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View Full Version : Intermittent Fasting for PFS

03-09-2017, 11:28 AM
How many of you guys do IF?
Is it beneficial for PFS?
Should skinny guys do IF or just bigger guys?
Is it good/bad for the gut/digestion to eat so much food in a 8 hour window?

:D Thanks

03-14-2017, 08:14 PM
I did and still do IF, not really because of anything PFS related. It didn't hurt me, but it's hard to attribute if it helped or not either given everything else I did.

03-15-2017, 01:12 AM
How many of you guys do IF?
Is it beneficial for PFS?
Should skinny guys do IF or just bigger guys?
Is it good/bad for the gut/digestion to eat so much food in a 8 hour window?

:D Thanks

I imagine it would...

CDNuts for instance loves HITT training and recommends it to those suffering from PFS, most likely due to the fact that it raises HGH temporarily.

Well, intermittent fasting does the same thing, plus you can do it everyday without all the running! lol

I would recommend doing intermittent fasting after a bulk, or if you are already a bigger guy looking to lose fat. If you're already skinny, you probably want to go ahead and put on some size first (muscle), then do intermittent fasting while cutting. I imagine it'd be incredibly difficult to keep up that type of fasting while bulking though, as your calories keep increasing and increasing.

As for your gut, I think your gut will be fine ***IFFFF*** you are eating the right types of food. Take CDN's advice and go more towards the paleo type diet. You don't wanna be shoveling crap down right now while your body is compromised enough as it is.