View Full Version : Fenugreek

12-16-2017, 12:05 PM
Alrete. Right so im making small baby steps now on the regimen but I just had abit of an unearthing discovery. So to cut story short i was messed up from taking fenugreek. Now I always believed id taken an extract which would be of a similar volume found in the herbal testosterone boosters. 500mg ish

Now this morning I decided to revisit the product to remind myself on the directions and got a shock.

What I actually took was the seeds, no extract at all. One capsule is 610mg and the directions are take 1too 2 capsules upto 3 times daily. Thats like fuking 3600mg of fenugreek ffs!! No wonder I’ve been in the shit all this time. Took it for 10 days and wiped out!

I mean what actually is testofen? Its extracted male enhanced properties only? Am i over reacting here? Are the un-extracted version of herbs not as powerful?

Ffs, now i get why ive suffered! Only took it as the bloke behind the till was raving on about fenugreek testosterone and libido.

Good n Natural Fenugreek Capsules 610mg | Holland Barrett - the UK’s Leading Health Retailer (http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/shop/product/good-n-natural-fenugreek-capsules-610mg-60006020?bvstate=pg:2/ct:r&&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_adid=177419084372&utm_adgID=58700002156553512&gclid=CjwKCAiApdPRBRAdEiwA84bo31z8VeXuNNJdKcKf9yV8 RA10fc4_79qxjSgW4oM5rOPoHStgii40FxoCXtoQAvD_BwE)

12-17-2017, 03:45 AM
That dosage must be even more powerful than finasteride?!?!?

Im freaking out here

12-17-2017, 05:06 AM
Im freaking out because do you think this affects/prevents a recovery at all? I mean thats a massive dose. I could fukin hang myself right now im so distressed

12-17-2017, 03:26 PM
Im freaking out because do you think this affects/prevents a recovery at all? I mean thats a massive dose. I could fukin hang myself right now im so distressed

What's done is done, the only option you have now is to continue the protocol, which will eventually correct you no matter how had off you are, provided your sympoms are 5ar-related.

12-17-2017, 05:04 PM
That's no more than I took of Saw Palmetto (a 10:1 extract), for over a month and a half, and I'm healed.

Stop dwelling on the past my man, this dosage of Fenugreek isn't going to keep you from accomplishing anything. You're getting into your own head here - I thought you had been following the protocol listed here? Why are you thinking of hanging yourself at this point? Is that going to fix anything besides harming those that you care about and care about you?

Keep pressing on man, you'll be fine. I was pretty fucked up - way more fucked up than my Propecia Help post lead on at the time (was overly optimistic about my symptoms - hey, at least I was trying right) and I'm fine now. You will be as well.

12-18-2017, 02:07 AM
Ok, ive chilled out again, i just literally freaked the fuck out after actually learning of the dosage i took after all this time past. In my head it was simply a mediocre dose i took not something sky high like that. Bit of a shock. Spat dummy out.

Cheers guys. Yeah maxout on the regimen seeing some early subtle positive things so im on the right track. 👍

Discovered aswell guys take these fenugreek dosages for pct like upto 4g even 5g a day so on par with that.

I don’t really understand these extracts and standardisations? I mean an extract could be like 500mg? And the standard version 3000mg? What does that mean...is the extract more concentrated somehow?


12-18-2017, 04:15 PM
stop looking up the problem bro, just implement the solution. Of course you can get better, you've not lost a limb... its going to turn time, effort and most importantly a strong mind but if you want it then you got this... calm your mind and keep on keeping on

12-19-2017, 07:10 AM
Cheers guys.

I remember that 10days on fenugreek and my face was so hot flushed the whole time. It skyrocketed estrogen and I know estrogen is far more suppressive than roids to the hpta.

Update: im now 3 months into the regimen. Before all of this i used to sleep like a baby, very heavy sleeper. Ive not slept as well as that for 3 years.
Im now sleeping incredibly again like a teenager to the point i cant get up in the morning. Its a great sign. Can i ask is this one of the first things to return?

I know mental things will return before physical stuff.

12-19-2017, 07:15 AM
Sleep is essentially your ‘human recharge,’ when lots of growing takes place. When the sleep becomes better, so does the bodies capacity to heal. So yes, a very good sign.

But be aware, there will be ups and downs and you need to keep a good mental state to take the rough with the smooth. When you’re bad, instead of freaking and worrying, know that this is how it goes and you’ll be on the up again before long. Also, when you’re on the up, don’t allow your anxiety to tank you when a dip begins...

You know the drill.

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12-19-2017, 07:30 AM
Cheers swill. Yeah like a teenager when you sleep so much obviously the body is going through some pretty big changes so I’ll take it. These herbs are pretty damn powerful

12-20-2017, 09:25 AM
Ive been doing more research on fenugreek, Alot of guys use it in there pcts espcially after coming off superdrol cycles with no problems whatsoever. However some guys do report gyno and lactation and also this which is deeply alarming... this has been posted across various bodybuilding sites.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential antifertility activity of feeding diets containing 30% fenugreek seeds to male and female white New Zealand rabbits. RESULTS: The data presented in this study clearly demonstrate an antifertility effect of fenugreek seeds in the female rabbits and more of a toxicity effect in the male rabbits. In males, testis weight was reduced, with evident damage to the seminiferous tubules and interstitial tissues as shown by the histopathology of testis tissue sections. In addition, the plasma concentration of the androgen hormone and sperm concentrations were halved in the treated animals. In the case of the females, there was evidence of a significant reduction of developing fetuses as observed by reductions of both fetal and placental weights at 20 days of gestation and of the litter size. This was further supported histopathologically by the observed proliferative changes of the endometrial glands. The circulating plasma progesterone concentrations at 10 and 20 days of gestation significantly increased with no significant effect on the prebreeding estrogen concentrations in the treated animals.

Now ok, im on the regimen and i am beginning to see some subtle changes. But what if im in situation whereby my own testes have been damaged from this stuff? I am still barking up the right tree? I know these studies were done on rabbits but were still only animals ourselves.


12-20-2017, 02:23 PM
get it tested if u can while still sticking to the regimen I suppose.

does it say if the damage is permanent even?

cuz freepress on here crashed from fenugreek too and he made a full recovery in 8 months.

Totally understand were you're coming from cuz u want to be realisitic in your chance of recovery and not have rose coloured glasses on but I think if freepress did it with a regimin not even as suffisticated as cdnuts's. Than you can too.

I too freak out cuz I crashed from something very few people have crashed from (RU58841) so I too have to do my due dilligence to make sure i'm not missing something.

12-20-2017, 02:28 PM
I don’t know how one tests for testicular damage but i am totally freaked out. I mean the symptom that bothers me the most which ive lived with for 3 years its that my genitals are shrunken high n tight cold lifeless 24/7, its horrendous. You experienced this mate?

12-20-2017, 02:37 PM
mine were like that at first. Like they shrunk to 10% of original size. Now they're pretty normal but they don't go to the big end of size that they were if say I didn't ejaculate for a week.

but bro u should be happy right there. I said freepress from here recovered fully from fenugreek. go read his posts rather than stressing yourself out. U also u should read english's posts cuz you're also giving yourself a heart attack from your anxiety which is not good for recovery. Meditate. Breathe.

12-20-2017, 02:52 PM
Why the hell are you doing this to yourself mate?! I just don’t get it?! Do you want to be scared and fearful? Do you want to convince yourself you’re the case that can’t get better? Do you want to limit the effectiveness of the good you’re doing because you’re scared shitless?

Yes the testicles thing is normal for people in our situation.

You took an endocrine disrupting drug, you are suffering the results due to whatever gets screwed with us, be it neurochemistry, endocrine issues, etc.

You also know the only way to get better, which would apply in any case, which is to holistically heal by giving your body the perfect conditions with which to do so. It really is that simple.

Leave the google searches and get about living your life and improving. You’re being your own worst enemy.

Given perfect conditions, your body WILL respond and will heal. Just make sure you’re doing the right things, most important of which is the not having a breakdown every time you google something you know you shouldn’t be looking at for your sanity.

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12-20-2017, 04:06 PM
My mind can run amok at times if i let it and before I know it i end up in a state so i do need to work on that. Im great full for subtle changes tho so early on but i kid you not that symptom i find very difficult living with.
Ill batter down the hatches and carry on. Must admit i am proud of myself so far with this. The paleo, weight training and the rest, i look the best ive looked for a long time except for downstairs of course. Knowing you guys had this shrinkage shit goes along way with me mentally. Can’t tell you how far your responses have helped past cpl of days. Cheers and this is why this forum is a blessing, every credit.

01-13-2018, 07:02 PM
My mind can run amok at times if i let it and before I know it i end up in a state so i do need to work on that. Im great full for subtle changes tho so early on but i kid you not that symptom i find very difficult living with.
Ill batter down the hatches and carry on. Must admit i am proud of myself so far with this. The paleo, weight training and the rest, i look the best ive looked for a long time except for downstairs of course. Knowing you guys had this shrinkage shit goes along way with me mentally. Can’t tell you how far your responses have helped past cpl of days. Cheers and this is why this forum is a blessing, every credit.

If you're ever read my posts on that other forum, going back about 8 or more years at this point, my junk was shrunk up high and tight and ice cold....for years.

Like everything else, it will pass. Keep doing what you know needs to be done. No need to worry. Good things ahead my friend.

01-16-2018, 04:21 PM
CD did you have the chronic dry skin bit too? Im looking forward to getting some damn oil bk in my skin at some point

01-16-2018, 07:25 PM
CD did you have the chronic dry skin bit too? Im looking forward to getting some damn oil bk in my skin at some point

Yup. Gotta get your hormones firing on all cylinders.