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View Full Version : Supps w/trenavar/epiandro?

08-04-2014, 08:15 PM
Well, after I got all my supps together, I found there may be a better way. Good, but wish I'd known before buying everything.
After reading posts of someone whose opinion/experience I respect, and researching, it looks like saw palmetto blocks dht/epiandro, no question. Both my on cycle supps have 200mg/serving of it (will save for PCT).

I'll be running 8 weeks of 90mg (+/-) trenavar (dermatren), with 400mg (+/-) epiandro hard by PN, plus about another week of just epiandro. Will start pct about 5 days before done with epiandro. Will try to make pct a little easier this time. Did 6 weeks super DMZ 3.0 last time for first cycle (LOVED IT!!) and had good strength and lean mass gains, about 10 lbs, and haven't lost strength 5 weeks later, and lost 2 lbs which I probably needed to lose. Last week hit a couple PRs, in my 4th week of PCT, but the first 2 weeks I was a tired man with 0 libido. Came back in 2 weeks.

I have exem, Tamoxifen, arimistane, inhibit-p, (damage control and Cycle support- both have 200mg saw pal, but will switch to liv52 or non saw pal supp on cycle), sup3r pct, DAA, 2 bottles dermatren and 6 bottles epiandro hard.

I'm thinking of going with the below, but had some questions.

Here is the suggested cycle (mine includes dermatren as well, and pn epiandro hard 100mg tabs/60ct):
(This below was written as a plan for epiandro only, without trenavar)

Liv52 by Himalaya

Nizoral 2%- topical shampoo to protect the hairline.

Cabaser aka dostinex at .5mgs E3d

Vitamin C

1. I was planning on using 2 inhibit-p/ day instead of caber for prolactin control. Sufficient?

2. Liv52 only on cycle?

Was planning on 25-50mg arimistane per day on cycle, exem if nec (or exem/Tamox for emergency). Any other support supps? For on cycle?
(ProteX By vital labs only all in one support I could find that doesn't contain saw palm- looks good, is it?)

Tamox, exem, DAA, damage control

3. Do I need Nizoral 2% if I don't have the male pattern baldness gene? I would hate to lose my hair, but don't want it unless it's nec for me. I don't have the mpb gene but will probably use anyway, better safe than sorry!

I'm 44, in good shape have worked out most of my life. Still do 6 days/week. 5'7" 168#, 16% bf. Don't eat real clean, am working on it and wanting to get cut. Workout about 45 min per body part, 60 sec or less between sets usually (maybe take extra between hard deadlift or legs).

Any experience to share? I've already had a lot of help from some of y'all, and wanted to check about this new thing. Thanks SS!