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View Full Version : Had to stop lifting for months. Should I start cycle right when I pick lifting up?

05-10-2015, 03:25 PM
Hey guys,

I had some life circumstances come and snatch my hobby away for a few months. School is about to end, and it just isn't smart to continue at this point. I am going to pick back up where I left off and reverse some of the damage.

My question is should I reintroduce my routine for a few weeks before beginning my next planned ph cycle or should I just start cycle day 1 of lifting again. I am feeling pretty terrible with how I look at this point and just want to move forward and forget this ever happened so I can propose to my gf and have great engagement photos asap etc...

The cycle is a cutting/lean bulk stack, so i'm not going to change the planned cycle. Any insight is really appreciated, and I would be happy to complete a cycle log with my gf's help. My first cycle I did not tell her about, but I have already discussed my plans with her. Surprisingly the safety enthusiat/rule follower in her did NOT say no. Def found a keeper lol

05-10-2015, 04:34 PM
I'd get back in there natty for a good 4-6wks minimum because muscle memory is a beautiful thing.

05-10-2015, 06:00 PM
It's all based on time. How much time do you have... I'd be natty in there for a month or so if you have the time for it. You could also look into Epic Gainz, dermacrind/ostarine combo, etc. before hopping right into a pH cycle. Diet also should be in point for a few weeks before starting so you don't fall off the wagon afterward.

05-10-2015, 06:50 PM
That is what I was thinking, but was hoping for validation of faster gains lol One thing I did not consider is getting back to holding myself accountable and being dedicated before I cycle. I haven't seen trest in a powder form for a while, so I better not waste this.
I appreciate the help guys. I do have some osta on hand.
With my splits a 4 week readjustment period would let me hit each muscle group about 8 times and enough time to adapt to a new habit again. I'll keep you guys posted.

05-10-2015, 06:55 PM
Yeah keep us updated man. Good for accountability.

05-10-2015, 08:36 PM
Hey guys,

I had some life circumstances come and snatch my hobby away for a few months. School is about to end, and it just isn't smart to continue at this point. I am going to pick back up where I left off and reverse some of the damage.

My question is should I reintroduce my routine for a few weeks before beginning my next planned ph cycle or should I just start cycle day 1 of lifting again. I am feeling pretty terrible with how I look at this point and just want to move forward and forget this ever happened so I can propose to my gf and have great engagement photos asap etc...

The cycle is a cutting/lean bulk stack, so i'm not going to change the planned cycle. Any insight is really appreciated, and I would be happy to complete a cycle log with my gf's help. My first cycle I did not tell her about, but I have already discussed my plans with her. Surprisingly the safety enthusiat/rule follower in her did NOT say no. Def found a keeper lol

I disagree with these guys frankly. Why go natty for a month when you know pretty every much every muscle is going to go through extreme soreness/recovery when you can hop on a pro and negate most of that.

Two of my oral cycles every year... Immediately after my summer month break I'd take and immediately after xmas break.. Doms cut drastically and my weight would be right back where it was by the end of the cycle..

I guess with it being a few months I might delay it one week and just go through that hell but I'd be on cycle by week 2.

Nobody is right or wrong here, though, it's personal preference... But with the first month physical trauma you put on your body getting back in the gym I've always felt it was one of the best times to run a cycle to combat that with extra protein absorption etc etc. etc.

05-11-2015, 07:18 AM
I appreciate the insight. I work 7 days a week now so scheduling is going to be difficult. I will need at least 2 weeks to determine if I am sacrificing too much work, and I would rather save the trest for when I am 100% dialed in again.

05-11-2015, 11:48 PM


What format are you using? Oral, transdermal, or injectable?

Id say 2 weeks would be a good point. One week of moderate weight/reps to get the soreness out of the way and not a huge shock on the body getting back into lifting, and then a second week of high weight/low reps to really get the muscles prepped for the increase from the trest.

05-12-2015, 11:04 AM
I have 3g in salvo :)

I also may be able to get my hands on some Trenavar, LMG, Epiandro, Msten and maybe a bottle of SDMZ 3.0 and about 5 bottles of salvo ;)

I was going to run 8 weeks of 50mg transdermal trest throughout with tvar ran at 90/90/100/120/120/120/120/120

I am a little worried about progesterone, but I have exem and prami on hand. Any suggestions on dosing prami and exem Inhibit-P?
Also have a few bottles of Aegis.

And of course nolva/clomid/exem on hand for proper pct

05-12-2015, 04:10 PM
Lol I wouldn't be worried about progesterone, if your E is in check you should be fine..most people that get progestorne sides have high E as well..very rarely does anyone get gyno from legitimately just high progestorne..id recommend HCG, and not use your anti E until you feel sides..you don't need to preemptively destroy your values for a problem you may not even experience.

05-12-2015, 05:10 PM
Thanks tallstraw, the exem def crashes the hell out of my e

05-12-2015, 10:39 PM
I mean definitely have it on hand to take if problems arise but I'm against this whole taking anti e's when you may not even need it and fucking up your values, which has its own problems. I only use it if I have problems. My normal problem is prolactin though. My E gets to like 80-130 on cycle..I don't get nipple sensitivity or any problems as long as prolactin is in check. I feel great with E where it is, and notice no issues, so I have no reason to tackle it with an AI and wreck my values.

07-26-2015, 09:04 PM
I'd get back in there natty for a good 4-6wks minimum because muscle memory is a beautiful thing.
