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07-24-2014, 03:56 PM
Hey guys. I wanted to start a log on here. I really like this place. It feels like home. My goal of this log is to basically keep a record of my training and get input from you guys. I value all your opinions and suggestions. We all have the same goals here, to look fucking great and be strong as fuck. So anyway here's some background on me.

I'm a recovering heroin addict. I've used every there is, but heroin and cocaine was my downfall. I've been sober 3 years, and replaced my addiction with iron. I started lifting 6 months after going from sickly 135 to 265, all fat, no muscles. 2 years later I'm setting at 205lb @ 14% bf (digital reader thing).

Training? I train 6-7 days a week, 4 day cycle: Upper Chest/rotator cuff strength excersises (I've had shoulder surgery and re-injured post surgery, Back/Biceps, Chest/Tris, Shoulders, Legs, repeat.

I had low T prior to to starting (probably from opiate abuse and possibly family genetics). I started using some PHs even though I didn't get to my naty max, because I wanted a shortcut like everyone else, I abused them with short PCTs, so I said fuck it now I'm on AAS and not coming off, since December. So anyway here I am. Will upload pics from phone in a minute so you guys can see where I'm at and then I'll add in today's training.

07-24-2014, 03:59 PM
Congrats on the sobriety!! I'm in!

07-24-2014, 04:05 PM
In as well.
I always like to read about recovery and a transition into the gym. :D

07-24-2014, 04:12 PM
Pics :


Today was shoulders,

DB military presses
45 lb 3x10, 50 lb 3x10, 55lb 3x10, 60 3x5
65 lb 3x3

Db shrugs
85 5x5, 90 1x5

Barbell lateral raises
60lb 5x5, 70 lb 1x5

Upright rows
70lb 5x5

Dunno what they're called compound military Db presses rotating wrists,
45 lb 3x10

Cable delt raises
30 lb 3x10,

60 lb 3x10

07-24-2014, 04:26 PM
Look at dem peaks!!!

07-24-2014, 04:29 PM
Look at dem peaks!!!
That's was biceps day so kinda swole. Lol those pics are from this week, not today tho.

07-24-2014, 05:33 PM
Dunno what they're called compound military Db presses rotating wrists,
45 lb 3x10

60 lb 3x10

Arnold presses :D

I have to add in some face pulls. My rear delts don't want to grow...

07-24-2014, 05:41 PM
in, is that a crimson ghost tattoo i see?

07-24-2014, 05:51 PM
Arnold presses :D

I have to add in some face pulls. My rear delts don't want to grow...
Face pulls are awesome for traps and rear delts.

I don't now the technical terms for a lot of exercises, thank you.

in, is that a crimson ghost tattoo i see?
Another fiend club member? but great catch just from the hands!

07-24-2014, 05:52 PM
Lookin good bro!

Just curious, what is your age and height?

07-24-2014, 05:54 PM
Lookin good bro!

Just curious, what is your age and height?

I'm 30 and 6 ft., well 5"11.75' I just round up. Lol.

07-25-2014, 10:52 AM
Leg/ab day today. I'm having this issue with my glute on my left side being super tight, and it's causing like stabbing pain in my thigh, stretching it for the past week has been helping, also my hamstrings are super tight too. I don't stretch as much as I should.

135, 2 x10
225, 7 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 1

Body weight calf raises(20) between every set, 200+ total.

Leg ext
200, 3 x 10

Leg curls
147.5, 3 x 10

Leg presses
4 plates
3 x 15 feet low
3 x 15 sumo
3 x 15 feet high

Weighted ab crunches
55, 2 x 10
60, 2 x 10
65, 2 x 10
70, 2 x10

Hanging crunches 3 x 10

I need my calfs to grow. My legs look better when I am a higher bf. I've always had chicken legs. It sucks.

07-25-2014, 10:56 AM
. I've always had chicken legs. It sucks.

Tell me about it... Any time I think my legs look sweet, I go to get a pic and they are tiny in the picture :( My mind plays games on me with them.

07-25-2014, 11:13 AM
Tell me about it... Any time I think my legs look sweet, I go to get a pic and they are tiny in the picture :( My mind plays games on me with them.
I know the feeling. But in person people say the don't look that bad, but they are def photogenic.

07-25-2014, 01:42 PM
Holy hell, 225 x 35?? Was that all in one go? My BP gets too high if I try that many reps!

07-25-2014, 01:48 PM
Holy hell, 225 x 35?? Was that all in one go? My BP gets too high if I try that many reps!
Lol no, 7 sets of 5
Should have prob be more explicit.

Yeah I was at lunch wanted to simplify things. I only do sets of 1,3,5,10

I edited the original post.

07-26-2014, 07:24 AM
Today's training was incline chest day/rotator cuff strengthening.

Incline DB press:
45, 2x10
50, 2x10
55, 2x10
60, 4x5

Incline DB fly:
25, 2x10
30, 2x10
35, 2x10
40, 2x5

DB pull over:
60, 3x10
65, 2x5

Rotator cuff strengthening exercises, internal and external rotation w/ cables L & R side: 3x10 each.

Machine Incline press
115, 2x10
130, 1x10
145, 1x5

I ordered some more peptides yesterday, I haven't used them in about 2 months. I'd been using them for about 5 months with great results, however they started to diminish so I figured I would give my body a break from them. Hopefully when I re-introduce them for the duration of my cycle they will give me the same results when I first used them (or somethinng comparable). I have some Sermolin leftover and I ordered CJC-1295 w/o DAC and some GHRP-2 , also one vial of Ipamorelin. Dosing is going to be twice daily 100mcg of each. I might do it 3x, once on waking, but I train 1hr after I wake up. I think from waking to postworkout, about 3hrs, will be time enough for another GH release pulse. I'll try it.

I also got some Winstrol for cheap, so not sure if I am going to add that in. Still debating that. One hand is like wtf not, and the other is putting too much shit in my body.

07-26-2014, 09:28 AM
Took much can be a bad thing. Except tren, you can never have enough tren.

What are you on right now?

07-26-2014, 10:01 AM
Took much can be a bad thing. Except tren, you can never have enough tren.

What are you on right now?
750 mg tren
125 mg test
600 mg mast

50mg t3
100mg t2/t4

07-26-2014, 11:34 AM
And I just noticed I'm losing hair. Ugh. Wish I had ordered some finastride when I dropped my latest order with ERS.

07-26-2014, 11:59 AM
Yeah, I'd say to hold off on the winny. TMT is a sick combo, you don't need much more.

07-26-2014, 12:02 PM
Yeah, I'd say to hold off on the winny. TMT is a sick combo, you don't need much more.
Don't forget the peps, that's going to very synergistic. But I think you're right. I'll hold off on the winny.

07-26-2014, 02:31 PM
Leg/ab day today. I'm having this issue with my glute on my left side being super tight, and it's causing like stabbing pain in my thigh, stretching it for the past week has been helping, also my hamstrings are super tight too. I don't stretch as much as I should. .

Go get massages done. I have this same.problem. It's the worst pain ever. Mine is down in my hip at the base of my spine on my left leg. It sounds similar. I had deep disuse massages, every other week and that bitch dug in deep. Then I'd do some stretches.

Also...fuck off try being 6'4-5 then come talk to me about chicken legs lol

07-26-2014, 02:32 PM
Go get massages done. I have this same.problem. It's the worst pain ever. Mine is down in my hip at the base of my spine on my left leg. It sounds similar. I had deep disuse massages, every other week and that bitch dug in deep. Then I'd do some stretches.

Also...fuck off try being 6'4-5 then come talk to me about chicken legs lol
Lol! I'm going try that.

07-26-2014, 02:33 PM
And I just noticed I'm losing hair. Ugh. Wish I had ordered some finastride when I dropped my latest order with ERS.

With the horror stories I've heard, I'll never use it. I'd look into Toconutriels man.

Also cobalt, that tren comment made me chuckle.

07-26-2014, 02:35 PM
Lol! I'm going try that.

Yeah tell her to just work your ass and stuff...All though it feels great all over lol. She identified my problem of my muscle group to strong over the other which was adding to the problem. So i had someone check my squat form and leg workout, and sure enough I was something glute dominant or blah blah blah. But the pain stopped that's all I care about lol

07-26-2014, 02:43 PM
Yeah tell her to just work your ass and stuff...All though it feels great all over lol. She identified my problem of my muscle group to strong over the other which was adding to the problem. So i had someone check my squat form and leg workout, and sure enough I was something glute dominant or blah blah blah. But the pain stopped that's all I care about lol
That's I really care about too. It hurts to walk sometimes, and in bed when I roll over and lift my leg it kills.

07-26-2014, 06:28 PM
What do you all think of Ben Pakulski's methods of training? Was watching videos where he suggests placing the muscle in the most contracted state then full ROM from that point.

I was thinking if incorporating drag curls, normal and reverse, incline bench curls, etc.

Another thing, I'm cutting, would any one suggest TUT training? Ido like the cube method, but I think that would be better at maintenance or in a caloric surplus.

07-26-2014, 06:37 PM
Just read your first post (new here). One of my best friends from high school was a heroin and coke addict too. He's been sober for about 2 1/2 years and has been hitting the gym hard ever since. I think he just cycles test but not sure exactly. Either way, he's gone from sickly and small to a monster in such a short time. It's always inspiring to see people turn it around like that.

I think Ben Pakulski's method is great for hypertrophy. Really helps to target the muscle.

07-26-2014, 06:42 PM
Just read your first post (new here). One of my best friends from high school was a heroin and coke addict too. He's been sober for about 2 1/2 years and has been hitting the gym hard ever since. I think he just cycles test but not sure exactly. Either way, he's gone from sickly and small to a monster in such a short time. It's always inspiring to see people turn it around like that.

I think Ben Pakulski's method is great for hypertrophy. Really helps to target the muscle.

It feels great. Never felt better in my life.

I'm not totally versed on training and I'm seeing I could have progressed even further being more knowledgeable, but is hypertrophy suggested while cutting? Or does it really matter?

07-26-2014, 06:48 PM
When you're cutting, you're not going to be gaining as much size, so hypertrophy workouts might seem counterintuitive, but if you're running cycles you can actually gain some size at the same time (from what I understand - I've never done one. I'm here to learn in that regard). Also, even if you don't gain any size, intense hypertrophy is good for maintaining size and losing weight.

One good trick though is to add one of the big compound lifts (squats, bench, deads, OHP) at the beginning of the workout and do a power setup like 5/3/1 for 3-4 sets, then switch over to hypertrophy for the rest of the workout. Helps to maintain peak strength IMO.

07-26-2014, 06:52 PM
When you're cutting, you're not going to be gaining as much size, so hypertrophy workouts might seem counterintuitive, but if you're running cycles you can actually gain some size at the same time (from what I understand - I've never done one. I'm here to learn in that regard). Also, even if you don't gain any size, intense hypertrophy is good for maintaining size and losing weight.

One good trick though is to add one of the big compound lifts (squats, bench, deads, OHP) at the beginning of the workout and do a power setup like 5/3/1 for 3-4 sets, then switch over to hypertrophy for the rest of the workout. Helps to maintain peak strength IMO.
Yeah I do my main lifts first. Always. I'm going to look into the power style lifting. I briefly looked at 5-3-1, looked overly complicated. It's the weekend so I'm going to go over it again.

07-27-2014, 07:28 AM
Back day:

I was totally not feeling today, maybe because upped by dosage of Prami last night to 1ml (.5mg/ml), maybe because I've been out of PWO. I don't know. I took half a cap of DMAA and 1ml of Wes' aquaburn and hit the gym. As soon as I get there I see some fucker doing curls in the squat rack....

135 x 10
225 x 10
275, 3 x 5
315 x 2 - was trying for 3 but failed.

incline bench curls:
30, 3 x 5. These were harder than I thought.

DB rows:
55, 3x10

BB drag curls:
normal grip: 40, 3x10 <- these put a strain on my wrists. next time I think I'll use the EZ bar, see how that feels.
reverse grip: 40, 3x10

lat pull downs:
85 x 5
70, 2x10

I just wasn't feeling it. None of the hot cardio bunnies were there either. Nil motivation.

07-27-2014, 08:02 AM
It's funny how you can drag your ass into the gym saying why did I even come in today and then several hot ass chicks are lifting ( my gym cardio and weights are separated ) and it's like fuck it were doing a heavy day today!

Love it !

07-27-2014, 08:14 AM
It's funny how you can drag your ass into the gym saying why did I even come in today and then several hot ass chicks are lifting ( my gym cardio and weights are separated ) and it's like fuck it were doing a heavy day today!

Love it !

I totally agree! I love to show off. Who doesn't Lol.

It's great my gym because the half cardio area has a direct view of the free weights. So you can see all the staring.

I never actually talk to them, or any one else in the gym though, I go to lift and I'm in my zone.

07-27-2014, 09:35 AM
Holy fuck, it talked my mom who's yoga teacher about my muscles thing, she let me use her foam roller. That thing is fucking amazing.

I looked up SI joint foam roller exercises. Gonna see if that helps. Also booked an appt to a deep tissue massage.

07-27-2014, 01:31 PM
Wes' Aquaburn is no joke, right??

07-27-2014, 01:53 PM
Wes' Aquaburn is no joke, right??
No its not. If I didn't know any better I'd say it had albuterol in it. Lol.

07-28-2014, 09:18 AM
Regular chest day:

Took full cap of DMAA today and Wes' aquaburn. my PWO should be here today, LGI Fully Loaded. I love that shit.

DB Press:
35 x 20
70, 3 x 10
75, 2 x 5

Gironda Dips:
4 x 10

Tricep cable ext W bar:
120 x 10
130 x 10
140 x 10

Cable Flys:
60, 2 x 10
70, 3 x 5

Sven Presses:
2 10lb plates, 3 x 10

Skull crushers:
40, 3 x 12

Good day, would have done more ran out of time.

07-28-2014, 03:57 PM
It's funny how you can drag your ass into the gym saying why did I even come in today and then several hot ass chicks are lifting ( my gym cardio and weights are separated ) and it's like fuck it were doing a heavy day today!

Love it !

Thought about this post today as I set in the gym parking lot for 30mins just doing work saying maybe lift tomorrow!

It was leg day and then the lifting bunnies started lifting. OMG the one trainer looks like DLB!

Holy shit something switched on big time ! Heavy day lots of sets and I didn't use a PW. Legs are shaking, walking like I just blew 3 nuts!

Must be all that Trest pumping inside LOL!

07-28-2014, 04:08 PM
Thought about this post today as I set in the gym parking lot for 30mins just doing work saying maybe lift tomorrow!

It was leg day and then the lifting bunnies started lifting. OMG the one trainer looks like DLB!

Holy shit something switched on big time ! Heavy day lots of sets and I didn't use a PW. Legs are shaking, walking like I just blew 3 nuts!

Must be all that Trest pumping inside LOL!
Ha! That trest makes you pretty alpha and gives you strength outta nowhere. I can't wait to try it in oil.

07-28-2014, 04:35 PM
I think the Deca is fully in gear now. It's been about 3 weeks and it's different feeling than the ace.

07-29-2014, 06:58 AM
I think the Deca is fully in gear now. It's been about 3 weeks and it's different feeling than the ace.
I think this will be my next cycle after a like 3 month cruise. You stacking it with any thing?

07-29-2014, 09:17 AM
Today was shoulders day. I don't know wtf I did yesterday, but my wrist has been slightly hurting on the outside of my wrist, by my pinky, and today I woke up and it hurts to open my hand all the way up. I think I might need a day or so off and just do cardio... not too happy about that.

Smith machine military press:
90, 3x10
110, 2x5

BB shrugs:
225, 2x5

BB front raises:
60, 5x5

BB upright row: FAILED cant grip the bar without shooting pain.

Cable delt raises:
30, 3x10
40, 2x5

medium height cable lateral extentions:
20, 3x10

60, 3x10

Arnold presses:
35, 3x10

Peptides should be delivered tomorrow. can't wait.

07-29-2014, 03:18 PM
I think this will be my next cycle after a like 3 month cruise. You stacking it with any thing?

300 Trest D
350 Trest A
350 Dien A
With original AndroHard in there.

Hell of a ride! The female rat is not cooperating with the research as scheduled. LOL

07-29-2014, 03:25 PM
Damn I am jealous as hell of that stack. Did you start them all at once? Using an AI?

07-29-2014, 04:29 PM
I'm jelly as well. That's a sick stack. I was thinking trest and tren, so basically same concept.

Had the same question as BBG, ai?

When I ran eq and test at 600-750 I didnt use an AI I think the high amount of androgen complemented the raised estro levels.

07-29-2014, 05:02 PM
I think I've been researching Ace for 13 weeks now. Started Dien wk 6, Deca 3 wks ago and Androhard the whole time. I have dropped the AH dose some because the shedding is getting real bad even adding in Toco 8. I've never ran AH this long without a break.

25mg of Exem 3x wk and no Estro problems. Blood work at wk 6 showed Estro right in the center of range. I'm not as dry as I was before I started the Deca, but the Dien dose should probably be increased to offset.

Starting weight 218 currently 237 (huge recomp) been there for 3 weeks now, need more calories. The sex drive has been completely insane to deal with at times.

Necro what peps are you running? I was thinking of getting some GHRP-6 to increase hunger.

07-29-2014, 05:18 PM
I normally run Sermorelin or Cjc 1295 w/o dac and ghrp2. And even though they say it doesn't increase hunger, at night when I pin it I'm ravenous. I would eat until I'm sick. I can't imagine what ghrp6 would do to me.... I might try that whenever I bulk. Lol.

07-30-2014, 09:15 AM
Leg day:

Today I decided to switch it up because of the pain in my SI joint. I did some preworkout yoga and stretching while I waited for my PWO to kick in, which I should have always been doing because it totally made a difference in my workout. I also decided to go lower weight and higher volume, which worked, because didn't experience any shooting pain.

Hack squat (waiting for squat rack to be free)
6 plates x 10

Body weight calf raises
3 x 20

135, 3 x 20
225, 3 x 10

Seated calf raise
45, 5 x 15

Romanian deadlift - Never done these before I figured I'd try these because my hamstrings are tight as fuck even with strecthing.
90, 3 x 10

These TOTALLY stretched my hamstrings, I can still feel them burning. I felt it in my lower back too. I'm adding these into my routine.

Leg ext
100, 3 x 20

Leg curl
90, 3 x 20

Results? I left the gym walking like a freshman college chick after train has been run on her.... srs. I probably won't be able to get out bed tomorrow.

Peps are on the truck for delivery. doubtful they'll help recovery for tomorrow, but I can hope.

07-30-2014, 01:28 PM
I'm thinking of changing up my workout to something i've never tried before... Any input/suggestions guys?

Back/chest - deadlifts, db flat press, db rows, dips, lat pull down, flys
legs - squats, Romanian dead lifts, leg ext, calfs, leg curls
back/ incline chest/abs - snatch deads, db incline press, incline flys, db pull overs, ab work
Arms/shoulders - biceps/tris, military presses, arnold presses, delt work, farmers walk
REPEAT! (except on thursday, yoga day)

07-31-2014, 09:23 AM
Back/Chest day:

I need to cut down on the exercises I'm doing because I'm combining them. I couldn't do deads today because legs, hamstrings in particular, and lower back are sore as a motherfucker.

I was somewhat confused about what exactly lat pulldowns where, so when I mentioned them in earlier posts those werent lat pull downs, those were what I can only describe them as 'lat pushdowns', basically you're at where you do lat pulldowns, standing, with arms extended at 2 O'clock position and you push down keeping your arms straight until there down at like a 5 o'clock position...

Lat pulldowns:
130, 3 x 5 front of neck
130, 3 x 5 behind neck

DB flat presses:
35 x 20
70, 2 x 10
75, 2 x 10 - Wrist was fucking killing me. need a break from these.

Bench press:
185 x 10

DB rows:
55, 3 x 10

Gironda Dips:
3 x 10

Lat pushdowns:
70, 3 x 10

Pec deck:
100, 3 x 10
115 x 5

I wasn't feeling it to begin with today, and I felt like I overloaded my CNS, so I stopped and went home. I need to refine these to core exercises and then do accessory work on other days.

I got my peps, so now I'm on 100mcg Sermorelin + 100mcg Ipamorelin once post workout, once prebed.

07-31-2014, 12:25 PM
I'm not a big fan of the back/chest combo as a mainstay. The muscle groups are too taxing on me to hit both at the same go.

07-31-2014, 01:31 PM
I hear that. and I think it may be too much for me. But I'm going to give it a shot. If anything I'll go with a well established program like Cube or 5-3-1. I mean the training I have been doing has been working for me, but maybe there's something more effective.

I basically need a bigger chest (who doesn't) but I've been limited by my previous shoulder injury.

08-01-2014, 09:51 AM
Awesome day at the gym today. Killed arms like I've never before. high volume to low reps with high weight, isolation exercises, exercises starting from fully contracted muscles and starting fully elongated, reverse grips normal grips. I did everything I could think of. My arms were so pumped when I left, never seen my arms so big.

To add to all that, the gym was nearly empty for this time of the morning, and the fit chicks were working out in the free weights area. What would be better than that? Sick pumped arms on arm day to show off for the fit chicks and very few dudes who were larger than me to boot. Ego boost: +1000.

Peps are definitely working. I would have thought from chest/back day yesterday I would be sore, I'm not at all, my muscles are a little bit tight, but that's it. So I'm making a resolution to go fucking ape for the next month and kill the fuck outta everyday. Fuck it. It''s on.

08-02-2014, 10:31 AM
Was planning on going ape today again, however last might I had dinner with a girl who lives my apt complex who I see around a lot and she accidentally gave me a pot brownie. I haven't blazed in years, so I got totally fucked up. She was DTF but I was way too out of it. Woke up today with no drive whatsoever. Forced myself to go the gym after falling asleep twice getting ready.

I don't know what I'm doing with my training. I still feel stoned, so today's workout made no sense. I'm going back to my old training with the exception of arms having their own day. I loved that...

Incline bench BB:
135, 3 x 10
155, 2 x 5
185 x 3

Incline DB flys:
30, 2 x 10
35, 2 x 10

Snatch deadlifts:
135, 2 x 15 - high intensity.

DB pullovers:
60, 3 x 10

High pulley lateral ext:
20, 3 x 12
30, 2 x 5

Machine overhead press:
2 plates, 2 x 10
4 plates, 2 x 5

At the end i'm confused as to what the fuck I'm training and have no interest to do anymore. Left the gym aggravated.

08-03-2014, 08:41 AM
Skipped the gym today. Rest day, has been maybe 3 weeks. I think I might just rest every Sunday.

Do you really need a rest day if you train a different muscle group everyday? Or just to give your cns a break?

08-03-2014, 09:41 AM
Yes, rest days are important. Training every day non stop will get to you after a while. Everyone is different and there are multiple factors, but at the end of the day, you should take a break from time to time.

08-04-2014, 07:34 PM
Even if you're on heavy gear and thus recover faster, rest days always do wonders. imo at least 2 rest days a week.

Finally caught up with this whole thread! I did everything except heroin, but I've seen what it did to some close friends of mine back in the days. Very happy to see how you turned 180 degrees with your training and those pictures look damn good bro!

I'll be following

08-05-2014, 08:58 AM
Even if you're on heavy gear and thus recover faster, rest days always do wonders. imo at least 2 rest days a week.

Finally caught up with this whole thread! I did everything except heroin, but I've seen what it did to some close friends of mine back in the days. Very happy to see how you turned 180 degrees with your training and those pictures look damn good bro!

I'll be following

Thanks bro. This is my new addiction!

I think both of you are right, so I rescheduled my workout two include 2 rest days, thursdays and sundays.

I took yesterday off to get a massage, felt awesome, but I'm still experiencing major pain in my SI joint, so I might be skipping leg day and just doing body weight exercises, stretching and yoga until the pain subsides.

Chest day. I'm combining incline chest and flat chest day so I can free up a day for solely for arms.

Flat DB press:
35 x 20
70, 2 x 10
75, 3 x 5
80, 2 x 5 - PR. was going for 3x3 but I got 5.

DB flys:
25, 2 x 10
35, 2 x 10

3 x 10

Machine overheard press wile waiting for an incline bench:
1 plate x 15 alternating arms
2 plates x 10 ""

Incline DB press:
45, 2 x 10

Incline flys:
30, 2 x 10

DB Pull over:
65, 2 x 10 - was shooting for 3 sets, and then some Sven presses after, but ran out of gas.

I'm experimenting with the peptides 3x daily. Hopefully this will increase fat loss and recovery. I somehow misplaced my Clen, or someone stole it, not sure. I was going to throw in some Clen for the end of this run, but I suppose I can't unless it shows up somewhere.

Edit : just weighed in, 210 @ 13.6% bf (digital assessment)

Was at 204 same bf. I stopped cutting and I'm eating at maintenance, so I actually put on 6 lb of muscle in the past 3 to 4 weeks.

08-05-2014, 10:12 AM
Lookin good.

Can you do more that 10 reps for dips, or is that just where you stop?
You might want to consider a weighted dip belt, or try holding a dumbbell with your feet.

08-05-2014, 10:51 AM
Lookin good.

Can you do more that 10 reps for dips, or is that just where you stop?
You might want to consider a weighted dip belt, or try holding a dumbbell with your feet.
I've done up to 13. Also I've done 5 sets before too. Don't have a weighed belt, I'll try the Db thing next.

08-06-2014, 07:54 AM
Today I experimented with something new. Prior to this I have normally worked out fasted. I've tried eating a small pre workout meal about an hour and a half before workout, and I never really noticed much of a difference. Today was different. I've been doing peptides on waking, and then PWO drink and then gym. Today I did peptides, then 1 cup oatmeal w/ 1/2 scoop whey, and hour later, PWO drink, then gym. This made a complete difference. I hit PRs in almost everything today!

135 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 3
335 x 2 PR!
345 x 1 1RM PR!

DB rows:
65 x 10
70 x 10, rep PR!
75 x 5, weight & rep PR!

Lat pushdown:
85, 3 x 5

Lat pulldown w/ separate grips widest possible pulldown:
70 x 10, 2 sec pause
85 x 10
100 x 10
115 x 5, PR!

Overall I'm extremely pleased with my performance today. I'm also wondering if there was a difference because I switched peptides, I went from Semorelin/Ipamorelin to CJC-1295/GHRP2. I like the GHRP2 because I can feel it, and also from research it gives a bigger release of GH. I might try some Hexarelin in my next order, I hear that triggers the biggest GH release, but your body builds a tolerance to it quickly making it less effective.

08-08-2014, 08:08 AM
Did yoga on my rest day yesterday, and it was pretty intense, I didn't realize now inflexible I was, nor how little lower back support I had. If you guys haven't tried yoga, I suggest it. It seems highly beneficial, plus the mental meditation and focus aspect of it really helped my psyche. People have been noticing that I have more a short temper than normal, and I'm doubt I'm going out on a limb saying its the Tren.

Today was arms.

Standing bicep cable curls -> biceps fully contracted behind head.
70, 2 x 10
80, 3 x 6
90 2 x 2
100, 2 x 1

cable triceps ext bent over, fully contracted
30, 3 x 10
40, 2 x 5
50, 2 x 3

drag BB curls
normal grip: 50, 2 x 10
reverse grip: 50, 2 x 10

skull crushers:
50, 3 x 12

DB bicep isolation curls
35, 3 x 5 - last few reps were negative reps self assisted

don't know the name exercise holding DB behind neck and pushing upwards:
40, 3 x 12

cable bicep curls elbow extended 1/2 ft from body - dropset from 40 at 10 reps each.

I almost didn't go the gym today because this fucking prami has me up every hr at night. I'm going to dose it during the day today, see what happens. Its been like that since I started, and now I'm starting to feel a bit exhausted, not terribly so, but its fucking annoying getting up every hour.

08-09-2014, 08:35 AM
Today was a rush in the gym, woke up late, not feeling so good. I had to leave work early and then just passed out early feeling queasy. I had some bread that turned out was moldy, however I didn't notice it at the time. That coupled with the exhaustion from the Prami and taking the half dose of Prami earlier in the day did help a little, but I felt sick, prob the combination of the bad food and the prami had a multiplying effect on my symptoms. who knows.


DB shoulder press:
35, 3 x 12
40, 2 x 10
45, 2 x 10
50, 2 x 5

DB shrugs:
85, 3 x 10

BB Front raises
50, 3 x 10

Rear delt machine:
75, 3 x 10

Arnold press:
35, 3 x 10.

Had to leave early despite my favorite tatted up fit girl was working out next to me.

08-10-2014, 06:46 PM
Congratz on the Deadlift PR. That's just THE best feeling in the gym. Soon you'll be in the 400's! That's where it's AT!

Tatt girls are such wicked temptations man..... :rolleyes:

08-11-2014, 11:51 AM
Congratz on the Deadlift PR. That's just THE best feeling in the gym. Soon you'll be in the 400's! That's where it's AT!

Tatt girls are such wicked temptations man..... :rolleyes:

Yeah I can't wait til I break 400! Gonna video that shit when I hit 4 plates.

Chest Day:

DB Flat press:
35 x 20
70, 2 x 10
75, 2 x 10
80, 2 x 5

Incline DB Fly:
30, 2 x 10
35, 2 x 10

Weighted Dips: There is no weighted dip belt, so I had to have someone help me put a DB between my ankles
15, 2 x 10
25, 2 x 9 - was going for ten, just couldn't make it.

I'm diggin these weighted dips. I think this will help my chest grow. Thanks Cobalt.

Incline DB press:
40, 3 x 12

DB pull-over:
55, 3 x 10

I could have done more, but I felt dehydrated, I ran out of water flavoring to add to my PeptoPro+water that I drink intraworkout so I used a scoop of C4. This plus my PWO + half cap DMAA wasn't the greatest idea. I wasn't too stimmed out, but I felt like I couldn't hydrate, even with drinking water from the water fountain. All in all I felt good about this workout, I busted out 5 more reps per set on the 75lb DB, and also felt great about the weighted dips. I have to invest in a weighted belt.

Went to a water park yesterday with my daughter, and damn there was some fine ass women there, all scantily clad (obviously b/c its a water park). Got a sick tan since I did 500mcg of MT2 on waking w/ peps and 500mcg at night with w/ peps. I was red when I returned home, but my skin soaked it all up and now I'm like 3-4 shades darker. Love MT2!

08-13-2014, 11:30 AM
I took the past two days off because of some stomach bug/discomfort I'd been having, It was affecting my sleep and draining my energy. I took a bunch of pro-biotics and rested up. Feeling about 90% today so I hit the gym.

Back day:

Deadlift - I stopped using gloves for everything but deadlifts, planning on switching to straps, but never picked any up. Today I thought I brought my gloves but I couldn't find them when I got to the gym, so these are raw. Surprised by weights cause I hit a PR raw.

135 x 10
225 x 10
315 x 5 , rep PR
335 x 3, rep PR
345 failed. distracted by a tight looking blond shorty on ass machine, direct line of site.
345 alternate grip x 1 - never have tried alternate grip before. worked in my favor.
355 alternate grip x 1 - PR! shot for the moon while blond shorty was watching. Nailed it.

Bent over row:
overhand 135 x 10
underhand 135 x 10 - Got debilitating lower back pumps.

Lat pushdowns:
70, 3 x 10
85 x 5

Back pumps got so bad and were not going away had to leave gym. Bittersweet day, hit PRs on raw deads, and I was amped for more, but I couldn't push through the back pump pain. Came to the conclusion my lower back needs to be focused on and strengthened. I'm thinking this, my hamstrings and my glutes all contribute to my lower back pain and SI joint issues.

Does any one have any suggestions on exercises for strengthening lower back?

08-15-2014, 04:30 PM
Yesterday I did Yoga. Someone at work said I am going to become a 'beefcake ninja' because I was going to become limber and agile from yoga, that made me lol.

Today was arms.

Did lots of stuff. Didn't write it down, was in rush even though I had no where to be. I skipped work today because tomorrow is the start of my vacation for the next 9 days. Kinda just said fuck it and called in sick. On my vacation, I think I'm going to go all out and do split training I feel that I'm rested up with the exclusion of my SI joint pain and wrist pain, but I'm going to modify the workouts to be more wrist friendly.

What are peoples thoughts on cruising on a low dose of Deca, maybe 100 mg/wk and Test E 125mg/wk. I'm thinking my next cycle (2-3 months away) is going to be a Deca/Tren or just maybe Deca w/ a Dbol starter, would cruising on Deca cause my androgen receptors to be less reponsive to Deca when I choose to increase the dose?

08-15-2014, 09:29 PM
Reverse Hypers did a lot for me personally regarding lowerback strength. And Pull through's also.

08-15-2014, 09:43 PM
Reverse Hypers did a lot for me personally regarding lowerback strength. And Pull through's also.
Ty. Don't have a reverse hyper machine at the gym, I saw some videos on body weight ones, but no platform with a grip like demonstrated. Will try and improvise.

Pull throughs look promising.

GHR is basically a reverse hyper just the opposite side of the body is anchored it looks like? There is a body weight GHR bench.

08-15-2014, 11:21 PM
Ty. Don't have a reverse hyper machine at the gym, I saw some videos on body weight ones, but no platform with a grip like demonstrated. Will try and improvise.

Pull throughs look promising.

GHR is basically a reverse hyper just the opposite side of the body is anchored it looks like? There is a body weight GHR bench.

The reverse hyper on a flat bench with a medicine ball on your core area is what I do. Nice slow contractions and stretches. Youtube the medicine ball version! That's sick stuff to do anytime you are gonna squat or deadlift.

08-16-2014, 10:06 AM

DB shoulder press: Went a little lighter to go easier on my wrist.
45, 2 x 10
50, 4 x 10

BB shrug:
135 x 10
225 x 10
275 x 5
295 x 5 rep/weight PR

BB front raise:
60, 3 x 10 rep PR

Rear delt machine
85 x 10
100, 2 x 5

Arnold presses:
35, 3 x 10

Face pulls:
60 x 10
70, 2 x 5

Overall decent day.

08-18-2014, 03:17 PM
First day of split training and first day at new gym. Felt awkward at the new gym, all sorts of new people and shit. I switched gyms cause this is a new one, and the one I was at is being renovated, plus there's two squat racks at this place. Everyone was staring at me when I was doing supersets on the second half of my training, like they've never seen someone do supersets, or perhaps it was because I was am so dark after this weekend. I look darker than a light skinned black man, who knows I suppose I should take it as a compliment since I was pushing more weight and more reps than them.


DB flat presses:
35 x 20
70, 2 x 10
75, 2 x 10
80, 2 x 5, failed on the last rep of the second set.

inclne DB flys:
25, 2 x 10
35, 2 x 10

weighted dips:
15, 3 x 10

incline DB press
40, 3 x 10

cable flys - middle: I don't know if the weights were in KG or what because I tried what I normally do, 50/60 and I couldnt pull it,
37.5 x 10
25, 2 x 10

Beat. went home ate took a nap watched 'Pumping Iron' great documentary, can't believe I never saw it before. Insipring. Headed back to the gym.

DB flat presses supersetted with close grip DB presses (palms facing each other DB pressed together)

35, 20 reps DB presses slow, 10 reps close grip - 3 sets.

Flat DB fly:
35, 2 x 10
40, 2 x 10
45, 2 x 5

Sven presses:
20 x 10
10, 4 x 15

push-ups supersetted with close grip DB presses

10 pushups, 25 lb, 10 reps close grip -3 sets

Rotator cuff exercises
20 whatever measurement units on cable machine (felt like kg) 3 x 10 (internal&external rotation)

Fucking beat. Can't wait for split day tomorrow. fuckin psyched.

08-19-2014, 02:22 PM
Dead lift
135 x 10
225 x 10
315 x 5
335 2 x 3

Sitting Cable rows
105 10 overhand 10 Underhand
120 ""
135 ""

Lat push down
75 3 x 10

Medicine ball reverse hyper extension
3 x 10 1 sec pause.

Was going to go back to do high volume lat pull downs and Db rows, but my pops needed some help, so had to 86 the second half.

Gonna be taking some post cycle pics at the end of the week my last pin is tomorrow. Right now I just weighed in at 215, 14% bf on the digital reader.

08-20-2014, 09:53 AM
Arms day. Killed it. Here's some pics. But gonna do chest after I Nair. Probably will take back pics again tohttp://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/08/20/9154e45eab6c2b4a8254c4e603bd29a9.jpghttp://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/08/20/fd09eb1a60c57831eec6b448425e077e.jpghttp://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/08/20/bd09e058cd5816c3ecab28c9c45bb043.jpg

08-22-2014, 05:42 PM
Did shoulders today pretty. Much the same regime was in a bit of rush. Didn't document the weights. Nothing major today.

Peptides should be coming soon, switching over to mod grf 1-29, also getting some oxytocin. Gonna experiment with that.

Also gonna be logging iron flex supplements, quake, a PWO.

Also ordered some LGI secretabridge, gonna wait for the long esters to clear and then start that and stack that with some osta that I have. Run that for a month, then a 2-4 week break after that and then blast again. I've decided on: moderate dose nandrolone deca (600mg/week) , moderate does trest undeca (300mg/week), and moderate dose test Enth (600-800mg/week) for a 20 week bulk.

This an ending chest pic. 217 lb, 14.1% digital bf reader reading. Cut didn't turn out like I wanted. Recomp totally effective. Conclusion : Tren is fucking amazing. End of story.


08-23-2014, 07:56 PM
Is that a blue worm on your arms smoking hookah?

Looking good bro!

08-23-2014, 07:59 PM
Is that a blue worm on your arms smoking hookah?

Looking good bro!
Ahah! It totally is. It's my Alice in Wonderland sleeve. That's the hookah smoking caterpillar.

08-23-2014, 08:09 PM
You just send me back in time bro! THAT is one sick sleeve.

I used to trip really hard on the White Rabbit song back in 2008/2009, the version from Collide: Collide white rabbit (with lyrics) HQ - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZZHFVJOrUk)

08-23-2014, 08:17 PM
Damn. That's a trippy remix/cover. I loved goth/Punk chicks. They were the death of me. I can only imagine dropping some tabs to that. I have the white Rabbit on my neck. So everyone knows I'm chasing the rabbit. Lol. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Here's the rest of my sleeve. Still need some more characters, but all my money goes to roids and supps now.


08-25-2014, 10:32 AM
The mone rats looks sick bro! I like how Alice is dressed as well :p And I hear you on the money part. I used to spend so much money on tatts it's not even funny

08-27-2014, 09:20 AM
Ugh. Fucking life caught up with me. I had to leave town for a couple days on family issues. I come back my car won't start and won't jump, dead cell in my battery. I lose my wallet on the same day. The next day I have some weird ass allergic reaction that landed me in the hospital being shot up with epinephrine. Not really how I wanted to spend the last days of my vacation.

ANYWAY. Fucking hit legs after a month of skipping them. Over my vacation I was doing intensive stretching, and I feel my joint is at about 85%. pain level has gone down from 8 to about a 3. So I'm happy about that. I was not happy about how much strength I've lost. I was very disappointed.

Squats supersetted w/ 20 body weight calf raises:
135, 2x10
185, 2x10

Leg ext:
150 x 10
130, 2x10

Leg curl
90 3 x 10

Weighted calf raises
70 x 10
75 2 x 10

Hip abduction - Thought I'd throw these in, along with adduction, to strengthen my entire leg supports so that this injury doesn't happen again.
90, 3 x 10

Hip adduction:
70 x 10
90, 2x10

Leg press:
150, low 20; high 20
175, low 20; high 20
200, low 20; high 20

I took it easy, a prudent decision as I didn't want to exacerbate any injury. I know I'll get my strength back, but its just disheartening. y'all know the feeling.

08-27-2014, 01:21 PM

You'll come out of this one stronger than ever

08-28-2014, 01:34 PM

You'll come out of this one stronger than ever

Thanks for the encouragement bro.


Today the first time I hit the same weights WITH added sets, while OFF of Tren and Mast, so I was very impressed I was able to retain the supra-physiological AAS strength.

DB flat press:
35 x 20
70, 2 x 10
75, 2 x 10
80, 2 x 5

Incline DB flys:
25 x 10
30, 2 x 10
35, 2 x 10
40, 2 x 10

Weighted Dips:
15, 3 x 10

Sven Presses:
10, 3 x 20

DB Pull-overs:
55, 3 x 10

I'm going to try and spend more time at the gym. I seen to have added endurance from either this PWO I'm logging (IronFlex Quake) or because of the lack of Tren...

Reports on the Oxytocin, while I'll post up in the other thread. Working well so far. Been in several social situations where I've had added confidence. Espcially when I found out this girl who I was inlove with when I was a teenager and we have 16+ years history together, I was able to talk to straight up and confident about what I wanted to say without thinking 'oh maybe I shouldn't say that because what will she think about.blahblahblah'. So interesting stuff. Might up to dosage. I'm using 250mcg of it presently once a day. Also I think added with the Peptides, its lowering my cortisol, because recovery from leg day yesterday was a breeze. No soreness at all, even though I pushed myself hard, and I had trouble walking yesterday my legs were so exhausted.

08-30-2014, 12:36 PM
Today was back day. I feel like I'm slacking. Working out, at best, EOD. Meh. Still pushing the same weight, albeit it takes more effort. I've been eating a fuck ton of pudding. Like I fucking need some pudding. Lol. My gf bought like 72 pack of them. I just want the chocolate ones. As I keep telling her the vanilla pudding moluecules just don't come together right. I usually don't like chocolate. But fuck I told her to hide the rest of the chocolate pudding cups. I feel kinda bloated. Ican't wait to bulk.

135 x 10
225 x 10
315 x 5
335, 2 x 3
355 x 1
365 x 1 - I had to take off the two 10 lbs and throw a 25 lb on to show off for a blonde doing kettle bell squats or something but she was stickin her ass out at me and eying me at me in the mirror. Lol. I was going to just slap 5lb on each side, but had to add some dramatics.

DB rows
60, 3 x 10. felt as if i coulda did 65s.

Lat pushdowns.
75, 3 x 10

Lat pulldowns
100 x 10
115 x 10

close grip lat pull downs
130, 2 x 10

I was pretty much done at this point, although I could probably have squeezed in some seated cable rows, but that darn gf nagging at me to go. ugh.

09-01-2014, 11:57 AM
I decided to go back to two chest days per week, because: #1 I want my chest has been/is lagging because of prior injury, and #2. I really started enjoying two separate days hitting it. I had changed things moving arms themselves to one day, but I just felt throwed off. SO back to my old way, which definitely was increasing size+strength. Also Quake really shined today. I felt fucking great. I love the no stim feeling but I definitely have a greater energy base+reserve.

Bench Press BB: I decided to switch back to these to gauge how much an increase of strength I've gotten from solely using DB. Color me impressed. Before I was hitting max 185. Like I said I have a previous shoulder injury which got re-injured and I never got re-repaired.

135 x 10
185, 3x5
205 x 3
225 x 2
245 x 1 PR. no spot. Prob would have went higher, but I hate getting a spot. that's why I like DB. not necessary. Although Neg reps are fuckin awesome for hypertrophy I hear.

Body weight dips:
3 x 15

DB Fly (flat)
30, 2 x 10
35, 2 x 10 - switched over to cable fly since that opened up
50 x 10
60 x 10

Skull crushers
50, 4 x 12 ...

DB press (flat)
60, 2 x 10

DB tricep overhead ext
50, 3 x10

Sven presses
10, 3 x 20

Single arm tricep ext, fully contracted state
30, 3 x 10

pushups to failure x 2

Basically. I felt that I killed it today. Quake is definitely working and I'm loving it. GF is gonna be staying home or she can go another time, because without her rolling up on me saying let's dip, I had the extra motivation to stay and put in more work, with the help of Quake. I ain't got time to NOT kill shit at the gym.

The Oxytocin and Peptides are really aiding in recovery. I think I feel more recovered/refresed on these than I did with anabolics. But they obviously do different things. I could imagine the synergy between all three being amazing. I've ran Peps and AAS before and it resulted in me being very happy. I also got complimented on how I look about 20 something. I mean that's not far off, I'm 30. But -10 years is pretty good. The Oxytocin is helping with social interactions I believe.

09-02-2014, 02:27 PM
Today really sucked. Last night I had another allergic reaction. Finally narrowed to what it is causing it. UGL Test Cyp. The other products I used from my UGL are fine. Test E/Tren E/Mast E. So I don't know if it's a bad batch or something. I really should have not tried to go to the gym today, however, I tried and it was a total fail. PWO + antihistamines <12hrs do not mix.

DB shoulder press
40 x 10
45, 2 x 10
50, 2 x 10
55 x 5

DB shrug
85, 3 x 10

BB Front raise
60, 3 x 10

At this point I just didn't feel right. I had to leave.

I don't think I can allergic to the ester because I'd be irritated the entire length of the ester breaking down in my system. I did contact the UGL and asked if there was any difference between this batch of Cyp and the other products I received from then, and they said the BA/BB/Oil is all the same, and that they've moved >150 vials of the same batch, with no issue. So I'm entirely befuddled. I'm definitely not gonna pin that again. I'll switch over to the the rest of the Test Enth that was working just fine.

09-02-2014, 09:06 PM
Weird shit man , but allergies are weird a lot of the times.

09-03-2014, 01:05 PM
Weird shit man , but allergies are weird a lot of the times.

Yeah pretty crazy. I'm going to see an allergist. He's gonna tell me don't use UGL lol.

Today was dreaded leg day. My leg started hurting again. I'm going to have to see an orthopedist because the power is just not there. Just I'll walk, there's pain and it just doesn't feel stable. I think my time off has been more detrimental then good. I felt about 60% today, in pain, but I told myself I HAVE to go. So I did, and felt better after. I lowered the weights so I could increase reps.

BOTH squat racks were taken. wtf?

Leg ext:
100, 5 x 10

Leg curl:
100, 5 x 10

Squats supersetted w/ BW calf rasises:
135, 3 x 20 - Didn't want to go higher because of the pain.

Hip adduction:
100, 5 x 10

Hip abduction:
100, 5 x 10

Medicine ball hyperexstenions
5 x 10

I after this I still had energy, and I wanted to do some Romanian deadlifts and GHR, but I had to do some urgent work for my dad's firm. some shit was busted and he needed it remedied immediately.

I think strengthening my lower back and core will fix the problem. I want to do cable pullthroughs, but way cable machines are oriented make it difficult to. I'm going to have to though. Those look they could be useful.

09-04-2014, 12:15 PM
Today was rest day, did Yoga at my mom's studio. Loved it. took halfscoop of PWO and was turnt up for it. ha.

I'm planning my next cycle, which I will be starting in on in about two month. I want to plan it and save up so I can start dropping orders and stocking up. I need some opinions. Mainly on the last leg of the cycle, which PH/DS Oral I am going to ride out with.

BULK CYCLE 15 weeks

Stage 1. (+500 cls)
DBOL 40 mg ED , wk 1-4
DECA 150mg e4d, wk 1-5
TEST 250mg e4d, wk 1-5

Stage 2. (+750-1k cals)
DECA 300mg e4d, wk 5-10
[TEST 325mg e4d, wk 5-10
TREST 25MG ED, wk 5-11] OR

[TEST 250 e4d, wk 5-10
TREST 50mg ED, wk 7-10]

T3 25MG ED. wk 5-10

Stage 3. (+250-500 cals)
DECA 300mg, wk 10-15
TEST 325mg, wk 10-15
[Msten 20mg ED, wk 11-15] OR [Furaza TD 50mg ED, wk 11-15] OR [Anavar 50mg ED, wk 11-15] OR [Trumpahilis 45mg wk 11-15]

T3 50mg ED, wk 10-15
T2/T4 100mg ED, wk 10-15

09-05-2014, 11:57 AM
Incline chest day!

Today was awesome. I felt like I killed it. I dropped an order from Dbol and some HCG. So I'm putting stuff together. I might start early because I'm so angry about an issue with my baby mom. I just want get back on cycle and kill shit at the gym. But I'm going to take more time off. run some T3 and clear out some receptors. It would be stupid to get back on another cycle. I think it'd be waste...

Incline DB:

40, 2 x 10
50, 2 x 10
55 x 10
60, 2 x 10
65, 2 x 5

Incline DB fly:
30, 2 x 10
35, 2 x 10
40, 2 x 10
45, 2 x 5

DB Pullover:
60 3 x 10
65 3 x 5

Rotator cuff internal/external rotation
25 kg, 3 x 10 (int/ext)

09-06-2014, 08:09 AM
Back day! I started 50mg of clen, going to run that for a week then 100. Flush out my receptors. Get some blood work done, Then run t3 for two weeks, clen again.

Dead lift
135 x 10
225 x 10
315 x 5
365 2 x 2 rep pr
385 2 x 1 weight pr

Got a video! Watched it. My form could be better I think, but it is a weight pr.

385 deadlift!: YouTube (http://youtu.be/W5g2CTGPC_w)

Incline Db hammer curls
25 2 x 10
30 2 x 5

Seated rows overhand then Underhand
120 x 10
135 x 10
150 x 5

Cable curls drop set of 10 from 50

Lat pull down, behind neck then in front
105 x 10
120 x 10

Close grip pull down
135 2 x 10

No more energy. Mentally want to keep going but out of gas.

09-07-2014, 09:55 AM
Flat chest day!

I usually am excited for this day however I've decided totally come off psych meds. The only thing I've been on still had been remron (mirtazipine) which is a tricyclic anti depressant, that aids in sleep and apparently lowers cortisol. While sleep pills is great and all. Fuck mind altering substances. So I weened off and stopped, sleeping soundly has been somewhat sucky.

Quake helped me give more physical wherewithal. However I had to push myself mentally.

Db chest flat
35 x 20
75 2 x 10
80 2 x 10
85 2 x 5

3 x 10

Incline flys
35 2 x 10
45 2 x 10
50 x 5

DB overhead tricep ext
55 3 x 10
60 x 5

Sven presses
10 3 x 20

Tricep single arm cable ext,
15kg 2 x 10
20kg x 10

3 x 10

09-07-2014, 02:38 PM
Oh man, coming off psych meds? Be really careful with that. I've done it and its NOT fun.

Sounds like you are still doing good though, the mental game can really slow you down. Are you using a pre-workout right now?

09-07-2014, 06:45 PM
Oh man, coming off psych meds? Be really careful with that. I've done it and its NOT fun.

Sounds like you are still doing good though, the mental game can really slow you down. Are you using a pre-workout right now?

I was on more before, when I sobered up for anxiety and depression. Those were way harder to get off.

Yeah I'm logging Quake for IronFlex atm. It's making a good difference. It's not very stim heavy, but gives good startup and adds to endurance. I'm very pleased with their product actually. I'm kinda using my training log here and comments of their product added on another forum, and then I add other stuff to this log Lol. Sometimes there's copy over.

If I didn't have a PWO I wouldn't have the drive to go at all in the morning.

09-07-2014, 07:12 PM
If I didn't have a PWO I wouldn't have the drive to go at all in the morning.

This is me. Every day.

09-08-2014, 05:30 PM
Shoulders day! I was got a great night sleep. Got up and was ready to go! Quake still doing what's it's supposed to. Got the some amount of energy and stamina off 1 scoop as I did when I started.
In fact I've been getting more sets and reps since I've ended cycle. This could be to getting off tren or the PWO, I'll say it's a combination.

Db shoulder press
45 2 x 10
50 2 x 10
55 2 x 10

DB shrug
85 3 x 12

BB front raise
60 3 x 10

Rear delt fly db
25 3 x 10

Arnold press
35 3 x 10

Face pulls
32.5 kg 3 x 10

I received my Dbol today, I'm so stoked. I almost don't want to wait and order up some NPP jump right in with the Deca I have, but I know I need to wait. I need bloods to verify I'm GTG. I need to clear my receptors. But I am impatient. Ugh. So impatient. Straight addict behavior! hahaha.

I've gotten my diet back on point, no cheating... Ok a litlte. But I'll compensate. I'm down 2 lbs. so I'm at 215, but I don't know bf. Have to check that.

09-11-2014, 08:57 PM
Congratz on the Deadlift PR! That's heavy weight indeed. soon you'll be in the 4 bills.

And dude I hear you on the psych meds thing. Like Cobalt said, sucks weaning off. Especially because of your background with hard drugs, those meds can mess with you big time. When I stopped doing hallucinogens, I was on heavy psych meds for a year straight.. got off, and now I am back again on them for 2 years.

The worst thing to mess with is your mind

09-12-2014, 04:48 PM
Congratz on the Deadlift PR! That's heavy weight indeed. soon you'll be in the 4 bills.

And dude I hear you on the psych meds thing. Like Cobalt said, sucks weaning off. Especially because of your background with hard drugs, those meds can mess with you big time. When I stopped doing hallucinogens, I was on heavy psych meds for a year straight.. got off, and now I am back again on them for 2 years.

The worst thing to mess with is your mind

So true. They fuck with your head. I'm better now. I think working out has re balanced my brain chems. I mean I'm fucking crazy and I got a temper, and into some sick and kinky shit, but at least I'm not depressed or anxious right?! hah. I'm normalzing. It feels good to goto sleep without having to time it, or take a pill, then decide I want to stay up, only to be forced to sleep. Plus I'm sleeping less and feeling more rested. So over all all wins so far...

I didnt update yesteday, I hit legs after being almost sick for a couple days, but airborne fixed me up, I feel as if my leg gets WORSE with rest. when I workout, I feel almost 80%. I still get shooting pains, which I think are arthritic, which I fucking hope not. Last thing I need is fucking hip replacement or some shit..... Sp what I'm going to is hit legs EOD. I know this is probably not advisable, but I am going to try it for a week or two, see how that works

I started on low dose maintenance deca. 100 mg/week, got bored of waiting, plus I have achey joints, and my SI Joint/Hip thing is kliling me, so I wanted to try this at a maintenance dose, I don't think this will effect my Deca blast/run/cycle in about 4 weeks, but I think it might be stupid idea since it's gonna take that long to kick in anyway, whatever. it's super low dose, and I've read about people, even TRT places, prescribing 100mg/wk. we'll see I guess. I'm about to order up my NPP and Deca/Test blend next friday, hopefully I can get that Trest Deca from Freesightpress too since that's all gone from pure-oils.....

I ran out of Tramadol, which I was taking from my gf, who I'm breakin up with, so I don't have that. that getting back together shit didn't work out.... Finally hooked up with an old friend I known for long time, she lives like 4 hours away, so I'm taking a vacation to see her, hopefully ignite something. Eh, see what happens.

Wasn't feeling going today. Quake turned that around quick. Hit the gym for incline chest day!

L wrist is bothering me so I decided to just hit BB incline, instead of DB like I normally do.

Incline BB Bench:
135, 2 x 10
155, 3 x 10

Incline DB Fly:
30, 2 x 10
40, 2 x 10
45, 2 x 5

Skull Crusher
60, 3 x 10

DB pullover
65, 3 x 10

Incline Chest Machine
1 plate - 2 x 15
2 plate - 2 x 10
2 plate + 25s - 2 x 5

Good workout for not feeling it!

09-29-2014, 11:52 AM
Haven't updated in a hot minute. Going thru a lot. New gf, old gf is suicidal and self-destructive. I moved. Now moving again across the State.

Hitting the gym has been hit or miss. Mainly miss. Haven't lost strength, happy about that. I look the same size, but I dropped like 10 lb. Not eating right because of stress.

I'm fixing to start a new cycle. But I'm also moving so this is like a short bulk. Then settle down and go gonna full bulk

I'm thinking maybe

500mg test /week or, 750
Dta 100 mg / day
Dbol 50 mg / day

For 40 days

Libido is a big issue. Got a new gf. And wanna fuck the shit outta her. Lol.

09-29-2014, 01:17 PM
If stress is effecting you, you may want to just cruise for a while on test and wait until you get to less stressful times. I did a monster cycle a while back and did it during a very stressful time (including moving to a new place) and I crashed hard. Eating/sleeping properly is very important to any cycle, so just keep that in mind.

If you are afraid of performing with a new girl, pick up some tada. She won't know what hit her.

09-29-2014, 01:26 PM
If stress is effecting you, you may want to just cruise for a while on test and wait until you get to less stressful times. I did a monster cycle a while back and did it during a very stressful time (including moving to a new place) and I crashed hard. Eating/sleeping properly is very important to any cycle, so just keep that in mind.

If you are afraid of performing with a new girl, pick up some tada. She won't know what hit her.

Yeah. All valid points. Thx bro.

I'm going to pick up some cialis which looks it's it's tadafil, so perfect. ... Yeah I'm moving up to where she's at in 2 months, visiting every 2 weeks. I think i might be able to deal with the stress. I been itching to bulk tho. It's a relatively short cycle, so it's not like I'm committing to lengthy cycle which I will once I settle in.

My problem really isn't getting it up, it's finishing. It was was the same on Tren. Takes me so long to finish. I don't now if it's mental. And that's what's happened this weekend.

I been cruising on 250mg/wk test and 100mg/wk deca.... I'm dropping the Deca. If it's psychological I'll find out in two weeks I guess.

09-29-2014, 02:02 PM
Prolactin. Caber ;)

09-29-2014, 02:08 PM
Prolactin. Caber ;)
I was thinking that too, it was with the tren, but at 100mg/week of deca you think that's an issue?

09-29-2014, 02:10 PM
Well the symptoms seem to be there, and with the history stated, maybe you're sensitive to prolactin? Speculating, but if it were me, I'd be hitting some caber 2x a week and see what it does

09-29-2014, 02:12 PM
Well the symptoms seem to be there, and with the history stated, maybe you're sensitive to prolactin? Speculating, but if it were me, I'd be hitting some caber 2x a week and see what it does
Ok I'll order some up with the tada. Perhaps I am sensitive to it. Worth a shot. Ty.

09-29-2014, 02:14 PM
No worries man, I hope it helps

09-29-2014, 04:03 PM
Well the symptoms seem to be there, and with the history stated, maybe you're sensitive to prolactin? Speculating, but if it were me, I'd be hitting some caber 2x a week and see what it does

Caber 2-3x a week fixes this issue for me as well.

09-29-2014, 04:27 PM
Ugh too bad ERS is out of it. Who else do yall trust that vends it?

09-29-2014, 05:26 PM
Iron dragon is my go to

09-30-2014, 01:56 PM
Iron dragon is my go to
85 for caber is expensive. But I know ID is legit.

Decided to just drop low dose deca, I think I'm prolactin sensitive. Let it get outta my system.

I'm going to just run a high test cycle. This should put my libido thru the roof and get me some gains.

750 mg test e / week . Maybe 1g
50 mg dbol ED
25 mg proviron ED

Aromasin 25 mg EOD once I get see water retention.

50 day cycle. Maybe after 50 I'll start Npp and start a deca cycle.

I don't know if I should get some T3 from purity since it's so fucking cheap...

09-30-2014, 05:53 PM
Oh i should update a pic pre this cycle http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/09/30/38b7b707ddc11e132699358603bfc9fa.jpg

10-01-2014, 10:41 AM
Good work man! Keep killing it!!!!

10-02-2014, 11:39 AM
back at the gym full force. Leg is getting better the more I work it. I also got some Tramadol which is knocking out the pain while not really effecting me. i noticed weed make it hurt a little worse, but I can stretch better. trying not to smoke weed though, going to see if I can get it edible. smoking it makes me want cigarettes, which I do NOT want to start again. Plus I want the weed so I can consume more food during this bulk. I'm in a different state of mind now, it's not like I want some coke or molly or anything.

Leg day:

same rehab routine at medium-low weights with medium amount of volume. Things are progressing well. Pain is decreasing every time I go to the gym and do leg day. I wish I could have stayed on maintenance Deca for a little bit, but I need my libido more than anything because this new relationship.

I upped my test from 500 to 750. see how that works, might up it to 1g, however I'm wary, I don't want to go balls out on test dosage. I started exemestane 25mg EOD preemptively, I'm not going to wait for estro related symptoms, since at 750 mg I'm sure I'm going to get them.

I didn't get a starting weight, which I should have. I'll prob weigh in tomorrow. I'm kind of excited for a test/dbol only cycle. I wanna feel good as fuck and fuck like a porn star, and look big as fuck. Obviously I gotta do my part and hit the gym. I'm going to try and institute 5/3/1 maybe Dogg Crap hybrid. I still have to go over some different documents I have from different people. Now is the best time to modify my training regime.

10-02-2014, 11:59 AM
WEED!!!!!!! Thats how you grow!!!!!!!
Edibles rock for many reasons and personally i find I get alot more hungry when I smoke it than eat it. But man, DO NOT SMOKE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

I smoked for 16yrs. Kicked it with Chantix 3yrs ago and havent looked back. Best decision ever and I will NEVER smoke another cig. Hang in that fight man!

10-02-2014, 12:08 PM
WEED!!!!!!! Thats how you grow!!!!!!!
Edibles rock for many reasons and personally i find I get alot more hungry when I smoke it than eat it. But man, DO NOT SMOKE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

I smoked for 16yrs. Kicked it with Chantix 3yrs ago and havent looked back. Best decision ever and I will NEVER smoke another cig. Hang in that fight man!
Ya I smoked for 14 thereabouts. I relapsed smoked like 5 or 6 or so over last weekend when I was stressing, but I don't even feel the desire to have a cig.

10-05-2014, 09:49 AM
Training going good. Dbol is kicking in, looking more swole, def getting to feel what people say bout feeling top of the world and alpha on dbol or maybe it's the increase of test. Whatever, that or the new life stuff, I feel awesome. Everyday on Dbol I feel it more and more. I see why ppl love it.

Leg is hurting less and less with more rehab training.

Kicking up weight on Incline Db press today. Maxed at 65 2 x 10. Pyramided up in weight. Prob could have hit 70s.

Diet on bulk? Eh. Should be counting cals. Basically I'm eyeballing things, 350-400 carbs, 200-250 protein, prob need a bit more. And fats? I dunno idgaf, more the better it seems! I think i do better with higher fats

Edit, carbs are prob higher.

10-07-2014, 02:10 PM
EVO is closed. Fml.

10-07-2014, 03:43 PM
EVO is closed. Fml.

Even for the private guys?

10-07-2014, 03:55 PM
Wait what!? :^( I was just checking for certain dna supplies for a friend. I emailed them and they never responded...darnit!

10-07-2014, 05:36 PM
Even for the private guys?

Wait what!? :^( I was just checking for certain dna supplies for a friend. I emailed them and they never responded...darnit!
That's how I found out, initially. All my mail was returned after never receiving an invoice. So I emailed Wes and I was alerted to this fact... I'm so pissed, but also concerned, I hope it's nothing major, cause well I ordered a lot from them. I wish I stocked up. Never gonna see stuff that cheap and of high quality again... I can only hope it's not permanent.

10-07-2014, 07:06 PM
Me too...I was thinking the exact same thing.

10-08-2014, 09:32 AM

Poor man's bulk breakfast!

1 cup yellow rice.
2/3 lb ground beef (lean)
3 large eggs.
Copious amounts of hot sauz.

Chest day:

Hit 90 Db flat presses for 2 sets 2 reps. PR.

Banging up weight with the Dbol n test. Loving everyday. More swole, noticeably so. Getting complements on gains. Prob should weigh in again, but I'm sure it's all water, so not really all that concerned.

Money is tight as fuck. Gotta drop peps. Kinda disappointed. I love peps. It's ok though. While they work synergistically with aas. I like them more so in the cruise to maintain gains and the "look".

10-16-2014, 06:31 AM
So this test/dbol has been going great. Strength increasing. Added another 10lbs for reps on Db shrugs, 10lb on front raises, 10lb on Db presses, and that's only in 3ish weeks. Today is back day and I'm going to update later, but I'm gonna lay off deads and focus on pull-ups and other back exercises.

Interesting thing happened this weekend, I was at my gfs work and she works next to a hair stylist, one of their clients saw me and is in something to do with modeling and they want me for a photo shoot. I don't even think I'm on that level.... So I dunno. But theyre gonna pay me so whatever. Only problem is I'm mid bulk with wet compounds....

Also one other problem with this cycle. Delayed ejaculation. Now I've mentioned that I'm sensitive to this before, but could this still be prolactin problem even of I'm not on deca anymore? I think my estro is too low, I was reading that it's a possible cause. So I dropped my aromasin EOD until my estro raises, haven't taken it since Sunday, and I think it's becoming easier to finish, so should I just wait until I get estro sides such as bloating before starting to take the aromasin? Or just take it weekly?

10-16-2014, 08:11 AM
Personally I just take it when I start to feel a little estro side come on. Thats what works best for me and keeps me feeling really good.
Nice breakfast too!

10-17-2014, 04:00 PM
Personally I just take it when I start to feel a little estro side come on. Thats what works best for me and keeps me feeling really good.
Nice breakfast too!
Yeah I think that this is the best method. My abilities to finish are increasing the further I get from my last dose of aromasin.

Weighed in today, a bit surprised. 210.6 and bf says 13.1. So I seemed to dropped body fat, I don't know of water retention is throwing it off, I started at around 207-208. I look fucking swole as fuck.

I'm moving again next week, but in with my gf who doesn't know I pin. I'm a bit anxious because I don't want to tell her, but I don't want to hide it. I'm going to tell her I'm on TRT I think. But if she snoops and finds a UGL bottle Lol that'll be fun. I don't think she'll care because I don't think I look natty, people drop hints about aas around me, so I'm sure they suspect.

I feel like 10 million bucks. Srsly. I think I might throw in the rest of my winny at 20mg daily to add to my look. Something highly androgenic wouldn't be bad... I wanted to not stack orals but I don't have the money for more juice other than some test to finish this short cycle.

11-28-2014, 10:19 AM
Hey guys. Been minute since I been here. Fucking life. Hadn't been to the gym in almost 3 weeks during ttsnsititons. I'm back now!!! Lost a bit of strength, but I know that's recoverable. Update on my leg, running low dose deca (100/wk) has seemed to pretty much remove all pain.

I'm planning a new research experiment, for once I get back on track. I want to take advantage of the black Friday sale of pure oils. Thinking of getting DTC. What's the optimal dosage for bulking research organisms? I was thinking about getting two 20 mls and running it alongside deca 300/wk and test, 250-500/wk? Thoughts?

12-23-2014, 08:00 PM
NP, where have you been bro? Haven't heard from you in awhile