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View Full Version : How much muscular gains can I expect with DHT prohormones?

03-05-2017, 01:28 AM
I'm planning on doing a prohormone cycle for the first time in my life ever, in the near future. A dht type of prohormone such as super andro r, androsterone, etc. Whatever the hell its called. Obviously I'm a noob when it comes to prohormones.

I always hovered around 175lbs when I was in my peak condition. A solid 175, super low bf % shredded, and muscular. It always looked more like i was 190-200 ish. Ive peaked out and reached my genetic natural potential multiple times in my life- ages 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30. But I always got to that same exact level, and once i got there, no matter what i did, it seemed to never go further. I have really long arms, and i always got to 280 on the bench as a 1RM, and could never get past that. (I have super long arms for my height which is 5'11"). So bench isn't my strong point. My squat however, seemed to have never ending natural genetic potential though. Got to 405lbs ATG. And 435 lbs, just barely breaking parallel. (did this at age 30). After reaching 435, i somewhat got lazy, and lightened up, and then my new job at the time messed up my gym routine/schedule, and i stopped going at the time.

How many LBS can i expect to gain on a DHT based prohormone? If i can get to a super shredded bodyweight, higher than 175, that would be cool. Don't want to get TOO BIG, but a few extra LBS over 175 would be cool.

03-07-2017, 07:53 AM
As with most hormonal supplements, it's largely diet-dependent. This is especially true with the DHEA based Andro products. I will say androsterone is known to give significant strength increases so couple that with a calorie surplus and you could expect some decent size gains. At the same time, it can also keep your strength up during a calorie deficit making it a very versatile supplement. Also with regards to DHT pros it also somewhat depends on the isomer a or b, "a" being androsterone and "b" being epiandrosterone. Androsterone is slightly more anabolic while epiandrosterone has a more of a neurosteroid/aggression effect. From my own personal experience, I can get decent enough gains from androsterone for it to be an ok stand alone while epiandrosterone is a better stacking option with other andros for increased aggression, to combat lethargy, etc.

03-07-2017, 08:02 PM
That sounds pretty good! Sounds like some legit stuff.

Good to know too, because you have always those days, once in awhile, where you dont get in as many calories as you would like too. And i would always get all panicky and mental over it, worried about losing strength.

04-01-2017, 06:49 AM
I've done lots of research on super r andro Rx. Read a lot of good things. This looks perfect for a guy like me. Kind of what I always wanted. Promotes strength gain without the gain of too much bodyweight. More strength per pound, (kind of like an ant). I honestly wish I could get on this now! :)