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12-31-2013, 11:32 AM
1/3 of the nation doesn't believe evolution. how long till we're all back to grunts? :p

One-third of Americans reject human evolution (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2013/12/30/pew-research-human-evolution-survey/4258083/)

12-31-2013, 11:52 AM

What would make us "de-evolve" besides the completely corrupted food chain laden with industrial chemicals with no proven safety record for human consumpton thus leading to the break down of critical thinking and the "protection" of the gov't for all?

12-31-2013, 11:56 AM
the abdication of rational thought

12-31-2013, 11:58 AM
the abdication of rational thought

Then I believe we are well on are way as a species........

ugh.....ugh.....me hungry....my going to get food out of box with ingredients I can't pronounce......it okay though.....FDA say it fine.....nothing to worry about......ugh.....ugh

12-31-2013, 12:57 PM
yahh i dont equate that to just completely dismissing what is accepted by the scientific community as fact, such as the theory of evolution, but i get what you're trying to say

for all it's worth, i'm not a fan of processed foods either and my competition diet keeps me away from most of it

12-31-2013, 01:06 PM
1/3 of the nation doesn't believe evolution. how long till we're all back to grunts? :p

evolution is the least of my concearns, what is unemployment nationally? 9%ish yet somehow I have 3 jobs. Nearly 10% of americans don't believe in working and earning what they have. That is way more frightening.
It's this la-la land reality that lets them revert back to their child-like mind states and logical thought goes right out the window.

12-31-2013, 01:19 PM
Nearly 10% of americans don't believe in working and earning what they have.

what do you mean by this one?

12-31-2013, 01:38 PM
what do you mean by this one?

americans are lazy and don't want to work. Between unemployment and government assistance there are a great many americans that do not work but somehow still flourish and have luxuries that they clearly have not earned.... I'm just a little bitter though because I come in contact with this crosssection of society at work and it has blown my mind. Being inside their houses and dealing with them on an ongoing basis has made me aware of just how badly they take advantage of the system.
sorry for the derail, i have just dealt with some serious skells the last few weeks and it's getting to me.

12-31-2013, 01:43 PM
evolution is the least of my concearns, what is unemployment nationally? 9%ish yet somehow I have 3 jobs. Nearly 10% of americans don't believe in working and earning what they have. That is way more frightening.
It's this la-la land reality that lets them revert back to their child-like mind states and logical thought goes right out the window.
I'd say it's more than 10%, I'm one of the younger guys on here and the majority of my friends who are late teens/early 20's all think everything should just be given to them. Seems like every year less people actually want to work and earn what they receive. But I blame some politicians for this, pandering to peoples laziness with the idea of rewarding them with free things to get their vote.

As for the belief in evolution, my chem professor with a PhD told us he still isn't convinced on evolution(and basically said global warming was a load of BS made up with mostly bias studies done by people paid by companies/gore that profit from it)

12-31-2013, 04:13 PM
americans are lazy and don't want to work. Between unemployment and government assistance there are a great many americans that do not work but somehow still flourish and have luxuries that they clearly have not earned.... I'm just a little bitter though because I come in contact with this crosssection of society at work and it has blown my mind. Being inside their houses and dealing with them on an ongoing basis has made me aware of just how badly they take advantage of the system.
sorry for the derail, i have just dealt with some serious skells the last few weeks and it's getting to me.

I wouldnt say that everyone on government benefit doesn't want to work. my wife is blind and is guaranteed certain rights as an american individual. many people are in her same situation and many other people legitimately can't find job. this illusion that there's jobs waiting in every corner is completely unrealistic and ideological. some people struggle. it happens. it doesn't automatically make them a mooch.

ill pay my taxes so that my wife and the other honest people who need the system may have a chance to have a decent life. i'll also pay for part of the roads, infrastructure and security that you enjoy, my treat lol we all use the system. the successful entrepreneur that many like to worship depends on the system to protect, advance, sell, capture funds or whatever else for his entrepreneurial endeavors.

and no need to apologize, i like good discussions

I'd say it's more than 10%, I'm one of the younger guys on here and the majority of my friends who are late teens/early 20's all think everything should just be given to them. Seems like every year less people actually want to work and earn what they receive. But I blame some politicians for this, pandering to peoples laziness with the idea of rewarding them with free things to get their vote.

As for the belief in evolution, my chem professor with a PhD told us he still isn't convinced on evolution(and basically said global warming was a load of BS made up with mostly bias studies done by people paid by companies/gore that profit from it)

can you please exemplify what politicians and pandering you're talking about? because we live in the same country it seems and i see nothing but the dilapidation of the social infrastructure, when it comes to government assistance. i would say you might have find a hard time finding new legislation that qualifies as government assistance. obviously fox news tells you healthcare is assistance, but that is not given here and the rest of the world disagrees its any more assistance than putting cops on the streets

and you should find another chem teacher.

12-31-2013, 04:21 PM
americans are lazy and don't want to work. Between unemployment and government assistance there are a great many americans that do not work but somehow still flourish and have luxuries that they clearly have not earned.... I'm just a little bitter though because I come in contact with this crosssection of society at work and it has blown my mind. Being inside their houses and dealing with them on an ongoing basis has made me aware of just how badly they take advantage of the system.
sorry for the derail, i have just dealt with some serious skells the last few weeks and it's getting to me.

I'm American, and I'm neither lazy nor do I not want to work. I've never been on disability or unemployment once in my 20 years on the work force. That comment is too much of a sweeping generality IMO.

- - - Updated - - -

and you should find another chem teacher.


12-31-2013, 04:46 PM
I'm American, and I'm neither lazy nor do I not want to work. I've never been on disability or unemployment once in my 20 years on the work force. That comment is too much of a sweeping generality IMO.

i know, it's a generalazation and there are many poeple that do want to work. There are also many people that that use the system for the purpose for which it was intended (i am one of them).......... unfortnatly, I'm in so much contact with the worst types of people and I see how they fuck the system and have no regard for anything. Like I said earlier, it's just been getting to me lately.

12-31-2013, 04:49 PM
I think I understand what Xxiv is saying cause I see the same thing with lots of people. Lots of capable people and there are jobs to be had. From what some have told me.. they make outbetter on the system than they would going to work. I think many fall into that cy le and ive read many articles that say its generational. Mom and dad did it. Now kids are. Its easier.

Generalization. Sure... but holds truth for many.

12-31-2013, 07:19 PM
i know, it's a generalazation and there are many poeple that do want to work. There are also many people that that use the system for the purpose for which it was intended (i am one of them).......... unfortnatly, I'm in so much contact with the worst types of people and I see how they fuck the system and have no regard for anything. Like I said earlier, it's just been getting to me lately.

I get what you're saying.

There has to be a better way to go about it.....I wonder what they do in other countries? How do you go about cutting the cord for the majority of the parasites that are draining the system? The sense of entitlement is disgusting, to say the least. I can understand your frustration if it's something you see on a regular basis.

12-31-2013, 08:30 PM
I get what you're saying.

There has to be a better way to go about it.....I wonder what they do in other countries? How do you go about cutting the cord for the majority of the parasites that are draining the system? The sense of entitlement is disgusting, to say the least. I can understand your frustration if it's something you see on a regular basis.

in other countries the population is not disgusted with those in need treating them with generalization such as the ones here. most other countries don't experience the rivalry between a. the social classes and b. the government.

that rivalry is enough to make the poor wanna suck on the teet rather than get back to a place where he can contribute to the system that has helped him

in essence, there's a more humanistic, less corporate approach to social aspects of government in other countries, at least the ones i've been able to learn about. the mentality here is too war-like, even internally. and i fully indulge too, since i feel there's a war on intellect, per the initial post.