View Full Version : Bizzbee's Juice Feast

10-07-2017, 11:25 AM
Hello all,

I'll be starting a new thread to chronicle my juice feast starting tomorrow. I need to lose some weight and give my body a break. I am planning to go for two weeks or more.

10-08-2017, 11:24 AM
Hello all,

I'll be starting a new thread to chronicle my juice feast starting tomorrow. I need to lose some weight and give my body a break. I am planning to go for two weeks or more.

You'll be super receptive to your next cycle after this cleanse.....fyi.

10-08-2017, 05:48 PM
i'm not sure if a cleanse is the best way to lose weight per say long term as it seems most people just gain back the weight once going back to a normal eating pattern.

it does however as cd says make u more receptive to things after...

10-08-2017, 06:23 PM
i'm not sure if a cleanse is the best way to lose weight per say long term as it seems most people just gain back the weight once going back to a normal eating pattern.

it does however as cd says make u more receptive to things after...

It does help with weight loss, because it resets your metabolism after you burn off all of the bullshit that's accumulated over the years in your tissues (PUFAs, heavy metals, etc.). And it definitely makes you more receptive to things. Herbs were a world of difference for me after the initial feast.

10-08-2017, 06:46 PM
for me personally I gained all the weight back but I didn't have much weight to lose and I intermittent fasted for 4-5 years previously so might be a unique case.

10-08-2017, 07:59 PM
The reason for doing the feast is not primarily to lose weight. I can do that by just eating less. I want to cleanse the system and make it more receptive to herbs.

10-09-2017, 07:42 AM
What are your thoughts on doing coffee enemas or enemas? I read about a couple of recoveries that included enemas. I was thinking of including this during the juice feast.

10-09-2017, 07:59 AM
What are your thoughts on doing coffee enemas or enemas? I read about a couple of recoveries that included enemas. I was thinking of including this during the juice feast.

I did them during my extended juice feast, but they would help none the less during a two week feast. I'd say shoot for about three or four of them during a two week feast. Regular water, not caffeine.

10-09-2017, 08:15 AM
No caffeine? Are the touted benefits not so? Is it too risky or dangerous? I would think water to be sufficient. Water that is purified with my filter (Zero Water filter). Also, should physical activity be minimal during the feast?

I did them during my extended juice feast, but they would help none the less during a two week feast. I'd say shoot for about three or four of them during a two week feast. Regular water, not caffeine.

10-09-2017, 10:27 AM
No caffeine? Are the touted benefits not so? Is it too risky or dangerous? I would think water to be sufficient. Water that is purified with my filter (Zero Water filter). Also, should physical activity be minimal during the feast?

I've never done it, so I can't talk of the benefits, but during the feast your aim is to reduce intake of all substances other then juice and water for maximum cleansing effect. You wan't to be resting your system as much as possible, not revving your adrenals up with caffeine.

Zero water is your best bet.

You also want to keep all activity aside from simple walking and chores of daily living. Again, you want to rest during this phase. All energy will be routed into cleansing your system the more you don't use the energy. This will result in a better cleansing effect.

10-09-2017, 02:29 PM
This is going to take some getting used to. I miss solid food already. Maybe the candida will go away by doing this.

10-09-2017, 02:30 PM
This is going to take some getting used to. I miss solid food already. Maybe the candida will go away by doing this.You can eliminate it completely if you go long enough

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10-11-2017, 05:26 PM
6 Benefits Of Fasting and Cleansing - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFrAHnRYfNc)

10-11-2017, 09:18 PM
Day 2 of Juice Fast.

Feeling mental fog. Erection frequency returning. Feeling less energy. Must be detoxing?

Got back results from tests conducted back in May 2017.

Free T3 levels: 2.8 pg/mL

Reverse T3 levels: 20.6 ng/dL

Free T3 / Reverse T3 ratio: 0.13

Should be > 0.20 according to some in the medical profession.

Not good apparently.

10-12-2017, 11:39 AM
Day 3 of Juice Feast.

Getting easier to do this. No more hunger pangs. Feeling less brain fog.
Weight loss: ~ 4 lbs

10-12-2017, 11:43 AM
How long are you shooting for Bizbee? I'm also on day three of the Juice Feast. Had terrible headaches the first two days and today feeling a bit of nausea drinking the juice

10-12-2017, 11:43 AM
How long are you shooting for Bizbee? I'm also on day three of the Juice Feast. Had terrible headaches the first two days and today feeling a bit of nausea drinking the juiceHeadaches are a sign of detox and are to be expected. They will pass

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10-12-2017, 11:56 AM
Thanks, No headache to report today, albeit they have been coming on the afternoons so well see. I'm planning on 7 days but will assess at that mark and try to go longer. One symptom that has almost instantly cleared up is knee pain. I've been suffering almost Osteoporosis like knee pain for about six months, which at 32 yo sucks ! 3 days in and its cleared up! Go figure.

10-12-2017, 01:27 PM
3 weeks.

How long are you shooting for Bizbee? I'm also on day three of the Juice Feast. Had terrible headaches the first two days and today feeling a bit of nausea drinking the juice

10-12-2017, 01:47 PM
Good luck man !

10-12-2017, 07:36 PM
Anyone got any ideas for treating candida? I just bought Nature's Answer Brand Blackwalnut, wormwood, and clove extract for the parasite. Need to see doc for H. Pylori.

By the way, brain fog clearing up more so with each day. Feeling better.

10-12-2017, 07:53 PM
Anyone got any ideas for treating candida? I just bought Nature's Answer Brand Blackwalnut, wormwood, and clove extract for the parasite. Need to see doc for H. Pylori.

By the way, brain fog clearing up more so with each day. Feeling better.

I'm of the opinion that those things are mainly thyroid-related and will clear up naturally the healthier you get.

If you must take matters into your own hands, oregano oil is the most powerful way.

Save it for after the feast though.

10-12-2017, 08:30 PM
Good deal. I'm going to take oregano oil, and the black walnut / clove / wormwood concoction in order to eliminate the parasite and the yeast after the juice feast. My improvements with energy and strength have stuck since the end of the pro hormone cycle.

10-12-2017, 08:44 PM
Down to 157.6 lbs. Two more weeks of this and I'll be ripped. Hoping to drop to 151 lbs. Also, may take artichoke extract as this helped Chi with recovery to get the liver detoxed and bile production ramped up. Still not having regular bowel movements. Did pull-ups almost back to back with no fatigue setting in as before. Definitely a new baseline has been reached in muscle definition, development, and energy for exertion. Very happy.

10-12-2017, 09:25 PM
Source Naturals Horny Goat weed purchased today. 10% Icariin content.

10-13-2017, 09:54 AM
Woke up with raging wood this morning after taking HGW.

The admins at PH are apparently cracking down hardcore on the so-called "home-brewers". C$#ksuckers.
They are calling for a "shutting down" of SolvePFS, calling it a failure. Awor gave me a warning that I would be banned if I continued with my "destructive" criticisms. I told him I would be glad to halt trips down to the depths of hell in order to show people a viable path out of this mess.

10-13-2017, 11:06 AM
why do you think a lot of them are like that bizbee? is it because of the lawsuit money or something else?

10-13-2017, 11:08 AM
They want to retain credibility within the public eye and most importantly within the medical and scientific community by not espousing 'unproven' methods such as the protocol you are following.

road to recover
10-13-2017, 02:24 PM
Woke up with raging wood this morning after taking HGW.

The admins at PH are apparently cracking down hardcore on the so-called "home-brewers". C$#ksuckers.
They are calling for a "shutting down" of SolvePFS, calling it a failure. Awor gave me a warning that I would be banned if I continued with my "destructive" criticisms. I told him I would be glad to halt trips down to the depths of hell in order to show people a viable path out of this mess.

You were very rude to him, which was unprovoked and derailed a conversation about how to take that site forward, including the possible reopening of a theories section. So it's a bit rich to come here and whine about it, you could easily have been banned outright for insulting someone who was hit a lot more badly by it than you were.

Seems you come across as rude and aggressive on every PFS site you frequent and invariably piss people off. Maybe try having a look at your own actions first.

10-13-2017, 02:24 PM
I've read that androsterone is a thyroid hormone mimetic. Has anyone information on whether this pro hormone is actually restoring proper thyroid function? It seems that after a few cycles people are going back to normal given that they are following the protocol closely.

10-13-2017, 06:34 PM
I've read that androsterone is a thyroid hormone mimetic. Has anyone information on whether this pro hormone is actually restoring proper thyroid function? It seems that after a few cycles people are going back to normal given that they are following the protocol closely.

mitch who is one of the first to fully recovered recovered using adrenal and thyroid glandulars so I'm really excited to add those to my stack when I can get new ones...

seems to simplistic but perhaps pfs is a thyroid issue? or at least one of the many factors. My body tempeture is very low like 34C but as I'm improving and doing some ray peat stuff it's gone higher. (today 36.8)

10-13-2017, 09:22 PM
Yes I was rude and that was being restrained. He and his minion dogs have dissuaded countless others in attempting to try alternative methods such as those shown here. They have ostracized and ridiculed those who have pleaded on that god-awful hellish forum that these alternatives do indeed work. INDEED, they have even gone so far as to make the grotesque claim that recovery does not and cannot possibly happen with diet, exercise, and herbs; it is more a matter of chance than a deliberate and conscientious effort on the part of dedicated followers. They have closed the 'Theories' section in an effort to quell the sounds of dissent from the so-called 'home-brewers' and have now assumed the role of the 'Church of PFS' with their donation baskets out pacing up and down the aisle asking for nothing but donations towards the PFS foundation. The 'home-brewers' have become the apostates. I have no issue with donating to a worthy foundation but when that is seen as the only recourse and no viable alternatives are even entertained any longer then this is clearly a problem.

Yes, I am rude and aggressive at times and that can in fact be a virtue in facing truths and solving the problem. Although, I would have to disagree with you that on this forum here I have been particularly rude to anyone. Perhaps you could indulge us by posting a snippet from this forum in which I've apparently been rude. I believe I have been courteous to those on this forum because they embrace discussion and controversy in order to arrive at optimal solutions. As for banning, I could give two sh$#s about whether or not I ever get to post my thoughts and feelings on that forum ever again. And if you don't like my supposedly crass demeanor than you can run with your tail between your legs back to awor and PVDL from PH and ask for them to give you a bone.

You were very rude to him, which was unprovoked and derailed a conversation about how to take that site forward, including the possible reopening of a theories section. So it's a bit rich to come here and whine about it, you could easily have been banned outright for insulting someone who was hit a lot more badly by it than you were.

Seems you come across as rude and aggressive on every PFS site you frequent and invariably piss people off. Maybe try having a look at your own actions first.

10-13-2017, 09:26 PM
Are you using armour thyroid? What are you adding to your stack exactly?

mitch who is one of the first to fully recovered recovered using adrenal and thyroid glandulars so I'm really excited to add those to my stack when I can get new ones...

seems to simplistic but perhaps pfs is a thyroid issue? or at least one of the many factors. My body tempeture is very low like 34C but as I'm improving and doing some ray peat stuff it's gone higher. (today 36.8)

10-13-2017, 09:37 PM
I hate to somewhat tarnish the sanctity and purity of a forum such as this but I felt the need to post this poisonous, caustic spew from PH in order to make a point to our friend 'road to recover' that he seems to have misplaced some of his loathing:

"I'd like to share a concern I have re sense of community. It's very clear to me, simply by contrasting the new members topic titles and content on solve and many here with the older ones that an attitude has taken hold of "I'M going to beat this, I'M not going to end up like THEM." I think this is based on the professed attitudes of a couple of supposed recoveries. This is manifest in the whole PFS forum at "swole source" where they basically try and diet, exercise and herb their way out of PFS. As far as I could see there was only one originally mild (I know pfs is not mild for anyone, but in relative terms) case who got better, the rest are doing a strict regime with extremely mixed results. The universally declarative and erroneous description English gave of the PFS crash was enough to clarify that what he and CDNuts recovered from was not the PFS myself and many others are suffering. I feel that while they give people hope that is sorely lacking from our struggle, it comes with a differentiation between those who "have what it takes" and those who can't be bothered to get better, like they've swallowed a paleo Ayn Rand book. There's a certainty that is completely unwarranted and unsubstantiatable. I absolutely am not suggesting for a second they shouldn't follow the route they wish to take and believe helped them, but combined with other factors, you can visibly see this outlook has contributed to a serious erosion of fellowship and introduced a tribal competitiveness that is absolutely useless and self defeating. They talk of the victims here disparagingly and wish to differentiate themselves, yet theyve had no more results than any other forum. I really don't see what can be done about this besides the uncovering of what PFS is, which really is making this struggle so impossible on so many levels. Everyone looks like a hypochondriac, no treatment works, sufferers left right and centre are saying "PFS is this!", all the while it's the cruellest punishment imaginable. I truly hope you are right in that this horror will relatively soon be dragged into the light."

I find it a bit RICH that YOU road to recover would find me in contempt for simply being a little rude to them when this is the sort of thing they spew.

10-13-2017, 10:50 PM
You were very rude to him, which was unprovoked and derailed a conversation about how to take that site forward, including the possible reopening of a theories section. So it's a bit rich to come here and whine about it, you could easily have been banned outright for insulting someone who was hit a lot more badly by it than you were.

Seems you come across as rude and aggressive on every PFS site you frequent and invariably piss people off. Maybe try having a look at your own actions first.
Pull your head in. We don't have this back and forth nonsense on this forum like propecia help does.

If you want to stick up for the likes of them, stay there and don't post here.

road to recover
10-14-2017, 03:10 AM
For the record I was going to come on and praise bizzbee for making that post (made on there later on), but I was in bed on Euro time and thought I'd leave it until today. Sometimes amidst the vitriol he can make a good contribution, and I appreciate his sacrifice and letting people know his success.

I also haven't posted there in years and support as many people as possible trying the cdnuts route, rather than making excuses sticking their finger up their arse in a state of analysis paralysis like on 'solvepfs'. It's worth remembering, for the likes of snell, that I can recall when cdnuts was a poster there, and he supported both the studies and stuck up for the head admin guy. It's not as black and white as the "PH is responsible for everything bad" crowd here have tried to make out.

Personally I am resolved to recovering via the path laid out here, but I appreciate efforts to find out exactly what happened via studies and so on.

10-14-2017, 03:38 AM
I hate to somewhat tarnish the sanctity and purity of a forum such as this but I felt the need to post this poisonous, caustic spew from PH in order to make a point to our friend 'road to recover' that he seems to have misplaced some of his loathing:

"I'd like to share a concern I have re sense of community. It's very clear to me, simply by contrasting the new members topic titles and content on solve and many here with the older ones that an attitude has taken hold of "I'M going to beat this, I'M not going to end up like THEM." I think this is based on the professed attitudes of a couple of supposed recoveries. This is manifest in the whole PFS forum at "swole source" where they basically try and diet, exercise and herb their way out of PFS. As far as I could see there was only one originally mild (I know pfs is not mild for anyone, but in relative terms) case who got better, the rest are doing a strict regime with extremely mixed results. The universally declarative and erroneous description English gave of the PFS crash was enough to clarify that what he and CDNuts recovered from was not the PFS myself and many others are suffering. I feel that while they give people hope that is sorely lacking from our struggle, it comes with a differentiation between those who "have what it takes" and those who can't be bothered to get better, like they've swallowed a paleo Ayn Rand book. There's a certainty that is completely unwarranted and unsubstantiatable. I absolutely am not suggesting for a second they shouldn't follow the route they wish to take and believe helped them, but combined with other factors, you can visibly see this outlook has contributed to a serious erosion of fellowship and introduced a tribal competitiveness that is absolutely useless and self defeating. They talk of the victims here disparagingly and wish to differentiate themselves, yet theyve had no more results than any other forum. I really don't see what can be done about this besides the uncovering of what PFS is, which really is making this struggle so impossible on so many levels. Everyone looks like a hypochondriac, no treatment works, sufferers left right and centre are saying "PFS is this!", all the while it's the cruellest punishment imaginable. I truly hope you are right in that this horror will relatively soon be dragged into the light."

I find it a bit RICH that YOU road to recover would find me in contempt for simply being a little rude to them when this is the sort of thing they spew.

The above is exactly why i hate that place, filled with prophets of doom, i've said it time and time again that these guys stand in their own way, they are negative defeatist people, this is the biggest obstacle to their own recovery, but they are blind to their own faults and weakness and would never admit it.

And fine if you want to live life that way but they also want to pull everyone else down with them and attack anyone who says they got their life back on track, that argument works both ways, how the fuck do they possibly know that guys haven't got better from PFS, do they have some special type crystal ball that tells them everyones lying and people don't know their own bodies, no they are simply guys like us here who instead have CHOSEN to be negative, who have chosen to say its irreversible, who have chosen to give up, they present themselves as some sort of all knowing gods, who post scientific study after study and are no doubt articulate intelligent people, but really at the back of it and behind all the bullshit they are just guys like us here but who have chosen to give up, basically lets all hold hands and stay in pfs hell forever and dont dare say its possible to recover.

I was scared of that stuff in the early days and it really brought me to the brink, the damage that place does to your mind is unspeakable, you cant unsee or unread some of that bile, they just dont get that though. I wish all new guys going there would know this and for them not to be scared and to realise the admins of these sites do not know everything, they have their own agenda, wheter it be an ego trip, getting off on posting the scariest most detailed study and keeping their flock in fear or something else, but it's kinda sick really.

Finally I fucking guarantee that these guys that scoff at the protocol have not given it a shot for a good amount of time or a shot at all, they're too busy wallowing online and searching for the next study that they hope will confirm they are eternally condemned, seriously fucked up mindset, how on earth could they possibly get better.

Anyway thats enough from me about that place, we all know it's somewhere to be avoided.

10-14-2017, 06:38 AM
Yes, let's now close the gates of hell after having to be reminded with a small peep what it is like and let's pursue our paths once again to Valhalla.

10-14-2017, 11:18 AM
The above is exactly why i hate that place, filled with prophets of doom, i've said it time and time again that these guys stand in their own way, they are negative defeatist people, this is the biggest obstacle to their own recovery, but they are blind to their own faults and weakness and would never admit it.

And fine if you want to live life that way but they also want to pull everyone else down with them and attack anyone who says they got their life back on track, that argument works both ways, how the fuck do they possibly know that guys haven't got better from PFS, do they have some special type crystal ball that tells them everyones lying and people don't know their own bodies, no they are simply guys like us here who instead have CHOSEN to be negative, who have chosen to say its irreversible, who have chosen to give up, they present themselves as some sort of all knowing gods, who post scientific study after study and are no doubt articulate intelligent people, but really at the back of it and behind all the bullshit they are just guys like us here but who have chosen to give up, basically lets all hold hands and stay in pfs hell forever and dont dare say its possible to recover.

I was scared of that stuff in the early days and it really brought me to the brink, the damage that place does to your mind is unspeakable, you cant unsee or unread some of that bile, they just dont get that though. I wish all new guys going there would know this and for them not to be scared and to realise the admins of these sites do not know everything, they have their own agenda, wheter it be an ego trip, getting off on posting the scariest most detailed study and keeping their flock in fear or something else, but it's kinda sick really.

Finally I fucking guarantee that these guys that scoff at the protocol have not given it a shot for a good amount of time or a shot at all, they're too busy wallowing online and searching for the next study that they hope will confirm they are eternally condemned, seriously fucked up mindset, how on earth could they possibly get better.

Anyway thats enough from me about that place, we all know it's somewhere to be avoided.

I don't get it. They just eat mcdonalds and binge drink everyday and stay sedentary? Confuses me. I was doing like 80% of the protocol before I even crashed or knew cdnuts though

10-14-2017, 11:24 AM
People get what they put in, and they always get what they deserve.

Awor comes back to bash Homebrew and people trying to get better in the second breath he says that he barely has the energy left to live his own life.......maybe you could've tried that Homebrew stuff.....

Anyway, that's why I left that place in the rearview and don't log on to answer PMs or help. Not worth it.

10-14-2017, 11:47 AM
People get what they put in, and they always get what they deserve.

Awor comes back to bash Homebrew and people trying to get better in the second breath he says that he barely has the energy left to live his own life.......maybe you could've tried that Homebrew stuff.....

Anyway, that's why I left that place in the rearview and don't log on to answer PMs or help. Not worth it.

glad you're still around here, man. PH wouldn't even accept me as a member lol.

fucking wish I didn't find that site. it might have stressed me out the point of making me crash as I found it the last few days till I totally melted down. felt like my androgens were slowly being turned off like a faucet and then finding PH on top. wouldn't be surprised if that website alone causes pfs in some people.

10-14-2017, 11:55 AM
I don't get it. They just eat mcdonalds and binge drink everyday and stay sedentary? Confuses me. I was doing like 80% of the protocol before I even crashed or knew cdnuts though

I honestly don't know what they are doing now man, I think the main focus was/is the silver bullet, as in a drug that will cure all, but the underlying belief from the top is that it is permanent and any idea of recovery is laughable, however that is entirely based on their opinion, nothing else.

And look, of course I get the need to understand it, everybody is entitled to go their own way with this however my gripe is that these guys have influence, and use that influence in a desperately negative way, damaging guys hopes of a recovery which can lead to suicide and shut down people that say they are doing better. Lord Awor, Lord Mew for all we know these guys are stuck behind computers with fat guts suffering from depression who havent got off their ass and put in the graft, and have possibly fucked themselves up much more by taking different drug treatments

10-14-2017, 02:24 PM
I'm ending the juice feast today. I've dropped about 8 lbs. It's been about a week. I've seen some good benefits, especially with clear headedness and energy going through the roof. I did some high intensity cardio today (speed hiking) for about 2 hours with little fatigue and absolutely no bloat afterwards. This would have been unheard of 5 years ago. Even a year ago I would have felt exhausted and laid on the couch for a few hours to recover. Coffee would have screwed my system up in the past. Now it's like whatever. I have a cup here and there and I'm fine. I have also done sets of pull-ups the day before and today I started to feel that soreness like I did when normal. When I was normal, it would hurt the next to try to do more pull-ups. It hurts now just like it did back then. It's like my body is finally responding to exercise the way it should. I can't wait for my next pro hormone cycle. Still debating on whether to use the oral or transdermal form of androsterone. The epi andro was too much.

I think I may continue with intermittent fasting here and there. Seems to have good benefits. Ok, it's dinner time, haven't eaten all day. Better ease into it.

10-15-2017, 03:03 PM
Just to touch on the garbage from that other pathetic site....

Anyone who is serious about healing needs to stay away from those places for good. They will do nothing for you but knock you down and try to suck the wind out of your sails. This is the last thing you need in your current situation.

Positive, forward and consistent effort is all you need along with the right mindset. This is it. Everything you need to get where you want to go is HERE.

I never understood the people who have the outlook that this is something that is permanent and dwell on that fact. They just don't get it. They them selves perpetuate their own misery and suffering. This is fact.

If you go back and read my old, old posts on that site, even in my own suffering I tried to tell those guys that they were going about this all wrong. It of course fell on deaf ears.

To say that myself or English didn't have PFS is completely laughable.

You guys that have been around here long enough know the truth. This is the only thing you need.

10-18-2017, 07:50 AM
Don't know what to attribute this to, perhaps it is the coffee, but I when I step on the scale every morning I don't have the extra weight associated with bloat or water retention. Even after a meal. And I haven't exactly been eating the cleanest since the feast ended. Taking two cups espresso a day now, along with pine pollen tincture (60-90 droplets), and the oil of oregano (5-6 drops per day). I sure would like to narrow this down.

Sounds like some of you have had fantastic results with pine pollen tincture. I had nocturnals all night last night. Don't know if it was the caffeine or pine or both. Wish I could pinpoint.

10-18-2017, 08:35 AM
I used oregano oil in the past. I don't recommend it. It might just be me, but I felt it made me worse after coming off it.

I wouldn't worry about trying to sort out the gut on its own. That will happen itself once the hormones come back to normal.

10-18-2017, 09:19 AM
You're really a believer in this huh? The infrequent bowel movements, constipation, bloating, water retention, food sensitivities, etc... will all be rectified once the hormone situation is also rectified.

I used oregano oil in the past. I don't recommend it. It might just be me, but I felt it made me worse after coming off it.

I wouldn't worry about trying to sort out the gut on its own. That will happen itself once the hormones come back to normal.

10-18-2017, 09:41 AM
Don't know what to attribute this to, perhaps it is the coffee, but I when I step on the scale every morning I don't have the extra weight associated with bloat or water retention. Even after a meal. And I haven't exactly been eating the cleanest since the feast ended. Taking two cups espresso a day now, along with pine pollen tincture (60-90 droplets), and the oil of oregano (5-6 drops per day). I sure would like to narrow this down.

Sounds like some of you have had fantastic results with pine pollen tincture. I had nocturnals all night last night. Don't know if it was the caffeine or pine or both. Wish I could pinpoint.You can't really attribute it to one thing. You have to consider that everything you're doing protocol wise is adding to your newfound vitality

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10-18-2017, 12:19 PM
yeah I have water retention.. I only notice it on my face particularly on my cheeks. I think it's from excess cortisol for months.

also slightly more adipose tissue retention. So yeah definitely seems like a cortisol issue.

I do see slight improvements though so I think eventually this will go away.

10-18-2017, 12:37 PM
yeah I have water retention.. I only notice it on my face particularly on my cheeks. I think it's from excess cortisol for months.

also slightly more adipose tissue retention. So yeah definitely seems like a cortisol issue.

I do see slight improvements though so I think eventually this will go away.Everything goes back to normal once you're recovered.

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10-18-2017, 05:35 PM
I'm going to lay off the oregano oil and caffeine and hit 2-3 droppers full of pine pollen tincture every night to see if I still get raging wood. I hope I'm a good responder. I've read reviews with people taking a whole bottle and feeling nothing at all.

10-18-2017, 05:42 PM
You're really a believer in this huh? The infrequent bowel movements, constipation, bloating, water retention, food sensitivities, etc... will all be rectified once the hormone situation is also rectified.

Yes definitely. I tried to fix my gut on my own for ages. It did absolutely nothing for my overall condition other than to potentially make me worse off in some areas. Some of the herbs like oregano oil are extremely concentrated and can interact with hormones. For me, I attributed oregano oil to making me worse once I stopped taking it.

I'd just stick to the list of herbs as per the protocol. They will get rid of all the gut issues. For example, I still had candida around my foreskin before getting on pine pollen and the other herbs. After a month or two, this cleared up. All gut protocols couldn't get rid of this

10-18-2017, 05:43 PM
Remember... This protocol isn't just for PFS. This protocol if followed correctly is basically a one-size-fits-all complete male Health overhaul. If done correctly and consistently you will completely eliminate 99.99% of any possible health conditions that a human male can have.

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10-18-2017, 05:43 PM
The only thing I would ever recommend for the gut is a faecal transplant from a good donor. They can work wonders and I suspect they will be a massive thing of the future. It won't do anything directly for your pfs in the short term, however.

10-18-2017, 05:46 PM
The only thing I would ever recommend for the gut is a faecal transplant from a good donor. They can work wonders and I suspect they will be a massive thing of the future. It won't do anything directly for your pfs in the short term, however.Personally if I had gut issues that were that bad I would fast for as long as humanly possible and then load up on probiotics and go with an extremely Clean Diet.

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10-18-2017, 07:18 PM
Yes definitely. I tried to fix my gut on my own for ages. It did absolutely nothing for my overall condition other than to potentially make me worse off in some areas. Some of the herbs like oregano oil are extremely concentrated and can interact with hormones. For me, I attributed oregano oil to making me worse once I stopped taking it.

I'd just stick to the list of herbs as per the protocol. They will get rid of all the gut issues. For example, I still had candida around my foreskin before getting on pine pollen and the other herbs. After a month or two, this cleared up. All gut protocols couldn't get rid of this

u sure it was candida or just smegma dude? lol

10-18-2017, 07:18 PM
u sure it was candida or just smegma dude? lolLol

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09-19-2023, 04:59 AM
You were very rude to him, which was unprovoked and derailed a conversation about how to take that site forward, including the possible reopening of a theories section. So it's a bit rich to come here and whine about it, you could easily have been banned outright for insulting someone who was hit a lot more badly by it than you were.

Seems you come across as rude and aggressive on every PFS site you frequent and invariably piss people off. Maybe try having a look at your own actions first.

Fuck Allen Worthington the gimp

09-20-2023, 02:22 PM
Remember... This protocol isn't just for PFS. This protocol if followed correctly is basically a one-size-fits-all complete male Health overhaul. If done correctly and consistently you will completely eliminate 99.99% of any possible health conditions that a human male can have.

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Wow, every every possible health condition. There must be lifetimes worth of research on it!

09-22-2023, 06:20 PM
Wow, every every possible health condition. There must be lifetimes worth of research on it!

Lol, astonishing.

Shouldn't this be On the front pages?

Every human disease is eliminated by the Dr see these nuts health protocol?

09-23-2023, 11:47 AM
99.9% of all male illnesses, probably the dumbest comment I've seen in this cult. That says a lot

09-23-2023, 05:42 PM
Wow, every every possible health condition. There must be lifetimes worth of research on it!

I admit the phrasing is rather clumsy, but I think it is worth noting that it probably does play a large preventative role for most health conditions.
Priming your epigenetics will dramatically reduce the risk of developing health conditions, and will alleviate chronic conditions (depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue etc.)

09-23-2023, 09:12 PM
Still not as dumb as thatncuntnEngkish
With his fucking phsyiologicalnresponsembollocks
Stupid arrogantly