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View Full Version : Sorrow vs LexenExtreme summerslam

06-06-2014, 06:30 AM
Well here we go, its weigh in day. I started working my way up into the 275 weight class. I've been sitting around 260 for the last three months or so. Actualy dipped down a little over the last two weeks to 255 but thats mostly do to weather heating up. Ive rested for the last week and a half so all my joints are feeling much better! Need to keep more hydrated. My last meet I ran into some cramping issues. But its all good today.

I will be competing raw with wraps. My current openers:
squat 585
bench 405
deadlift 610

The goal is to achieve my first true elite/pro total. Unfortunately due to the crazy number of feds thats kind of a gray area as different feds have different numbers attached to that standard. In various feds Ive competed in 1750 is a good average number for that. My coach and myself have basicly decided the challenge is to see how close to 1800 I can get raw. Then I will be putting my powerlifting equipment back on and really try pushing the limits. Ive already grown past what I thought I could do. I've been blessed by meeting some really strong people and been able to train and hone my lifts with true world champions and top ranked lifters.

Well now its time to get the house in order, and head to the hotel! I'll update as soon as I can with the results!
Stay strong!

06-06-2014, 08:17 AM
Good luck brother!!!!

06-06-2014, 05:16 PM
Good lick brother, KILL IT!!!

06-06-2014, 08:02 PM
LexenExtreme will be OWNED by Tim!!!

Looking forward for the results. I know you got this one bro!

06-08-2014, 08:28 PM
Kind of a mix bag on how the day went. Not happy at all with the results but it is what it is.
I weighed in at a wopping 255 lbs... yeah gave up 20+ lbs to my competitors but I knew that going in I had slowed weight gain wise. Stayed at my usualy 20% or so bodyfat. One good thing is I dialed in my hydration for this meet and despite it being the start of summer and the heat being way up in the steel mill I had 0 cramping issues this time around. That was a serious concern but I'm happy I figured out how to keep myself hydrated correctly for a change.

Squat: This straight sucked. I was hitting on all gears in the back. Warm ups were perfect bellow depth squats all the way up to 540 in the back. Was ready to go, wrapped myself and had everything exactly the way I wanted it for my opener of 585. I did get it but it turned into a serious battle as coming out of the hole my knee buckled and I turned this into a good morning of sorts. This put a crap load of pressure on my neck and seeing as I already have a bad neck I paid for this the whole day with a mean stinger that I could not shake.
-The lesson to be learned here is to pay attention to the guys lifting before you to look at the condition of the platform and equipment. In this case the platform was essentialy carpet on carpet and that made for a spongy springy surface directly under the monolift. Had I watched the earlier lifts I would have picked up on what the other lifters were talking about and either adjusted my stance in, or walked the weight out to be behind where everyone else softened it up.
Heres the video:
Tim 585 squat opener - YouTube (http://youtu.be/x1kBfr10FDU)
I missed 615 twice after that. That was very demoralizing as Ive hit 600+ lbs every week for the last several months.. No more excuses though I didnt get the job done and that cost my total. In the end the 585 was a 5 lb competition grade pr so Ill take it.

Bench: I was angry and was determined to hit a pr. warmed up, walked out and went to work. 405 good, 435 good started feeling numbness in my right hand decided to save the next 10 or 15 lbs to get 30 more on the deadlift.. pass on 3rd attempt. Ended with a 30 lb pr on my competition bench.
opener 405:
Tim Bench opener 405 - YouTube (http://youtu.be/RA9dnKQ5--I)

2nd 435:
Tim 2nd bench 435 - YouTube (http://youtu.be/UiTMavleRFg)

Deadlift: it was time to finish the day. Everything else doesnt matter if I didnt get a total.. so I wasnt about to back off. I warmed up with quick heavy weight jumps about 90 lbs each time. I figured if I could keep my posture as straight as possible I shouldnt feel to much from my neck. Hit my opener of 610, followed by a moderate jump to 640, also good. Just wanted to crest 655 if possible get to that half way mark of 700.. but not that day. I lined up and started the pull. Everything was fine till it hit my knees and I went to throw my head back.. to much movement and lost all power and feeling in my right arm. 40 lb competition deadlift pr
opener 610:
Tim 610 opening deadlift - YouTube (http://youtu.be/NQf9m9LaaYk)

2nd attempt 640:
Tim 640 second deadlift - YouTube (http://youtu.be/GcKTAP6AaTM)

So ended the day with a 1660 total.. not what I wanted. But to try and keep it in perspective it is a 75lb gain on my raw total. And it is exactly enough to qualify for the arnold xpc competion raw next year. And I have a doctor appointment first thing tomorrow and possibly a follow up MRI for my neck in the afternoon. So hopefully it is just a stinger and not anything more serious. But we will see what the doc has to say.

06-13-2014, 08:37 PM
Awesome bro!!! And looking really good for 255 my friend! That bench press was sick. Mad strength! Maybe you expected more, but I am amazed by those number bro.

Looking forward to see how you do at the Arnold XPC! How did the doc appointment go????

06-26-2014, 05:50 AM
wasnt bad not exactly great either. Looks like a stinger, and what they thought might have been bone shards was inflimation most likely a disk out of place or something. I have my follow up today and I will find out if he is going to clear me to squat again or not. Ive already started benching and deadlifting again soooo..... I signed up for another meet aug. 9th Ill be in my gear this time. Is what it is, I mean I did improve and qualify. its a growth process. Now to keep moving forward!

06-26-2014, 04:13 PM
wasnt bad not exactly great either. Looks like a stinger, and what they thought might have been bone shards was inflimation most likely a disk out of place or something. I have my follow up today and I will find out if he is going to clear me to squat again or not. Ive already started benching and deadlifting again soooo..... I signed up for another meet aug. 9th Ill be in my gear this time. Is what it is, I mean I did improve and qualify. its a growth process. Now to keep moving forward!

Knowing you Tim, you'll come out stronger out of this whole ordeal. August 9th! We'll be looking for those PR's!!!

09-14-2014, 08:39 PM
Well I did compete again. Official bodyweight 236. Yes I cut right around 20 lbs for this competition. And plan on staying at this bodyweight for awhile.

I used just my squat suit (same as last year) no briefs. Same metal black wraps, and p2 belt from elitefts. Everything was in kilos. so my attempts had to be adjusted slightly. Wound up getting 739 lbs on my second. Over adjusted my suit and missed my third. (+45 lbs pr)
Tim B 739 squat - YouTube (http://youtu.be/aJNU1pV6518?list=UUdfmD3UIIohvzwpTrgVvHDw)

I used a single ply rage x I borrowed from a team mate that happened to fit. Which I used a triple ply Metal jack shirt. That said I wound up benching the same weight as last year 523.5
Tim B 523 5 bench press - YouTube (http://youtu.be/WesnlDPeYMU?list=UUdfmD3UIIohvzwpTrgVvHDw)

Same deadlift suit as last year. Felt strong and ready to go. Did tear my had open really good. Was a fight to lock it out but got it. So thats 660 (+27 lbs. pr)
Tim B 660 deadlift - YouTube (http://youtu.be/T6S3LIKEu3s?list=UUdfmD3UIIohvzwpTrgVvHDw)

New Total: 1920 (+80 lbs pr)
Missed "pro" or "elite" by 20 lbs. I'm happy with it though. After the MRI's and mandatory layoff from squating I came back and did what I set out to do. Finished, qualified for UPA nationals, and set some new PR's in competition.

Since this I've been upgrading my equipment and plan on taking another crack at breaking 2000# total before the end of the year.
And yes I'm still lurking around.

09-25-2014, 09:22 PM
What kind of machine are you Tim?!

You've grown wayyyy stronger up to this lexenextreme meet. Mad amazed brother!!! And dropping 20 pounds of your bodyweight??? What did you do different training and nutrition wise??

10-10-2014, 08:16 PM
Sorry for the delay bro, got hammered at work recently. I kept my main training days the same, but on my extra accessory days I've switched to a more fst-7 style training. That way I can keep some size while I dieted down. Basicly 3 days of powerlifting focusing completely on the powerlifts (usually lasting 2 hours) then 2 days of fst -7 on whatever body parts seem to be lagging. Usually keeping that workout to 1 hour. Followed by an extra 2 miles on the elyptical machine post training.

Diet wise I eat about the same callories, cleaner choices though. 1 or 2 Glutten free meals a week and found some new quality beef sources.

Really I think there was a massive amount of carry over from my raw work to my equipped due to keeping nearly the same stance on my squat and almost same grip on the bench.