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04-30-2016, 04:21 AM
Using my Primordial Performance Stash

Hello again SS Peoples, it's been a while...

I have managed to squirrel away a small but nice stash of PP products and PHs: I currently have 2 bottles of AndroLean, 2 bottles of AndroBulk and 2 bottles of AndroHard in addition to several bottles of Halo, Epistane, DMZ, R-Andro (PP AHv1), Ultradrol, Mechabol, Stanozol, a prescription for Testim TRT, 2 bottles of TCF-1, TOCO8, PCT products ect, ect...

I used to be so into it that I had my cycles, diet, workouts, rest/recovery and PCT down to a T, but for the last 2-3 years I've instead been relying on a personal experience and a personal trainer to stay natural and at 46 y.o. simply learn to do the work un-aided. I've learned a lot about myself, my limits and how to go +1. I feel I'm ready to start eating tasty treats again and wanted to say hello again, I'll have a lot of questions over the next phases of what I want to see what this 'ol body of mine will still do, I'm looking forward to the work and what I hope to be stellar results.

With that in mind, I'm thinking that I'll dive right in by running AL/AH cycle, but I'm not sure of the dosages needed and would appreciate any advise. My goal is to get lean and hard, then do a AB/AH cycle. As mentioned, I have a RX for Testim 1% gel to use along with, so the results should be stellar. Knowing that each bottle comes with about 168 doses, if I'm combining AndroLean w/ AndroHard, what (in your opinion) should my dosage be? I'm thinking 6 of each per day spread out 2/2/2, for a total of 12 doses (6 ea. of AL/AH). Is this overkill? Can I scale back on the daily dose and stretch it out to a longer cycle or should I bump it up to 8 3/3/2 each but a shorter cycle and go for broke?

My diet is dialed in, fish, chicken, turkey, lean red meat, dark green veggies, eggs, beans, brown rice, water. I'm 5' 9" with at 36" waist, still to small of arms and tree trunks for legs, right now I'm weighing in at about 190-195lb., 225 bench/405 squat/315 deadlift and my trainer pushed me doing crossfit type circuits (i.e. Lift compound light and fast, then do box jumps and abs and start again...) and I can run 5 miles on a good day at a pretty good clip for someone my age. I also cycle and box (very amateur) for the workout so staying strong and lean is not a problem, but I want MORE =)...think Skeletor, the leaner and cut the better.

Anyway, I'll be posting and asking questions for a good while, might as well get used to me lurking and asking questions, I'm appreciative of any advise regarding the AL/AH dosage question posed above I'd be grateful.

It's nice to be back. Thanks in advance for any suggestions regarding AL/AH AH/AB cycles/dosage.