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08-29-2014, 12:57 AM
So, here's a VERY lazy log. I will try to keep it somewhat updated and please, feel free to ask/request information, offer input and everything :)

Did a show last saturday. Weigh ins 214 lbs, show time around 218, maybe 219. That's half-ish carb depleted and completely water depleted.

Pics here:
2014 NPC Colorado Warrior Classic (http://www.swolesource.com/forum/misc/2304-2014-npc-colorado-warrior-classic.html)

This week and next week, off diet completely. Eating good, clean meals and good trash too. Hitting the gym 4x a week and doing whatever, without structure, but still hard. Experimenting, so I can plan my routine for after my 2 week "break".

Measured BF last night using a high end bio impedance machine, which is far from precise, but will be me reference, and hit 6.3%. The goal will be to stay single digits throughout the bulk. Weighed in tonight at 248, full and fat lol Ahh, don't worry, you'll see said fat assness in the pics below

Next week I re-introduce very little cardio, just HIITs, once, maybe twice a week, mostly to keep the metabolic train at a good pace.

This is also my last week on gear. Next week PCT starts. Currently on Prop, Proviron and Masteron.

This cycle started with Test E, NPP and Proviron. Switched NPP to tren and added Var when the cut got going, 6 weeks out. Switched E to prop around 4 weeks out. Also, lowered test at that time. Used oral winny for about 3 weeks before the show.

Used Clen, T3 (currently on the taper down) and some burner from IML on my off clen days. Excited to try Lipomorph next cut.

Calorie-wise, during my bulk, if I remember correctly, i ate close to 7k. At the 10 week mark, I was around 6 and finished carb cycling with the lowest days just above 2100. Fuck knows how much I ate on the lowest days of my carb depletion, but I think it was RIGHT under 2k. Not terribly low.

Aside from what I couldn't get with them or just needed right away, my supplements came from our very familiar sources, RxWhey and So-Cal Nutrition. Couldn't ask for better providers/partners.

Now for the meat:


08-29-2014, 05:16 AM
I've been following along on Facebook and I scoff at the term fat ass in relation to you. I'll show you a fat ass!

08-30-2014, 12:01 AM
I've been following along on Facebook and I scoff at the term fat ass in relation to you. I'll show you a fat ass!

hahah thanks man! but this house is gonna get a lot bigger before it gets smaller lol you'd be surprised!

08-30-2014, 08:17 AM
If you're fat ass, than I'm class III obese.
I do have few questions:
One of things that I'm curious is measuring body fat: obviously you can get reliable readings- so how they compare with tape measure, and other methods?

Second, your T3 taper- any info on it would be great- have you done it before, experience and if you done bloodworks I how long it took your fT4 (or T4) to return to normal, and if you had any related sides connected to low fT4 (hair loss, skin issues etc)?

I like idea of unstructured training, tough even there must be some principles or rules, and would like to know what they are?

08-30-2014, 11:47 AM
If you're fat ass, than I'm class III obese.
I do have few questions:
One of things that I'm curious is measuring body fat: obviously you can get reliable readings- so how they compare with tape measure, and other methods?

Second, your T3 taper- any info on it would be great- have you done it before, experience and if you done bloodworks I how long it took your fT4 (or T4) to return to normal, and if you had any related sides connected to low fT4 (hair loss, skin issues etc)?

I like idea of unstructured training, tough even there must be some principles or rules, and would like to know what they are?

haha thanks Jel! Like I said, the fatness will expand in epic manner!

for my body fat, my philosophy for myself and for my clients is that I don't care much about accuracy. Just one measure that I can use to track development, meaning, even if my client's 10% is not really 10%, if over a month, using the same method (and equipment), he/she drops to 9, we're moving in the right direction. When I plot that number, I expect to see a initial good curve that stabilizes and moves less over time, makes sense?

For comparison sake, my 7 fold pollock usually reads lower than most bio-impedance machines. A week before the contest, I hit 3.1% with skin-fold, me believes.

As for my T3, I went as high as 125mcg/day, tapering down 25mcg about every 3 days. After I hit 25, i cut it in half about every 5 days, so right now i'm at 12.5. My last dosage will be 6.25 (ish, it's a liquid and I can't measure that precisely). I may or not do that EOD before I stop completely. I still haven't gotten bloods, waiting to get off my stuff and start PCT and then I'll get bloods about 3-4 weeks in (unless suggested otherwise by the good folks here ;) )
No issues and quite honestly, I can't say i felt anything extraordinary from the t3, but who knows? I did come in well conditioned and was complimented on it, so it probably played a part.
It escapes my mind what specifically now, but in my researches, I found that an ingredient in Talos might have an interaction with the t3, diminishing its effects, so maybe...? Not sure, TBD ;)
BTW, I can't say enough good things about Talos. One of the few supplements that I can legitimately feel a difference and I won't cycle without

As for my training, it's not really any method, so much as it's me going to the gym for 2 weeks and hitting a group however I feel like experimenting, in an effort of putting together something that will be my more definitive for the next 6-8 weeks.

I've been playing with several HIT things, which I always liked. Playing with shit like occlusion, drops, rest-pauses, isometric holds, pre-exhaustion. Then another day, I'll hit a GVT for a larger group (I know, I know... it's not GVT unless you do the whole program, so what I mean is 10 sets of 10 at a 4020 pace)

08-31-2014, 08:09 AM
How long were you on T3 and at what doses?

08-31-2014, 11:25 AM
How long were you on T3 and at what doses?

I think, total, 6 weeks. Got a bit more before I'm completely off now. Started at 12.5 ramping all the way up to 125 and down to 6.25 where I either stop or do EOD for a week depending on how lethargic I am. so far, so good :)

09-01-2014, 08:46 PM
I envy the meat you have :(

09-01-2014, 09:18 PM
Beast status! How long have you been lifting for? Seriously a monster physique man... clearly tons of dedication put into that body.

09-02-2014, 10:50 AM
Beast status! How long have you been lifting for? Seriously a monster physique man... clearly tons of dedication put into that body.
Shit, thanks man! You're too kind :)

I think I first joined a gym in 97, but I really only became disciplined when I stated training and competing in kickboxing, which was 2000. Very don't back then, my first fight was at 145. Ish, since it was kilos back then. I was natty until around 190, started hitting some phs then, that was 2009. first actual cycle not until 2012

I envy the meat you have :(
Nah man you were looking sharp in the last pics I saw :)

09-06-2014, 02:57 AM
Weighed in tonight at 252. Last weekend of eating relatively free. I've been making sure I get at least a wholesome decent breakfast and 3 decent meals, which normally constitutes of 10oz of whatever protein (beef, chicken, fish) and usually a cup of rice and a cup of beans, but I'll eat some other carb source if I feel like. Rice and Beans are just my easy blind choices if I'm not following a diet, don't wanna think and it works just fine. Other than that, have been eating plenty of trash. Ice Cream or candy for my PWO. Pizza here and there... just enjoying some freedom. Monday I get back to a form of diet. I can stay relatively lean eating a limited qty of crap and I can efficiently use some as my pre and post wo nutrition. The biggest challenge will be getting enough food in, specially because I start PCT this very monday (pushed my shots a bit more and did the last one Friday night. Prop and the very last bit of mast that didn't add up to 1/2 cc). I will risk torem as the main serm for the PCT. Will report. I'm completely off t3, have been off clen for a bit

Back to diet, as long as I get Breakfast and 4 quality meals in, i'll allow for some freedom. For right now, I'm considering a quality meal something that will have about a 1.2:1 Carb to Protein ratio of clean good carbs and clean good protein. If I get that, plus my pre and post protein shakes and hopefully a quality gainer (rxwhey anamass) before bed, i'll fill in with a bit of crap for pre and post WO carbs/sugars. That'll last a bit till I start playing with my HBCDs and Hydrolized Casein or EAAs, again from RxWhey. The expectation is that the diet gets a tad cleaner, but the calorie count goes higher. Bass ackwards, I know. At this point I might add some peptides, if anything, for some added "ape tit". I'm driving my own boat for now but there's a strong possibility that I start training under a very legit, solid coach in the biz. For me, having my business, it's double edged: doing my own thing, I get to experiment on my own methodologies and develop the best approaches for my clients, but on the other hand, working with this fella, I get exposure to the approach of a coach with high level athletes (olympia) which also enriches my arsenal. His interest in working with my wife and I made this possible, from a financial standpoint, so it's very likely i'll do that. I'll always have the chance to run my own things in the future and it's not an opportunity I should pass.

On having a coach: High level coaches who still compete (definitely not my case) still use and benefit from a coach. Having someone who will develop a strategy that is not comfortable for you without bias and has an external eye is invaluable. In fact, on a competitive level, few athletes that run their own prep fulfill all their potential without guidance, at least in my perception. So though I was, and eventually am, going to take a chance on my own prep, I wanna do it to test things out and play around. Not with the expectations of taking overalls and such.

Anyway, it's fucking late and i'm rambling. Fat headless pics:


09-06-2014, 03:01 AM
PS - looking at the pics, i realize how much I need to bring my chest up. It will be the season of chest

09-09-2014, 10:35 PM
official start of offseason yesterday. 249 first thing in the AM. can't pull my BF till next week. goal? as big as I can, as lean as I can. The idea is 10 lbs of muscle (discounting water I can pull, so really, 14, 15?) that I can keep after a cut. quite the bit of work. aim high, maybe hit a lil lower, but good results anyway is the hope. more to come

09-11-2014, 10:00 PM
Sometimes I forget how swole you are LongBallz. I would do anything to have the chest you have lol. But yeah in comparison, they should be brought up. Inner upper pack. How long have you been working on your meat bro???? how many decades?

no worries, already read the previous posts. since 97, so 17 years and most of them drug free.... Impressive indeed!!!!

09-12-2014, 12:11 AM
Thanks man!!

I started when I was 17, but wasnt too serious or disciplined. around 20 (2000) it's when I started being more regimented and started to study a bit more what I was doing :)