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04-06-2017, 07:13 PM

04-06-2017, 10:02 PM
Do you unconsciously grind your teeth at night (bruxism)? Are your teeth more sore in the morning? A dentist could also tell you if you have worn down spots.

Get "sensitive" toothpaste and brush your teeth slowly with a soft bristle toothbrush (most are stiff).

Orange juice and coffee are definitely not your friends here, but you probably already know that.

I've had problems with this here and there, but way before PFS.

04-07-2017, 11:11 PM
The only thing that fixed my teeth and gums is high dose k2 mk4. I also noticed my teeth are substantially whiter without even brushing much anymore. If you do you brush use pure baking soda just sprinkle some of your toothbrush. It normalizes pH and whitens them at the same time, you will notice an improvement after even one use.

The issue I run into is my blood thinning too much from all the pro metabolic supps haha, my gums ache, but it goes away from what I mentioned above.

04-08-2017, 08:49 AM
Currently taking 4mg k2 (mk4) daily, only started it about 3 weeks ago though. It's funny you mentioned baking soda because my last gf's mum tried to convince me to use it instead but I never listened. I have swapped over to a teatree toothpaste just to get rid of fluoride til I found something better so I'll definitely buy some baking soda and give that a try.

Adding niacinimide into my routine as well, so I'll give it a couple of months and hopefully it will resolve with everything I'm doing. I might try experimenting with topical coq10 down the road if it persists.

Definitely more K2 than that, at least for me lol. Are you using liquid version or pills? Pills never did anything for me either.

Yeah dude I'm telling you try baking soda, I don't even use real tooth paste anymore, maybe every once and while, baking soda does the job and is super cheap. Regarding CoQ10, if you are looking at it in terms of an electron donor, K2 at 15mg+ daily will do exactly the same thing Q10 does.

04-08-2017, 08:34 PM
Wow that's interesting, but that makes sense. I will up the dosage to 15mg today and maintain that dose. I take thorne liquid - their recommended dose is actually 15mg but I thought that may have been a bit high.

I'm also going to pick up some baking soda today and I'll give it a try. Cheers man.

Yup, thorne liquid is the one I use as well, it is legit, cheers man

04-19-2017, 08:51 PM
Just wanted to give a quick update.

I'm surprised just how effective 15mg k2 has been... I was walking the other night and noticed that my teeth feel smoother and noticeably thicker and the effect has continued. My teeth haven't been as sore in the mornings either, so it must have some defensive mechanism. I still occasionally wake up and they are a little sore but I need to dig deeper and find out if I'm doing anything in the middle of the night (like grinding my teeth) which I never used to do but my sleeps have been a bit messy lately so who knows. Is it safe to take k2 at this dose indefinitely Tubz?

I bought some baking soda but haven't used it for my teeth yet I've been taking 1tsp orally for another reason. I did read that using baking soda on your teeth too frequently can wear down enamel though, so something to be cautious about.

Brushing Teeth with Baking Soda | MD-Health.com (http://www.md-health.com/Brushing-Teeth-With-Baking-Soda.html)

Yep it is very effective, I used up to 45mg three time a day before. At higher doses you will start to notice the anti estrogenic effect K2 has (muscles will be harder and libido goes up). Just make sure you take in enough carbs/sugar with the K2 though b/c it can stimulate metabolism pretty good at higher doses. K2 shuttles the calcium to the bones and clears it out of the arteries, also it prevents plaque from sticking to your teeth hence the whiter teeth as well.

04-20-2017, 03:59 PM
Damn that's insane. I probably won't dose that high but will experiment in the near future when I'm not introducing so many new things.

It's definitely the supplement I've seen the most effect from and almost immediately too.

Yeah, it is actually more than just a "blood cotting" supplement as the mainstream medicine likes to say. I mentioned this earlier but at doses of 15mg+ taken at one time, it acts as electron donor, so it can act as a surrogate if CoQ10 is deficient meaning it can literally take the place of a lot of CoQ10's benefits hence the awesome benefits for the teeth, gums and skin. It literally acts at a cellular level increasing mitochondrial respiration (ATP) hence the metabolism and brain benefit.

I would also mention to stay away from K1 which was shown to be somewhat estrogenic and is much weaker- which is the main source in vegetables etc.

K2 MK4 is the best (MK7 is OK as well but lacking the in depth research that K2 MK4 shows). Another cool thing I noticed is that at higher doses my face looks more defined, I don't think it is permanent but my cheek bones look bigger and more pronounced and my jaw line (in a good way) when I use it. I'm assuming due to the increase in bone density or the strong reduction in estrogen (eliminating any excess water).

Definitely my favorite fat soluble vitamin for sure. If you have any mild skin issues like acne, pimples, oily skin, dandruff etc. look up vitamin A in the active retinol form (not carotene) which is what many of the anti-aging skin creams are derived from, that is my second favorite to use.

Gelatin + K2 + Retinol = god skin, joints and bones