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View Full Version : Decreasing Excess Estrogen

05-17-2015, 11:19 AM
Hi guys,

Had another thread but it went kinda off topic so hope you don't mind me starting a new one. Hoping for some advice from the Swole Source veterans regarding this!

Long story short, I am suffering sexual sides from PFS and have started supplement cycling using predominantly the superman herbs package discussed elsewhere on the forum. Its making me feel great mentally and physically, definitely stronger in the gym than previously, where I was toned but plateauing due to my low-normal test levels and unable to put on mass.

Problem is that I have also gone backwards sexually whilst cycling, I suspect due to my VERY high levels of aromatisation to estrogen... this was the case when I took clomid previously, whereby I couldn't even bring it down to normal with pharma AI when using the clomid. The herbs are obviously gentler and more natural though; feel great on the herbs, felt crap and manic on the clomid.

I've tried RES100 and it unfortunately hasn't made an impact on me sexually. Are there any other suggestions from you guys? I've wanted for a long time to stick strictly to natty supps, but given where I'm at do you think a pharma AI alongside the herbs may be the way to go? the board member English seemed to have a lot of luck with Aromasin, so that may be a good shout?

Im feeling good but just trying to unlock this one last piece of the puzzle.

Thanks in advance guys

05-17-2015, 11:29 AM
First suggestion is to stick to a protocol and get blood work. We can't really know if it's high estrogen or not without those.

Others will have concrete advice though.

05-17-2015, 12:18 PM
Hi guys,

Had another thread but it went kinda off topic so hope you don't mind me starting a new one. Hoping for some advice from the Swole Source veterans regarding this!

Long story short, I am suffering sexual sides from PFS and have started supplement cycling using predominantly the superman herbs package discussed elsewhere on the forum. Its making me feel great mentally and physically, definitely stronger in the gym than previously, where I was toned but plateauing due to my low-normal test levels and unable to put on mass.

Problem is that I have also gone backwards sexually whilst cycling, I suspect due to my VERY high levels of aromatisation to estrogen... this was the case when I took clomid previously, whereby I couldn't even bring it down to normal with pharma AI when using the clomid. The herbs are obviously gentler and more natural though; feel great on the herbs, felt crap and manic on the clomid.

I've tried RES100 and it unfortunately hasn't made an impact on me sexually. Are there any other suggestions from you guys? I've wanted for a long time to stick strictly to natty supps, but given where I'm at do you think a pharma AI alongside the herbs may be the way to go? the board member English seemed to have a lot of luck with Aromasin, so that may be a good shout?

Im feeling good but just trying to unlock this one last piece of the puzzle.

Thanks in advance guys

The thing that throws me off the most about this is, if it is crazy high estrogen you wouldn't be feeling as good as you are, or at least I can't imagine you would. I agree with BBG that you need to get bloods when you're having this slump to see where you're at. I never got them, but in my situation my sides went hand in hand with how I felt mentally. I could tell when I rolled out of bed in the morning if it was going to be a good sex day or not. Your symptoms seem to operate independently of how you are mentally. You should get a snap shot of what's going on.

05-17-2015, 01:10 PM
Yeah man, it's a shot in the dark without bloods. I also btw feel great when my estrogen is high. A more well rounded great feeling instead of feeling great and alpha as fuck with a no fucks given and short fuse when my estrogen is low, or within range while on cycle. Different people are affected differently. But don't try to treat something that may not be wrong..meaning get bloods.

05-17-2015, 05:27 PM
Need blood work done to see where you are at.....Res100 has a variable dose for a reason.

In some cases Res100 has crushed peoples estrogen this is exactly what the dose is variable.....also a very good thing that the supp is actually strong enough to remove as much estrogen as you want. We have also had guys use it on cycle as their sole source of AI and it has worked really well.

Our typical advise is this, start with 4mls 2x daily if you notice signs of low estrogen take a small break and then restart at a lower dose....in your case if the opposite is happening start at 4mls 2x daily if after 7-10 days you are not getting the estrogen reduction you are wanting increase the dose...however increase it slowly you do not want to crush your estrogen....as an example move up to 6mls 2x daily.....stick with these increases for 5 days at least before further increases.

Be aware of symptoms that you are lowering estrogen too much, sore dry joints, reduction in sex drive, frontal head aches.
The most common for too much estrogen is water retention and lowered sex drive.

You ALWAYS want balance when it comes to estrogen you dont' want too much and you dont want too little, balance is the key to making all other associated hormones work in synergy just like an engine if 1 cylinder isn't firing it's going to run pretty badly and not in harmony.

05-20-2015, 05:31 AM
Yeah man, it's a shot in the dark without bloods. I also btw feel great when my estrogen is high. A more well rounded great feeling instead of feeling great and alpha as fuck with a no fucks given and short fuse when my estrogen is low, or within range while on cycle. Different people are affected differently. But don't try to treat something that may not be wrong..meaning get bloods.

THIS! I would not say I feel particularly apha, but a good sense of well-being right now. And my lifts are increasing every week in the gym.

Thanks for the advice guys, am looking into ways to get bloods done through private...

If you're not aware, the UK has government funded free healthcare, which is great in some ways but also means we lag behind Countries like the US in others, particularly in relation hormones and endocrinology. Basically, my General Practitioner doctors won't give me bloods, and getting them done and paying is difficult due to healthcare being predominantly government. I'll report back should I get bloods done.