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View Full Version : Green Smoothies-The Movie

11-12-2013, 03:56 PM
Many of you have seen me talk about my green smoothies. And I've made a list bfor of what I put in it, but I wanna show you guys just how dense of a smoothie I make. So video is coming soon. Why do I feel the need to make a video? Well, I feel like these green smoothies are a huge key to proper nutrition for anyone, but ESPECIALLY for those into working out.

I've been eating almost no protein and recovering just as well as when I ate 150+grams a day. And by almost none I literally mean I'll go days without protein. I have recently added eggs back in the diet, bout 60 grams of protein from eggs and recovery is just that much more phenomenal. I say this because I know a lot of people have trouble getting in some of the macros and assloads of protein day in and day out can be very tiring. It was for me.

Energy is phenomenal. Usually by this time in the year, I'm dealing with major Lyme Disease fatigue as winter worsens symptoms. I have little to none. I'm not even experiencing many Lyme symptoms at all. It's awesome.

*Energy tip. The bigger the slice of whole lime, the more energy you'll get. And I mean significant. I've tested it bfor and the only thing I changed about the smoothie was changing the slice of whole lime, rind and all, and I would notice a serious energy boost. Fuk preworkout!

All the greens? Well that means lots of nitric oxide. And also the beet I put in it ;). I don't feel the need for a "pump" product.

Libido's phenomenal too.

I also noticed that even though I'm eating quite a few grams of sugar from the fruits, my midsection has slimmed.

I never felt the need to push a supplement, diet, or workout program like I have felt the need to push these green smoothies. I really think these things are the key to a solid life, but also, I think that fruits and veggies should be the backbone and bulk of almost EVERYONE's diet. And then based on your fitness goals add in extra fat/ crabs/ protein and then obviously fruits and veggies wouldn't be the bulk but u get what I mean. But the whole 5 servings thing is bs as far as I'm concerned. Have u seen what's a serving? 1/3 of a cup of carrots is like one serving. That's piss nothing! And I don't trust our government telling us the correct amount of vitamins that we need. They so don't care about us, why should be belive they're actually telling us the correct amount we need to be super healthy. If the government gave 2 shits about us, we wouldn't have unlabeled GMO's, and fluoride in the water.

Video to come soon. Hope y'all enjoy.


here it is guys. few things though cuz the video got cut off in the very end.

number one, i also put not from concentrate cranberry juice in it.
number two, when i was speaking about aloe vera and depression, i meant to say that it helps with it, not that a benefit of aloe vera is depression haha




11-12-2013, 04:25 PM
I agree with this and my ass is gonna make one today god damn it's been too long!

11-12-2013, 05:20 PM
I can attest to the huge energy increase. I don't use as many ingredients or make them nearly as large as nate but the benefits are there. I use the nutri bullet so they are smaller and I do throw in my pro blend but I can say it is not only easy but effective.

11-12-2013, 05:44 PM
Back when I was feeling crummy, around the time before I started TRT, I bought a vitamix and started making green smoothies. I can't say I felt more energy... I just felt less awful. Nevertheless, I continue to make them a few days a week and they are the best shot I have for getting that much nutrient plus fiber.

11-12-2013, 06:16 PM
So my video is done, but I'm having problems getting the video off the phone so I can publish it somewhere.

But to burly. U didnt notice energy, BUT, were you putting in a pretty decent sized slice of whole lemon? Cuz that's the factor that gives the serious energy boost.

11-12-2013, 07:51 PM
i agree with with you on the smoothies, i will check out your video when up. any other additions ( fat-protien ) for me will not include crabs. LOL im suprised
burly didnt cath that one.

11-13-2013, 07:07 AM
Really looking forward to this.

11-13-2013, 04:15 PM
Nate, are you making an assload of smoothies, dividing them up and taking them with you or do you make each one when you're ready to eat/drink? I'm really considering doing this for a bit and seeing how it treats me.

11-13-2013, 04:27 PM
But to burly. U didnt notice energy, BUT, were you putting in a pretty decent sized slice of whole lemon? Cuz that's the factor that gives the serious energy boost.

I didn't use citrus fruits most of the time. Never tried lemon... would put in 1/4 lime every so often but haven't done that in a while.

11-13-2013, 06:17 PM
Really looking forward to this.

thanks man! i think you guys will get a kick out of it. it's a 10 minute vid haha. u can hear all my little spiels about shit, and it's actually pretty entertaining.

Nate, are you making an assload of smoothies, dividing them up and taking them with you or do you make each one when you're ready to eat/drink? I'm really considering doing this for a bit and seeing how it treats me.

i just get up and its the first thing i make. i usually just make a huge one and then drink it. it takes a lil while to finish the whole thing. it's got a shit ton of stuff in it, so even just a little bit can kind of make u feel full, but yeah. i just make it and then go to town haha

I didn't use citrus fruits most of the time. Never tried lemon... would put in 1/4 lime every so often but haven't done that in a while.

def do a lime or lemon every time u make it, and make one every day, and then see how ur energy is. it cant hurt :)

and only 3 hours remaining on the upload. thank u att :)

Grape Ape
11-13-2013, 07:47 PM
You've got my ear...

11-14-2013, 12:42 AM
here it is guys. few things though cuz the video got cut off in the very end.

number one, i also put not from concentrate cranberry juice in it.
number two, when i was speaking about aloe vera and depression, i meant to say that it helps with it, not that a benefit of aloe vera is depression haha




11-14-2013, 01:33 AM
Good point about fresh vs. frozen. I have a vegetable stand just down the road from me and the veggies and fruits are way way better than the stuff you get at the supermarket. And cheaper, too. My smoothies usually include one main leafy green (kale/spinach/collard), an apple, two roma tomatoes, some grapes, celery, and a cucumber are the staples, and I may add in any of the following: slice of ginger, a whole beet, fresh pineapple with rind included, and/or 1/4 lime.

11-14-2013, 03:57 AM
more greens!!!!!!! ;)

11-14-2013, 09:03 AM
Man there is a lot of shit in there!

11-16-2013, 07:49 AM
I'm glad to see more people including green smoothies into their diets. When I started doing this back in 06 people looked at me like I was a freak. Greens are so underestimated in regards to nutrition. If you feel like a good read on this topic, pick up "Green for Life" by Victoria Boutenko. Not only will you learn the science behind the greens but she also includes some pretty good recipes as well.

This is how the most muscular mammals in the world get HUGE eating nothing but greens. Just think how strong a gorilla is....complete vegetarian. Elephants as well. They build those huge muscles on nothing but greens. That has to say something.

Thanks for the video Nate. I love seeing this stuff become more mainstream.

11-16-2013, 12:19 PM
Dude. Exactly! I've been eating so little protein and recovering better than ever. And this has taught me we're way over obsessed with protein, and way under obsessed with fruits/ veggies.

11-16-2013, 03:01 PM
Dude. Exactly! I've been eating so little protein and recovering better than ever. And this has taught me we're way over obsessed with protein, and way under obsessed with fruits/ veggies.

I notice when I'm taking in alot of whey protein, I'm much more stiff and sore the day after a work out. You would think it would be the other way around. Yet if I cut back on the supplemental protein and get it from real food sources, my muscles are considerably less sore the following day. I'm sure I've mentioned this on this forum before, but chlorophyll and hemoglobin are almost exactly the same structurally. The only difference being the nucleus of each molecule. Chlorophyll has a magnesium nucleus and hemoglobin has an iron one. Other then that, they are EXACTLY the same.

Google Image Result for http://www.superchargefoods.com/wp/wordpress-content/uploads/2012/11/chloroHemeo.jpg (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.superchargefoods.com/wp/wordpress-content/uploads/2012/11/chloroHemeo.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.superchargefoods.com/wp/?page_id%3D341&h=229&w=400&sz=80&tbnid=EIpvUy9edUgkzM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=157&zoom=1&usg=___nmEE6BWTNPPrtCqvXWTP7FcZrU=&docid=4FsgOz_xJdHbQM&sa=X&ei=9NyHUrKnN8LD4AO4iYDABg&sqi=2&ved=0CDQQ9QEwAw)

Eating greens is almost akin to getting a blood transfusion. They are natures superfood.

11-16-2013, 05:52 PM
I notice when I'm taking in alot of whey protein, I'm much more stiff and sore the day after a work out. You would think it would be the other way around. Yet if I cut back on the supplemental protein and get it from real food sources, my muscles are considerably less sore the following day. I'm sure I've mentioned this on this forum before, but chlorophyll and hemoglobin are almost exactly the same structurally. The only difference being the nucleus of each molecule. Chlorophyll has a magnesium nucleus and hemoglobin has an iron one. Other then that, they are EXACTLY the same.

Google Image Result for http://www.superchargefoods.com/wp/wordpress-content/uploads/2012/11/chloroHemeo.jpg (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.superchargefoods.com/wp/wordpress-content/uploads/2012/11/chloroHemeo.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.superchargefoods.com/wp/?page_id%3D341&h=229&w=400&sz=80&tbnid=EIpvUy9edUgkzM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=157&zoom=1&usg=___nmEE6BWTNPPrtCqvXWTP7FcZrU=&docid=4FsgOz_xJdHbQM&sa=X&ei=9NyHUrKnN8LD4AO4iYDABg&sqi=2&ved=0CDQQ9QEwAw)

Eating greens is almost akin to getting a blood transfusion. They are natures superfood.

Sounds like you have a whey allergy that manifests itself with an inflammatory response. I could be wrong, though.

On the two molecules being exactly the same except for "one thing"... I don't want to bust your balls, but I don't think it's a great comparison.

If you and I have the same car, but I supercharge my engine, they look the same, but the way they perform is night and day. In the world of anabolics, removing the methyl group from dianabol (and it becomes equipoise) completely changes how it acts. But they look identical... except for that one thing.

So I hope I didn't come across as an ass... it wasn't my intention, and I understand that chlorophyll, whatever it's molecular structure, has health benefits we can and should take advantage of.

11-16-2013, 07:00 PM
Sounds like you have a whey allergy that manifests itself with an inflammatory response. I could be wrong, though.

On the two molecules being exactly the same except for "one thing"... I don't want to bust your balls, but I don't think it's a great comparison.

If you and I have the same car, but I supercharge my engine, they look the same, but the way they perform is night and day. In the world of anabolics, removing the methyl group from dianabol (and it becomes equipoise) completely changes how it acts. But they look identical... except for that one thing.

So I hope I didn't come across as an ass... it wasn't my intention, and I understand that chlorophyll, whatever it's molecular structure, has health benefits we can and should take advantage of.

Not at all Burly. I think we are all adults on this site which is what makes it so great. But I dont' think those comparisons are equal to the chlorophyll and hemeglobin comparison. The bottom line here is that hemeglobin is what are blood is made of, and chlorophyll is what the plants "blood" is made of. Literally the only difference is one element.

11-16-2013, 07:06 PM
Not at all Burly. I think we are all adults on this site which is what makes it so great. But I dont' think those comparisons are equal to the chlorophyll and hemeglobin comparison. The bottom line here is that hemeglobin is what are blood is made of, and chlorophyll is what the plants "blood" is made of. Literally the only difference is one element.

But does chlorophyll , once ingested, act as hemoglobin does? I'll be honest, I'm not up on the science of chlorophyll, so i may have missed any studies showing it acted in this way.

11-17-2013, 10:54 AM
I love this thread. I'm jumping on the green smoothie train starting tomorrow. Making a Trader Joes, Costco, and farmers market today!!

Grape Ape
11-17-2013, 11:05 AM
What will this do for my immune system?

11-17-2013, 11:32 AM
What will this do for my immune system?

Boost the hell out of it. Citrus is rich is vitamin C that helps boost immune function and helps to deactivate histamine in the body. Leafy greens such as spinach and parsley are anti-inflammatory to the body and loaded with phyto-nutrients and zinc to nourish your immune system. If you take a look at any acid-alkaline food chart, you’ll see greens are one of the most alkaline of all foods. Raising your body’s pH by eating an alkaline diet is one of the best ways to support your natural immunity, raise your energy levels and support the beneficial bacteria in your gut. So adding more greens into your diet will not only elevate the nutrition your body receives, but it also will boost your immune health, speed your body’s healing response and ramp up your resistance to infection.

11-17-2013, 01:51 PM
But does chlorophyll , once ingested, act as hemoglobin does? I'll be honest, I'm not up on the science of chlorophyll, so i may have missed any studies showing it acted in this way.

The body does one better. It actually changes chlorophyll to hemoglobin by swapping out the elements in the middle. It is a fairly inexpensive biological process to do seeing as it's only swapping one element for another. It also indirectly stimulates the creation of more hemoglobin in the body. I can't seem to find this study right now, but this is the main reason why greens are a "building" food and are used to increase blood volume.

11-17-2013, 01:55 PM
Boost the hell out of it. Citrus is rich is vitamin C that helps boost immune function and helps to deactivate histamine in the body. Leafy greens such as spinach and parsley are anti-inflammatory to the body and loaded with phyto-nutrients and zinc to nourish your immune system. If you take a look at any acid-alkaline food chart, you’ll see greens are one of the most alkaline of all foods. Raising your body’s pH by eating an alkaline diet is one of the best ways to support your natural immunity, raise your energy levels and support the beneficial bacteria in your gut. So adding more greens into your diet will not only elevate the nutrition your body receives, but it also will boost your immune health, speed your body’s healing response and ramp up your resistance to infection.

Just a couple more to add to what you've already shared. This article is concerning wheatgrass, but chlorophyll is chlorophyll regardless where it's obtained from......50 Reasons To Drink The Benefits of Wheatgrass (http://thechalkboardmag.com/50-reasons-to-drink-wheatgrass-everyday)

I'm getting all of the supplies to start growing my own wheat grass so i can add a shot or two in my green juices and smoothies.

11-18-2013, 10:53 AM
I just have to say, you typically would not see people seriously talking about green smoothies and wheat grass on a forum like this without being flamed into oblivion. That's usually reserved for "tree huggin hippie types." This forum is just a great place to openly share great ideas in regards to making us be the best we can be. It really is a unique place and I'm glad to be part of it.

11-18-2013, 11:03 AM
Made my 1st pitcher this morning. Definitely needs tweaking. Less liquid next time around. got 2 huge servings down without wanting to s\give up, im on to something. lol

11-18-2013, 11:06 AM
I assume a 'regular' blender could get the job done?

11-18-2013, 11:11 AM
I assume a 'regular' blender could get the job done?

I use a Ninja, not exactly regular, but did the trick.

11-18-2013, 12:09 PM
I assume a 'regular' blender could get the job done?

I wouldn't personally use a regular blender unless A) you like things kinda chunky and B) you want to keep buying blenders, as smoothie making will burn them up pretty fast.

I ditched my 300 watt Oster for a 1200 watt vitamix ($400). If that doesn't fit the budget, then the 1000 watt ninja is probably the best of the ~$100ish range.

11-18-2013, 12:15 PM
I love my Ninja. Dat dere sumbitch will chop a brick into dust!

11-18-2013, 02:28 PM
I hated my ninja and returned it and picked up a blendtec.

11-18-2013, 03:35 PM
I think we need a blender poll, I'm in the market and am tempted to just buy a cheepo one. Is a $400 blender really worth it? I just use a hand held now.

11-18-2013, 03:44 PM
I think we need a blender poll, I'm in the market and am tempted to just buy a cheepo one. Is a $400 blender really worth it? I just use a hand held now.

Ninja. Don't even think about it lol

11-18-2013, 03:54 PM
Vitamix FTW.

11-18-2013, 04:15 PM
Nutri Bullet is a cheap ($80 ish) way to get your feet wet. It works. This is the magic bullet on roids. Makes a much smaller smoothie but no chunks.

I agree vitamix is the shizzle if you got the coin.

11-18-2013, 04:21 PM
I think we need a blender poll, I'm in the market and am tempted to just buy a cheepo one. Is a $400 blender really worth it? I just use a hand held now.

Night and day difference in power and actual finished product. The smoothies are actually... smooth. Bought mine a year ago to make daily green smoothies and haven't looked back. My friend owns a coffee shop chain and he only buys vitamix and blendtec because of their power and long lasting motor life.

11-18-2013, 04:52 PM
My Vitamix is 6 years old, got my parents to buy me one when I first started lifting. Still makes stuff actually smooth. Which is crucial when you're adding shit like broccoli lol

11-18-2013, 07:56 PM
1. Vitamix
2. Blendtec
3. Ninja
4. Nutri bullet

11-18-2013, 11:48 PM
vitamix. it's worth it. just like weekend, our vitamix has got to be well over 5 years and it works beautifully. no problems whatsoever.

11-19-2013, 02:42 AM
finally made a green bomb. as i used to call them.

i'll start making them as often as possible now that i brought my vitamix over here.


fresh cantaloupe
carrot juice
~.5 lb spinach
1 scoop hemp protein
frozen blueberries
1 whole lemon
small amount of fresh ginger

feelin good

11-19-2013, 04:21 AM
Dam, a whole lemon. That's really acidic weekend. I'd prolly have bad heartburn.

And crazy how cds was saying how protein and chlorophyll were very close.

11-19-2013, 04:47 AM
honestly wasnt even sour. the whole vitamix was nearly filled. prob 50 oz.

- - - Updated - - -

in fact i've had heartburn all weekend from eating some of the most gluttonous, fattening foods, and now its gone lol

11-19-2013, 07:47 AM
Does anyone put coconut oil in theirs?

11-19-2013, 01:42 PM
^^^ Haven't tried that yet. I just started throwing coconut oil in my morning coffee.

11-19-2013, 03:45 PM
vitamix. it's worth it. just like weekend, our vitamix has got to be well over 5 years and it works beautifully. no problems whatsoever.

Ninja for 3 years. Bought it at woot for 24 bucks. Still going strong used every day and if it dies, I can buy another 3 before I reach the price of a vitamix. Severely overpriced imo

- - - Updated - - -

vitamix. it's worth it. just like weekend, our vitamix has got to be well over 5 years and it works beautifully. no problems whatsoever.

Ninja for 3 years. Bought it at woot for 24 bucks. Still going strong used every day and if it dies, I can buy another 3 before I reach the price of a vitamix. Severely overpriced imo

Grape Ape
11-19-2013, 08:20 PM
I'll have to look into a good blender for maybe Christmas.

Nate, what would you put a price point at, on one of those shakes?

11-20-2013, 02:32 PM
Today's green bomb:

1/2 bunch of kale
Carrot juice
1/2 lemon
1 scoop hemp protein
1/2 avocado
1 cup frozen blueberries
Couple slices of ginger

11-20-2013, 02:39 PM
Also I really don't think the lemon will give you heartburn Nate, try a whole one.

I'm gonna try limes next

11-20-2013, 03:41 PM
Using 1/2 a lemon gave both me and the wife pretty bad heart burn. I kicked it from today's shake and I had absolutely no heartburn. I did a mixed berry, kale, ginger, 1/2 banana, crushed flax seed shake this am. I may throw in some whole carrots to the mix tomorrow.

11-20-2013, 06:38 PM
Huh... I swear it actually makes my heartburn better. Perhaps it's something on the Skin of the lemon like a pesticide?

11-22-2013, 09:18 AM
Huh... I swear it actually makes my heartburn better. Perhaps it's something on the Skin of the lemon like a pesticide?

Contrary to popular belief, lemons actually become alkaline in the human despite the fact that they are considered "acidic"

08-25-2016, 02:45 PM
Awesome thread, I do green smoothies every morning but nothing as crazy as most of you guys. I do:

-collard greens
-3 raw eggs
-1 tablespoon organic Ceylon cinnamon
-unsweetened almond milk

I was thinking of adding a lemon in. Do you use just the juice or throw it in with skin and everything?

08-26-2016, 10:41 PM
Skin and everything. Anytime I go to a restaurant I eat the whole lemon from the water.

09-12-2016, 09:38 PM
Skin and everything. Anytime I go to a restaurant I eat the whole lemon from the water.

excellent...just got a vitamix as well

09-13-2016, 08:31 AM
Here it is:

3 raw eggs
1 tsp ceylon cinnamon
Half organic lemon
1 cup organic frozen blueberries
2 cups organic kale
2 grams l carnitine
1 tsp cod liver oil
1 cup chopped organic celery
1 bunch of organic cilantro
1 cup organic cold pressed pomegranate juice
1 cup water
10,000iu liquid D3/K2 blend
1/2 cup chopped organic ginger slices
1 cup organic frozen pineapple chunks

09-13-2016, 09:35 AM
Holy ingredients.....That's one hell of a smoothie.

09-13-2016, 02:31 PM
Holy ingredients.....That's one hell of a smoothie.

Second this. Puts mine to shame lol.

09-13-2016, 06:32 PM
Holy ingredients.....That's one hell of a smoothie.

That is my breakfast every day lol.

oh and another thing my skin is literally glowing? too much beta carotene/carenoids from the greens in it haha?

09-13-2016, 06:38 PM
That's from the greens my man

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09-13-2016, 08:05 PM
That's from the greens my man

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

I remember on my juice feast when I was done I had like model looking skin....I did a shit ton of greens on that. Never put two and two together until I read this thread.

Made all the basic bitches jealous of this skin #model

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-14-2016, 07:33 AM
Yeah it's great. I was using 12mg of astaxanthin in combo with it and my skin was god mode. That is until I read asta was a 5ARI so I dropped it for a while at least for now.

Kale + spinach = god mode skin

Grape Ape
09-17-2016, 11:27 AM
If carb backloading, and trying to avoild sugars from fruit, what is a good smoothie(fruit free) to make that wont taste like grass?

I use to make a green smoothie for durring my backload, but I dont have the time for that now, or the ability to add the extra food in, on top of what I eat.

09-18-2016, 02:44 PM
If carb backloading, and trying to avoild sugars from fruit, what is a good smoothie(fruit free) to make that wont taste like grass?

I use to make a green smoothie for durring my backload, but I dont have the time for that now, or the ability to add the extra food in, on top of what I eat.

It's tough, I used to use stevia and ice cubes to help sweeten it up when I wasn't using any fruit. But this thing is I don't find the sugar from fruit really that detrimental at all especially when I combine it with a boatload of ceylon cinnamon, forskolin and berberine and fresh ginger root (all increase insulin sensitivity and positively influence blood sugar). That isn't even taking into consideration all of the natural vitamins that also help like magnesium from all the dark leafy greens. My waist is still tight and I even stay full longer after my initial morning smoothie. I try not to go crazy on the fruit just enough to add some nice flavor.

Little bit of frozen pineapple, blueberries and cold pressed pomogranate juice.