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View Full Version : Juicing epiandro/andro powder and storing it?

05-07-2016, 02:21 PM
Odd question but bear with me.
What if I were to make a special "juice" containing real fruit juice and grounded AndroHard (epiandro, andro mix) pills or something, and then stored the drink refrigerated to be drunk over several days. Do you guys think it would last and not break down when in liquid? I don't care about the agmatine, for all I care it would be great if it would be destroyed, I care about the epiandro/andro.

I am going to try it anyway and see, just maybe some knowledgeable people here know about these sorts of things..

05-07-2016, 02:44 PM
OH I forgot.. I can't really tolerate the agmatine because it just makes me dizzy and feel terrible but I don't want the supplement to go to waste, so I thought if I consume it in a beverage slowly I can eventually consume the entire product and not waste it :rolleyes:

05-07-2016, 10:23 PM
Why? What's the point? Taking a few pills is easy. This won't help absorption/ effects. And leaving it for days in a fruit drink with acidity could easily destroy it. It's just pointless.

05-08-2016, 09:42 AM
^^ Agreed with Nate.

What you would benefit from is juicing it that day and adding the powder into grapefruit juice. Grapefruit juice is well known to enhance absorption and therefore you will have improved benefit of each compound.

05-08-2016, 12:46 PM
Odd question but bear with me.
What if I were to make a special "juice" containing real fruit juice and grounded AndroHard (epiandro, andro mix) pills or something, and then stored the drink refrigerated to be drunk over several days. Do you guys think it would last and not break down when in liquid? I don't care about the agmatine, for all I care it would be great if it would be destroyed, I care about the epiandro/andro.

I am going to try it anyway and see, just maybe some knowledgeable people here know about these sorts of things..

What is your goal in doing this? What do you think would be the benefit of trying something like this? It's not really a good idea regardless, I was just curious as to your thought process on this.

05-08-2016, 04:10 PM
The dude doesn't tolerate agmantine well apparently. Imo his best bet would be to spread it into lots of small doses a day.. I've never heard of a bad agmantine reaction though. Could you elaborate further? If you're actually allergic to a substance you'd be better off selling the stuff and buying something without it surely?

05-08-2016, 04:23 PM
The dude doesn't tolerate agmantine well apparently. Imo his best bet would be to spread it into lots of small doses a day.. I've never heard of a bad agmantine reaction though. Could you elaborate further? If you're actually allergic to a substance you'd be better off selling the stuff and buying something without it surely?
Basically agmatine for me is dizziness, coupled with some weird fatigued and "feeling down" experiences, and more. There's a lot more to agmatine than just pumps, it is psychoactive and has been proposed to be abnormally high and low in schizophrenia, a treatment and cause of schizophrenia. (I am not schizophrenic, that's not my point!)
NO has a plethora of psychoactive effects in the nervous system.
Both l-arginine and agmatine lead to bad experiences, though agmatine much more so than arginine.

I was thinking I could take "sips" of the drink throughout days and eventually, though after maybe a year, finish the bottle.
I don't know which guy would want to buy an opened product from me, and I don't know anyone personally who would trust me to take it who are interested in supplements like these.

05-11-2016, 06:18 PM
Over a year? Are u trolling? Just no to it all. Your definite unified answer from everyone here.

05-21-2016, 07:18 PM
Over a year? Are u trolling? Just no to it all. Your definite unified answer from everyone here.

I wish you posted more often, Nate. Somehow you just manage a whole new level of hilariously sassy.