View Full Version : Other Prohormones

02-22-2018, 11:20 AM
This should be in a more general thread but since the forum is kinda dead except our little sub lair here I'd thought I'd post.

Besides R-Andro what are some other prohormones that are generally considered safe and non-suppressive?

proviron? (not sure)
Mk-677? (not sure)

when I recover wouldn't mind switching the style up.

I'm really curious about trenbalone cuz a lot of my favourite youtubers talk about how crazy strong it is but these guys take all sorts of other steroids

also which ones are your favourite? from my research androsterone is actually a pretty mild prohormone compared to other big guns. Never knew you could get the best of both worlds in terms of no suppression + steroid benefits. PFS might have been a blessing in diguise as it gave me the incentive learn about this stuff.

02-22-2018, 11:47 AM
I can speak for Ostarine, which is a SARM. On a 2 month cycle I experience great results when it came to strength, recovery, mood, and well being. Coming off of it I felt very noticeable depression. I also experienced elevated hair loss towards the end of the cycle.

I took it not knowing much about pro-hormones or SARMS at the time. I dont know how it compares to other pro-hormones. I'd be curious to hear other people's insights on it. I dont plan on taking it again due to the depression I felt after being on cycle. In fact i'm very hesitant to take any pro-hormones if they all yield any kind of mood changes during or post cycle.

The battler
02-27-2018, 12:05 PM
I can speak for Ostarine, which is a SARM. On a 2 month cycle I experience great results when it came to strength, recovery, mood, and well being. Coming off of it I felt very noticeable depression. I also experienced elevated hair loss towards the end of the cycle.

I took it not knowing much about pro-hormones or SARMS at the time. I dont know how it compares to other pro-hormones. I'd be curious to hear other people's insights on it. I dont plan on taking it again due to the depression I felt after being on cycle. In fact i'm very hesitant to take any pro-hormones if they all yield any kind of mood changes during or post cycle.
Did you take ostarine after pfs or before?

The experience I had with osta, as well as lgd when I took it with fin was horrible. I had never experienced many sides with fin for over 4 years preceding my run with these two sarms. However, as soon as i popped these pills I started to shed hair like crazy. I had gained some great luscious locks while on fin and thet would fall of in the shower one by one when i would rinse through them.
The crazy gun that i was, i thought this was dht at play, since i thought that was the only cause for hairloss lol.
I decided to stack natural dht inhibitors like saw palmetto extract, green tea extract, high dose zinc, pantothenic acid to offset the hairloss on top of using fin.
And my friends, to this day my dick is still angry with me for that and is still in hibernation lol.

02-27-2018, 12:38 PM
Did you take ostarine after pfs or before?

The experience I had with osta, as well as lgd when I took it with fin was horrible. I had never experienced many sides with fin for over 4 years preceding my run with these two sarms. However, as soon as i popped these pills I started to shed hair like crazy. I had gained some great luscious locks while on fin and thet would fall of in the shower one by one when i would rinse through them.
The crazy gun that i was, i thought this was dht at play, since i thought that was the only cause for hairloss lol.
I decided to stack natural dht inhibitors like saw palmetto extract, green tea extract, high dose zinc, pantothenic acid to offset the hairloss on top of using fin.
And my friends, to this day my dick is still angry with me for that and is still in hibernation lol.

I took it prior to ever taking fin.

02-27-2018, 05:11 PM
I'm actually running S4 now. 50mg prework out, that's it for dosing. I've had this bottle for almost ten years, so I'm giving it a go.