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08-26-2016, 09:15 PM
Hi all

Been a member of this forum for a while and followed closely all the advice from Cdnuts, English and Chi (a big thanks to Cdnuts for the guidance both on this forum, other forums and private messages).

Won't go into my symptoms as there is no point - we all know what they are and there's no point obsessing over them.

My regime and journey has consisted of the following:

1. I had a parasite, blastocystis hominis, which was identified in a stool test. I also had low levels of all beneficial bacteria. After reading Chi's blog, I realised this was a good starting point. The first part of my journey was dedicated to removing this parasite from my body (i.e. the cleanse stage of Cdnuts' protocol but just done in a different way to him). This took a lot of effort and, unfortunately, the use of antibiotics to remove it.

2. I eat a paleo diet and carb back load at night (i.e. brown rice with my dinner). I eat lots of vegetables (both at lunch and dinner), beef, fish and nuts (macadamia nuts as they are the most gentle on the guts for me). I keep well hydrated, drinking only water.

3. I take probiotics and glutamine, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D3, aloe vera, boswellia to heal my gut lining. I intermittently have sauerkraut as my fermented vegetables. I take s. boulardii daily.

4. I lift weights 3 times a week. I lift heavy and try to focus on compound exercises. I do have one session where I do my arms which isn't as compound based as the other 2 days. I am looking to add some sprints in in the upcoming weeks.

5. I listen to holosync daily.

I feel like my body needs another cleanse as my stool colour is off and I still have a lot of allergies i.e. to chemical smells, foods etc. I will be taking parex plus (a herbal combination of oregano oil, garlic, wormwood and lavender oil) to get rid of any pathogens still causing me problems in my gut. I feel another cleanse is necessary as I still get fungus on my feet and the yeast around my foreskin - signalling my gut needs a bit more work.

After the cleanse, I will look more into the testosterone boosting herbs but I would prefer to not have to add these in and rather increase my testosterone through weights.

I'll keep everyone updated on my journey.

09-03-2016, 07:58 PM

Started my cleanse. Taking two herbal formulas which go by the name of Parex and Bactrex.

Parex contains oregano oil, garlic, wormwood and lavender oil.
Bactrex contains oregano oil, thyme oil, clove oil and phellodendron.

I am also taking s. boulardii and lactobacillus plantarum twice a day to protect the good gut flora.

I'll be doing this cleanse for 2 to 4 weeks. I am looking at potentially adding in another herb in addition to the ones I'm taking.

I am taking colostrum here and there (ideally would like to take it throughout the cleanse but I feel the milk in it doesn't help me).

If this cleanse doesn't work, I'll have to do a water fast.

Also, have had to stop the gym for the last week and will probably have to take the next week off as I hurt my back last week.

09-04-2016, 05:56 AM

Started my cleanse. Taking two herbal formulas which go by the name of Parex and Bactrex.

Parex contains oregano oil, garlic, wormwood and lavender oil.
Bactrex contains oregano oil, thyme oil, clove oil and phellodendron.

I am also taking s. boulardii and lactobacillus plantarum twice a day to protect the good gut flora.

I'll be doing this cleanse for 2 to 4 weeks. I am looking at potentially adding in another herb in addition to the ones I'm taking.

I am taking colostrum here and there (ideally would like to take it throughout the cleanse but I feel the milk in it doesn't help me).

If this cleanse doesn't work, I'll have to do a water fast.

Also, have had to stop the gym for the last week and will probably have to take the next week off as I hurt my back last week.

Honestly, you're better off juice feasting. You can still take the other herbs you're running simultaneously.

09-04-2016, 08:10 PM
Honestly, you're better off juice feasting. You can still take the other herbs you're running simultaneously.

Good idea. I'll start juice feasting today and continue to take the other herbs.

If I don't feel the cleanse has worked, I'll then move onto the water fast as I've read so many good things about water fasting. In particular with the gut, it is one of the main ways to get rid of the biofilms which hide the bad bacteria (which are so hard to destroy otherwise).

09-04-2016, 08:54 PM
The juice cleanse will work but it may take longer than you're willing to go

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09-05-2016, 11:48 PM
How long would you recommend? I know you generally recommend 7 days, but is 14 days your recommendation in a perfect world?

Also, my body is very, very sensitive to any sugars - I''m worried about juicing fruits/ Would doing just green juices comprising kale, broccoli and celery be okay?

09-06-2016, 01:33 AM
How long would you recommend? I know you generally recommend 7 days, but is 14 days your recommendation in a perfect world?

Also, my body is very, very sensitive to any sugars - I''m worried about juicing fruits/ Would doing just green juices comprising kale, broccoli and celery be okay?

you will need much more than just kale, broccoli and celery... you need to flood your system with all possible nutrients ... JUice feasting is better than water fast on a longer run.. thats wht i feel... an you will feel cleansed .. for sure