View Full Version : Alchemical Recovery out of hell of PSSD after taking similar 5ar pharma drug

01-07-2018, 10:45 AM
Hi guys, great to be part of the group. I've come here to journey my recovery as I am to begin the protocol and to be honest I need some support of some kind in this lonely journey as there is no one who can understand what we're going through and I do not wish to burden anyone with this kind of ordeal irl as I do not want people to feel sorry for me but merely to understand but it's easier to share on a forum with many others going through the same thing.

A bit of back story, Went through a breakdown leading to a psychotic episode back when in early twenties (now early 30's) and took pharmaceutical drug which is a 5h2a inhibitator which I didn't have a clue at the time and a week later shut down everything. it was a hellish experience and knew something was wrong, very similar to the pfs shutdown. Numb genitals, crazy head pressure, anhedonia. It was like a switch just turned off in my body and lost basically everything, job gf and health. I immediately stopped taking it didn't taper, and don't think it would have made a difference, as the damage was already done. The docs lied and said the sides would subside, but I never had any faith in them so never believed them. I only took the pills as I taken to the psyche ward as emergency and so had little choice but to take them

I still have pstd from the whole experience and the mental torture,the regret and missed years just existing still haunts me to this day. I managed to reach a baseline after the initial crashto bring some balance into my state. This was dome through strengthening my adrenals as I found out had adrenal fatigue, which improved my energy as before that I was more or less bed ridden with horrible head pressure where my mind felt like it was frozen. Still it didn't help the sexual and mental sides that much.. many pssd sufferes are going through similar level of symptoms and suffering as pfs's. They also have a forum dedicated to finding a cure very much similar to propeciahelp, where the community is hellbent on convincing themselves that it is permanent with admins dismissing anyone who recovers natually. Meanwhile they are encouraged to experiment with different theories and drugs to reverse the the effects of dopamine antagonistic pharmaceutical drugs instead of going through a holistic approach.

It's nearly been a decade and in between self medicating through chasing sex, porn, smoking and pretending that I'm ok, I've been flirting with different protocols, doing a lot of research in the field of fasting, the gut, regeneration of cells, neuroplasticity but never sticking to one mode of approach as much of the information was scattered and my mind would put me in doubt even though some would have an effect like abstaining from sugar, nofap etc.

I covered books such as ultra mind, the tao of health, sex and longevity and the chinese book of health and healing and they all match up to what is outlined in CD's protocol minus the Qigong which I'm sure can be incorporated without harm. The herbs half of them already have from learning about them through books, cold showers already do from time to time but will make it everyday. Already have chlorine shower filter and don't ever use any deodorants with aluminum or unnatural creams. Nofap already been doing on and off but since I had ocd even before this wholeordeal it's been difficult to stop obsessing about sex even with the dysfunction.

I already have a background in meditation and breathing, however when everything switched off I don't seem to reap the benefits so fast as if you would if your functions were in order. I even done 10 day retreat meditating 10 hours a day and didn't do much of a transformative effect mainly because the food were vegetarian grains which ruined my stomach the whole time I was there. So sadly I didn't maintain my practice and ditched being strict with my diet as the candida made me crave lots of junk carbs.

I've seen naturopaths, muscle biofeedback therapists and nutritionists and all told me different things which were resulting in the issue. First adrenal fatigue, candida, inflammation leaking gut and that much is all true. I react badly to gluten and stupidly because I didn't have that much belief in any protocol that would send me back to my old self, I didn't take too much heed and abandoned the candida style diet.

So when I stumbled upon totatmaleoptimisation, i realised that without doubt that it isn't going to be a shot in the dark and now is the time for no hearted efforts but to go full in and incorporate everything outlined in the protocol. It's great that is all laid out in no uncertain terms, as I am all or nothing and when things are scattered from different people telling you hear and there that this worked, this didn't it gets a bit confusing and disheartening, especially when they do not suffer with identical symptoms

Right now I'm on day 5 on juice fast. I done juice and water fast in the past, but then would slowly eat bad foods that needed to be avoided at all costs, and would lose the benefits quickly. So will go on paleo without much difficulty and its great to know I don't need to go raw as have tried before but couldn't give up the meat for too long.

Apologies for the long post, but I think it's important to give some background, so you understand where I'm coming from and so future pssd suffers can come here comfortably and see that it can work for them also

My symptoms currently.
Numb genitals Big problem but a lot more remeasured hearing others had similar and fully recovered all sensation
Non existent libido unless I no fap for a few weeks or take forma stanzol, or after a gym session next day in morning some libido then fades
Bad short term memory
Weak broken voice with stutter
Brain fog
Disconnected perception and feeling from environment
Mental rumination (this is big problem as has made me give up in the past)

Things that are ok but not great
Energy Levels
Can workout and build muscle
Can laugh and make witty jokes which couldn't do when first crashed but still mind is slow retaining new information
Occasional morning and nocturnal wood

I have a couple of questions regarding the protocol

1)If later on I decide to take the prohomornes, considering I have no genetic disposition to hair loss, would hair shedding still occur?

2]And would doing a 5 day juice fast followed by 3 days water fast be decent enough before refeeding? The reason for this is that currently feel weak and have some business to take care and can't be out of action for 2 weeks

01-07-2018, 01:10 PM
haven't really lost any hair on 5th week of prohormones. makes me even more pissed because I got PFS and didn't probably have mpb lmao.

01-07-2018, 02:20 PM
I didn’t lose hair on pro hormones either...now nolvadex which i tried before getting on the regimen last year, fuck me, my hair thinned out summit else...powerful anti-estrogen!

Your in the best place here mate...welcome!

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and with regards to fasting...the more comprehensive fast you adopt and run, the better response youll get from it! Its about how determined you are mate.

- - - Updated - - -

I ran a two week juice fast and might even do another soon

- - - Updated - - -

That and combined with gluten free/paleo my shitting is now great and the rest...mental power, alertness...get on with the regimen

01-07-2018, 02:50 PM
Thanks for the response guys. I will see how I go when a few months into the diet to see if I need to take the prohormones, just wary of nasty sides.

But when I've run forma stanzol the most I got was a bit of acne but it was improving me. Nevertheless will stick with the protocol and not deviate from tried and tested methods.

Will see how I feel in the next two days to see if I can do another week. Right now I'm just excited to get back to eating solids, I love my food.

01-07-2018, 06:46 PM
Decided I'm just going to trudge through the 2 weeks. Always done only 1 week fast before in the past so time to push through.

Will be interesting to see how I feel may after. As the last juice fast I did managed to help ed and since that time I can have sex respectedly and maintain erection throughout.

Tomorrow will sauna to help with the symptoms. Been looking at my Paleo recipe book that I had for a while but never used. So excited to try the recipes and start eating.

Last night I dreamt that I broke my fast by eating cake while asking myself wtf am I doing lol. Happened twice in two different dreams but was relieved when I woke up and know I'm still fasting.

01-07-2018, 07:01 PM
ya during fasting I got tons of dreams about junk food lol. It's the hardest part of the protocol imo.

second hardest is cold showers when it's like -32 already outside in toronto lmao. that parts easy in the summer tho

01-08-2018, 10:06 AM
Yeah it's the heart of winter here in the uk so jumping in the cold shower isn't easy. But I try win Hoff breathing to help tolerate the cold water which helps.

Feeling a lot more positive today since been just fasting on water my head is a lot more clearer. The last few days beginning the juice fast have felt real terrible mentally feeling real bad emotions.

Hopefully that's the worst of the fast behind me but regardless will see it out to the weekend at the very least which will be 11 days.

01-08-2018, 03:16 PM
Yeah it's the heart of winter here in the uk so jumping in the cold shower isn't easy. But I try win Hoff breathing to help tolerate the cold water which helps.

Feeling a lot more positive today since been just fasting on water my head is a lot more clearer. The last few days beginning the juice fast have felt real terrible mentally feeling real bad emotions.

Hopefully that's the worst of the fast behind me but regardless will see it out to the weekend at the very least which will be 11 days.

People don't realize how much they use food as entertainment. Many people use it as a crutch to make them feel better when they're feeling bad. If you think you're hungry, just ask yourself, would I eat an apple right now....if you answered no, you're not really hungry, you're just bored. If you're hungry, you'll eat ANYTHING.

When you're fasting, and you start to feel negative emotions, you have nothing to squash it down with. This is good, and bad. It's good in the fact that you can sit with the emotion, and process it out, instead of forcing it back down and in. The bad thing is, well, you have to experience the negative emotion. This may last a few moments, a few hours, or all damn day. How ever long it lasts, just be present with it. Don't judge it. You're better off experiencing it and letting it be processed then stuffing it back down inside and having to process it at another time. This is what most people have trouble with when fasting.

It will continue to get better the longer you go.

01-08-2018, 03:29 PM
People don't realize how much they use food as entertainment. Many people use it as a crunch to make them feel better when they're feeling bad. If you think you're hungry, just ask yourself, would I eat an apple right now....if you answered no, you're not really hungry, you're just bored. If you're hungry, you'll eat ANYTHING.

When you're fasting, and you start to feel negative emotions, you have nothing to squash it down with. This is good, and bad. It's good in the fact that you can sit with the emotion, and process it out, instead of forcing it back down and in. The bad thing is, well, you have to experience the negative emotion. This may last a few moments, a few hours, or all damn day. How ever long it lasts, just be present with it. Don't judge it. You're better off experiencing it and letting it be processed then stuffing it back down inside and having to process it at another time. This is what most people have trouble with when fasting.

It will continue to get better the longer you go.

I agree as a society in general we have a food addiction or dependency. which is why fasts are good because it helps break that cycle and resets the palate so you're not craving junk.

I became addicted to food to feel good and to numb the discomfort. Not to mention yeast/candidw overgrowth in the gut causes cravings towards sugar and starches.

Before I got sick I was a health freak and could easily abstain from junk. Now have to put in a concerted effort to stay on the straight and narrow in all areas of life.

01-09-2018, 07:31 AM
I agree as a society in general we have a food addiction or dependency. which is why fasts are good because it helps break that cycle and resets the palate so you're not craving junk.

I became addicted to food to feel good and to numb the discomfort. Not to mention yeast/candidw overgrowth in the gut causes cravings towards sugar and starches.

Before I got sick I was a health freak and could easily abstain from junk. Now have to put in a concerted effort to stay on the straight and narrow in all areas of life.

That being said, the more you stay on the straight and narrow, the easier it gets...

01-09-2018, 04:21 PM
Feel much better today, compared to yesterday was a torture.

I think I'm day 8 or 9. Yesterday I just water fasted for 24 hours to see how I got on. Morning to mid afternoon felt ok then evening the worst brain fog, weakness and depressive thoughts ever and was on the cusp of breaking the fast completely, as said to myself before bed that I had reached my limit.

But then today I went back on the juices and this afternoon I feel really good. The brain fog is gone, I have energy and had my first bowel movement since starting the fast which really seemed to make me feel even lighter.

Had a sauna and steam and feel really clean. I'm definitely pushing for at least 14 days now juicing, as I don't feel any hunger, but the most important thing is my energy has returned and I can actually think clearly without the depressive hopeless thoughts and brain fog weighing me down.

01-10-2018, 06:56 AM
Day 10

Thankfully woke up and still feeling energised and clarity which I'm very grateful for. Positivity most importantly has returned which I think is the most important at this stage because it helps fuel the drive to believe that you are moving in the right direction.

Today back water fasting as will not be needing to do much. Thinking if I can feel ok water I will see how it goes, but gets too much I will go back on the juice. Either way I think I've given my body a good break and a nice clean base to start from after 2 weeks juicing and some water fasting here or there.

Used the spare energy to do some light yoga stretching and clean up my apartment. Done some breath work with the bellows breath/yoga fire which cleared up my mind even more. Then some alternate nostril breathing just for the finishing touch and felt terrific terrific terrific

My mind is sharper now
Eyes are white clear
Feeling confident

Got my hands on the Holosync program will be definitely doing that to see what it can do.

Really excited to start program and get down to the good stuff.

Cold showers with win hoff breathing
Meditation morning and evening
Breathing exercises
HIT twice a week
Probiotics/Ferments to build gut wall and immune system
Maybe a 1 day water fast per week on a sunday
Short weight sessions on compound exercises 3 times a week (before got carried away and would do too much leading to overtraining)
Saunas to encourage sweating
Skin cleaning and skin brushing
Conserving sex energy
Cycling the most powerful herbs you can get
Nootropics for optimising brain
Organic paleo diet with carb loading

My god, this shit cannot not work the only other ingredients that will see it through is the will,determination and belief.

I wonder sometimes if getting this ill is a blessing or a curse. Because I know I have to rebuild my entire constitution, and learn to master the mind which reaps eternal benefits. It's like our backs are against the wall, where we are faced with confroning our shadows and removing all the garbage from within ourselves on a multitude of levels.

I like this quote form Napoleon Hill'

''Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”

This is why I like the philosophy here because it isn't just about getting better, it's about moving beyond that level of homoeostasis and achieving total elite level heath in all areas by living in accordance to the laws of nature.

01-10-2018, 08:03 AM
Day 10

Thankfully woke up and still feeling energised and clarity which I'm very grateful for. Positivity most importantly has returned which I think is the most important at this stage because it helps fuel the drive to believe that you are moving in the right direction.

Today back water fasting as will not be needing to do much. Thinking if I can feel ok water I will see how it goes, but gets too much I will go back on the juice. Either way I think I've given my body a good break and a nice clean base to start from after 2 weeks juicing and some water fasting here or there.

Used the spare energy to do some light yoga stretching and clean up my apartment. Done some breath work with the bellows breath/yoga fire which cleared up my mind even more. Then some alternate nostril breathing just for the finishing touch and felt terrific terrific terrific

My mind is sharper now
Eyes are white clear
Feeling confident

Got my hands on the Holosync program will be definitely doing that to see what it can do.

Really excited to start program and get down to the good stuff.

Cold showers with win hoff breathing
Meditation morning and evening
Breathing exercises
HIT twice a week
Probiotics/Ferments to build gut wall and immune system
Maybe a 1 day water fast per week on a sunday
Short weight sessions on compound exercises 3 times a week (before got carried away and would do too much leading to overtraining)
Saunas to encourage sweating
Skin cleaning and skin brushing
Conserving sex energy
Cycling the most powerful herbs you can get
Nootropics for optimising brain
Organic paleo diet with carb loading

My god, this shit cannot not work the only other ingredients that will see it through is the will,determination and belief.

I wonder sometimes if getting this ill is a blessing or a curse. Because I know I have to rebuild my entire constitution, and learn to master the mind which reaps eternal benefits. It's like our backs are against the wall, where we are faced with confroning our shadows and removing all the garbage from within ourselves on a multitude of levels.

I like this quote form Napoleon Hill'

''Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”

This is why I like the philosophy here because it isn't just about getting better, it's about moving beyond that level of homoeostasis and achieving total elite level heath in all areas by living in accordance to the laws of nature.

You get it.

You'll have great success. Just learn to weather the ups and downs and you will reach your goal.

Like you said...you can't not.

01-10-2018, 01:20 PM
You get it.

You'll have great success. Just learn to weather the ups and downs and you will reach your goal.

Like you said...you can't not.

Thanks buddy.

I'm ready for the ups and downs, it will be better than being in limbo with no fluctuations.

I'm confident that I can manage to stay on the straight and narrow, which is the hard part as I have a history of self sabotage but now I have made an oath with myself from new years that I wlll do whatever it takes to reclaim my former self and then some.

This fast has already toughened me up and shown improvements can be made from small details and cleaning up. I done short fasts before but never beyond a week and would usually stop when it got too tough but I somehow managed to go through the bad stage this time and feeling so much more clarity and confidence already.

I expect another dip in mood as my body goes to work on internal cleansing and repair before the end of it, but I'm definitely seeing it out for the 2 week duration.

Also what is helping is to learning to be grateful over the little things and be thankful that I am in a situation where I can juice and buy organic materials to feed my body.

What got me out of the initial crash and pstd was realising there are people going through all types of traumas/injuries and they still fight on. A marine might become paralysed, another person lose their sight, or there are many sadly who over night become victim to a type of cancer. I've personally seen people get into a accident, fall into coma's and then come out in a vegetable state where they cannot do anything for themselves.

So I reminding myself now that even though I have to plough through these obstacles to get back my health, at least I have the opportunity to do so and it can always be worse.

01-10-2018, 02:09 PM
Thanks buddy.

I'm ready for the ups and downs, it will be better than being in limbo with no fluctuations.

I'm confident that I can manage to stay on the straight and narrow, which is the hard part as I have a history of self sabotage but now I have made an oath with myself from new years that I wlll do whatever it takes to reclaim my former self and then some.

This fast has already toughened me up and shown improvements can be made from small details and cleaning up. I done short fasts before but never beyond a week and would usually stop when it got too tough but I somehow managed to go through the bad stage this time and feeling so much more clarity and confidence already.

I expect another dip in mood as my body goes to work on internal cleansing and repair before the end of it, but I'm definitely seeing it out for the 2 week duration.

Also what is helping is to learning to be grateful over the little things and be thankful that I am in a situation where I can juice and buy organic materials to feed my body.

What got me out of the initial crash and pstd was realising there are people going through all types of traumas/injuries and they still fight on. A marine might become paralysed, another person lose their sight, or there are many sadly who over night become victim to a type of cancer. I've personally seen people get into a accident, fall into coma's and then come out in a vegetable state where they cannot do anything for themselves.

So I reminding myself now that even though I have to plough through these obstacles to get back my health, at least I have the opportunity to do so and it can always be worse.Well coming from somebody else who always seemed to be into self-sabotage, if I did it anyone can do it

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01-10-2018, 04:34 PM
Well coming from somebody else who always seemed to be into self-sabotage, if I did it anyone can do it

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

The belief in my mind is cemented which will override the doubt and self sabatoge.

Until I stumbled on your protocol I was confused. I have knowledge of individual protocols and tried a few here and there but with no consistency because I was missing the belief that it would work for me, because I thought what I was going through was unique to me.

But every symptom you and others have had, is the same as what I have so the doubt is gone. Path is laid out in simple steps albeit requiring work and sacrifice, but it's a small price to pay for recovery and it's all character building in the process. It has been like trying to solve a puzzle and collecting some of the pieces but never knowing how to put them together. Thankfully you and others here who have recovered have solved it and provided the template.

Everything I've learned over the years through different modalities can finally be synthesised into one ultimate program for regeneration that I know for sure will work given time and consistency. This is an amazing breakthrough for me and I will enjoy the journey in rebuilding myself from the ground up day by day.

I just can't just wait to start eating again, been watching food porn thinking of all the different paleo recipes I'm going to try. There is a great pizza one using eggs and coconut flour for the crust. I use to make pizzas out of cauliflower and it was delicious. I know guys who are afraid of missing out on their favourite takeways, but there is a great adaption recipes that will taste even better and be healthy at the same time. So you can have fries and pizza but with organic paleo friendly ingredients without the gluten sugar,salt and bad carbs.

I just can't fucking wait for it all. I've used the herbs in the past and they spiked my libido up before stopping that as I went back to bad habits, so I know they work.

On a meditation retreat I was informed about win hoff and the guy was a beast at meditating and getting extrasensory experiences, so I know that works.

The rest speaks for itself, just so pumped up, I'm just counting the days before I'm back really hitting all areas like a special marine training for battle. Reading Maxout777's recovery just pumped me up even more if that was even possible lol. I get obessed with things as do have ocd but it's all been on the wrong things. Now I'm obsessed with being in the best possible heath. I will get into this lifestyle and make it second nature as its I'm just automatically remembering to brushing my teeth while I go about my life instead of endlessly searching for answers and a way out of the labyrinth.

01-10-2018, 04:59 PM
Some good motivation

DAVID GOGGINS SPEECH - THE HARDEST MAN ALIVE MOTIVATION - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vLzziJ9bbc)

01-10-2018, 05:00 PM
The belief in my mind is cemented which will override the doubt and self sabatoge.

Until I stumbled on your protocol I was confused. I have knowledge of individual protocols and tried a few here and there but with no consistency because I was missing the belief that it would work for me, because I thought what I was going through was unique to me.

But every symptom you and others have had, is the same as what I have so the doubt is gone. Path is laid out in simple steps albeit requiring work and sacrifice, but it's a small price to pay for recovery and it's all character building in the process. It has been like trying to solve a puzzle and collecting some of the pieces but never knowing how to put them together. Thankfully you and others here who have recovered have solved it and provided the template.

Everything I've learned over the years through different modalities can finally be synthesised into one ultimate program for regeneration that I know for sure will work given time and consistency. This is an amazing breakthrough for me and I will enjoy the journey in rebuilding myself from the ground up day by day.

I just can't just wait to start eating again, been watching food porn thinking of all the different paleo recipes I'm going to try. There is a great pizza one using eggs and coconut flour for the crust. I use to make pizzas out of cauliflower and it was delicious. I know guys who are afraid of missing out on their favourite takeways, but there is a great adaption recipes that will taste even better and be healthy at the same time. So you can have fries and pizza but with organic paleo friendly ingredients without the gluten sugar,salt and bad carbs.

I just can't fucking wait for it all. I've used the herbs in the past and they spiked my libido up before stopping that as I went back to bad habits, so I know they work.

On a meditation retreat I was informed about win hoff and the guy was a beast at meditating and getting extrasensory experiences, so I know that works.

The rest speaks for itself, just so pumped up, I'm just counting the days before I'm back really hitting all areas like a special marine training for battle. Reading Maxout777's recovery just pumped me up even more if that was even possible lol. I get obessed with things as do have ocd but it's all been on the wrong things. Now I'm obsessed with being in the best possible heath. I will get into this lifestyle and make it second nature as its I'm just automatically remembering to brushing my teeth while I go about my life instead of endlessly searching for answers and a way out of the labyrinth.Myself and others who have succeeded can attest to the fact that it does become addicting in a good way.

You have the right mindset and like I said before, you will be successful.

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01-10-2018, 05:01 PM
Some good motivation

DAVID GOGGINS SPEECH - THE HARDEST MAN ALIVE MOTIVATION - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vLzziJ9bbc)Funny you post this as I came acrossed it about a week ago

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

01-11-2018, 06:37 AM
Does anyone know if you have to pay custom tax charges when ordering from uk at Last Empire Herbs?

01-11-2018, 06:46 AM
Does anyone know if you have to pay custom tax charges when ordering from uk at Last Empire Herbs?

Swill would know. He's from the UK and orders the herbs from LEH.

01-11-2018, 11:25 AM
Im from Blackpool mate and had to pay a custom tax on the herbs but for some reason it isn’t on everything

01-12-2018, 06:27 AM
Thanks guys I will just use my usual source here in uk as they do good quality herbs that specialise in Tao herbal tonics.

Finally going to break my fast today. Yesterday on water completely wiped out. Before yesterday on water, I had a burst of energy and was like I wasn;t even running without food I got to do so much, but I think the juice was still going through my system.

It seems on water it takes everything out of me as I already have very low bf so don't have much fat stores.

The most I could do was type that question on here yesterday I felt so bad. Almost fainted getting up and felt like throwing up a lot of times which would have been disastrous.

So today will have some soups/broths and juices and small piece of fruit to get my digestion back up and running again. Don't feel hungry or have an appetite at all and have this horrible taste in my mouth along with some lethargy

All in all that's 7 days juice and 3 days water fast which isn't bad at all

01-12-2018, 07:30 AM
Ok just checked to see what herbs I already got before I go spending and buying duplicates lol

Schizandra berry
He wou shou
Mucana Prurians
Polyrachis Ant Extract

So have 8 herbs to cycle so far. Found good sources for Tongkat, Rhodiola Rosea Extract Powder, Pine pollen, HGW , catabua bark and cordecyps which will give me 14 herbs to cycle in total without too much draining on funds.

Then I need some stuff like magnesium calm and glcyrine for sleep

Bacopa and L theanine for memory and iodine or seaweed for thyroid and then I'm good to go

01-13-2018, 06:45 PM
Ok just checked to see what herbs I already got before I go spending and buying duplicates lol

Schizandra berry
He wou shou
Mucana Prurians
Polyrachis Ant Extract

So have 8 herbs to cycle so far. Found good sources for Tongkat, Rhodiola Rosea Extract Powder, Pine pollen, HGW , catabua bark and cordecyps which will give me 14 herbs to cycle in total without too much draining on funds.

Then I need some stuff like magnesium calm and glcyrine for sleep

Bacopa and L theanine for memory and iodine or seaweed for thyroid and then I'm good to go

If fund are an issue, I would suggest Gotu Kola over Bacopa.

01-13-2018, 10:06 PM
If fund are an issue, I would suggest Gotu Kola over Bacopa.

Found some good reasonable priced Bacopa just having having trouble sourcing good quality tongkat for reasonable price as my usual source is sold out but not paying world abs $90 lol

01-14-2018, 03:59 PM
Decided to give the holosync it's day in court this evening and to be honest wasn't expecting much but needed a med aid as was very stressed from a shitty unlucky day... but man that stuff is powerful.

Within a few minutes with my eyes closed I'm feeling deeply relaxed, then in and out of consciousness getting various different scenery and images soaring through my minds eye while completely forgetting where I am. I'm drowsy as if I'm on some anaesthetic.

I think to myself maybe it's because I'm tired and it's late but once it finishes I'm not feeling tired or sleepy at all, it was the audio that got me there.

Interesting stuff. And that was only day 1 of drive and 13 more days of the introduction....fuck lol

01-15-2018, 08:22 AM
Decided to give the holosync it's day in court this evening and to be honest wasn't expecting much but needed a med aid as was very stressed from a shitty unlucky day... but man that stuff is powerful.

Within a few minutes with my eyes closed I'm feeling deeply relaxed, then in and out of consciousness getting various different scenery and images soaring through my minds eye while completely forgetting where I am. I'm drowsy as if I'm on some anaesthetic.

I think to myself maybe it's because I'm tired and it's late but once it finishes I'm not feeling tired or sleepy at all, it was the audio that got me there.

Interesting stuff. And that was only day 1 of drive and 13 more days of the introduction....fuck lol

Be prepared with this program. It's no joke. You will get "overwhelm" if you do it regularly which can be rather uncomfortable, but necessary for increasing your ability to be present.

01-15-2018, 12:49 PM
I got a really nice meditation session with this were it gave the presance that I had during my acid trip. I was in the zone and no matter how much my mind was trying to mind chat I was able to remain in the state.

Havne't replicated it as good but at the time I was able to easily snap in and out of it.

how much mediation do u recommend cd? I do 20 minutes at least a day now though when I'm really in the shitter I do 40 minutes to 60

01-15-2018, 01:08 PM
I got a really nice meditation session with this were it gave the presance that I had during my acid trip. I was in the zone and no matter how much my mind was trying to mind chat I was able to remain in the state.

Havne't replicated it as good but at the time I was able to easily snap in and out of it.

how much mediation do u recommend cd? I do 20 minutes at least a day now though when I'm really in the shitter I do 40 minutes to 60

A good starting point is 15 minutes, twice a day.

You should do three to four rounds of breathing exercises prior to meditating to really get yourself in the zone.

After you breath, set a timer, and go for it. Setting the timer stops you from wondering how much time has passed, etc.

01-18-2018, 04:03 PM
Week 3

This week returned to the gym after been away from it for 3 weeks. Have to say it's been a joy to return eating after the fast. Everything is delicious and appreciate it all now and so easy to stay away from takeaways, sugars and foods which I'm intolerant to.

The downside is that I lost quite a bit of weight, coming from someone who is already very lean and slim it isn't a good look. But it has taught me to look beyond my physical appearance, forget about looking my best or being buff for the time being. The real work is about setting the foundations to get better and reach optimal health. So I get over myself.

This for me is a journey towards a new life and before that happens the old one needs tearing down . So I left my ego at the door as soon as I stepped back in the gym, stopped comparing myself to others and just focused on getting back into the swings of heavy workouts which is good.. The competitive streak is still there and had to stop myself from going overboard in the workouts as I can easily get carried away with a bit of metal, anger and test building herbs flowing through the veins

The other benefit is I am now ultra lean, hardly any fat on my body after the fast. And I am making sure everything I put in my body is the best of the best, nothing less and I'm feeling fucking fantastic. I can actually focus and read without having to look at the page 3 times to absorb what I just saw lol

And after the torture of the water fast, dealing with all the mental thoughts with no food numb me tothe confrontation me with the subconscious stuff(the worst I ever felt for a long time), I now feel more confident to take on life by the horns instead of being crippled by anxiety and doubt. I really don't give a damn anymore about what other people think, or second guessing myself, I am just getting back into the habit of just fucking being and doing.

The cold showers are helping to build up my mentality there is no doubt about it. There is no hesitation now to step in that cold shower in winter here, I just psyche myself up, tell myself I am willing to walk through hell fire to get better so I'll walk through this cold to get to where I need to be and I love it. No easing in just getting n there and bring me the worst of what you got

So all positive mentally, no tiredness during the day and no brain fog. Libido felt flashes here and there but nothing yet too spectacular to report on yet, since it's early days.

But everyday getting stronger, purer and smarter and I'm loving the challenge, loving the adversity, loving the solitude and loving the darkness.

11-17-2019, 11:32 AM
Fell off the wagon big time for at least a year a lot of crappy things happened in terms of relationships, finances and very sad things which I can't go into. Along the way, lost all form of discipline and hope to be honest. Still to this day I struggle with PSTD and get flashbacks to crashing and it results in self sabotage because of how angry I get with the entire situation and channel the energy negatively

The pstd triggers addiction tendencies which leads me binge on food, sex, and other crap that is no good for my body. Compounded by the feeling of nothingness, it was easy for me to fall back and lose focus

Then I hit a brick wall and it got so bad, terrible skin outbreaks, couldn't think, barely speak and barely function, Later September I had to get back on board fully

Decided to do a 3 day water fast back then and slowly been crawling back to a healthier lifestyle to the point now I'm 100% sticking to the protocol and my mood more than anything is a lot more stable than it was last year

Things that have improved

Brain fog is going away
Energy levels improved
Skin is glowing
Concentration improved

Persistent problems

Head pressure is still there
Numb genitals still a big problem
Anhedonia/emotional numbness/blunting
Lack of motivation
Low libido

I've been strict on the protocol for 2 months now and I water fast every Sunday. I've cut out every single thing which I know triggers reactions. Bought a home gym to make sure I work out when ever I want without having to procrastinat, put it off travelling to the gym.

Right now the current herbs I'm rotating

Butea Superba
Horny Goat
Pine pollen Extract
Muira Puama

Adrenal support(multivitamin)
Vitamin D
L-Citrulline - On training Days only
L arginine - On training Days only
L- Theanine

Ran out of Ants which is one of my favorites, but it's very hard to source where I'm from. The last time I ordered it was from aggressive herbs and they took a lifetime to deliver and didn't even apologize for the delay, so hesitant to order from there again

Was taking a nootropic coffee, which was really nice and smooth taste with all the brain boosting herbs rolled into one, but trying to alkalize my body and coffee is quite acidic so swapped for Yerba

Since my body is now more responsive, the yerba mata is giving me enough of the mental boost that I don't feel like I need to drink several cups of coffee to keep me awake and focused

Saves me money because the nootropic coofee was like nearly $35 compared to organic yerba that is $7 for 500mg

My voice is getting stronger again, slowly but surely, and feeling very positive. Life feels very brighter and I can actually feel different even though I'm still fucked lol

But for the first time I feel like I'm on the right track and got out of the negative thinking that this is irreversible and that my case is a special case different to the rest. I have a hard time convincing myself that recovery is possible, but right now whether it is or not, there is only one way to go and that's going all out to make it possible

When I feel like crap now I just jump in the shower, or do alternate nostril breathing and feel so more clear minded that I can think straight and more rationally

But everyday I look forward to improving and rebuilding my body back up from rock bottom.

11-18-2019, 02:34 AM
Finished a another one day fast yesterday. Almost threw up in the middle of the night from nausea.

Woke up with morning wood, replenished myself with some fresh juice with beets, carrots and celery and probiotic.

Feeling quite bright and sharp mentally and think the cold showers are helping together with the breathing. Noticing my body is feeling warmer and slightly looking forward to more things day to day. Focus has definitely improved after 2 months commitment to protocol as I can sit in one place and read information without brain flying all over the place.

One more month of cycling to bring to 3 months, then running a Andro hard cycle mid to late December for the first time which again very excited about. Bs Body is already ripped to shreds doing paleo styled diet, god knows how cut i get on the Andro. Veins are already visible on my arms since I have low bf and one reason why I can't fast for too long on just water since I have very little fat reserves to carry me through the fast.

Just ordered some nootropic coffee as I changed my mind, about it. it has such a great taste and is loaded with, Royal Jelly Powder, Coenzyme Q10, Omega 3, Grape Seed Extract, Chaga Extract, Maitake Extract, Bacopa Monnieri, Alpha GPC, Lemon Balm Extract, Blueberry Extract, N-Acetyl L Tyrosine, Ashwagandha

If I was to buy all those separately it would be cost a bomb

12-16-2019, 09:38 AM
Just a little update

Been a month of ups and downs, since I don't do well in winter at all but been sticking with diet and regime 90% of the time

Energy levels have improved since I've now started to add organ meats which has already increased aggression and some libido after only a week. My body heat is a lot better, as before I use to feel cold all the time

Struggling with motivation to get things done, but I feel a lot more present in my body these days which is a positive and voice is a lot deeper and stronger

Focus and attention and processing information is a lot better, but speaking I still feel somewhat brain damaged which is scary as I can only speak fluently without giving up on completing sentences when drinking coffee but I haven't been consistent taking nootropics. I feel head pressure like there is a cement brick in my head all the time and don't feel connected to reality, i think it's the anhedonia because most of the time I'm fairly apathetic though I can react to situations.

Just waiting for androhard to come which should arrive this week, then starting a cycle and hope that brings me closer to homeostasis

12-16-2019, 03:39 PM
What kind of organ meats do you eat? Raw le cooked? I also struggle with bodytemperature issues, would love to hear your advice! Thank you man, keep going!

12-17-2019, 02:39 AM
What kind of organ meats do you eat? Raw le cooked? I also struggle with bodytemperature issues, would love to hear your advice! Thank you man, keep going!

Well it's only last week I started adding ox/beef and chicken liver, and ox heart along with raw milk kefir and started to notice feel more surge of warmth/heat in my body and definitely made erections stronger and orgasms more potent.

I'm not getting cold any more at all and really use to get cold very easily even indoors even when it wasn't that cold.

Also I was taking l-cirtuline and arginine before to try and get more pump and they were not having much of an effect so stopped taking them a while back

What's great is that the organ meats I get from the butchers are so cheap they cost just over a dollar lol and they pack more micronutrients than any superfood supplement I've taken in the past.

Beef Liver: The Ultimate Superfood | Well Built Style (https://wellbuiltstyle.com/beef-liver-the-ultimate-superfood/)

As for eating it raw, no I don't eat it raw, I cook it slightly slow cooked to have it rare as possible so not to destroy the nutrients.

Maybe in the future I will try the liver raw or cut them up and put them into capsules since I am not use to eating raw flesh, I need a little spice and taste to my meat

12-17-2019, 08:26 AM
Thank you for your answer, i also incorporqted beef liver for 2weeks (a little once a week) and will keep doing it, not so noticable results yet like yours. But never giving up, we keep going.

12-17-2019, 10:45 AM
Thank you for your answer, i also incorporqted beef liver for 2weeks (a little once a week) and will keep doing it, not so noticable results yet like yours. But never giving up, we keep going.

Well I been eating liver every few days so three times a week so far, along with the raw milk and steaks, maybe you might want to increase it to more than once per week without the potential risk of overdose

I think with myself I may be deficient in iron or some other vitamin which is now being supplied to my body because I feel like I'm getting stronger by the day and energy levels are stabilizing

Today I have been up since 3am, haven't drank coffee and it's nearly evening and still got energy to work out and I just finished having sex to test out my equipment and honestly it was like I was on cialis or viagra, completely rock hard and my penis was fully pumped , as if it grew even bigger like more blood flow seems to be getting through probably due to the nitric oxide from the increased meat consumption

Now I don't have any problems getting it up and maintaining throughout sex, but this was pornstar quality erection and was still rock hard after first round and this this girl I'm seeing was shocked with the load that went all over her face

Was even getting slight random boners throughout the day before and that hasn't happened in ages

12-17-2019, 01:57 PM
Yea i will experiment with it. How is your diet? Are you carbbackloading, if so, how many times per week. The next day of the backloading evening i usually have deeper voice. And i backload 2 times per week, rest of the meals is meat veggies and sometimes nuts or green beans.

Has the hairloss come back since you are feeling better?

12-17-2019, 02:30 PM
Yea i will experiment with it. How is your diet? Are you carbbackloading, if so, how many times per week. The next day of the backloading evening i usually have deeper voice. And i backload 2 times per week, rest of the meals is meat veggies and sometimes nuts or green beans.

Has the hairloss come back since you are feeling better?

Yes I carb backload after workouts.

I workout at home and sometimes go to the gym, so it varies how often I work out depending how I feel if I got the energy.

Most weeks I've been working out 3 times a week and try and do HIT at least twice a week and have a long rest.

Today when I got home I worked out and will probably tomorrow do a big workout because I have more energy and feeling very strong

My diet is more keto now and reduced the amount of vegetables and fruits I was consuming which was effecting my digestion badly.

I've now gone back to the basics so eliminated all nuts and grains even gluten free ones which I was consuming before as I noticed my gut was still getting irritated. Now I have only really small portions of cruciferious vegetables and non starchy veggies to go with my main meals to get some fibre. The only fruit I take now is banana and low glycemic fruit like some berries only after workouts when carb back loading.

Other than than that it's cottage cheese, fish, lean grass fed meats, bone broth, organ meats, raw milk, raw and cooked eggs, cheese, avocados( any good fats that I can find) which has really taken things up a notch

I don't have any hair loss, I took big pharma drug for mental health which screwed things up

01-01-2020, 07:07 AM
My Androhard musclegelz has finally arrived.

Going to start on monday because I'm going to do a little fast this week as I binged on a few treats over xmas and want my body clean and ready

Got a couple of bottles of Super R-Andro Rx on it's way so will be looking to do cycle that in spring. Hopefully only need to do 2-3 cycles because the stuff is quite pricey after paying customs charges

Besides that energy has been stable, no longer need to take naps through the day. Mood is somewhat down, hopefully when I take my first cycle it will help with that.

01-06-2020, 09:31 AM
My Androhard musclegelz has finally arrived.

Going to start on monday because I'm going to do a little fast this week as I binged on a few treats over xmas and want my body clean and ready

Got a couple of bottles of Super R-Andro Rx on it's way so will be looking to do cycle that in spring. Hopefully only need to do 2-3 cycles because the stuff is quite pricey after paying customs charges

Besides that energy has been stable, no longer need to take naps through the day. Mood is somewhat down, hopefully when I take my first cycle it will help with that.

Today is the day!

Have you ever cycled before?

01-06-2020, 11:32 AM
Today is the day!

Have you ever cycled before?

lol I couldn't wait, I actually started on friday so been on it for 4 days now and I'm very impressed.

I've cycled forma stanzol before in the past which helped with shredding,libido but nothing much in terms of energy and mood that I already feeling with this.

On friday after my first pump I felt so much stronger in the gym, really felt aggressive and powerful, destroyed legs workout without feeling wiped out afterwards

Then in the afternoon I had so much energy and focus it was unfuckingbelievable as if I just unlocked some cheat code for infinite energy and drive. Not to mention finally feeling like a light had been turned on in my brain and could actually think very clearly. Not euphoric but alert

My mood has seemed to even out, I don't feel so downbeat, I finding myself smiling and feeling so much more relaxed, confident, even cocky and people are smiling at me from every angle these last few days it's weird

As far as libido is concerned, I'm getting a few random boners here and there during the day and waking up everyday with morning wood.

I'm looking in the mirror and starting to look like a genetic freak already from the pumps these are giving

I'm just very happy with the mental effects so far and very happy I actually have some motivation and drive to push forward.

I'm still get plagued with worry but I have to continue marching forward regardless, it's either fight or stagnation from here.

01-07-2020, 06:20 PM
Very glad to hear you are responding so well to it! What dosage did you start out at? Have you had any trouble sleeping? Have you noticed it increase your anxiety at all?

I am very curious how you will respond to this as it seems you had similar brain fog issues to me.

01-08-2020, 06:04 AM
Very glad to hear you are responding so well to it! What dosage did you start out at? Have you had any trouble sleeping? Have you noticed it increase your anxiety at all?

I am very curious how you will respond to this as it seems you had similar brain fog issues to me.

I'm doing 4 pumps in the morning and 4 pumps in the afternoon. I think it works out 400mg but it's not the full dose and I'm responding well. Might increase later to 600

Not had any trouble sleeping but wake up super early like 3am and don't go back to sleep but still don't get fatigued during the day

So I'm operating at 5 hours sleep a day which I don't think is good but that's what my body is fine with at the min and I'm not even needing to drink coffee.

Brain fog is improving by the day, the head pressure brick wall feeling is fading away and can think and converse very clearly. No longer do I have to focus really hard on what people are saying, i can follow conversations pretty effortlessly and come back quickly with a response

I'm not feeling any anxiety at the moment, it's never been really bad for me to be honest, but been hesitant to socialises with friends because of low mood and declined cognitive ability where it my sentences would get broken up and sound like a retard.

If my libido and sensitivity returned in full, I'd say I was 95% recovered since I only experience libido when with a woman . Nevertheless but im very thankful for the improvements so far.

Oh yeah did you get that book?

I forgot to mention I've also been doubling up on the deep belly breathing and meditation, that has also been helping great

01-09-2020, 02:19 AM
Wow so you started out at 4 pumps in the morning and 4 at night? When I started at just 2 pumps I felt it kick my ass. I had a lot of trouble sleeping on it, I think it made my cortisol really high. That is probably why you are able to go with only 5 hours of sleep, because your cortisol is elevated. It's good that you aren't needing any coffee. Where you drinking much to begin with? I think "ultramind" doctor is against coffee, but I havent come across that part yet.

That's so awesome the brain pressure is fading away! It is still such a problem for me. It is like all the nerves and feelings in my body and mind are just so constrained and restricted. I have to muster every ounce of energy to focus and it's still not enough to read or think clearly. It's like being retarded but also super uincomfortable and strange feeling for me. I hate it!

So your libido and sensitivity are 95% returned? Or not yet?

I did get the book and have read the first couple chapters. It is pretty itneresting how screwed up this guy was from the bad air in china and other things. I wonder if his approach will work as well for pfs, though.

I definitely need to start deep breathing and meditating. I just can't seem to find the willpower. Maybe cold showers will help with that!

01-09-2020, 04:10 AM
slader1 try yoga. It's way easier to stick to for the start. You will get quite some deep breathing in there and destress your body physically aswell. 
I still don't get why you don't fast xd start the protocol from scratch man it's awful seeing you still shitty for so long

01-09-2020, 05:11 AM
Wow so you started out at 4 pumps in the morning and 4 at night? When I started at just 2 pumps I felt it kick my ass. I had a lot of trouble sleeping on it, I think it made my cortisol really high. That is probably why you are able to go with only 5 hours of sleep, because your cortisol is elevated. It's good that you aren't needing any coffee. Where you drinking much to begin with? I think "ultramind" doctor is against coffee, but I havent come across that part yet.

That's so awesome the brain pressure is fading away! It is still such a problem for me. It is like all the nerves and feelings in my body and mind are just so constrained and restricted. I have to muster every ounce of energy to focus and it's still not enough to read or think clearly. It's like being retarded but also super uincomfortable and strange feeling for me. I hate it!

So your libido and sensitivity are 95% returned? Or not yet?

I did get the book and have read the first couple chapters. It is pretty it ineresting how screwed up this guy was from the bad air in china and other things. I wonder if his approach will work as well for pfs, though.

I definitely need to start deep breathing and meditating. I just can't seem to find the willpower. Maybe cold showers will help with that!

Yeah 4 pumps morning and afternoon. I think I will stay on this them increase to full 6 pump dosage after 2 weeks.

I think the doctor is against coffee from what I remember reading the book, but I just eliminate it because my body now doesn't need it. If it does need it, I won't hesitate to have a cup

I was probably drinking 1-2 cups of coffee a day, a nootropic type. Normal coffee gets me too hyped up and dehydrates my body so I don't like taking it

The head pressure has definitely improved, no more foggy thinking that's for sure., the only thing missing is libido.

Like I said if that came back along with sensitivity then I'd consider myself 95% recovered but it is confined to sexual activity only at this point.

Confidence is definitely increasing, I feel like an absolute end game boss in the gym. Anxiety would often crop up in public but now I feel powerful and have presence again

The doctors approach is similar to the protocol, besides the extensive list of multivitamin supplements on his list and shoddy diet plan, which I don't think are needed for recovery so long as you are eating good healthy unprocessed foods and staying away from grains and shit

Like I take a multiple vitamin B complex and probiotics/preprobiotics that's recommended from the book list. Besides that I don't see the point of mixing protocols. The body just needs to be given the right nourishment, rest and mind needs work through relaxation/yoga/meditation

I just think it's a great read to give another perspective and another case of someone suffering from similar symptoms who recovered. It always helps as a reference when believing/thinking recovery isn't possible not to mention the numerous cases he's treated and good roadmap for gut issues which is what mostly causes the brain fog due to triggering foods causing inflammation

Back 3 months ago when I was eating whatever the hell I wanted, I could barely think and talk. After fasting, clean diet, herbs and now doing an andro run, I think like a new person and having deep intellectual conversations with people without much trouble finding and articulating my speech

In your case as Bankai stressed, i'd jump into a fast and decide a protocol to follow and stick to it and get back in the mindset that recovery/healing is possible because imho that's your biggest hurdle right now. Dipping your toes in too many different approaches and trying to sync them all because you're unsure if one is better than the other.

There are many ways to heal the body, you just got to choose which way you want to go and stick with it.

I love this protocol because it's so simple and relatively easy to follow, feels natural and don't have to jump through hundreds of tests to carry it out.

01-09-2020, 07:55 AM
What book alchemy?

01-09-2020, 12:37 PM
What book alchemy?

Ultra mind solution by Mark Hyman. The guy suffered mercury poisoning and preaches a similar mythology to the protocol , such as deep breathing to simulate the vague nerve, cutting out gluten, chelating heavy metals, repairing the gut etc

A lot of stuff that's advised I wouldn't recommend doing/taking but it's a pretty inspiring read when you read how bad he was how and how many patients he's helped

01-09-2020, 05:01 PM
I tried yoga the first couple of years after my crash- I didn't notice much improvement during that time.

I tried fast a couple years back and felt horrendous. My cortisol and adrenaline were so high that I couldn't sleep at all and eventually went back to juicing. I suppose I could try fasting again as I'm in an awful way and am desperate.

I am beginning to suspect that my PFS is uniquely bad because of the abnormally high dose I took and the young age at which I took it. Ive been doing the dietary recommendations here for two months now and not seen improvement, and overall I am somehow mentally worse off than I was 8 years ago, even though I have generally avoided stress. I am going to try a few changes like fasting, dropping coffee, cold showers, etc but something deep down tells me I may have to accept this hell and move on.

01-09-2020, 05:11 PM
Man alchemy that's awesome. Being able to think and talk again sounds like it would be so fun. I just don't get why I can't improve even after eating clean, trying a littany of vitamin's and minerals, and working out. Maybe you're right and I need to stick more precisely with one exact protocol, but it still doesn't make sense that I wouldn't sense some improvement. Day to day I am still suffering so much I can barely stand it, most of body is numb if it isn't hurting, I have constant head pressures or aches, and I feel like Im not even inside of my own body which is the most disturbing and uncomfortable thing. It's very hard to get through a day when you can just barely sense the world around you, and then you need to stick to a difficult diet, meditate, take cold showers, workout, and do all these other things which I can't find any willpower to accomplish. I guess one just keeps marching on though.

01-09-2020, 06:50 PM
Man alchemy that's awesome. Being able to think and talk again sounds like it would be so fun. I just don't get why I can't improve even after eating clean, trying a littany of vitamin's and minerals, and working out. Maybe you're right and I need to stick more precisely with one exact protocol, but it still doesn't make sense that I wouldn't sense some improvement. Day to day I am still suffering so much I can barely stand it, most of body is numb if it isn't hurting, I have constant head pressures or aches, and I feel like Im not even inside of my own body which is the most disturbing and uncomfortable thing. It's very hard to get through a day when you can just barely sense the world around you, and then you need to stick to a difficult diet, meditate, take cold showers, workout, and do all these other things which I can't find any willpower to accomplish. I guess one just keeps marching on though.

Well, this is why so few people recover. it’s one of those things you really can’t half ass, you gotta be on point and consistent with everything, make it your life..Almost obsessive with it, we all aren’t perfect but coming out of this you gotta be damn close to it. It’s unlike anything else and the level of accountability you need to have for yourself could be overwhelming. It takes being on the straight and narrow to such a high degree to get out of this.. Shit I thought I was disciplined, and this thing taught me that I still gotta take it up a notch and buckle down. & when your a young man on this road it could sometimes get very lonely. The journey is unique for sure..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-12-2020, 07:01 AM
Man alchemy that's awesome. Being able to think and talk again sounds like it would be so fun. I just don't get why I can't improve even after eating clean, trying a littany of vitamin's and minerals, and working out. Maybe you're right and I need to stick more precisely with one exact protocol, but it still doesn't make sense that I wouldn't sense some improvement. Day to day I am still suffering so much I can barely stand it, most of body is numb if it isn't hurting, I have constant head pressures or aches, and I feel like Im not even inside of my own body which is the most disturbing and uncomfortable thing. It's very hard to get through a day when you can just barely sense the world around you, and then you need to stick to a difficult diet, meditate, take cold showers, workout, and do all these other things which I can't find any willpower to accomplish. I guess one just keeps marching on though.

Well all I can say is that if it were me and didn't see any improvements despite efforts with diet and working out, I'd stop to reassess and go back to the basics. And by that I mean stripping everything back down through fasting like what I suggest before.

Because you could be confusing/overloading your body with too many different supplements, food type combinations that don't mix that is holding you back.

For example with myself, several months back I thought my diet was excellent, I was eating loads of superfoods, vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts, smoothies, staying away from diary, grains and limiting my meat consumption.

I found out I was making myself worse through consuming too much indigestible fibres through the beans, lentils along with not soaking the nuts and seeds so wasn't getting any of the enzymes. Then I was getting Too much sugar with the fruits and not eating enough lean grass fed meats.

This is why I kept on getting horrible skin rashes, diarrhoea and brain fog wasn't improving only at the times I fasted.

Since I stripped my diet down to predominately paleo keto based, with lots of eggs, meats, cruciferous vegatebles, fruit on it's own as a mono meal on carb loading days, bone broth and raw milk kefir even (though I'm lactose intolorent I can tolorent it raw), no more stomach problems and I'm noticing now finally my psoriasis is clearing up which I've had a problem with for years, so now I know my gut is finally healing up and the best thing is now is that my diet is no longer complicated since like you i don't like to overthink and hate preparation, I just make sure I eat good proteins and fats combination meals and 2 cups worth of vegetables for the day.

The only vitamins I take are vitamin D, B complex and some pro and pre biotics. The essential minerals I get from high quality organ meats.

But yeah I would strongly suggest like the other poster suggested to fast for some days, clean your body and decide on one particular anti inflammatory diet to stick to that is going to help with your gut and decide on what protocol you what to do

I even do maintenance fasts, so I try to have one at least once a week or one every 2weeks with intermittent fasting and you be surprised how good it makes you feel since it's important to give your body especially the gut and liver a break from having to process foods and supplements which can be very taxing on the system.

01-15-2020, 04:36 AM
Week 2 on Andro Hard Cycle

Decided to crank things up a bit by going the full recommended dose of 600mg from yesterday and woke up horny as fuck this morning to the point I had to masturbate. Had a crazy sex dream where I felt like I was fucking this girl I know for real. Every position and every movement felt like I was there in the flesh

So far brain fog is more or less completely gone now. I can interact and concentrate like a normal human being, the only thing missing is the ability to feel joy which is the lingering depressive anhedonic mood. Also had a few days where lethargy has been coming on but I noticed it is from drinking the raw milk kefir which I've now eliminated since I notice the wipe out drowsiness was coming after that.

Waking up every day with mw, which sometimes don't go away

Psoriasis is finally going

Deeper sleep and more vivid dreams

Workouts are simply amazing.

So what's left to sort out

Sensitivity and brain penis connection

Mood joy/euphoria

Planning on doing 4-6 more weeks then back on herb rotation, though I'd love to be able to take this stuff forever lol

I think I'm edging closer to the optimal diet for me finally after years of experimenting, falling off the wagon getting sidetracked and making mistakes. If I can be strict with myself for another 6 months I think I can heal 100% for sure.

01-15-2020, 05:01 AM
Week 2 on Andro Hard Cycle

Decided to crank things up a bit by going the full recommended dose of 600mg from yesterday and woke up horny as fuck this morning to the point I had to masturbate. Had a crazy sex dream where I felt like I was fucking this girl I know for real. Every position and every movement felt like I was there in the flesh

So far brain fog is more or less completely gone now. I can interact and concentrate like a normal human being, the only thing missing is the ability to feel joy which is the lingering depressive anhedonic mood. Also had a few days where lethargy has been coming on but I noticed it is from drinking the raw milk kefir which I've now eliminated since I notice the wipe out drowsiness was coming after that.

Waking up every day with mw, which sometimes don't go away

Psoriasis is finally going

Deeper sleep and more vivid dreams

Workouts are simply amazing.

So what's left to sort out

Sensitivity and brain penis connection

Mood joy/euphoria

Planning on doing 4-6 more weeks then back on herb rotation, though I'd love to be able to take this stuff forever lol

I think I'm edging closer to the optimal diet for me finally after years of experimenting, falling off the wagon getting sidetracked and making mistakes. If I can be strict with myself for another 6 months I think I can heal 100% for sure.

Sounds like you’re doing well. How many pumps are you taking?

01-15-2020, 09:56 AM
Sounds like you’re doing well. How many pumps are you taking?

Just realised I'm not even close to the full dose yet.

I've been doing 4 pumps for the last week and only increased to 6 2x daily from yesterday and really feeling it dialing in now. But on the back of the bottle it suggests 6-10 pumps. So I could go up to 10 pumps. Really could be underdosing myself, just been doing what through other members on here have been dosing

I must say, this stuff is the shit, my veins were bulging out of my arms working out today, I thought they were gonna pop lol. I was thinking to myself, don't make it so obvious you're on prohormones, I had to force myself to stop exercising, I nearly ran out of exercises to do and still buzzing with energy hours later

Then there is this calm assertive confidence it brings which is really nice.

Really feeling amped/charged up and finding small things funny and enjoyable again.

Treated myself to 20ounces worth of ribeye steak to stock up on

Let;s fucking do this..

01-16-2020, 02:10 AM
Well all I can say is that if it were me and didn't see any improvements despite efforts with diet and working out, I'd stop to reassess and go back to the basics. And by that I mean stripping everything back down through fasting like what I suggest before.

Because you could be confusing/overloading your body with too many different supplements, food type combinations that don't mix that is holding you back.

For example with myself, several months back I thought my diet was excellent, I was eating loads of superfoods, vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts, smoothies, staying away from diary, grains and limiting my meat consumption.

I found out I was making myself worse through consuming too much indigestible fibres through the beans, lentils along with not soaking the nuts and seeds so wasn't getting any of the enzymes. Then I was getting Too much sugar with the fruits and not eating enough lean grass fed meats.

This is why I kept on getting horrible skin rashes, diarrhoea and brain fog wasn't improving only at the times I fasted.

Since I stripped my diet down to predominately paleo keto based, with lots of eggs, meats, cruciferous vegatebles, fruit on it's own as a mono meal on carb loading days, bone broth and raw milk kefir even (though I'm lactose intolorent I can tolorent it raw), no more stomach problems and I'm noticing now finally my psoriasis is clearing up which I've had a problem with for years, so now I know my gut is finally healing up and the best thing is now is that my diet is no longer complicated since like you i don't like to overthink and hate preparation, I just make sure I eat good proteins and fats combination meals and 2 cups worth of vegetables for the day.

The only vitamins I take are vitamin D, B complex and some pro and pre biotics. The essential minerals I get from high quality organ meats.

But yeah I would strongly suggest like the other poster suggested to fast for some days, clean your body and decide on one particular anti inflammatory diet to stick to that is going to help with your gut and decide on what protocol you what to do

I even do maintenance fasts, so I try to have one at least once a week or one every 2weeks with intermittent fasting and you be surprised how good it makes you feel since it's important to give your body especially the gut and liver a break from having to process foods and supplements which can be very taxing on the system.

Interesting, thanks. Are you sure that eating fruit or drinking juice makes you worse? I followed peat diet strictly for years (lots of juice, milk, and coffee) and along with taking some hormones I was able to think a lot sharper (though never cured). Do you think the sugar feeds bacteria in the gut to cause inflammation? Is it too much of a burden on the liver? I want to understand the reason sugar is inflammatory.

On your previous diet you were eating legumes, starches, etc, which are known to be inflammatory. The fiber and starch itself can irritate the gut and cause endotoxin and bacteria to form. So maybe on this previous diet it was this and not the juices/sugars which were the problem?

Also it is funny you are able to tolerate raw dairy yet are lactose intolerant. Raw milk still has lactose, so maybe it is not that which is a problem for you, but the casein. I know some people ahve problems with A1 milk but are fine on A2. Personally, sometimes I react perfectly fine to milk and feel like it is nourishing me and keeping me warm, other times I get stomach cramps and loose stools. It is hit or miss, so I figure I better err on the safe side and stay away from it for the most part.

01-16-2020, 04:30 AM
Interesting, thanks. Are you sure that eating fruit or drinking juice makes you worse? I followed peat diet strictly for years (lots of juice, milk, and coffee) and along with taking some hormones I was able to think a lot sharper (though never cured). Do you think the sugar feeds bacteria in the gut to cause inflammation? Is it too much of a burden on the liver? I want to understand the reason sugar is inflammatory.

On your previous diet you were eating legumes, starches, etc, which are known to be inflammatory. The fiber and starch itself can irritate the gut and cause endotoxin and bacteria to form. So maybe on this previous diet it was this and not the juices/sugars which were the problem?

Also it is funny you are able to tolerate raw dairy yet are lactose intolerant. Raw milk still has lactose, so maybe it is not that which is a problem for you, but the casein. I know some people ahve problems with A1 milk but are fine on A2. Personally, sometimes I react perfectly fine to milk and feel like it is nourishing me and keeping me warm, other times I get stomach cramps and loose stools. It is hit or miss, so I figure I better err on the safe side and stay away from it for the most part.

The fruit is fine in moderation. I eat an apple, banana or mango as a snack on their own whenever my body wants it. In the past I went overboard with smoothies, fruits mixed with green vegatables like kale, spinach, lots of juices legumes and beans. All of these are laced with phytoalexins, phytoestrogens, oxalates,not to mention unwittingly consuming the chemicals sprayed on these vegetables which are zenoestrogens which all disrupt the endocrine system and turn people into soy boys

If you're talking fruit juice drinks thats a different story, as that will be converted to pure glucose in the body.

I mean you can thrive off that, i've done the 80-10-10 diet which is nothing but pure sugar through fruit and you're litterally on a manic high literally on it since the body is running on pure glucose/energy but is it healthy and sustainable in the long run?

Too much sugar if you have gut problems is definitely going to irritate the gut. Yeast, candida thrive off it. Before I had gut problems I rarely use to crave sweet things like cakes, sweets etc, but I had to work hard to get it under control and now dont have any much cravings for these kind of sugary sweet subtances

As for milk, I now limit the raw milk post workout since studies show it helps with repair muscles and aids recovery plus the calcium for bone strength and I was drinking it nearly every day so and making me a bit sleepy.

The theory on why those of us who are lacto intolerant can tolerate milk raw is because it isn't heated and processed like pasteurised milk which destroys the enzymes and probiotics so you can get complete nutritional profile from the milk since in pastruerised milke the calcicum and good fats are inhibited so it makes it naturally difficult to digest. I can also tolerate goats milk which I put in my coffee.

If I drink raw milk I don't get any stomach problems, no gas, no crampst if I did experience those things I would eliminate it to be on the safe side as you are doing now.

The trick is always to listen to your body regardless what studies or what any dr or study is suggesting is great since our genetic makeup is individual

I mean this guy thrives living on one meal per deal which is legumes, beans and some other vegetables and nutraceuticals supplements and he's a fucking beast. Would I follow his diet in this state? hell no!

Dr. Amen-Ra on , Aging, Male Mortality, and African American Longevity - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoPM--S-QhI)

At the moment I'm tweaking my diet to be more anabolic and using carbs as tools for pre and post workout like how its laid out on the protocol. My digestion at the moment is really good, solid stools, no upset stomach, besides when I ate some bad supermarket fish at a friends dinner the other week, which I quickly recovered from while everyone else who ate it got bad food poisoning from. I will have a little carb like one piece of fruit before training, and then overload on carbs post workout to take advantage of the insulin response

Rest of the days, when non training I have high protein high fat, moderate carb diet which is similar to keto but not going into ketosis as over the long run going in full ketosis I found can become quit toxic to the body.

My own dietary guidelines which i found are working well so far, are only use juices to cleanse/repair/fast though I usually just water fast. Use and indulge in clean carbs for post workouts/ recovery and meat for maintenance anabolic hormone building, and small amounts of cruicerficrous and fermented vegetables as a side dish to compliment the meat from time to time for fibre, digestion and cleaning.

I've tried eating just meat on it's own and only made me constipated having to strain on the toilet.

Hulk Smash
01-16-2020, 09:13 AM
Idk man I prefer listening to a guy with the name CDSNUTS than a guy named
Dr. AMEN-RA. Just think about it :D

01-16-2020, 10:16 PM
The fruit is fine in moderation. I eat an apple, banana or mango as a snack on their own whenever my body wants it. In the past I went overboard with smoothies, fruits mixed with green vegatables like kale, spinach, lots of juices legumes and beans. All of these are laced with phytoalexins, phytoestrogens, oxalates,not to mention unwittingly consuming the chemicals sprayed on these vegetables which are zenoestrogens which all disrupt the endocrine system and turn people into soy boys

If you're talking fruit juice drinks thats a different story, as that will be converted to pure glucose in the body.

I mean you can thrive off that, i've done the 80-10-10 diet which is nothing but pure sugar through fruit and you're litterally on a manic high literally on it since the body is running on pure glucose/energy but is it healthy and sustainable in the long run?

Too much sugar if you have gut problems is definitely going to irritate the gut. Yeast, candida thrive off it. Before I had gut problems I rarely use to crave sweet things like cakes, sweets etc, but I had to work hard to get it under control and now dont have any much cravings for these kind of sugary sweet subtances

As for milk, I now limit the raw milk post workout since studies show it helps with repair muscles and aids recovery plus the calcium for bone strength and I was drinking it nearly every day so and making me a bit sleepy.

The theory on why those of us who are lacto intolerant can tolerate milk raw is because it isn't heated and processed like pasteurised milk which destroys the enzymes and probiotics so you can get complete nutritional profile from the milk since in pastruerised milke the calcicum and good fats are inhibited so it makes it naturally difficult to digest. I can also tolerate goats milk which I put in my coffee.

If I drink raw milk I don't get any stomach problems, no gas, no crampst if I did experience those things I would eliminate it to be on the safe side as you are doing now.

The trick is always to listen to your body regardless what studies or what any dr or study is suggesting is great since our genetic makeup is individual

I mean this guy thrives living on one meal per deal which is legumes, beans and some other vegetables and nutraceuticals supplements and he's a fucking beast. Would I follow his diet in this state? hell no!

Dr. Amen-Ra on , Aging, Male Mortality, and African American Longevity - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoPM--S-QhI)

At the moment I'm tweaking my diet to be more anabolic and using carbs as tools for pre and post workout like how its laid out on the protocol. My digestion at the moment is really good, solid stools, no upset stomach, besides when I ate some bad supermarket fish at a friends dinner the other week, which I quickly recovered from while everyone else who ate it got bad food poisoning from. I will have a little carb like one piece of fruit before training, and then overload on carbs post workout to take advantage of the insulin response

Rest of the days, when non training I have high protein high fat, moderate carb diet which is similar to keto but not going into ketosis as over the long run going in full ketosis I found can become quit toxic to the body.

My own dietary guidelines which i found are working well so far, are only use juices to cleanse/repair/fast though I usually just water fast. Use and indulge in clean carbs for post workouts/ recovery and meat for maintenance anabolic hormone building, and small amounts of cruicerficrous and fermented vegetables as a side dish to compliment the meat from time to time for fibre, digestion and cleaning.

I've tried eating just meat on it's own and only made me constipated having to strain on the toilet.

The 80/10/10 diet was something you tried for an extended period of time? But you found it unsustainable? I would like to hear more about why you ended that. I've felt pretty good on high fruit in the past. Sure, I gained weight but ultimately I felt it increased my mood and made me more stable. I didn't feel manic or extreme energy, in fact a lot of times drinking a lot of juice throughout the day would make me sleepier I think because of the lowered cortisol and adrenaline. But I'm not sure.

I'm definitely going to try the CDnut's recommended diet for at least a few months because so many people had good results with it here. It may be the right balance of carbs- enough to fuel the body when you need it, and not so much it burdens the liver and gut. I am thinking too many carbs and too much dairy/coffee could be the reason my gut is still in bad shape. I am annoyed that I never addressed it earlier, but oh well, it's never too late I suppose.

I've avoided most vegetables for a long time but I will try adding some in again like broccoli and brussel sprouts and see if that helps. Do you ever eat any of your meat raw? There is a guy on hackstasis who says that going RAW carnivore improved his brain fog a lot - and he had it real bad like ours.

I am also curious if you are using any more of the supplements recommended on totalmaleoptimization? You said vit D but what about the brain boosting supplements like bacopa, gotu kola, and l- theanine? I have all of these but am wonderring if I should take them all everyday or only as needed. I already take the herbal rotation and pine pollen each day, as well as b-vitamins and minerals.

01-17-2020, 05:26 AM
The 80/10/10 diet was something you tried for an extended period of time? But you found it unsustainable? I would like to hear more about why you ended that. I've felt pretty good on high fruit in the past. Sure, I gained weight but ultimately I felt it increased my mood and made me more stable. I didn't feel manic or extreme energy, in fact a lot of times drinking a lot of juice throughout the day would make me sleepier I think because of the lowered cortisol and adrenaline. But I'm not sure.

I'm definitely going to try the CDnut's recommended diet for at least a few months because so many people had good results with it here. It may be the right balance of carbs- enough to fuel the body when you need it, and not so much it burdens the liver and gut. I am thinking too many carbs and too much dairy/coffee could be the reason my gut is still in bad shape. I am annoyed that I never addressed it earlier, but oh well, it's never too late I suppose.

I've avoided most vegetables for a long time but I will try adding some in again like broccoli and brussel sprouts and see if that helps. Do you ever eat any of your meat raw? There is a guy on hackstasis who says that going RAW carnivore improved his brain fog a lot - and he had it real bad like ours.

I am also curious if you are using any more of the supplements recommended on totalmaleoptimization? You said vit D but what about the brain boosting supplements like bacopa, gotu kola, and l- theanine? I have all of these but am wonderring if I should take them all everyday or only as needed. I already take the herbal rotation and pine pollen each day, as well as b-vitamins and minerals.

lol Oh boy where do I begin in terms of answering how unsustainable that ridiculous diet is.

Firstly it's very expensive and inconvenient buying trolley loads worth full of fruits just to get enough calories for the day.

Secondly you are consuming ridiculous amounts of fructose sugar, consuming fruits that are not in season, without getting any fats or much bio available protein. I as always hungry and craving real food. Bloated and losing weight real fast, in despite of meeting calorific requirements for my body weight,

I followed it for about a month before throwing in the towel and thank God I did. I use to hang on to every word of Dr Doug Graham , Dr Moss and his minions and you only have to look at the state of them today to see how far they've degenerated on a fruitarian diet to know that it isn't sustainable or good for long term health.

The dr now looks like a scaly lizard, most of his followers have sunken eyes, dehydrated skin and generally look like zombies. There's a guy named RawBliss who is a hardcore fruitarian and was on a verge of death from malnutrition until this month when he started eating properly again and now he's no longer a bag of bones instead of blaming it on indian fruit

Why Im So Skinny (My Response) - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDJU7WOfduE)

The body needs a variation of different foods to get adequate amounts of fats, proteins and some fibres to assist digestion. A strictly fruitarian high sugar diet is only going to make yeast, mould and fungus stronger

I know there are people who are on the carnivore diet, but in my opinion that is another extreme diet fad that can only work for a short peroid before you get sick again. As omnivores we are meant to consume both meat and vegatables/fruits in balance to our individual nutritional needs.

And no I don't eat raw meat because of the risks, I don't care if it's grass fed, even if the animal is cut up in front of me. I bought some steak this week from the local butchers,the man told me it's the finest cuts he's got, the best of the best and told me to come back and tell him how great it was, and then when I got home and cooked it, it smelt partially off and didn't taste very fresh. Now if I was dumb enough to eat that shit raw I'd most likely have gotten terribly sick. Grass fed animals are not immune from getting infected or carrying deadly bacteria. I mean there are some omnivores eating raw pork, which is again in imo is ridiculously stupid and dangerous.

Anyway my brain fog is all but gone now, so I don't entertain those ridiculous diets anymore and Cdunts diet works because it's scientifically backed up. Its very similar to Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale's Anabolic diet with it's phase shifting from low card days to high carb backloading days and his diet has been working for athletes since the 90's. The only difference is Dr Mauro recommends the carb feasting stage on the weekends, where you go all out on the carbs

Eating this way I feel strong, don't have any cravings for junk, feel satiated and go hours without experiencing hunger even though I have a fast metabolism and gut is healing nicely, solid effortless stools 2x a day and best of all it's simple.

In fact nearly every aspect of this protocol is scientifically sound and verifiable and relatively simple. Even the deep breathing which you haven't been doing is scientifically verifiable and easy to do yet highly beneficial.

I do take nootropics but haven't really been consistent with them but there is no harm taking them every day.

The ones I take are take Alpha GPC, phenylalanine, and L-Theanine. Will try bacopa in future but at the moment the deep breathing is enough for me. The daoists swear by it for longivity and regeneration and it is doing wonders so far.

Other supps I take besides the ones I already mentioned are ionic and transdermal magnesium and d'arco tea from time to time.

01-19-2020, 11:11 AM
80-10-10....been there, done that. Man.....one of the roughest times of my life. That was back in my Panama days with Doug Grahm and Loren Lockman. Loren was a nice guy, but the diets they preach aside from doing them for detoxing, they are NOT sustainable, at all. Expecially if you're Caucasian.... you're a caveman, bottom line, you need animal protein and fat....that is how your snowman ass evolved. The fruitarian cult they have going on over there is a bit scary....lol. They all look horrible but lie to them selves and tell each other how young they look. I spent months with them....I'm talking from experience....lol.

slader1 The brain supps can be rotated as well. Or you can run one for a few weeks at a time and then switch. Try it out, play with it. See what works best for you.

And you really got to get on the breathing my man. It's a GAME CHANGER when done properly and consistently.

01-22-2020, 01:47 AM
lol Oh boy where do I begin in terms of answering how unsustainable that ridiculous diet is.

Firstly it's very expensive and inconvenient buying trolley loads worth full of fruits just to get enough calories for the day.

Secondly you are consuming ridiculous amounts of fructose sugar, consuming fruits that are not in season, without getting any fats or much bio available protein. I as always hungry and craving real food. Bloated and losing weight real fast, in despite of meeting calorific requirements for my body weight,

I followed it for about a month before throwing in the towel and thank God I did. I use to hang on to every word of Dr Doug Graham , Dr Moss and his minions and you only have to look at the state of them today to see how far they've degenerated on a fruitarian diet to know that it isn't sustainable or good for long term health.

The dr now looks like a scaly lizard, most of his followers have sunken eyes, dehydrated skin and generally look like zombies. There's a guy named RawBliss who is a hardcore fruitarian and was on a verge of death from malnutrition until this month when he started eating properly again and now he's no longer a bag of bones instead of blaming it on indian fruit

Why Im So Skinny (My Response) - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDJU7WOfduE)

The body needs a variation of different foods to get adequate amounts of fats, proteins and some fibres to assist digestion. A strictly fruitarian high sugar diet is only going to make yeast, mould and fungus stronger

I know there are people who are on the carnivore diet, but in my opinion that is another extreme diet fad that can only work for a short peroid before you get sick again. As omnivores we are meant to consume both meat and vegatables/fruits in balance to our individual nutritional needs.

And no I don't eat raw meat because of the risks, I don't care if it's grass fed, even if the animal is cut up in front of me. I bought some steak this week from the local butchers,the man told me it's the finest cuts he's got, the best of the best and told me to come back and tell him how great it was, and then when I got home and cooked it, it smelt partially off and didn't taste very fresh. Now if I was dumb enough to eat that shit raw I'd most likely have gotten terribly sick. Grass fed animals are not immune from getting infected or carrying deadly bacteria. I mean there are some omnivores eating raw pork, which is again in imo is ridiculously stupid and dangerous.

Anyway my brain fog is all but gone now, so I don't entertain those ridiculous diets anymore and Cdunts diet works because it's scientifically backed up. Its very similar to Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale's Anabolic diet with it's phase shifting from low card days to high carb backloading days and his diet has been working for athletes since the 90's. The only difference is Dr Mauro recommends the carb feasting stage on the weekends, where you go all out on the carbs

Eating this way I feel strong, don't have any cravings for junk, feel satiated and go hours without experiencing hunger even though I have a fast metabolism and gut is healing nicely, solid effortless stools 2x a day and best of all it's simple.

In fact nearly every aspect of this protocol is scientifically sound and verifiable and relatively simple. Even the deep breathing which you haven't been doing is scientifically verifiable and easy to do yet highly beneficial.

I do take nootropics but haven't really been consistent with them but there is no harm taking them every day.

The ones I take are take Alpha GPC, phenylalanine, and L-Theanine. Will try bacopa in future but at the moment the deep breathing is enough for me. The daoists swear by it for longivity and regeneration and it is doing wonders so far.

Other supps I take besides the ones I already mentioned are ionic and transdermal magnesium and d'arco tea from time to time.

Interesting, thanks for explaining all that. I think that style 80/10/10 diet is on to the idea of strengthening the metabolism but ultimately falls short because it doesn't provide adequate protien and nutrients. Sugar and many nutrients found in fruit are akin to pushing the accelerator, they are burning gas and making you run stronger and faster. But if you neglect to get enough calcium, saturated fat and other maintenance minerals then various bodily processes will be lacking. I could easily see that leading to burnout after just a few months. That is why the doctor is so skinny and his skin looks ancient, he never gets any protien, collagen, or calcium.

Likewise I think a diet that is devoid of carbohydrates will ultimately slow you down, hinder the thyroid, and prevent one from functioning optimally. This is why I'm starting to see @cdnut's carb cycling as a perfect balance between pushing metabolism and supporting nutrition.

However, I personally still feel best eating carbs. My energy and mood are better with carbs. It makes me want to eat them every day and not just post workout.

Oddly enough, I tried some raw milk today and my stools seemed to improve. I think my gut flora may have somehow adapted to be able to handle milk better than meat. I have been having a lot more of loose stools and constipation since trying carnivore style dieting. Maybe I will have to try cutting back fully on the supplements, and see if that is irritating my bowel too.

I have started to do the breathing regularly. I definitely feel more calm after it. Maybe a little more focussed too. I am hopeful that consistency+time=improvement!

01-23-2020, 03:48 PM
Interesting, thanks for explaining all that. I think that style 80/10/10 diet is on to the idea of strengthening the metabolism but ultimately falls short because it doesn't provide adequate protien and nutrients. Sugar and many nutrients found in fruit are akin to pushing the accelerator, they are burning gas and making you run stronger and faster. But if you neglect to get enough calcium, saturated fat and other maintenance minerals then various bodily processes will be lacking. I could easily see that leading to burnout after just a few months. That is why the doctor is so skinny and his skin looks ancient, he never gets any protien, collagen, or calcium.

Likewise I think a diet that is devoid of carbohydrates will ultimately slow you down, hinder the thyroid, and prevent one from functioning optimally. This is why I'm starting to see @cdnut's carb cycling as a perfect balance between pushing metabolism and supporting nutrition.

However, I personally still feel best eating carbs. My energy and mood are better with carbs. It makes me want to eat them every day and not just post workout.

Oddly enough, I tried some raw milk today and my stools seemed to improve. I think my gut flora may have somehow adapted to be able to handle milk better than meat. I have been having a lot more of loose stools and constipation since trying carnivore style dieting. Maybe I will have to try cutting back fully on the supplements, and see if that is irritating my bowel too.

I have started to do the breathing regularly. I definitely feel more calm after it. Maybe a little more focussed too. I am hopeful that consistency+time=improvement!

All that being said, the more you practice the breathing, the easier it gets and the better the results become. Glad you started to see it!

01-27-2020, 08:16 AM
Little update on week 3 andro cycle

Feeling very lethargic,sluggish and unmotivated. Had a shitty stressful week last week which didn't help and was around a girl who has some very bad eating habits which I picked up and kind of messed up my momentum.

So ended up eating cakes, burgers and some sweets lol which has brought the psoriasis back with a vengeance and don't feel good generally at all, besides only the brain fog hasn't returned.

Libido is pretty much non existent although I'm waking up with boners every morning and sensitivity has improved slightly

But what's killing me is the depressive low lethargy, aggression seems to have gone and generally experiencing feelings of frustration that I'm having to deal with this shit though I know I can't avoid the reality of the situation, just got to accept and face it head on and understand there are going to be set backs.


Brain fog gone
Voice is a bit stronger
Little more sensitivity downstairs
Gaining weight,strength and muscle


No libido
Depression little to no motivation
Testicle is still shrunken
Psoriasis came back from the dead
Ran out of bone broth, magnesium, vitamin C and iodine
Grass fed Meat to sustain yourself on is expensive as fuck

01-28-2020, 08:43 AM
I'm feeling really really fucked today, guys.

I have absolutely no energy, completely exhausted even doing the basics is hard work.

I even tried lightly work out with some jump rope and had no energy to complete the tas

Hope this is not suppressive shut down at only week 4 on andro. Don't know whether to stop or keep going for another week or two since
I got stuff to be working on and have no energy for it. See if I can ride it out and things pick back up in a day or two. If not may well have to cut the cycle short and jump backon the herb rotation.

I have orderd more magnesium, vitamin c and some mineral complex which should arrive tomorrow.

01-28-2020, 10:31 PM
Felt a small surge of energy yesterday afternoon and has stayed with me so feel like back to a decent baseline level again

It was like I crashed the last two days as I felt completing done in.

Anxious, extreme fatigue, some brain fog coming back, agitation and irritability, lost of confidence, terrible balance when rising

Thank the lords that's passed

It must have been a rebound effect of the crazy eating from last week rather than the andro, I don't know but gonna continue on to the finish line regardless.

02-06-2020, 11:49 PM
Finished 1st Andro cycle and had mixed results.First week the best had great energy, motivation and some periods of waking up with decent libido. Then 3rd and 4th week had some terrible lack of energy, demotivation.

Last week I was feeling very bad mentally, feelings of hopelessness severe lack of motivation etc so did more meditation, like 30 mins in the morning, 30 mins at night, specialised trauma release body work, deep relaxation through yoga

As a result my mind is now clear, no brain fog, no more confused thinking and no more OCD, no more irritability, no longer get super stressed. It's as if I gone through a catharsis . Clarity is up to 8/10 I'm experiencing mood brightening effects too but my emotions are still cut off so feel like a robot zombie only with super clarity. Early this week it was like I was experiencing life through 3rd person view which was really weird. Dreams are becoming surreal, very vivid, then waking up and feeling my spirit slowly come back inside my body after dreaming

Right now I'm working on finding ways to bring my emotions back, only now do I realise how much I miss them. Through years I just got use to not having any emotions, at times feeling like a psychopath, I could do certain things I wanted without feeling regret and not care about certain things, but now I want all that back

Besides that the last few days I haven't been getting any morning wood which is concerning and unusual but I'm remaining calm for now. Penis is more sensitive I can feel it in my pants, but still no body to penis connection but other night could achieve an erection from just thinking which was good. Just started back on the herbs yesterday on black maca, going to do tongkat plus hard short workout and take in some duck liver which I hope pick things back up

And 1st time I used MCT oil yesterday and found it really works for IT fasting, a bit too well., I did not experience any hunger pangs or cravings after drinking it which I wasn't really expecting even though I had it marketed as such, just thought of it as sales pitch. I bought it more for gut health to go along side vitamin bounty pro 50. Usually i would fast until 12 and be chomping at the bit to eat. Yesterday I could have fasted for the whole day and not noticed. I didn't eat until 2pm and even though it was only because I willed myself to eat since I needed some fuel for HIT training lol

02-07-2020, 06:51 AM
Woke up this morning with aggressive morning wood that took a few mins to go away, so things seem to be still functioning all right downstairs and no shut down from Andro but noticedit's slightly swaying towards the left which is really concerning as my penis has always been pinpoint straight when erect.

Hopefully it resolves on it's own and it's just a blood flow issue since I hadn't had a solid erection since monday.

02-12-2020, 02:06 PM
So guys been a week of pure hell, completely crashed, suicidal, no libido no erections, head space, no sleep no nothing.

Just complete emptiness yet super aware.

Thankfully a lot of this has subsided in the last 48 hours, just been eating my face off to get energy, and estrogen foods to n hope of getting some strength

I dont know if it was the herbs, megadosed tribulus or the estrogen foods which brought me back to life but whatever it was I am grateful

Still far from 100% but at least I feel more grounded and connected with my body and my environment. The crash zapped me off all energy, will and belief.

Libido is still faint, but today managed to get an spontanous erection during the day through just attraction to another woman, and then later when I got home was able to at least stimulate an erection on my own.

So something is working. I am going to give this 6 months of pure herb rotation, juice fast or water fast on the weekends, heavy training during the week to see if I can get the little libido that I had back.

Mentally I feel sharp, no brain fog, no anxiety, no fear at all which is positive and negative.

If I don't make considerable leaps in 6months rotating herbs and training like a spartan, I'm turning to the bad guys for TRT because I'm tired of feeling like shit because my body doesn't do what want it to do. Or wait until the scientists have a cyborg implant chips that gives you libido 24/7

Either that or give me the coronavirus to finish me off.

02-13-2020, 07:06 AM
So guys been a week of pure hell, completely crashed, suicidal, no libido no erections, head space, no sleep no nothing.

Just complete emptiness yet super aware.

Thankfully a lot of this has subsided in the last 48 hours, just been eating my face off to get energy, and estrogen foods to n hope of getting some strength

I dont know if it was the herbs, megadosed tribulus or the estrogen foods which brought me back to life but whatever it was I am grateful

Still far from 100% but at least I feel more grounded and connected with my body and my environment. The crash zapped me off all energy, will and belief.

Libido is still faint, but today managed to get an spontanous erection during the day through just attraction to another woman, and then later when I got home was able to at least stimulate an erection on my own.

So something is working. I am going to give this 6 months of pure herb rotation, juice fast or water fast on the weekends, heavy training during the week to see if I can get the little libido that I had back.

Mentally I feel sharp, no brain fog, no anxiety, no fear at all which is positive and negative.

If I don't make considerable leaps in 6months rotating herbs and training like a spartan, I'm turning to the bad guys for TRT because I'm tired of feeling like shit because my body doesn't do what want it to do. Or wait until the scientists have a cyborg implant chips that gives you libido 24/7

Either that or give me the coronavirus to finish me off.

Just know TRT isn't the way out.

If you're doing the protocol 100% you should notice a big difference in six months time.

02-13-2020, 11:19 PM
Just know TRT isn't the way out.

If you're doing the protocol 100% you should notice a big difference in six months time.

I hope I don't have to resort to TRT but my body has completely died now in terms of sexual function and not getting any younger and not even sure I can respond to the protocol. it’s actually very scary, how dramatic my sex drive has plummeted to literally nothing. Though the last few nights been getting some randoms in the night, but nothing close to how I was just a fortnight ago

My brain doesn't respond to anything, it's just in one state throughout the day with little aggression or mood fluctuations just in a zoned out other worldly content zen state going through the motions of life at the minute like a clear thinking zombie robot as if Ive taken a permanent shot of opium without the feel good factor.

Last night had some strong whisky, along with sharing an entire bottle of red and a joint with a girl just to test if he would do anything to me mentally and didn't do shit to me, could still think clearly and soberly. she was like fucking hell how can you not feel tanked after all that

It's been speculated that i crushed my estrogen and it's so fucking hard here in the uk to get blood results, even private testers are amateurish and costly.

I now have to wait until next week for my results to come back

In the meantime Now my mind is doing a number on me, telling me I have developed some form of irreparable nerve damage lol

02-14-2020, 03:28 AM
Alchemy you tried Medichecks for a blood test, they're fairly cheap and pretty much test everything?

02-14-2020, 05:14 AM
Alchemy you tried Medichecks for a blood test, they're fairly cheap and pretty much test everything?

Yeah I've checked them out but gone with another similar company that does the same tests for decent price but has more biomarkers for things like cortisol, all the thyroids that the medichecks male hormone panel doesn't test for.

I already got doctors to take blood for free, last week, just waiting for results, but the kicker is that they told me they couldn't test for Oestradiol which I think is bullshit, because I've been tested before.

But at that point I had no energy or assertiveness to challenge him

Can't believe last month I felt like a spartan to now feeling like Stephen Hawking

02-14-2020, 12:42 PM
Yeah I've checked them out but gone with another similar company that does the same tests for decent price but has more biomarkers for things like cortisol, all the thyroids that the medichecks male hormone panel doesn't test for.

I already got doctors to take blood for free, last week, just waiting for results, but the kicker is that they told me they couldn't test for Oestradiol which I think is bullshit, because I've been tested before.

But at that point I had no energy or assertiveness to challenge him

Can't believe last month I felt like a spartan to now feeling like Stephen Hawking

Right, so that fact that you were feeling like a spartan shows you that in fact you don't have some irreparable nerve damage and that you're currently going through a wicked downswing. I can tell you one thing....drinking and smoking isn't going to do you any favors.

You need to stay the course. If there was ever a time you needed to, now is that time.

02-14-2020, 01:19 PM
I hope I don't have to resort to TRT but my body has completely died now in terms of sexual function and not getting any younger and not even sure I can respond to the protocol. it’s actually very scary, how dramatic my sex drive has plummeted to literally nothing. Though the last few nights been getting some randoms in the night, but nothing close to how I was just a fortnight ago

My brain doesn't respond to anything, it's just in one state throughout the day with little aggression or mood fluctuations just in a zoned out other worldly content zen state going through the motions of life at the minute like a clear thinking zombie robot as if Ive taken a permanent shot of opium without the feel good factor.

Last night had some strong whisky, along with sharing an entire bottle of red and a joint with a girl just to test if he would do anything to me mentally and didn't do shit to me, could still think clearly and soberly. she was like fucking hell how can you not feel tanked after all that

It's been speculated that i crushed my estrogen and it's so fucking hard here in the uk to get blood results, even private testers are amateurish and costly.

I now have to wait until next week for my results to come back

In the meantime Now my mind is doing a number on me, telling me I have developed some form of irreparable nerve damage lol

You're thinking way too much in the moment and panicking that what you're feeling is indefinite. It's not, if you're doing the right things. I can already tell you that TRT isn't going to fix it. Already been down that road myself. Nor is drinking and smoking psychedelics.

Let me explain why you feel like you're on a constant drug high that won't end. All mammals in the animal kingdom are built with survival instincts. We know this. When a mammal is attacked or feels it's in danger, it's brain responds by sending fight or flight hormones (epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and other stress hormones) to the brain causing the heart to palpitate, the eyes to dilate, the body begins to tremor, and panic so that fleeing becomes easier. This is the part is not widely known; While in this state, if the animal is caught by a predator and experiences physical and mental trauma, the brain severs it's connection to the entire world and its nervous system to disassociate itself, thus lessening the pain of it all.

All of us in the beginning stages of PFS go through this very thing. First, we experience our first crash and panic like hell, causing it to be worse. It's understandable. Because of the slow progression of recovery, we continue to panic ourselves to death not knowing what's wrong or how to fix it, eventually leading to the disassociation I mentioned above. That's a lot of the "drug high" you're experiencing because of all of the panic that has put your brain into disassociation mode. On top of that, your hindering your recovery because you want instant relief, which is understandable, and trying to numb your pain with toxic foreign substances. But that's not how this works. You need to accept that and, instead, put your strong desire to better into doing what you need to be doing. If not, then yes. This will be forever for you.

02-14-2020, 01:30 PM
Right, so that fact that you were feeling like a spartan shows you that in fact you don't have some irreparable nerve damage and that you're currently going through a wicked downswing. I can tell you one thing....drinking and smoking isn't going to do you any favors.

You need to stay the course. If there was ever a time you needed to, now is that time.

You're right brother

I can't fall off the wagon now of all times, going to dig deep and find some grit to keep pushing myself, just this feeling is very alien to me and slowly coming to terms with the situation and no longer freaking out like last week. Experiencing depersonalistion/derealisation along with absence of libido is not something I've gone through before and it's a scary shock to the system along with noticing that lifting anything heavy is now a Herculean task.

I'm gaining back some belief that I will find a way out of this regardless what symptoms get thrown at me. I've come back from a load of other shit equally as bad, I'm not gonna let this beat me.

I doubt there is nerve damage but all sorts of theories floating through my head, from HPTA shutdown, thyroid,estrogen, dhea, DHT,progestoerone or dopamine flanked, but I can't afford to wallow in pity and misery

We get back on the horse and continue to march forward.

02-15-2020, 01:33 PM
You're right brother

I can't fall off the wagon now of all times, going to dig deep and find some grit to keep pushing myself, just this feeling is very alien to me and slowly coming to terms with the situation and no longer freaking out like last week. Experiencing depersonalistion/derealisation along with absence of libido is not something I've gone through before and it's a scary shock to the system along with noticing that lifting anything heavy is now a Herculean task.

I'm gaining back some belief that I will find a way out of this regardless what symptoms get thrown at me. I've come back from a load of other shit equally as bad, I'm not gonna let this beat me.

I doubt there is nerve damage but all sorts of theories floating through my head, from HPTA shutdown, thyroid,estrogen, dhea, DHT,progestoerone or dopamine flanked, but I can't afford to wallow in pity and misery

We get back on the horse and continue to march forward.

Good man. Really, that's all you can do, aside from wallow in self pity and misery, and that's not helping anything, regardless.

You need to push the most when you feel like you just can't anymore. Catch 22 for sure. But this is how it is.

I can tell you that when you do make it past this moment, you will feel better for it.

Keep going. You'll be glad you did. Believe me.

02-15-2020, 03:09 PM
Not freaking out is the first step for your brain to start some work! It's gonna be allright man keep going

02-15-2020, 11:45 PM
You're thinking way too much in the moment and panicking that what you're feeling is indefinite. It's not, if you're doing the right things. I can already tell you that TRT isn't going to fix it. Already been down that road myself. Nor is drinking and smoking psychedelics.

Let me explain why you feel like you're on a constant drug high that won't end. All mammals in the animal kingdom are built with survival instincts. We know this. When a mammal is attacked or feels it's in danger, it's brain responds by sending fight or flight hormones (epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and other stress hormones) to the brain causing the heart to palpitate, the eyes to dilate, the body begins to tremor, and panic so that fleeing becomes easier. This is the part is not widely known; While in this state, if the animal is caught by a predator and experiences physical and mental trauma, the brain severs it's connection to the entire world and its nervous system to disassociate itself, thus lessening the pain of it all.

All of us in the beginning stages of PFS go through this very thing. First, we experience our first crash and panic like hell, causing it to be worse. It's understandable. Because of the slow progression of recovery, we continue to panic ourselves to death not knowing what's wrong or how to fix it, eventually leading to the disassociation I mentioned above. That's a lot of the "drug high" you're experiencing because of all of the panic that has put your brain into disassociation mode. On top of that, your hindering your recovery because you want instant relief, which is understandable, and trying to numb your pain with toxic foreign substances. But that's not how this works. You need to accept that and, instead, put your strong desire to better into doing what you need to be doing. If not, then yes. This will be forever for you.

This isn't going to be forever, I will make sure of that one way or another, I will find a way out.

I don't feel panic rather dread at this time, I'm too numb to feel panic. it's like I'm looking at life through a window, enclosed within my mind, rather than high I should say, very difficult to describe. My mind state is content, peaceful, super clear, no brain fog, can think clearly without any obstructions or with little emotions connected with the thoughts and feels like I'm acting when having a converstion with people. I'd rather have a bit of brain fog and have the ability to shift moods and mind states like a human rather than operate like an android.

Though last few days have been better in the sense of caring about what is going on around me and being able to react angry at some things.

I understand what your saying about trauma and severed connection through dissociation, which is what happened when I first ever crashed from a psyche drug, and then made myself feel worst by having panic attacks I was far worst mentally back then but I never experienced complete shutdown like this even though I was in a frenzy

Right now all systems have shut down, I don't feel any adrenaline, no stress cortisol, just calm dissociation nothing trigged it that was traumatic, only after stopping androgelz did I slowly begin to notice things were not working downstairs as well as previously which is when the overthinking and excessive worry did set in. In fact I was feeling very close to full recovering

I'm thinking shutdown or low estro and that can usually only be reversed through TRT or some other shit like clomid. I really dont want to go down that road of putting more synthetics but living like a ghost in the land of the living i can't and will not accept.

Strangely enough I still getting regular noctornal erections and morning erections, but can't really feel any excitement in my head or body when they happen and feel disconnected from them, it's so robotic. Every night experiencing vivid sexual dreams but yet feel no libido

I'm not in my 20s anymore and don't know if my body can bounce back on it's own again if my testosterone is completely tanked, this is why I would consider TRT but that's only after I exhausted all options and tests confirm it's extremely low

Right now I am back to the protocol cycling herbs for PCT, eating healthy, sauna, meditating and trying to stay positively by working hard to remain calm and in the present and working out muscles any free time I have along with running hard, cold showers just so I can reconnect with bodily sensations. I've been sleeping better and all my bloods should arrive on tuesday and hopefully that can give an inkling, faint idea on what's going on

Thanks for all your support and encouragement guys, I can't tell you how much it helps to have people talk to about this that have an understanding of what's going on, though we know we each individually have the responsibility to pull ourselves out of the hole.

02-16-2020, 02:46 AM
You hittin the gym? Or HIIT?

02-16-2020, 04:24 AM
You hittin the gym? Or HIIT?

I'm doing both.

I remember you saying in your thread that you experienced sudden anesthetized discconnection with your lower body and then you recovered after a few weeks

Do you think the water fast resolved it?

02-16-2020, 06:22 AM
I think it was part of it. I was extremely suicidal there and almost did it(still have flashbacks to that lol), once the decision fell I'm not gonna do it I went like all out on my body. Showing it that we actually gonna probably die soon in a physical way XD.

I was fasting but in addition did this way too stupid cold exposure, swimming in the cold sea for as long as I could humanly hold + 1-2minutes and then I had to get back home etc.. &HIIT. Probably huge internal stress, after the 5th day I felt tremendously bad on the waterfast(in comparison first waterfast I felt great at 10th day), but did one more day, met someone at the supermarket and noticed I can barely hear and felt completely spaced out so went back home to eat. During the whole time time(idk 3-4weeks) I was doing neomans "warming therapy"(youtube) every day for 30min-2h (well and Sauna).

ah here is a summary I wrote on HS:

1) waterfast
2) right after waterfast, nattokinase + serrapeptase, nattokinase 1x a day, next day 3x serrapeptase and repeat
3) tried to get blood rushing everywhere, jogging morning and evenings + gym
4) pelvic stretches, lots of yoga and weird movements to fix spine literally for hours a day
5) rice sock therapy, youtube neoman on youtube (I think this helped tremendously), on the week it fixed itself I could literally feel shiet moving/changing in my dick.
6) spices, everything that thins blood, stopped greens and used tons of turmeric, garlic, onions, ginger
7) cold and warm exposure, sea swimming in like 8 degree celsius seawater for 3-10min and sauna 1-2x a week
8) NO uppin foods, raw beets daily for breakfast, asparagus, celery,

02-16-2020, 07:26 AM
I think it was part of it. I was extremely suicidal there and almost did it(still have flashbacks to that lol), once the decision fell I'm not gonna do it I went like all out on my body. Showing it that we actually gonna probably die soon in a physical way XD.

I was fasting but in addition did this way too stupid cold exposure, swimming in the cold sea for as long as I could humanly hold + 1-2minutes and then I had to get back home etc.. &HIIT. Probably huge internal stress, after the 5th day I felt tremendously bad on the waterfast(in comparison first waterfast I felt great at 10th day), but did one more day, met someone at the supermarket and noticed I can barely hear and felt completely spaced out so went back home to eat. During the whole time time(idk 3-4weeks) I was doing neomans "warming therapy"(youtube) every day for 30min-2h (well and Sauna).

ah here is a summary I wrote on HS:

1) waterfast
2) right after waterfast, nattokinase + serrapeptase, nattokinase 1x a day, next day 3x serrapeptase and repeat
3) tried to get blood rushing everywhere, jogging morning and evenings + gym
4) pelvic stretches, lots of yoga and weird movements to fix spine literally for hours a day
5) rice sock therapy, youtube neoman on youtube (I think this helped tremendously), on the week it fixed itself I could literally feel shiet moving/changing in my dick.
6) spices, everything that thins blood, stopped greens and used tons of turmeric, garlic, onions, ginger
7) cold and warm exposure, sea swimming in like 8 degree celsius seawater for 3-10min and sauna 1-2x a week
8) NO uppin foods, raw beets daily for breakfast, asparagus, celery,

Thats great stuff and a real help. All of that sounds like a smart and strong enough strategy to reverse it all. Did you come up with the idea of combining all of those things together by yourself, or you were just throwing the kitchen sink at the problem? I think your protocol deserves to be called ' The blood rush regime''

Was also feeling suicidal when this shit occured but thankfully moved on from that and know its not ever an option, since things can change quickly.

I am just thankful that I can at least can still get a decent strong erection if need be so won't have to do without sex while waiting to heal which was one of my biggest fear. Another new issues is that my dick has suddenly started to slightly rotate when erect which is having an effect on orgasm quality so will definitely have to try the sock puppet therapy lol before it gets worse

I'm going to do everyone of these things which you listed besides sea swimming, since the sea and beaches are too filthy over here lol

Fast and, then refeed with paleo, plus eat beets, celery, which are great for nitric oxide and train like a mofo, cold and warm exposure+ cardio for blood flow and circulation, spices to reduce inflammation and purify the blood and I think that is enough to a long way towards feeling normal again

02-16-2020, 09:02 AM
Here have a read LOL

Ya I had even prior that (but after PFS) very strong rotation on axis and bending to the left. I think my rotation is almost gone and my bending is minor enough to not even be seen. My morning woods are better than pre pfs by now^^

It wasn't just "random". It all sounds pretty simple when someone lays it out, cuz in truth it is. Just like going to bed on time and eating nothing processed should be obvious to stay healthy, but yet we do all this weird shit in between(beside pfs, just in real life I mean xd).
I got kinda some obsessive characteristic traits, I've been fkin my body up for 20years, is it video games, all nighters, work, alcohol, crazy amounts of sugar and junk food. And after I crashed I spend hundreds of hours reading.

Waterfasting is mandatory I belive. Your body is nothing else than a million long created meatsuit lel, so whatever you do at any moment will have some influence on the endless cells inside of it, which in the end, is you(and your wellbeing). Fasting gets rid of senescent cells(cells which experienced stress, died and now ar fakd up zombie-like cells which reside in yo body, but do nothing besides stressing other cells out = inflammation. Autophagy seems to get rid of those.
Your bodies goal is to stay alive, but it also gets easily comfortable and then things get fuckd, that's why it seems to be that everything related to almost killing yourself(naturally) seems to increase health (+lifespan in animals).

With ma dikk there I thought it's plaquing of the arteries, I had a lot of chestpain and shortly after it felt as if any blood to bottom has been cut/blocked. Nattokinase/Serrapeptase seem to eat up and regulate fibrin (proteinplaques in yo arteries).

Just focusing on everything is the best way, cold exposure attacks a trillion things, so does gym. Diet is huge. Yoga/massages/streching too. I also belive some more vits are good, but those are always hard to recommend since some people crash on some stuff. That's why the protocol here is pretty safe, magnesium won't crash ppl xd. But B vit's which I think are crucial to get out of fight/flight can have b12 as methyldonor, and some crash on dat. Enzymes(betaine hcl/ox bile/pepsin) to food seems to very good for us, since we seem to have bile/nutrientsabsorption issues etc, but it's a methyldonor aswell and sum crash on dat.

Lot's of blabla, but probably the closer we get to nature the easier it is to heal, walking barefood, deep breaths, sunexposure, getting cold, sweating, getting out of breath, letting go, loosening the body etc. Then refeeding your body good shit, using greens, good meat, good grains, good fats, nutrientdense foods, some IF to that etc.

Ppl feel like shit yet ask can I have chips, or pizza or dis or dat. If you youtube some shit like "eating like Alexis Ren"(or pick any other person) you notice that people who try to follow eating healthy still eat bunch of crap which doesn't even resemble of what they see. They don't see the seeds, the herbs, the spices, the small stuff that adds up and gives your body tons of nutrientvalue(well or just eat healthy, how did people eat even 300years ago? Your body isn't adapted to weird processed stuff). I'm not saying be healthy all the time, I'm def eating some shit almost daily, and I still got wasted here and there, but I'm not gonna come here and ask why I sleep suddenly bad again etc xd. The reason we're here is that everything influences everything^^

02-16-2020, 09:21 AM
If ya already can get an errection it's great man, what the hell the rest will follow. Not overusing is important too xd, fapping taxes your whole body^^

3 vids maybe anyone wanna see who reads this
1. Fasting, it's long but we're in for the long houl anyway. So take your time and listen it someday. This is pretty new, and remember that they do a waterfast "mimicking-diet" only cuz people are not willing to waterfast. So just waterfast don't complicate things LEL
Dr. Valter Longo on Resetting Autoimmunity and Rejuvenating Systems with Prolonged Fasting the FMD - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evGFWRXEzz8&t=27s)

2. He talks about testosterone and health in general, sometimes we need to rehear that what's obvious. Idc what anyone thinks of him(but I don't follow everything he says tho LEL), I find it impressive that he was talking on youtube already 10 years ago about toxic shite in shower gels, adrenal fatigue, sunexposure, fasting etc. I wish I'd look that ripped at 50+. See how hard it is to mention fasting in real life eventho we did it for thousands of years, the shit he got 10 years in the comments is incredible XD.
ALL NATURAL Ways To Boost Your Testosterone l #RippedAt50 - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwvBjV_YpaA)

3. Yoga, streches, massages, all that destresses the shit outta your body
STRONG ARMS MEAN SH*T! | Ido Portal on London Real - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcva6kVy5gQ) Ido Portal teaches the way of movement, it's a simple vid here. Just checkout his physique on other vids or so he's a monster.
Mike Changs Daily FLOW TRAINING | Morning Routine - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zE0yb5Hot8&t=1352s) did the first 20mins every other day, just to loosen up

k peace out :D haha

02-16-2020, 10:57 AM
If ya already can get an errection it's great man, what the hell the rest will follow. Not overusing is important too xd, fapping taxes your whole body^^

3 vids maybe anyone wanna see who reads this
1. Fasting, it's long but we're in for the long houl anyway. So take your time and listen it someday. This is pretty new, and remember that they do a waterfast "mimicking-diet" only cuz people are not willing to waterfast. So just waterfast don't complicate things LEL
Dr. Valter Longo on Resetting Autoimmunity and Rejuvenating Systems with Prolonged Fasting the FMD - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evGFWRXEzz8&t=27s)

2. He talks about testosterone and health in general, sometimes we need to rehear that what's obvious. Idc what anyone thinks of him(but I don't follow everything he says tho LEL), I find it impressive that he was talking on youtube already 10 years ago about toxic shite in shower gels, adrenal fatigue, sunexposure, fasting etc. I wish I'd look that ripped at 50+. See how hard it is to mention fasting in real life eventho we did it for thousands of years, the shit he got 10 years in the comments is incredible XD.
ALL NATURAL Ways To Boost Your Testosterone l #RippedAt50 - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwvBjV_YpaA)

3. Yoga, streches, massages, all that destresses the shit outta your body
STRONG ARMS MEAN SH*T! | Ido Portal on London Real - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcva6kVy5gQ) Ido Portal teaches the way of movement, it's a simple vid here. Just checkout his physique on other vids or so he's a monster.
Mike Changs Daily FLOW TRAINING | Morning Routine - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zE0yb5Hot8&t=1352s) did the first 20mins every other day, just to loosen up

k peace out :D haha

Great stuff brother.

Really motivating stuff

Gonna start the water fast tomorrow and try to get to 7-10 days of it in, which is going to be absolutely brutal and is the last thing I wanted to have to do again since I'm likely going to look like skin and bone by the end of it but if it has to be done, it has to be done. I feel my body needs a reset cleanse.

I remember the last time I suffered ed problems which was many years ago, I did a week juice fast and after suffered no problems at all, was crazy rock hard for the ladies. At the moment, I can get it up but my mind can't connect at all, I have to look down to notice it's up and it looks like it's had a semi stroke because it starts swaying left which makes me think it's a plaque blood flow or hormonal issue

it's usually day 4-5 when the water fast gets too much where I can barely stand, nausea, ears popping/ringing sets in etc and feel like I'm about to pass out, so may switch it up to juice which is what I've done in the past since I naturally have limited fat restores as low body fat. Might even aim for 2 weeks so I can get rid of dead cells and repair tissue

But definitely a prolonged fast is in order along with giving the snake a rest, usually only fap every 7 days but going to cut it out completely until I'm completely recovered.

Enjoying and savouring every meal tonight, because the next few days we going into the trenches lol

02-16-2020, 12:00 PM
Here have a read LOL

Ya I had even prior that (but after PFS) very strong rotation on axis and bending to the left. I think my rotation is almost gone and my bending is minor enough to not even be seen. My morning woods are better than pre pfs by now^^

It wasn't just "random". It all sounds pretty simple when someone lays it out, cuz in truth it is. Just like going to bed on time and eating nothing processed should be obvious to stay healthy, but yet we do all this weird shit in between(beside pfs, just in real life I mean xd).
I got kinda some obsessive characteristic traits, I've been fkin my body up for 20years, is it video games, all nighters, work, alcohol, crazy amounts of sugar and junk food. And after I crashed I spend hundreds of hours reading.

Waterfasting is mandatory I belive. Your body is nothing else than a million long created meatsuit lel, so whatever you do at any moment will have some influence on the endless cells inside of it, which in the end, is you(and your wellbeing). Fasting gets rid of senescent cells(cells which experienced stress, died and now ar fakd up zombie-like cells which reside in yo body, but do nothing besides stressing other cells out = inflammation. Autophagy seems to get rid of those.
Your bodies goal is to stay alive, but it also gets easily comfortable and then things get fuckd, that's why it seems to be that everything related to almost killing yourself(naturally) seems to increase health (+lifespan in animals).

With ma dikk there I thought it's plaquing of the arteries, I had a lot of chestpain and shortly after it felt as if any blood to bottom has been cut/blocked. Nattokinase/Serrapeptase seem to eat up and regulate fibrin (proteinplaques in yo arteries).

Just focusing on everything is the best way, cold exposure attacks a trillion things, so does gym. Diet is huge. Yoga/massages/streching too. I also belive some more vits are good, but those are always hard to recommend since some people crash on some stuff. That's why the protocol here is pretty safe, magnesium won't crash ppl xd. But B vit's which I think are crucial to get out of fight/flight can have b12 as methyldonor, and some crash on dat. Enzymes(betaine hcl/ox bile/pepsin) to food seems to very good for us, since we seem to have bile/nutrientsabsorption issues etc, but it's a methyldonor aswell and sum crash on dat.

Lot's of blabla, but probably the closer we get to nature the easier it is to heal, walking barefood, deep breaths, sunexposure, getting cold, sweating, getting out of breath, letting go, loosening the body etc. Then refeeding your body good shit, using greens, good meat, good grains, good fats, nutrientdense foods, some IF to that etc.

Ppl feel like shit yet ask can I have chips, or pizza or dis or dat. If you youtube some shit like "eating like Alexis Ren"(or pick any other person) you notice that people who try to follow eating healthy still eat bunch of crap which doesn't even resemble of what they see. They don't see the seeds, the herbs, the spices, the small stuff that adds up and gives your body tons of nutrientvalue(well or just eat healthy, how did people eat even 300years ago? Your body isn't adapted to weird processed stuff). I'm not saying be healthy all the time, I'm def eating some shit almost daily, and I still got wasted here and there, but I'm not gonna come here and ask why I sleep suddenly bad again etc xd. The reason we're here is that everything influences everything^^

I'm suspecting protein plaques,as well because I have been getting these weird sudden blasts of pains in lower end and sides of torso and feel weird blockage around my abdomen

I'm also very OCD and extreme with certain things so I can go periods of eating very healthy obsessing over foods but then I can easily fall off the wagon and be swayed to eating complete garbage or be led to drink and smoke. That's been happening on and off the last few months, so maybe a crash was due as a result of the yoyo swinging I was putting my body through

After I'm done going through this torturous fast, I will only put into my body things that it can process and use only a select amount supplements because while I've been panicking these last few weeks, I have been stuffing down a whole load of different pills from supps that I dont have a clue which one is doing what and hardly getting anything out of them becuase no doubt the body is congested and confused.

Vitamin C, D, B, magnesuim, and those fermented probiotics you suggested along with cdunts protocol and herbs rotation I think is good. The rest of the minerals should get from good organic food

What's your take on bile acid? I take it because of leaky gut and mild psoriasis since it's theorised that bile acid break up endotoxin in the intestinal tract which is one of the triggers for increased microbial pathogens.

I'm hoping the prolonged water and juice fast wipes it out regardless

02-16-2020, 02:03 PM
I wouldn't neccessary rush things, when I think back I'm always glad I did it but same time it was often too early or I was way too stressed(mentally aswell) and waiting a bit would've been better. Especially my first fast LOL.
From my youtube studies(lel) it seems that it's good to get into ketosis prior a fast. If someone is in good ketosis it seems to take like 3 days to get most benefits out of a fast(when we solely look on autophagy), and if not it seems to be 6/7days. Altough prolonged fasts probably work on tons of levels which we don't get.
I'm not a fan of the keto diet since fk I love carbs and I think it's way harder to do than people want to admit, since it's still a moderate protein diet and probably not a optimal one. But cutting carbs for 2-3days out completely before fasting might help to 1) make the transition way easier, and 2) get benefits earlier and make every day we keep going more worthwhile. Since otherwise you're kinda just starving for 3-4days, and starving doesn't really have many benefits and puts huge stress on the body. I think ideal would be to feel better and better past 3 days with maybe some detox downtimes here and there. The fast is not a torture^^, just make very sure u don't fall of the wagon after the fast during refeed, this can set you back for months I think
My dikk etc didnt start working till like 2-3weeks after I stopped the fast if I remember right btw, there were no immediate effects to that.

I'm not sur what bile acids/salts? are, I'm pretty sure the ones I mentioned earlier with anything that helps to digest is probably good.
And I didn't recommend probiotics, maybe you mean prebiotics like sauerkraut starchy foods etc^^, those combined with minor probiotics ar probably good. But still this is different for everybody, pretty sure I had SiBo/Leaky gut early, probiotics would be very bad then.

And pls this is all just my opinion here, your decision what you do. J
Following CDsnuts protocol is probably the easiest and safest way which covers with the herbs probably everything, and from what I know he isn't a fan of repeated fasting.

and I wouldn't take random supps without reading well into possible side effects of pfs ppl

02-16-2020, 03:24 PM
I wouldn't neccessary rush things, when I think back I'm always glad I did it but same time it was often too early or I was way too stressed(mentally aswell) and waiting a bit would've been better. Especially my first fast LOL.
From my youtube studies(lel) it seems that it's good to get into ketosis prior a fast. If someone is in good ketosis it seems to take like 3 days to get most benefits out of a fast(when we solely look on autophagy), and if not it seems to be 6/7days. Altough prolonged fasts probably work on tons of levels which we don't get.
I'm not a fan of the keto diet since fk I love carbs and I think it's way harder to do than people want to admit, since it's still a moderate protein diet and probably not a optimal one. But cutting carbs for 2-3days out completely before fasting might help to 1) make the transition way easier, and 2) get benefits earlier and make every day we keep going more worthwhile. Since otherwise you're kinda just starving for 3-4days, and starving doesn't really have many benefits and puts huge stress on the body. I think ideal would be to feel better and better past 3 days with maybe some detox downtimes here and there. The fast is not a torture^^, just make very sure u don't fall of the wagon after the fast during refeed, this can set you back for months I think
My dikk etc didnt start working till like 2-3weeks after I stopped the fast if I remember right btw, there were no immediate effects to that.

I'm not sur what bile acids/salts? are, I'm pretty sure the ones I mentioned earlier with anything that helps to digest is probably good.
And I didn't recommend probiotics, maybe you mean prebiotics like sauerkraut starchy foods etc^^, those combined with minor probiotics ar probably good. But still this is different for everybody, pretty sure I had SiBo/Leaky gut early, probiotics would be very bad then.

And pls this is all just my opinion here, your decision what you do. J
Following CDsnuts protocol is probably the easiest and safest way which covers with the herbs probably everything, and from what I know he isn't a fan of repeated fasting.

and I wouldn't take random supps without reading well into possible side effects of pfs ppl

Yeah ideally it's great to reduce carbs before fasting or even just eating strictly fruits and vegs in the lead up like a vegan for a few days beforehand . Thats the ideal scenario, but I don't have much choice but to jump in the fast even though I'm not ideally prepped for it.

Working out feels like i've reached plateau where I've over trained as no strength increase, no pump and wasting time adding more stress. Even if you are fit and healthy you have to take rests from training. food isn't tasting great either, supps are not doing much, like I'm throwing money down the drain because, my body feels beaten up and can't process them which leads me to think my liver and gut needs a break to release all the shit. I had a dream last night of fasting and I feel thats what my body angling for me to do and ready for whatever turbulence. Mentally I feel good and positive about it.

I know it's not completely torture. There are peaks where you have great clarity and energy but then there are inevitable times you are bed ridden, then comes on the horrible metalic taste that arises in the mouth along with big nausea that you almost pass out. I'm an experienced faster done many short and weekly fasts so know what is coming, but in the end they always make me feel brand new

The bile acid I was talking about jarrow bile acid factors similar to ox bile, which is meant to help with fat adsorption

Regardless just going to stop all supps for 2 wees, let the water heal the body for a 5-7 days and then go on to the juice fast for another 5-7 days and should be recharged and fresh for the full recovery battle

02-18-2020, 03:51 PM
So guys I'm slowly coming back to normal but not completely. The depersonalisation has subsided, I'm feeling more emotion and engaged with things, I feel tinges of libido and no problems getting an erection and had sex today and had no trouble performing. I've not had the chance to fast yet because I'm going though missions to get these bloods down and there have been delays and obstacles because in this country it's a tall order to get a full hormone panel unless money isn't an option and you're willing to pay nearly £300 for 6 basic biomarkers through some overpriced wellness clinic.

Other than that my body feels half dead, half alive at this point lol

Strangely found my dick when flaccid is now bigger not that it;s not big enough already and erections are very stiff but doesn't feel natural, as if I'm in control of it.

Still having problems with slight swerve which is hardly noticeable but this has an effect on ejaculation, seems to obstruct it and semen is watery which is annoying and unusual and something I will now have to work on

If my libido fired back up completely I'd say I was healed because I don't have any problems with cognition anymore, memory and processing information speed is better than ever, confidence is back

Strength is still lagging, finding it difficult to lift things still, get out of breath doing any workouts. Like 10 mins of lifting heavy and I'm gasping for air which isn't like me and at times feel like a 70 year old when lunging stuff around

What's pissing me off right now at this exact minute is how hard and slow it is get to bloods here in this country. I've done two tests, one with pcp and one private with the finger prick bs( don't waste your time with this service, unless you can bleed a river through the side of your fingertips and have hours free to mess around with lancets . The private one failed because they say some of the blood sample was clotted from too much pressure applied. It's nearly impossible to draw blood enough blood from your fingertips to fill the tube they provide unless you squeeze really hard, as they only give you 3 lancets try draw blood from 3 fingers

My pcp actually have my results and informed me that I'm borderline low in a few areas for my testosterone test( which I know they will try and tell is fine) but don't say specifics biomarkers, and that I need to speak or see the dr 1st so he can explain the results as if I don't know how to read medical numbers. So I say ok get him to call since you don't have any appointments this week. I then wait for him to get in touch as promised and then he doesn't! Big mistake

My blood literally starts boiling with rage(which is a good sign I'm coming back to myself) and I'm at the point now where I want to see this guy in person, and let loose, because my health is on the line here and patience isn't one of my virtues, and I can't understand how he can't be bothered to at least pick up the phone and tell me what my results are. I could be worried I have a pituitary tumour in my brain or something for all this guy knows. So I'm going in tomorrow in person to demand a copy of my results and I'm not leaving the office until they produce because really this is stone age bullshit.

Now I will have to do more tests because these cunts don't test for ostradial, so they tell me argghhhh.

02-18-2020, 04:47 PM
Congrats on the progress! Keep us updated on the results once you're able to get them. 👍

02-20-2020, 05:16 AM
Finally got hold of my bloods yesterday and it's so fucking pointless they were meant to do a full hormone panel, but only tested total testosterone for the sex hormones, which is surprisingly at 850ng/nl and that was after days leading up to it where I was drinking and eating shit

have no idea of my LH and FH is which is what i requested, no idea of SHGB or estrogen levels. These doctors in knowing what to test for are an extreme joke here. Absolutely useless. Maybe I have to get my test levels into the 1000's to feel it flowing through my body as I once did but no closer to knowing what is going on with the other hormones.

The best they say on the test results, is that that my cholestorol and serum triglyerides is too low which I didn't even know was a thing. What that tells me is my body, liver isn't converting fats, because for ever how long I've been mostly consuming a high protein high fat diet. So need to continue taking the bile supps

Thyroid, electrolytes, liver function, ferritin, creatine,cortisol and haemoglobin are all in perfect ranges

I'm going to have to request tests for Free testosterone, DHT(drs don't even know about this androgen when I requested before), dhea, progesterone,estrogen, LH, FSH and SHBG. Going to do a hair and stool gut test too to see if there are any major parasites floating around. All of this is costly, but I need to get to the bottom of this shit and find out what is suppressing me

Over than that feeling very good mentally, very confident but I want my libido high and I'd be grand

02-20-2020, 05:47 AM
Thyroid, electrolytes, liver function, ferritin, creatine,cortisol and haemoglobin are all in perfect ranges

This is what's important. Hormones won't tell you anything anyway, at best they are off and then will make you freak out more. You're not going on TRT anyway, so there's no point in focusing on hormones.
Your liver/kidneys and body is working right, this is what you need to take care of and focus on^^
I'm repeating myself but the mind is huge when it comes to healing. So when you feel confident enjoy the shit out of it man and stay positive

02-20-2020, 06:42 AM
This is what's important. Hormones won't tell you anything anyway, at best they are off and then will make you freak out more. You're not going on TRT anyway, so there's no point in focusing on hormones.
Your liver/kidneys and body is working right, this is what you need to take care of and focus on^^
I'm repeating myself but the mind is huge when it comes to healing. So when you feel confident enjoy the shit out of it man and stay positive

Yes definitely don't need TRT which is good, wouldn't get it with those number. but definitely would like to know how much free bio available testosterone or if SHGB or estrogen is too low, but yeah the herbs should definitely do the trick to raise them back up into balance. My fear was that my t was going to be so low in the 300s considering how ive been feeling and if it was then I would of had to consider trt as a possible option. Actually had a brief stint with trt when I 1st ever crashed and my numbers were in the 400s back then but couldn't continue with it because I had to go private and wasn't working to keep up the costs.

If something is off with one of the sex binding hormones, it won't freak me out it would be motivating and go a long way to understanding what's going on with my body, I'm still getting low watery semen and still hard to reach orgasm all of sudden along with low libido.

But yeah I am positive and hopeful. My goal now is to get my t level into 1000's naturally

Hope you're still doing well

02-21-2020, 04:19 PM
I think the andro did both good and bad to my system. I'm now permanently super confident, mind is now sharp and erections are now consistently stronger yet the price is that I'm no longer able to easily climax during sex and now overly aggressive


- Erections are rock hard now consistently, they are locking during sex as if I've taken viagra or cialis doesn't matter if I've not nofaped for a few days or not, they are always come back strong and ready

- Can last now up to 20-30 mins if need be during sex and aggression is crazy.

- Supreme confidence has returned and nothing phases me. Things get done now without any procrastination, or rumination of something going wrong which would cause anxiety.

Mind is sharp, focused and brain fog is gone for good, not even if I eat junk my mind doesn't suddenly go foggy now. Don't know if this is good yet because still feel blunted emotions, but welcoming the confidence and clear mind

Energy and aggression is back


Still lacking sensitivity downstairs

Still lacking sensitive emotions, feel like the terminator at times, which makes me afraid of serious long term relationships, I just don't seem to care about feelings, I hope to get that back one day since I use to be very sensitive and quite emotional. Now I have to intellectually connect with others on an emotional level and come off very detached but nothing like how I was last week with the depersonalisation.

If I have more than one sex session during the day, suffer with delayed ejaculation which never has been a problem.


Get back to eating clean - last 2 weeks been in a panic trying to find out what's been going on

Get back in the gym

Get back on nofap

Stop overthinking everything and go with the flow and let the body and mind heal itself rather than micro anaylsing and attempting to micromanage every symptom

Honestly my main problem right is now is I think I just need to take a break from thinking about sex which I'm pretty much obsessed with. I'm going on a break, monk mode no sex and no fap for at least 3-6 months because I eventually want to get into a serious relationship, sleeping around with different girls gets boring and feels empty after a while and I've done it for long enough now, which has probably added towards the emotional and numbness

If I still don't feel the sensitive emotions after that I will run a microdose psilocybin to reset my brain.

02-21-2020, 04:45 PM
I think the andro did both good and bad to my system. I'm now permanently super confident, mind is now sharp and erections are now consistently stronger yet the price is that I'm no longer able to easily climax during sex and now overly aggressive


- Erections are rock hard now consistently, they are locking during sex as if I've taken viagra or cialis doesn't matter if I've not nofaped for a few days or not, they are always come back strong and ready

- Can last now up to 20-30 mins if need be during sex and aggression is crazy.

- Supreme confidence has returned and nothing phases me. Things get done now without any procrastination, or rumination of something going wrong which would cause anxiety.

Mind is sharp, focused and brain fog is gone for good, not even if I eat junk my mind doesn't suddenly go foggy now. Don't know if this is good yet because still feel blunted emotions, but welcoming the confidence and clear mind

Energy and aggression is back


Still lacking sensitivity downstairs

Still lacking sensitive emotions, feel like the terminator at times, which makes me afraid of serious long term relationships, I just don't seem to care about feelings, I hope to get that back one day since I use to be very sensitive and quite emotional. Now I have to intellectually connect with others on an emotional level and come off very detached but nothing like how I was last week with the depersonalisation.

If I have more than one sex session during the day, suffer with delayed ejaculation which never has been a problem.


Get back to eating clean - last 2 weeks been in a panic trying to find out what's been going on

Get back in the gym

Get back on nofap

Stop overthinking everything and go with the flow and let the body and mind heal itself rather than micro anaylsing and attempting to micromanage every symptom

Honestly my main problem right is now is I think I just need to take a break from thinking about sex which I'm pretty much obsessed with. I'm going on a break, monk mode no sex and no fap for at least 3-6 months because I eventually want to get into a serious relationship, sleeping around with different girls gets boring and feels empty after a while and I've done it for long enough now, which has probably added towards the emotional and numbness

If I still don't feel the sensitive emotions after that I will run a microdose psilocybin to reset my brain.

Your progress is amazing and inspiring, Alchemy. Keep going! 🙏

02-22-2020, 09:43 AM
Fuck the tests. They are causing you undue stress that you don't need and they don't do shit for you anyway. Regardless, you're going to stay on the protocol until you are where you want to be. That's how it works. It will all work itself out in the end should you keep on the plan. That's it. That's all you have to do.

Keep it up man. You're moving along nicely.

02-22-2020, 06:55 PM
Fuck the tests. They are causing you undue stress that you don't need and they don't do shit for you anyway. Regardless, you're going to stay on the protocol until you are where you want to be. That's how it works. It will all work itself out in the end should you keep on the plan. That's it. That's all you have to do.

Keep it up man. You're moving along nicely.

lol that's funny because those are the exact words I said out loud to myself the other night after realising how much good progress has been made. I mean the tests on my liver, electrolytes, liver etc show pretty much confirm I'm on an upward trejectory

I use to have hand tremors, got that gone

Use to struggle to complete sentences and lose train of thought, that's gone.

Voice use to be weak now it's strong and stable

Use to have average testosterone numbers, it's now pretty decent

Use to worry about losing erection during sex, that's gone.

Use to dread the next day and waking up in the morning, now I look forward to it

So now I'm just practising gratitude and patience, that's what the crash taught me and to just stick to the proctocol like you said and not over complicate and over think things.

Now back on the grind in the trenches and had a very good work out yesterday and made strength gains on squats. I think I needed that 2 week break from training as I remember my last session I was so not motivated, my muscles were spasming and saw some 16 year old kids working out and they were looking more stronger lol

But yesterday I couldn't get enough of it, but kept it short, heavy and sweet.

Didn't sleep the other night, run out of glycrine, but decided now to use insomnia to my advantage and using that time to just do deep breathing and meditating on the breath, and ignore thoughts of personality,,situation, time and environment.

It's amazing how much creative insights you get during the night meditating

Your progress is amazing and inspiring, Alchemy. Keep going! ��

Thank you Joe, it's nice to know it is encouraging for others, we all will hopefully recover and be inspiring to others in our personal lives.

Love all you guys and everyone fighting this battle

02-25-2020, 02:11 PM
lol that's funny because those are the exact words I said out loud to myself the other night after realising how much good progress has been made. I mean the tests on my liver, electrolytes, liver etc show pretty much confirm I'm on an upward trejectory

I use to have hand tremors, got that gone

Use to struggle to complete sentences and lose train of thought, that's gone.

Voice use to be weak now it's strong and stable

Use to have average testosterone numbers, it's now pretty decent

Use to worry about losing erection during sex, that's gone.

Use to dread the next day and waking up in the morning, now I look forward to it

So now I'm just practising gratitude and patience, that's what the crash taught me and to just stick to the proctocol like you said and not over complicate and over think things.

Now back on the grind in the trenches and had a very good work out yesterday and made strength gains on squats. I think I needed that 2 week break from training as I remember my last session I was so not motivated, my muscles were spasming and saw some 16 year old kids working out and they were looking more stronger lol

But yesterday I couldn't get enough of it, but kept it short, heavy and sweet.

Didn't sleep the other night, run out of glycrine, but decided now to use insomnia to my advantage and using that time to just do deep breathing and meditating on the breath, and ignore thoughts of personality,,situation, time and environment.

It's amazing how much creative insights you get during the night meditating

Thank you Joe, it's nice to know it is encouraging for others, we all will hopefully recover and be inspiring to others in our personal lives.

Love all you guys and everyone fighting this battle

You will not only recover but you're going to be the best version of yourself you can possibly be. This is fact. I'm thinking about creating a group of guys that have recovered so that we can go deeper into self improvement as a group and help each other in that regards as well. I think it would be a powerful group to have and we can grow with each other in this way.

What do you guys think?

02-25-2020, 02:40 PM
You will not only recover but you're going to be the best version of yourself you can possibly be. This is fact. I'm thinking about creating a group of guys that have recovered so that we can go deeper into self improvement as a group and help each other in that regards as well. I think it would be a powerful group to have and we can grow with each other in this way.

What do you guys think?

This sounds like an amazing idea, CD! I'm absolutely game.

02-25-2020, 05:04 PM
You will not only recover but you're going to be the best version of yourself you can possibly be. This is fact. I'm thinking about creating a group of guys that have recovered so that we can go deeper into self improvement as a group and help each other in that regards as well. I think it would be a powerful group to have and we can grow with each other in this way.

What do you guys think?

Really good idea CD :)

02-26-2020, 12:16 PM
You will not only recover but you're going to be the best version of yourself you can possibly be. This is fact. I'm thinking about creating a group of guys that have recovered so that we can go deeper into self improvement as a group and help each other in that regards as well. I think it would be a powerful group to have and we can grow with each other in this way.

What do you guys think?

Thanks for the motivating words of encouragement, I respect how much you stick around to help others, which shows you're a good man. You could have easily have moved on from this with a 'I'm alright jack'' mindset yet you didn't and instead consistently been around for years continuing to help and encourage others. That's powerful

As for the group, I'll most definitely be up for that. Maybe we call it The Brotherhood.

I've always been a big fan of optimisation, which is what drew me to committing to your the protocol. Even after I recover I'm never stopping the lifestyle and discipline

02-26-2020, 01:35 PM
Thanks for the motivating words of encouragement, I respect how much you stick around to help others, which shows you're a good man. You could have easily have moved on from this with a 'I'm alright jack'' mindset yet you didn't and instead consistently been around for years continuing to help and encourage others. That's powerful

As for the group, I'll most definitely be up for that. Maybe we call it The Brotherhood.

I've always been a big fan of optimisation, which is what drew me to committing to your the protocol. Even after I recover I'm never stopping the lifestyle and discipline

That's great to hear. Getting positive feedback like this reinforces the fact that what we are doing here is helping people and that to me is worth more then anything. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment that is unrivaled in any other venture I've gone into. I hope to eventually make optimizing guys my full time job.

I've always been into it too Alchemy, from as far back as I can remember.

I'm having all kinds of ideas run through my head. I think it would be very encouraging for the guys still suffering to see that not only is there light at the end of the tunnel, there is a whole world after PFS to get into. It can be something for them to strive for. Always good to have something to look forward to.

02-26-2020, 03:40 PM
That's great to hear. Getting positive feedback like this reinforces the fact that what we are doing here is helping people and that to me is worth more then anything. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment that is unrivaled in any other venture I've gone into. I hope to eventually make optimizing guys my full time job.

I've always been into it too Alchemy, from as far back as I can remember.

I'm having all kinds of ideas run through my head. I think it would be very encouraging for the guys still suffering to see that not only is there light at the end of the tunnel, there is a whole world after PFS to get into. It can be something for them to strive for. Always good to have something to look forward to.

Man I still remember the exact moment and bags of joy inside when I found this place.
I crashed and spent 2 days on pph totally terrified and hopeless and then I found this here. You can't even belive how grateful I still am man. I remember having a date 2days further with a hottie and only thing I could think of is that I WILL get out of this. And I kinda did with some minor shite left.
The whole last year was damn awful, but I've learned to appreciate everything and would never live life as healthy as I do now. I've no doubt all of this made me quite a solid man. The last year was rough, and after all this it's quite comforting to know that I managed it. Life can come at me now^^
So yeh I'm grateful as hell man too

02-26-2020, 03:57 PM
Man I still remember the exact moment and bags of joy inside when I found this place.
I crashed and spent 2 days on pph totally terrified and hopeless and then I found this here. You can't even belive how grateful I still am man. I remember having a date 2days further with a hottie and only thing I could think of is that I WILL get out of this. And I kinda did with some minor shite left.
The whole last year was damn awful, but I've learned to appreciate everything and would never live life as healthy as I do now. I've no doubt all of this made me quite a solid man. The last year was rough, and after all this it's quite comforting to know that I managed it. Life can come at me now^^
So yeh I'm grateful as hell man too

Same here man. PH was just not helpful, either to the mind or the underlying problem. They just whine, attack each other, experiment with crazy sh*t like methylation drugs, make themselves worse, rinse, and repeat. Not to mention the mods go out of their way to actively censor anyone that doesn't conform to the "PFS is for life" hive mindset. Once I landed here, it was huge relief. Pretty sure my cortisol dropped by half too. Lol! Proud to be amongst you all. 😎🙏

02-27-2020, 09:11 AM
You can't hide the truth forever....it will eventually come to light that pfs is in fact a curable condition that does not relegate someone to a lifetime of misery and impotence.

This place will become the beacon of hope for the guys in that situation. The longer we are here, the more recoveries we are going to have. The more recoveries we have, the more guys will be drawn to this place.

You guys are all part of building that. All of your posts and experiences make this site what it is.

So thank you.

02-27-2020, 11:50 AM
Totally right!! We are building something that help each one of us in the first place to then help others ! And the best part is: we are the only ones that can understand what they have. Being dead and alive at the same time. Been ill and heathy...

I have a question to the veterans, do you think most of guys who recovered just desapear or the recovery posts are lost in somewhere? I know we have a lot of recovery’s on the specific thread, but in my opinion there’s much more...

Regarding other forums, I remember a guy saying he had PFS for a long time and he was ok with that, he learned how to enjoy his life and he had nephews! And he love them!! NEPHEWS!!! Fuck that in a big way!! We want to live our own lives!!


02-27-2020, 01:19 PM
Totally right!! We are building something that help each one of us in the first place to then help others ! And the best part is: we are the only ones that can understand what they have. Being dead and alive at the same time. Been ill and heathy...

I have a question to the veterans, do you think most of guys who recovered just desapear or the recovery posts are lost in somewhere? I know we have a lot of recovery’s on the specific thread, but in my opinion there’s much more...

Regarding other forums, I remember a guy saying he had PFS for a long time and he was ok with that, he learned how to enjoy his life and he had nephews! And he love them!! NEPHEWS!!! Fuck that in a big way!! We want to live our own lives!!


For me I don't concern myself with what happens to those who disappeared unless I know them personally. It can only be speculation as to what has happened to random members, whether it be that they recovered and moved on, didn't stick to it and gave up, or God forbid, passed away. There is no way of knowing so it's pointless thinking about it since it doesn't change what we have to do individually for ourselves .

Best thing to do is just focus on yourself and make sure you are consistent and recover while marching on knowing and believing what you are doing is going to get you where you want to be.

02-27-2020, 01:51 PM
I Agree! Since we know what do to is pointless to stay concerned about random members who slowly drop down their appearance...

But on the other hand, as a strong community we should be concerned on our own reports. In the first stages of this condition all you can do is read others reports so you can learn with experience of other people...and further do you own reports, since you know how much can help others.

02-28-2020, 09:04 AM
Totally right!! We are building something that help each one of us in the first place to then help others ! And the best part is: we are the only ones that can understand what they have. Being dead and alive at the same time. Been ill and heathy...

I have a question to the veterans, do you think most of guys who recovered just desapear or the recovery posts are lost in somewhere? I know we have a lot of recovery’s on the specific thread, but in my opinion there’s much more...

Regarding other forums, I remember a guy saying he had PFS for a long time and he was ok with that, he learned how to enjoy his life and he had nephews! And he love them!! NEPHEWS!!! Fuck that in a big way!! We want to live our own lives!!


Because by the time some guys recover, the last thing they want to do is come back and spend time at a place that has such bad memories for them. Especially if they are going back to PH. You make a recovery post there and you're going to get blasted and called names....who the fuck wants to deal with that?

And then there is the fact that once they recover, they got what they needed...they don't feel the need to get into it and get asked a hundred questions...they just want to move on with their lives. Guys that are suffering can be very....um....needy, to say the least. They'll blow that person up with PM's and posts. Guys just don't want to deal with it.

02-29-2020, 05:52 PM
Congrats on the progress you've made so far, Alchemy.

Have you resolved your memory issues? If so, what would you attribute to being the most helpful in regards to improving cognitive issues?

03-01-2020, 03:52 AM
Congrats on the progress you've made so far, Alchemy.

Have you resolved your memory issues? If so, what would you attribute to being the most helpful in regards to improving cognitive issues?

My memory and cognition are fine now. No more foggy thinking or struggling to find words when interacting with people, I can recall things a lot easier too, much better than most and concentrating on large pieces of information is pretty much effortless.

It was a combination of things not one particular thing. I, just did a lot of deep breathing, mediation listening to the brain wave holosync,body relaxation HIT and then androhard completely flipped a switch

The bad news I still struggle with apathy, no emotions, so have to feign interest at times with what people say but I'm very good at it now, it comes naturally acting through life lol but this isn't way it's suppose to be. It's frustrating that I don't get how people get so emotional about some of the most trivial of shit.

Even before i got sick, I couldn't really get how people let small things stress them out, but now it's like I'm a different specie and I'm observing everything without any attachment or fucks given. Only if something serious happens can I get angry or emotional affected but every thing else good and bad, my reaction is just meh

The brain fog somewhat masked this non emotional state, now it's gone I notice a lot more.

03-01-2020, 04:46 AM
My memory and cognition are fine now. No more foggy thinking or struggling to find words when interacting with people, I can recall things a lot easier too, much better than most and concentrating on large pieces of information is pretty much effortless.

It was a combination of things not one particular thing. I, just did a lot of deep breathing, mediation listening to the brain wave holosync,body relaxation HIT and then androhard completely flipped a switch

The bad news I still struggle with apathy, no emotions, so have to feign interest at times with what people say but I'm very good at it now, it comes naturally acting through life lol but this isn't way it's suppose to be. It's frustrating that I don't get how people get so emotional about some of the most trivial of shit.

Even before i got sick, I couldn't really get how people let small things stress them out, but now it's like I'm a different specie and I'm observing everything without any attachment or fucks given. Only if something serious happens can I get angry or emotional affected but every thing else good and bad, my reaction is just meh

The brain fog somewhat masked this non emotional state, now it's gone I notice a lot more.

Right there with you when it comes to the emotional detachment.

It's funny because before my crash I felt like someone who was running constantly on adrenaline and anxiety, then after dabbling with RU and Fin, it's like my nervous system isn't there anymore. I'm never fired up about anything, I feel very neutral and almost complacent when I know I should 'care' more than I do. I don't feel passionate about anything... wish I better understood exactly how to solve it.

03-01-2020, 03:58 PM
Right there with you when it comes to the emotional detachment.

It's funny because before my crash I felt like someone who was running constantly on adrenaline and anxiety, then after dabbling with RU and Fin, it's like my nervous system isn't there anymore. I'm never fired up about anything, I feel very neutral and almost complacent when I know I should 'care' more than I do. I don't feel passionate about anything... wish I better understood exactly how to solve it.

Yes I was also very high energy high adrenaline individual who was really sensitive to everything and always wanted to be calmer, but not like this. This is like an artificial non emotional attachment, but I've heard this is what the body does to protect itself after going through trauma/shock, it just shutdowns.

I think it's just about putting ourselves in the best possible condition for the parasympathetic nervous system to re-awaken itself and that's when things come back online.

Just a little update

The last week I've been slacking on diet and training, trained only twice this week hanging with friends and just relaxing enjoying different foods without suffering terrible reactions. Really just been busy enjoying being able to really think clearly and operate socially without feeling like I'm fighting with my brain. It's nice not being self conscious presenting myself to people, where I use to have to do a pre rehearsal speech in my mind just to give a basic response while wondering if they could tell that there was something seriously wrong with me

Now its all off the cuff and words flow naturally , fluently and no longer worry if I'm giving off vibes of being completely fucked in the head lol

Also Getting hard often during the day just thinking about or looking at women which is really good and waking up in the morning with spikes of libido and to be honest all of these positive signs has been getting me complacent a bit because I just wanted to enjoy life a little with this milestone, but this week I will definitely be getting super strict again and get my momentum going again because I feel like if I put in the work I can be very close to fully recovered very soon

03-01-2020, 04:14 PM
Yes I was also very high energy high adrenaline individual who was really sensitive to everything and always wanted to be calmer, but not like this. This is like an artificial non emotional attachment, but I've heard this is what the body does to protect itself after going through trauma/shock, it just shutdowns.

I think it's just about putting ourselves in the best possible condition for the parasympathetic nervous system to re-awaken itself and that's when things come back online.

Just a little update

The last week I've been slacking on diet and training, trained only twice this week hanging with friends and just relaxing enjoying different foods without suffering terrible reactions. Really just been busy enjoying being able to really think clearly and operate socially without feeling like I'm fighting with my brain. It's nice not being self conscious presenting myself to people, where I use to have to do a pre rehearsal speech in my mind just to give a basic response while wondering if they could tell that there was something seriously wrong with me

Now its all off the cuff and words flow naturally , fluently and no longer worry if I'm giving off vibes of being completely fucked in the head lol

Also Getting hard often during the day just thinking about or looking at women which is really good and waking up in the morning with spikes of libido and to be honest all of these positive signs has been getting me complacent a bit because I just wanted to enjoy life a little with this milestone, but this week I will definitely be getting super strict again and get my momentum going again because I feel like if I put in the work I can be very close to fully recovered very soon

Way to go man! Yes, definitely keep it going. Don't stray just yet. Best stick to things for a good 4-6 months after you start feeling normal again just to be sure it's real and solid.

03-01-2020, 04:24 PM
Glad for you bro! Very nice. I think this final ajusts on the emotional side will appear while the body go slowly coming to its normal. On the bright side, this issue is something that you have already noticed and are missing, so you are going to achieve it, I think.

At this point of your recovery can I ask you for a very short timeline of your process? Like...since Jan18, when was and how many Randro, if you stick with herbs non stopping, any probiotics that made diference, etc, anything that you think is more important to point...very short, don’t want to disturb with details. Thanks!

03-01-2020, 05:11 PM
Glad for you bro! Very nice. I think this final ajusts on the emotional side will appear while the body go slowly coming to its normal. On the bright side, this issue is something that you have already noticed and are missing, so you are going to achieve it, I think.

At this point of your recovery can I ask you for a very short timeline of your process? Like...since Jan18, when was and how many Randro, if you stick with herbs non stopping, any probiotics that made diference, etc, anything that you think is more important to point...very short, don’t want to disturb with details. Thanks!

When I first joined here I did the fast and herbs for a few months, then stopped completely since I had literally no money to continue and lost my way completely

It was only this past september 2019 that I jumped back on properly doing a short fast and stuck it out until now. So that's 6months consistent discipline taking the herbs without break (besides when on cycle) with a few lapse here and there with diet, and only 1 andro cycle so far, which is when I was feeling like a beast before crashing and then now reached a stable baseline again lol

I think I would be healed by now if I devoted time to not indulging in sex and masturbation so much but I've always been addicted to these things to a serious degree

Nothing singular made a big difference it's all a culmination of work,belief and putting everything into practice that's outlined.

But I'll tell you what I noticed stood out that I felt/noticed a big difference from after undertaking

bone broth is great for gut health, that helped my psoriasis.

Beef liver was also helping with libido, but I cant eat it anymore, because the taste is too strong for me, and the organ supps are quite pricey so I haven't been taking it but will definitely get some in future because it was definitely making a difference.

The meditation, breath work, yoga and cold showers helped with reducing the anxiety and constant rumination of fearing this is impossible to get better from. I don't fear that anymore

Training hard( I mean proper form, pushing your limit with heavy weights but not too long sessios) and HIT along with the herbs helps with libido.

Andro helped with stronger erections, aggression and clearing the brain fog, I never been really consistent with the nootropics because I find it a bit of struggle to get through remembering what herbs to go through along with the vitamins I take, especially when in a hurry. I'm sure the andro helped raised my testosterone to new levels or maybe it was the herbs I don't know.

Before the protocol I had testos around the 400 ng/dl, now it's in the 800's and can feel and see the difference since now my veins are running through my arms and legs like a road map

Hulk Smash
03-02-2020, 03:26 PM
When I first joined here I did the fast and herbs for a few months, then stopped completely since I had literally no money to continue and lost my way completely

It was only this past september 2019 that I jumped back on properly doing a short fast and stuck it out until now. So that's 6months consistent discipline taking the herbs without break (besides when on cycle) with a few lapse here and there with diet, and only 1 andro cycle so far, which is when I was feeling like a beast before crashing and then now reached a stable baseline again lol

I think I would be healed by now if I devoted time to not indulging in sex and masturbation so much but I've always been addicted to these things to a serious degree

Nothing singular made a big difference it's all a culmination of work,belief and putting everything into practice that's outlined.

But I'll tell you what I noticed stood out that I felt/noticed a big difference from after undertaking

bone broth is great for gut health, that helped my psoriasis.

Beef liver was also helping with libido, but I cant eat it anymore, because the taste is too strong for me, and the organ supps are quite pricey so I haven't been taking it but will definitely get some in future because it was definitely making a difference.

The meditation, breath work, yoga and cold showers helped with reducing the anxiety and constant rumination of fearing this is impossible to get better from. I don't fear that anymore

Training hard( I mean proper form, pushing your limit with heavy weights but not too long sessios) and HIT along with the herbs helps with libido.

Andro helped with stronger erections, aggression and clearing the brain fog, I never been really consistent with the nootropics because I find it a bit of struggle to get through remembering what herbs to go through along with the vitamins I take, especially when in a hurry. I'm sure the andro helped raised my testosterone to new levels or maybe it was the herbs I don't know.

Before the protocol I had testos around the 400 ng/dl, now it's in the 800's and can feel and see the difference since now my veins are running through my arms and legs like a road map

What organ supplements do you take?
What dosage?

I was just thinking of adding organs to my diet, they support hormones and supply many things including the MK4 I need.

03-03-2020, 03:37 AM
What organ supplements do you take?
What dosage?

I was just thinking of adding organs to my diet, they support hormones and supply many things including the MK4 I need.

I didn't take any organ supplements, but will order some in the future.

What I did take was beef liver, duck liver, chicken liver, beef heart (not at the same time, rotating them for variation and would eat 2-3 x a week) in the past and it seemed to ramp things up in the libido department.

The problem is I don't like the taste of organs, even though I should because my mother use to feed liver to us when we were children, but the taste is too much for me just a pussy when it comes to chopping down on the heart, brain and liver. , so plan on just getting the all in one grass fed organ supps which contains the heart, liver, pancreas and kidneys and take it twice a week according to the dosage recommendations.

Whether you gonna eat them or take them in supp form, best is to ensure they are grass fed. I'm actually in the process of forming my own organ supplement product so will let you guys know when I've done it and on for sale.

On another note, I'm waking up every morning with really stiff and sometimes uncomfortable erections. Why I say uncomfortable, because I'm not really feeling any sex drive or libido while it's on, it's just like my dick has a mind of it's own and wants to get hard just for the sake of it lol

I mean they feel like I've taken a large dose of cialis or viagra and then had priapism

Last night I woke up in the early hours of the morning, I wasn't even thinking lustful thoughts, and just had a really hard erection that was just there, and it seemed it wouldn't go down. I had to take my boxer shorts off, do deep breathing and mentally meditate it away.

I've been taking pine pollen every day along with rotating different herbs, and I thinking of lowering it down to half a teaspoon on the herbs cycling because I don't need anything that's going to pump up erections anymore, if anything I did something that's going to relax the blood vessels, because they are now far to stiff.

03-03-2020, 02:03 PM
Had to start fasting again, my skin was starting to look quit bad again but will be juicing a lot more and giving my body a break from eating so much meat for a week or two.

Just at the end of a 24 hour water fast today and man the last few hours to the day are the most difficult. Every thing looks good. Got 2 more hours until bed time and can't wait to just sleep so I can start eating again in the morning

Would do a longer fast but can't afford to lose the muscle mass and strength and begin looking like the Christian Bale from the machinist. So I'm going to consign myself to do regular 1 day fasts, but will probably switch to juicing to get in the extra nutrients and minerals

Aiming to do a 2nd R-andro cycle in May but will go with the capsules

03-03-2020, 02:12 PM
You don't lose muscle during prolonged fasts. Otherwise we would die out as species xd Your metabolism actually goes up at days 3-5 days and probably starts slowing down after 2weeks or so. It does slow down tho pretty fast when we starve, aka eating below 1500kcal a day which is very different from fasting
Not much sense to be all weak and without muscles trying to find food lel. That's why people feel better than ever after 3-4days of fasting.
That's why the average person is skinnyfat, much food, not much fasting, even less movement^^. Dr Berry made a nice point that fasting + keto = autophagy, would probably fix wrinkles at a pace of 1% every 3 months. I find that actually pretty aspiring and that's where I wanna get to with a healthy omnivore diet + 2-3 prolonged fasts a year

03-03-2020, 02:37 PM
You don't lose muscle during prolonged fasts. Otherwise we would die out as species xd Your metabolism actually goes up at days 3-5 days and probably starts slowing down after 2weeks or so. It does slow down tho pretty fast when we starve, aka eating below 1500kcal a day which is very different from fasting
Not much sense to be all weak and without muscles trying to find food lel. That's why people feel better than ever after 3-4days of fasting.
That's why the average person is skinnyfat, much food, not much fasting, even less movement^^. Dr Berry made a nice point that fasting + keto = autophagy, would probably fix wrinkles at a pace of 1% every 3 months. I find that actually pretty aspiring and that's where I wanna get to with a healthy omnivore diet + 2-3 prolonged fasts a year

Yeah I know I should have said losing size rather than muscle. I think it's after fat stores are completely depleted which is a long time for most before the body will go into starvation mode and start cannibalising on itself by eating through the muscle tissue. If I really wanted to I could do the 3-5 days water, but I need to be strong at this time got important assessments I need to be working on that I need energy for.

I don't know I'll see how feel in the morning and if I can bare another day or 2 but right now all I can think about is what I'm gonna eat for breakfast lol

03-03-2020, 03:11 PM
Gonna have to stock up on food soon, shit is getting real over here in the uk as everyone is starting to panic and buy everything in the supermarkets over fear of the coronavirus and the city looking likely to be going under lockdown for 12 weeks

Chinese people are also getting beating up on the streets due to all the fear mongering. It's ridiculous how ignorant and backwards some people are over here

Fortunately I work from home, so don't have to commute and deal with the idiots panicking.

Whats funny is that the government's proactive solution message to the people while all this is going on is to wash your hands long enough while singing happy birthday twice lol.

03-05-2020, 10:12 PM
Not doing too good guys

Tried having sex yesterday and couldn't get hard for the life of me and now suddenly not getting any erections when a few days ago they wouldn't stop coming lol. But I'm putting that down to coming off a fast and not eating any carbs that day

Good restful Sleep is still elusive, only melatonin at 5mg is helping me feel drowsy to dose off, but then only getting a few hours sleep so maybe I need to increase the dose now at night

Thinking of ordering a bathmate, to improve blood flow, because I notice now I'm not feeling any semen pump through the shaft of the penis even when I was getting rock hard erections so feel like I've just got a hard prop attached to my body lol

I'm still wondering if this is high/low estrogen, shbg or if free testosterone is low, because my ballsack is filled up with semen yet it doesn't seem to be getting through to the penis and not feeling any rush libido in my head/brain, which makes me question is if it's nerve or hormone issue

I still can't believe how well my mental cognition has improved, every who sees me comments how well I look and sound.

I remember slurring words, incomplete sentences and not able to pronounce long difficult words, but now it's all seamless and can even tell long story jokes without struggle.

But right now I'd rather be semi retarded and have my libido and erections back healthy then be fully cognisant and impotent lol

one thing this thing will never take is my sense of humour but then after saying that, one day I might wake up and find I develop some motor dysfunction where my jaw suddenly locks and can no longer laugh lol

03-15-2020, 06:05 PM
Just had corona virus last week and beat it in 2 days so grateful I don't feel sick anymore.

Had my doctor do a proper more complete hormone panel blood test and got free testosterone, estrogen, LH, FSH, vitamin D, prolactin and SHGB results

SHGB came back at high but not over the limit, so did estrogen come back at a reasonable range at the higher end, free t was above average and the rest were all good numbers in normal range. Too lazy to type them all out.

so I'm not shutdown/suppressed and my pcp is insisting these newly ed problems are psychological

The only thing they say is that their concerned my cholesterol is actually high and was misinformed about it being low and that I'm at risk of developing a heart attack if I don't get it down. Which makes sense since I was chopping red meat every singe day lol. but really I'm more concerned I have a minor case of peroyne's or plaque build up or venous leak since when I do get erections i don't feel any semen going through the shaft hence no pleasure and very difficult to masturbate which I've stopped completely to let the penis heal.

I say peryonies because I feel hardness inside the tissue of the shaft when it is flaccid. There is a slight leaning at the tip of penis swaying towards the left but no abnormality or bend/lump in the shaft which I've seen with those who have peroynies and when erect my penis is straight but can only get erection when flaccid penis is point upwards towards my belly which is just really weird and doesn't erect when flaccid is pointed downwards towards leg, and I use to edge to porn real bad at times, so I'm not ruling out it being porn induced desensitisation.

For peace of mind, I'm going to see a urologist next week for a proper examination to rule anything physical out. I pray it isn't anything serious because the options for correction treatment for any penile injury/damage are really bleak. Had a panic attack last night durng sleep because of how terrified I was from researching peroynies disease and other penis damage shit.

What's really concerning is that I'm not really responding to anything now no matter what I put in my body or no matter how intense I exercise or fast, I don't feel any difference. I can push myself to the extreme lifting weights or doing HIT now and feel no adrenaline or rush in my head, which tells me the anhedonia is acute and makes me question if it's psychological since I am experiencing really weird sense of dissociation/depersonalisation where I'm not really engaged with my surroundings or people at all and there is absolutely no fluctuations in mood, completely detached from most things and appetite is mostly suppressed.

And this makes me think I could have caught a parasite which is wreaking havoc causing these weird dissociative symptoms along with inflammation

I feel like I'm in no man's land but I want to rule out everything physiological, so after the urologist does the test, I do one more stool test to see if there are any new pathogens that have developed because they can grow in the testes as well which can effect libido and penile function.

03-17-2020, 03:12 AM
Here in England things are quickly getting more and more serious. The streets are becoming emptier and emptier by the day as the government cranks up measures to prohibit people from leaving their homes and it's like its the end of the world in supermarkets where most of them have limited food to buy, queues of people stretching to outside the shop with everyone's trolly's filled to the top with everything. Worst of all as of today they've closed EU borders so we won't be able to get food from outside the country.

So during this time while food is short I've decided is the perfect time to fast

Embarking on a 2-3 week fast from today, I've accepted that I will have to sacrifice weight and size Ive gained in the last 6 months. I don't have much choice, as my appetite is extremely low and don't have a clue what is causing this.

Anytime I eat food its making me feel sick and supplements are having little effect. This gives me a clue that my gut and system is overloaded and needs clearing out and need to get my cholesterol down.

The plan is to water fast for as long as my body can take it, the longest gone for me is a week so I'm hoping to surpass that and do at least 10 days before switching to juice fast and doing that for another week or 2 in order to fill up myself with antioxidants and minerals from the plants.

Then will switch back on paleo, use penise pump to improve blood flow, cycle herbs on and on then hopefully that would sort out erections which are hit and miss at the moment

If that doesn't work thenI will try a cycle of proviron but I think by that time I should be healed up with these sexual sides because the last time I had serious ed, a juice fast cleared it up but this time it feels different with this fear of peroynoies. But not gonna wait for referral to urologist to take action, I will find solution myself to fix it because it just seems I need more blood flow so my dick erects without swaying to left and when on command, rather than having a life of it's own.

03-17-2020, 08:35 AM
Day 1 water fast almost over, and it's been too easy with absolutely no appetite which is unusual since I'm a big food enthusiast and usually chopping at the bit for food. These last few weeks had no apetite at all and favourite foods have tasted like average and felt no satisfaction .

I'm getting paranoid thoughts that I've got colon cancer because of this extreme loss of appetite, along with abdominal cramps, constipation and had blood in stool a few weeks ago.

Got an appointment with dr tomorrow so will request some tests to rule it out, but to be honest I don't really care if it is cancer. I was hoping the coronavirus would finish me off, but hopefully if it is cancer that will do the trick because big part of me is tired of fighting endless health battles and I'm really not scared of death, never have been and never will.

03-17-2020, 02:08 PM
Come on man!!! There’s more than 50 issues that can cause blood in stool, and for us is very probable to be gut inflammation....the last thing it would be is cancer....

Question: will you keep the Herbs on you waterfast?

03-17-2020, 02:40 PM
Come on man!!! There’s more than 50 issues that can cause blood in stool, and for us is very probable to be gut inflammation....the last thing it would be is cancer....

Question: will you keep the Herbs on you waterfast?

No I'm not taking anything except apple cider vinger, some salt for electrolytes and lemon with the water 1st thing in the morning since my body needs a big break from supplementation. Though. I think after a week I will take a few parasite herb cleansers like wormwood and blacknut to kill off any eggs before doing a few coffee colonics and then refeed and begin probiotic and digestive enzymes supps and wait another month or so before resuming herbs.

I doubt it's cancer and it's very unlikely to be because I've eat healthy most of my life, but just saying I really wouldn't care if it was at this point. I just remember my naturopath said when she found candida growth in my gut many years ago that if I didn't get a proper hold on it, it could cause colon cancer

I'm guessing it's a parasite/s, this is why I'm doing this long water fast, don't care how much weight I lose in the process or how shit I feel.

03-17-2020, 03:59 PM
Dude, I feel you. This forum is the reason why I am still here. I wish to god that it is not fake.

A parasite would be a small problem to fix. Then you only have to fix the PFS and you are back in shape. So no reason to give up because of this.

06-17-2020, 06:36 PM
Where are you Bro!?!?!?

09-23-2020, 11:46 AM
Anyone heard from this guy?

10-06-2020, 09:26 PM
Just read through the whole post. Was wondering the same thing?

Hopefully for him he didn't go to any doctors and go down that rabbit hole. Talk about analysis paralysis.