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View Full Version : Fifth week of Epistane and some issues with breast/nipple (Quick Help Please)

12-17-2016, 05:54 AM
Hello guys, starting new thread because I kindly ask for the quick response. I am into fifth week of my Epistane cycle (1st cycle - epi - 2013, 2nd cycle - hdrol - 2014, 3rd cycle - epi - right now).

I gain about 13 pounds yet, cycle goes pretty well and I had planned another week (overall 6 week cycle). But last 2 days I feel kinda discomfort in my left nipple/breast (little pain when I lie on chest or washing my body/chest in the shower).

Should I screw another (6th) week and start my PCT with Clomid right now? I dont want to have some serious issues! My nipples seems to be fine visually, but those last 2 days making me feared. There is also something hard under that nipple/breat area - (like gland or something) compared to right nipple. It feels weird :/

I have CLOMID and NOLVA on hand, but I only have nolva for my 4 week PCT, not more. What should I do?

Thanks in advance!

12-22-2016, 07:48 AM
It's not the Epi.

12-22-2016, 03:35 PM
Think I also saw this post on multiple forums...

I believe the guys on AM offered some input here.

My thoughts stop now. hit your PCT (climid) and add 10mg Nolva a day for the first week. You'll likely be fine.

you may also consider running an AI with your PCT...I would highly recommend Virtus (http://iron-legion.com/product/virtus) by Iron Legion

If you were going to run Virtus, I would start it the second week of PCT at .5ml daily