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View Full Version : protocol suggestions based on bloods.

12-26-2016, 04:58 PM
Hello all,
I've used fin for 1 month 2years back. Crashed after that. Did a water fast for 5 days, felt great and sexual dreams returned as soon as I ended the fast. But soon results faded as I returned to normal diet. Also did gut protocol(probiotics, avoided carbs, supplements) for 3 weeks but not much gained. It was a pleasure discovering this forum of people with positive mindsets after such long time of despair. I want to get rid of this shit at any cost and I'm game for anything (enough is enough). I'm starting CD's protocol from JAN 1 week. Ordered tribulus, maca, aswagandha, pine pollen, shilajit, tongat ali(waiting for all of them to be delivered).

Note: Used aswagandha for a week, felt good. Was able to develop some muscle with weights. It did something :)

My bloodwork results: 25 YEARS
S.TESTOSTERONE 880 ng/dl. [300 - 1080]
S.ESTRADIOL 43 pg/ml [10-50]
S.PROLACTIN 12.19 NG/ML [5-25]
S.TSH 1.7 uIU/ml. [0.5 - 5]

RAW DIET(only fruits and vegetables)
HERB rotation

Please suggest if I need to add anything. I guess my T/E ratio is fucked up.

Grape Ape
12-26-2016, 09:24 PM
I'll be in here tomorrow to give what advice I have. It's past my bed time now.

12-27-2016, 09:13 AM

I wouldn't put the greatest stock on bloods, plenty of people have near perfect hormonal levels yet aren't doing too great. The biggest thing i've learnt and been taught with help through those like CD is to go by feel. Your T is good and your E is a little high, but dont dwell on the numbers, just do what you gotta do and let it take care of itself, which it will.

Also, I note you have said how you feel after a couple weeks of trying various things... be aware that theres no quick fix to this thing, slow and steady wins the race and improvements will likely be gradual.

The herbs sound good but make sure you have reputable brands that others have had results with... cheaper herbs can be as worthwhile as dust, and can be totally ineffective. A lot of people, including my, go to brand is Lost Empire Herbs.

So get the juice feast in, the focus on

1) Diet - rather than raw foods go for paleo based with carb backloading after workouts - Keep it gluten free too. Diet is vital
2) Exercise - focus on resistance weight training and GRADUALLY build up
3) Rest - Get good quality sleep in, meditate, stop focussing entirely on your health issues and start enjoying life and looking forward to things
4) Supplementation - Can really help but remember, it is the fourth most important on this list and not a magical cure. Rotate good quality herbs, no more than once a week per herb

Set it and forget it, as CD says. Instead of analysing where you are and any marginal improvements/drawbacks you have, keep chipping away consistently with time knowing that it WILL take care of itself.

Focus on enjoying your life in the meantime, it is a gift. I have been hit pretty hard with PFS and am still chipping away in recovery but in the time i've been working on it I've achieved in work, become the strongest and leanest I've ever been, met an amazing girl who i've since married, and settled down in a home. There is no need to let this thing define you and until you realise as horrible that it is that it is only a part of you and you can still have a great life, you won't be able to beat it mentally, which is the hardest part.

See the protocol as something exciting rather than limiting... a journey of self improvement, and enjoy watching your body change as you get fitter and stronger.

Good luck, you're in the right place.

P.S. Change your username, its awful and you need to get away from the victim mentality. On that note, keep away from garbage on Propecia Help and Solve PFS.

12-27-2016, 06:57 PM
Great response Swill.

And yes, please change your username. It's god awful and a constant reminder of your plight. You have enough of that in daily life. Do you really see yourself as a loser? You need to get your head out of that mindset IMMEDIATELY

What are your main symptoms?

12-28-2016, 12:00 PM

I wouldn't put the greatest stock on bloods, plenty of people have near perfect hormonal levels yet aren't doing too great. The biggest thing i've learnt and been taught with help through those like CD is to go by feel. Your T is good and your E is a little high, but dont dwell on the numbers, just do what you gotta do and let it take care of itself, which it will.

Also, I note you have said how you feel after a couple weeks of trying various things... be aware that theres no quick fix to this thing, slow and steady wins the race and improvements will likely be gradual.

The herbs sound good but make sure you have reputable brands that others have had results with... cheaper herbs can be as worthwhile as dust, and can be totally ineffective. A lot of people, including my, go to brand is Lost Empire Herbs.

So get the juice feast in, the focus on

1) Diet - rather than raw foods go for paleo based with carb backloading after workouts - Keep it gluten free too. Diet is vital
2) Exercise - focus on resistance weight training and GRADUALLY build up
3) Rest - Get good quality sleep in, meditate, stop focussing entirely on your health issues and start enjoying life and looking forward to things
4) Supplementation - Can really help but remember, it is the fourth most important on this list and not a magical cure. Rotate good quality herbs, no more than once a week per herb

Set it and forget it, as CD says. Instead of analysing where you are and any marginal improvements/drawbacks you have, keep chipping away consistently with time knowing that it WILL take care of itself.

Focus on enjoying your life in the meantime, it is a gift. I have been hit pretty hard with PFS and am still chipping away in recovery but in the time i've been working on it I've achieved in work, become the strongest and leanest I've ever been, met an amazing girl who i've since married, and settled down in a home. There is no need to let this thing define you and until you realise as horrible that it is that it is only a part of you and you can still have a great life, you won't be able to beat it mentally, which is the hardest part.

See the protocol as something exciting rather than limiting... a journey of self improvement, and enjoy watching your body change as you get fitter and stronger.

Good luck, you're in the right place.

P.S. Change your username, its awful and you need to get away from the victim mentality. On that note, keep away from garbage on Propecia Help and Solve PFS.

Thanks swill for your kind reply. Sorry continued my username from PH and solvePFS, changing it ASAP now that I'm in this forum with all you awesome people :).

12-28-2016, 04:14 PM
Great response Swill.

And yes, please change your username. It's god awful and a constant reminder of your plight. You have enough of that in daily life. Do you really see yourself as a loser? You need to get your head out of that mindset IMMEDIATELY

What are your main symptoms?

Hi Cd, sure would change my username. But couldn't find the option on settings.

I'm sure in the right forum with all you awesome people around.

My main sides are:
brain fog, fatigue, no concentration at all
no libido, can attain erection(70%) with physical stimulation but its just mechanical, not at all pleasurable. no orgasm.
smaller testes
nipples became soft. (If I take any herb like maca, tribulus there are getting normal for some time and toggling back)

As i said above I did a short water fast for 5 days after which i felt good(cummed on bed with a sexual dream:) ). But faded soon since I started regular diet. Planning to start your protocol from next week. Any suggestions would be helpful. Again thanks for taking your time and helping us out.

12-28-2016, 05:58 PM
Hi Cd, sure would change my username. But couldn't find the option on settings.

I'm sure in the right forum with all you awesome people around.

My main sides are:
brain fog, fatigue, no concentration at all
no libido, can attain erection(70%) with physical stimulation but its just mechanical, not at all pleasurable. no orgasm.
smaller testes
nipples became soft. (If I take any herb like maca, tribulus there are getting normal for some time and toggling back)

As i said above I did a short water fast for 5 days after which i felt good(cummed on bed with a sexual dream:) ). But faded soon since I started regular diet. Planning to start your protocol from next week. Any suggestions would be helpful. Again thanks for taking your time and helping us out.

When I reached 75% cured once (crashed later because I took 2 5ar blockers without knowing) my symptoms were getting cured in this order dude, I will wait other guys post this too to see if it's similar to everybody, but light at the end said the same order to me.

First brain fog, personality, emotions, energy, sleep, morning wood, body composition, strength, body hair, libido and then penile sensitivity.

After the fast you start the exercises, if you can't do hiit now, start with long aerobics like 30 or 40 minutes on a bike or walk/jogging.

Drink a lot of water, try to eat more acid fruits like orange, lemon, pineapple, drink green juices/smoothies, no alcohol/no drugs. Cold showers, nofap, herbs. This is the ultimate pfs protocol to recover, every recovery you read have these things, some guys do something different here and there but what I told you is the base.

About nipple, I got gyno after estrogen rebound from Arimidex. Herbs like tribulus make it better and reading guys recovering from a very bad gyno, like the size of a golf ball, they said first your nipple gets more soft and the fat around your chest will start to decrease and then your nipple gets normal and you will still have some fat that will go away later.

All the best mate.

12-28-2016, 06:10 PM
I have a ton of fat or alien like water fluid all around lower body,chest etc..Even had to go out a buy new cloths over 40lbs gained..My estrogen is 16...low estrogen can cause body fat in men..

12-28-2016, 06:41 PM
When I reached 75% cured once (crashed later because I took 2 5ar blockers without knowing) my symptoms were getting cured in this order dude, I will wait other guys post this too to see if it's similar to everybody, but light at the end said the same order to me.

First brain fog, personality, emotions, energy, sleep, morning wood, body composition, strength, body hair, libido and then penile sensitivity.

After the fast you start the exercises, if you can't do hiit now, start with long aerobics like 30 or 40 minutes on a bike or walk/jogging.

Drink a lot of water, try to eat more acid fruits like orange, lemon, pineapple, drink green juices/smoothies, no alcohol/no drugs. Cold showers, nofap, herbs. This is the ultimate pfs protocol to recover, every recovery you read have these things, some guys do something different here and there but what I told you is the base.

About nipple, I got gyno after estrogen rebound from Arimidex. Herbs like tribulus make it better and reading guys recovering from a very bad gyno, like the size of a golf ball, they said first your nipple gets more soft and the fat around your chest will start to decrease and then your nipple gets normal and you will still have some fat that will go away later.

All the best mate.

From my limited knowledge, I don't think everybody is identical in recovery in the steps you mentioned.
I felt myself crashing literally two days after quitting fin, but on the other hand of the sides you mentioned I've never even dealt with issues relating to sleep, morning wood, body composition, or body hair (my beard hair still literally connects to my chest hair lol). Mentally though, I think I've been worse off than most. I am excited that this seems to be one of the first things to come back 100%

Take solace in the fact that we are all different, but the protocol hits from so many different angles that it works for everybody who puts in the work.

Set a routine that works for you and live it 100% from day 1. It's only work until its routine.

12-29-2016, 07:12 AM
X2 Driven, spot on. You're right in that it comes at it from all angles, and thats why a magic pill will never exist. Nothing is as holistic a healer than your body naturally when given the right conditions.

I wouldn't put too much stoke in what recovers when and how long etc. Just get going on the protocol and focus on enjoying life, it comes a lot quicker when not constantly assessing how factionally better or worse off you are, and getting yourself emotional as a result.