into your mind, and allow them to drift out again as you continue to focus on your breathing.

Ten or fifteen minutes of meditation, twice daily, is an achievable goal and practitioners claim the benefits of meditation including stress- and pain-reduction, increased attention span, memory, focus, and intelligence.

Lucid Dreaming
Most of us have, at one time or another, during a dream realised that we are dreaming. Usually this shock is enough to wake us up. With practice, these “lucid dreams” can become a regular occurrence, and the dreamer can learn to influence and control the dream; to dream for themselves situations and experiences of their own choosing. This can be helpful in dealing with recurrent nightmares, used to experience events that are unlikely or impossible in waking life, or to rehearse events in advance of their occurrence.

A number of lucid dream induction techniques have been described, and it may take some experimentation before you find a technique that suits you. Tips for achieving a lucid dream state include:
- Avoid alcohol
- Keep a dream journal
- Affirm to yourself that you will realise that you are dreaming
- Check whether you are awake or asleep regularly during the day. This increases the likelihood that you will perform the same action when asleep.
- Use a relaxation technique in a sleeping position. As you begin to experience dream imagery maintain awareness and remind yourself that it is a dream.
- Perform a “reality check” by looking at your hands, or pinching your nose closed. If you have 17 fingers, or you can still breathe with your nostrils plugged, you’re probably dreaming.
- Rub your hands together, or touch something in the dream to help ‘stabilise’ the dream and avoid waking yourself up.
- Once you’ve realised that you’re dreaming, you can begin to exercise control. Try flying, teleporting, summoning characters or situations.
- Don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed at first, or if you find yourself waking up at the realization that you’re dreaming. With practice you can enjoy a level of control over your dreams that can help you conquer your fears and improve your confidence, improve your creativity and problem-solving skills, and act out your fantasies in a safe environment.

Astral Projection
- Use a breath meditation technique where you breathe in, hold your breath, and breathe out, all to a count of four. Make sure to fully inflate and deflate the lungs with each breath.
- Mentally relax each muscle in your body, one at a time, starting with your toes and working your way up to your scalp.
- Visualise a glowing white sphere of energy just above the top of your head. Draw this orb down through your body and feel it filling your body with a warm, white light.
- A kind of ‘sleep paralysis’ often sets in at this stage, where you are unable to move. This is normal and is nothing to be scared of. It is often accompanied by tingling sensation which can develop into vibrations. Allow the vibrations to amplify.
- Now you can astrally project by imagining yourself lighter and lighter and floating away from, or simply ‘rolling off’ your physical body.
- A silver ‘umbilical’ cord is said to maintain contact between the astral and ethereal bodies.

Oneiromancer can be used to enhance the results, or improve the chance of success, of the techniques detailed above.
The unconscious mind is a powerful tool. Unlocking the potential of your sleeping state can have positive effects on your everyday waking life.
Oneiromancer is the key to harnessing the power of your dreams.

[1] He W, Cik M, Lesage A, Van der Linden I, De Kimpe N, Appendino G, et al. Kirkinine, a new daphnane orthoester with potent neurotrophic activity from Synaptolepis kirkii. J. Nat. Prod. 2000 Sep;63(9):1185–7.
[2] Fimognari C, Lenzi M, Ferruzzi L, Turrini E, Scartezzini P, Poli F, et al. Mitochondrial Pathway Mediates the Antileukemic Effects of Hemidesmus Indicus, a Promising Botanical Drug. PLoS One. 2011;6(6).
[3] Gadge NB, Jalalpure SS. Natriuretic and saluretic effects of Hemidesmus indicus R. Br. root extracts in rats. Indian J Pharmacol. 2011;43(6):714–7.
[4] Sowmia C, Kokilavani R. Antidiabetic and antihypercholesterolemic effect of Hemidesmus indicus Linn.R. root in Alloxan induced diabetic rats. Anc Sci Life. 2007 Apr;26(4):4–10.
[5] Das S, Singh Bisht S. The Bioactive and Therapeutic Potential of Hemidesmus indicus R. Br. (Indian Sarsaparilla) Root. Phytother Res. 2013 Jun;27(6):791–801.
[6] Guzmán-Gutiérrez SL, Navarrete A. Pharmacological exploration of the sedative mechanism of hesperidin identified as the active principle of Citrus sinensis flowers. Planta Med. 2009 Mar;75(4):295–301.
[7] Loscalzo LM, Wasowski C, Paladini AC, Marder M. Opioid receptors are involved in the sedative and antinociceptive effects of hesperidin as well as in its potentiation with benzodiazepines. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 2008 Feb 12;580(3):306–13.
[8] Jeong H, Lee JY, Jang EJ, Lee EH, Bae MA, Hong J-H, et al. Hesperedin promotes MyoD-induced myogenic differentiation in vitro and in vivo. Br. J. Pharmacol. 2011 Jun;163(3):598–608.
[9] Kunz D, Mahlberg R, Müller C, Tilmann A, Bes F. Melatonin in patients with reduced REM sleep duration: two randomized controlled trials. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2004 Jan;89(1):128–34.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

07-11-2013, 06:45 AM
Hell yeah! Me want!

07-11-2013, 06:58 AM
Has anyone tried this and have a review, or reviews???

I'm interested in trying this product.

07-11-2013, 07:36 AM
Damn, im so intested in this. Iv been trying any alternative to help me sleep and nothing works. I have to take 200mg of seroquil a night and im so over taking pharma's. I hope this can be a alternative. Fingers crossed!!!

07-11-2013, 08:19 AM
Has anyone tried this and have a review, or reviews???

I'm interested in trying this product.

It only came out yesterday so they'll probably start to trickle in over the next few weeks.

07-11-2013, 08:24 AM
If you guys find logs or reviews, please link them in this thread. Interesting product.

07-11-2013, 08:27 AM
Has anyone tried this and have a review, or reviews???

I'm interested in trying this product.

This ^^^

Totalflex when do the logs start? Will there be one here on SS?


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07-11-2013, 09:25 AM
Interested. I've had issues falling to sleep and then having quality sleep for years. Melatonin knocks me out but I have to take a very low dose or I'm not worth Shit the next day plus it can cause a decrease in your bodies natural production if used to often. I like what ZMA does for me but I'd be willing to give this a try when I run out.

07-11-2013, 09:39 AM
This is something I really need.
Went to bed at 9pm, woke up qt 1:30am and couldn't get back to bed.

07-11-2013, 10:58 AM
Totalflex when do the logs start? Will there be one here on SS?

If/when you buy it and start one.

07-11-2013, 11:03 AM
If/when you buy it and start one.

Timing is not right for me but I think that answers the question for everyone here!


07-11-2013, 11:17 AM
This sounds great, I can't wait to try it.

I am interested to see how it complements my current sleep stack of rxwheys lights out and SA topical. As it is my sleep is great, if it gets any better it will rival recreational drug use.

07-11-2013, 11:52 AM
shit, AL is even spiritually anabolic now

07-11-2013, 04:02 PM
On sale now at nutra planet. Intro pricing on 2 bottles. Just got an email.

07-11-2013, 05:44 PM
Just ordered a bottle from NP, I will log it here once it arrives. Pretty excited!

07-11-2013, 06:50 PM
Antaeus never ever disappointed with any of their products. The read-up looks nice also... I gotta get me some!!

Grape Ape
07-11-2013, 08:23 PM
I've been awake for 36 hours now...

07-11-2013, 09:37 PM
Just ordered a bottle from NP, I will log it here once it arrives. Pretty excited!

Please do make a log. Count me in to follow daily!!! If you say it is excellent I will buy.

I want one of those "flying dreams' on a daily basis!! Not sure if you guys ever have them but they are cool as hell. Everytime I have one, I wake up in a remarkable mood, and I am beyond happy and have a great day/workout, etc...

I do believe the power of sleep and deep sleep and dreams is widely underestimated :)

Grape Ape
07-12-2013, 12:08 AM
I had 2 lucid dreams in one week about a year ago. My first experiences, and I flipped that world inside out. I'd love to revisit. Lots of sex and violence, but let's not read into that.

Too hefty a price tag on this right now to fit my budget.

40+ hours awake now...

07-12-2013, 06:31 AM
I had 2 lucid dreams in one week about a year ago. My first experiences, and I flipped that world inside out. I'd love to revisit. Lots of sex and violence, but let's not read into that.

Too hefty a price tag on this right now to fit my budget.

40+ hours awake now...

Go to sleep dude!

07-12-2013, 07:00 PM
Please do make a log. Count me in to follow daily!!! If you say it is excellent I will buy.

I want one of those "flying dreams' on a daily basis!! Not sure if you guys ever have them but they are cool as hell. Everytime I have one, I wake up in a remarkable mood, and I am beyond happy and have a great day/workout, etc...

I do believe the power of sleep and deep sleep and dreams is widely underestimated :)


Best and most powerful workouts are made possible after nights of good rest! (Although sometimes I just don't want to wake up and stop dreaming when I start to fly!.. mostly result in a half awake/lucid type state)

07-12-2013, 08:49 PM
I have at least 2 and sometimes 3-4 lucid dreams nearly every night. This stuff sounds like a return ticket to mescaline land, at least for me. :eek:

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07-13-2013, 07:54 AM
I have at least 2 and sometimes 3-4 lucid dreams nearly every night. This stuff sounds like a return ticket to mescaline land, at least for me. :eek:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mescaline ruined my mind (amazing drug though, for ''the moment'')

07-13-2013, 10:43 AM
Def. want in on this log....

Btw, Lights out works pretty damn good for me. I'm impressed and surprised.

07-13-2013, 03:18 PM
I want to see how this stuff works out.

07-13-2013, 03:20 PM
My bottle should be here Monday. Eagerly waiting to start

07-14-2013, 12:31 PM
I'd like to find a couple of guys who are willing to use this and report on their experiences.

I'm not looking for insomniacs hoping to wean themselves off prescription meds. If you're interested/experienced in dream interpretation, lucid dreaming, astral projection, shamanistic vision-quests, visualization techniques, or sharing your crazy-assed dreams with the internet, let me know here.

You don't have to run a log, but regular updates would be expected.

07-14-2013, 12:38 PM
I'd like to find a couple of guys who are willing to use this and report on their experiences.

I'm not looking for insomniacs hoping to wean themselves off prescription meds. If you're interested/experienced in dream interpretation, lucid dreaming, astral projection, shamanistic vision-quests, visualization techniques, or sharing your crazy-assed dreams with the internet, let me know here.

You don't have to run a log, but regular updates would be expected.

Great opportunity here. I am interested in nearly all of the above but don't want to throw my hat in for two reasons: 1.) On hormones that can effect sleep, rather see clean reports 2.) Rather see my members take advantage of this offer.

Still want to thank Henry and AL for bringing this offer here. Very much appreciate the support of this board.

07-14-2013, 01:16 PM
On hormones that can effect sleep, rather see clean reports

figured this is why I would not make a good test subject myself but this is a very very cool offer. if for some reason that doesn't matter, please let us know.


07-14-2013, 01:40 PM
I'd like to find a couple of guys who are willing to use this and report on their experiences.

I'm not looking for insomniacs hoping to wean themselves off prescription meds. If you're interested/experienced in dream interpretation, lucid dreaming, astral projection, shamanistic vision-quests, visualization techniques, or sharing your crazy-assed dreams with the internet, let me know here.

You don't have to run a log, but regular updates would be expected.

I'd love to review this product.

I sleep well as it is and I have crazy vivid dreams, only problem is I have a sleep disorder that makes me sleepwalk, sleep-eat and sleep-fuck. It's not all that bad but I have to be careful what kind of snacks are in the house.

If I am having the slightest trouble getting to sleep I eat 2 or 3 lights out by rxwhey and take 2 or 3 pumps of sustain alpha and it's like an 8 hour vacation and I wake up feeling great. I hope this product has a synergistic effect on my sleep stack.

07-14-2013, 01:47 PM
I just ordered mine. Hope it works. Axon is the only AL product that hasn't worked for me. I wonder if it can be used every night and if the effects will fall off or increase.

07-14-2013, 02:01 PM
I'd love to review this product.

I sleep well as it is and I have crazy vivid dreams, only problem is I have a sleep disorder that makes me sleepwalk, sleep-eat and sleep-fuck. It's not all that bad but I have to be careful what kind of snacks are in the house.

If I am having the slightest trouble getting to sleep I eat 2 or 3 lights out by rxwhey and take 2 or 3 pumps of sustain alpha and it's like an 8 hour vacation and I wake up feeling great. I hope this product has a synergistic effect on my sleep stack.

Note to self: Never crash at XXIV's crib.

07-14-2013, 02:52 PM
Note to self: Never crash at XXIV's crib.

yeah, perhaps you should just spring for a hotel room next time you wanna come out to ny.

07-14-2013, 04:39 PM
What type of food should this be eaten with? Does it matter?

07-14-2013, 06:05 PM
I'd like to find a couple of guys who are willing to use this and report on their experiences.

I'm not looking for insomniacs hoping to wean themselves off prescription meds. If you're interested/experienced in dream interpretation, lucid dreaming, astral projection, shamanistic vision-quests, visualization techniques, or sharing your crazy-assed dreams with the internet, let me know here.

You don't have to run a log, but regular updates would be expected.

I'll give it a go.

As previously noted, i'm already a lucid dreamer. And i also have 30 years experience w/ meditation, which i learned to do "right" early on, spending a year living in a zen monastery.

I'd be especially interested to see whether it increases the restful quality of my sleep, since lucid dreaming for me is often quite strenuous and, i believe, therefore somewhat reduces the quality of my sleep.

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07-14-2013, 06:12 PM
What type of food should this be eaten with? Does it matter?

I would assume you would want to avoid carbs with your last meal.

07-19-2013, 02:37 AM
I'll give it a go.

As previously noted, i'm already a lucid dreamer. And i also have 30 years experience w/ meditation, which i learned to do "right" early on, spending a year living in a zen monastery.

I'd be especially interested to see whether it increases the restful quality of my sleep, since lucid dreaming for me is often quite strenuous and, i believe, therefore somewhat reduces the quality of my sleep.

Shoot me a PM with your address.

07-19-2013, 12:20 PM
Where are you guys picking this up from? The few places that I get stuff from doesn't have it in stock yet.

I have really vivid dreams and my nerves are active during dreaming, so I'll actually feel some of what is going on. It just doesn't happen as often as I'd like. Had a dream where I was in the gym doing legs, woke up sore as hell. If this stuff is legit I'd be running it all the time.

07-19-2013, 12:25 PM
Nurta Planet
I believe they might be the only site right now.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 4 Beta

07-19-2013, 02:05 PM
Nurta Planet
I believe they might be the only site right now.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Sweet, gonna pick some up on monday.

04-29-2014, 09:50 PM
any updates?

04-29-2014, 09:52 PM
any updates?

If you haven't already check out my log its on here somewhere....

right here The dream world of ryhigh with Oneiromancer (http://www.swolesource.com/forum/supplements/1397-dream-world-ryhigh-oneiromancer.html)