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View Full Version : Before You Whine - Do This

08-01-2017, 09:01 AM
It's really easy to whine cause of our condition. I catch myself doing it all the time.

Before you do that though with your limited amount of energy and time.

Have you read all the posts of

Mitch? (PH)
Chi? (Solve PFS)

these are the guys that fully recovered naturally.

solvepfs also has a list of 60+ recoveries on a page if you sign up.
eg) one guy recovered using antibitiocsia after 11 years. another guy using artichoke pills for 90 days.

Get on it. I still haven't even read everything I possibly could yet but close to it.

I want to get to other side as fast as possible because I loved my life and I will love it even more when I get all my faculties back.

When we recover we will then be elite. I already was on top of my health game but I guess it wasn't enough before this happened.

Think about it.

How many people exercise as good as the protocol?
Eat as clean?
Supplement as well?
And the countless other additions?

I'd wager you'll be at least in the top 99% once you make it a lifestyle.