View Full Version : Downswings

05-19-2018, 06:25 PM
I know I’m flooding this section with new threads.

I also know that I don’t care.

But, question.. what exactly are downswings. Explain the mechanicsism to me. Get me into the sensations & how things feel.

I just want to know what to expect so I don’t fly off the handle when things seem to go south..

Do you take steps back MENTALLY in downswings? Or is it the physical symptoms only..

I sleep pretty good & wake up with nocturnals, is up but rubbery..
I’m pretty calm mentally.. working out keeps me feeling good..
Any anxiety is ME inducing it on myself. NOT PFS leaving you in that natural state of anxiousness, it’s a difference... breath work,cold showers, meditation, & brain herbs solve this.

On a different note i spoke to a girl about my situation.. it’s the only girl I will ever speak to about this. (I don’t trust women in general with sharing sexual difficulties)

she’s the girl in a guys life where he’s always blowing her off but then realizes he’s the right type of girl for him while he’s chasing the hot stupid ones..

- - - Updated - - -

Shes* the right type of girl.

When I recover I’m going to go deep in her sugar walls man she don’t know what’s about to happen

- - - Updated - - -

Shes* the right type of girl.

When I recover I’m going to go deep in her sugar walls man she don’t know what’s about to happen

05-19-2018, 07:15 PM
I know I’m flooding this section with new threads.

I also know that I don’t care.

But, question.. what exactly are downswings. Explain the mechanicsism to me. Get me into the sensations & how things feel.

I just want to know what to expect so I don’t fly off the handle when things seem to go south..

Do you take steps back MENTALLY in downswings? Or is it the physical symptoms only..

I sleep pretty good & wake up with nocturnals, is up but rubbery..
I’m pretty calm mentally.. working out keeps me feeling good..
Any anxiety is ME inducing it on myself. NOT PFS leaving you in that natural state of anxiousness, it’s a difference... breath work,cold showers, meditation, & brain herbs solve this.

On a different note i spoke to a girl about my situation.. it’s the only girl I will ever speak to about this. (I don’t trust women in general with sharing sexual difficulties)

she’s the girl in a guys life where he’s always blowing her off but then realizes he’s the right type of girl for him while he’s chasing the hot stupid ones..

- - - Updated - - -

Shes* the right type of girl.

When I recover I’m going to go deep in her sugar walls man she don’t know what’s about to happen

- - - Updated - - -

Shes* the right type of girl.

When I recover I’m going to go deep in her sugar walls man she don’t know what’s about to happen


Relax brother. Your age becomes apparent when you bust into a post like this. We're all here to help man. That's what this forum is about and that's why I basically forced you to join. You're going to get alot more out of it than you had originally thought.

But damn....back it down a little hard charger. No one is judging you from the posts you're making. Again, that's the POINT of this whole thing. But I'm sure you've heard the saying you catch more fly's with honey than you do with vinegar, no?

I would also suggest for you to read as many posts as you can. Most likely your question has bee answered two or three times over. Yet another benefit of posting on a forum. We are basically building a reference library for recovering your health from damaging drugs.

To answer your question....You may have read on more then one occasion that recovering from this is like a dance. You take 3 steps forward (towards health and vitality) and you end up taking 1-2 steps back, in the other direction. Over and over and over again. As long as you keep dancing, ie, staying consistent on the protocol, you end up on the other side as the general trend of these swings are constantly in a forward motion. There is constantly a back and forth in this...constantly. But it's a constant back and forth with an ever so slowly increasing baseline. That is the nature of how it works.

Healing is cyclical, as are all things in life. As your bodies baseline increases....60%.....65%....etc. your days on the upswings will get longer and longer. On the flip side, the days and severity of the downswings get smaller and less intense. Towards the end of the healing journey, you will all of a sudden notice that you haven't had a bad day in weeks...this is when you know that complete and full recovery is right around the corner.

Because of the cyclical nature of this, I waiting until I had 0 bad days for six months before making my recovery post on PH. At that point, I knew it was gone.

That being said, 6 years later, I still am increasing in very subtle ways. Just when I think it can't get any better.....it does! I attribute this to the meditation and breathing exercises, cold showers and herb rotation. Obviously I live the protocol as is, because it's how I feel best in life. When you get to a certain point in your health Baseline, the doses of the herbs get smaller and smaller. Some days I take nothing and the days I do take them, it's at half or quarter the recommended dose. My body as become super sensitive to their effects. I'm thrilled with this. Most of what I take these days are the adaptogens and the brain herbs. The others just cause my libido to be out of control....uncomfortably so.

The herbs are in fact, powerful medicine when combine with proper lifestyle choices.

So don't stress when you're going along good and you suddenly go down in the dumps. It's all part of the program and you should expect it to happen.

05-19-2018, 07:47 PM
Yeah I’ll stay away from here for a bit. I’m like a sponge right now.. it really is a different for someone my age lol.

The cold showers, bathmate, breathing exercises & 21 day test rotation is something I will be doing forever even after this.

Prohormones could speed things up for me true, but I just wanna wait till I’m 100%. Even if it takes a bit longer..

Could imagine taking my youth. & then putting all these on top of it.. it’s so amazing that it’s actually hard to imagine lol.

I’m just really on this. When I lift or sprint I do it with an intensity like I’m fighting PFS,. I remember when English was recovering, one of his posts he said that he feels like with each workout he’s “squeezing away PFS”.

I’m telling you when the muscle pumps return I will be euphoric.. at that point I would not care if ever had sex again. (Ofc I will have sex again) but when you get hit with bad PFS, you appreciate just being stable mentally.. & everything else improving just makes you happy.

give a man who hasn’t eaten in ages a little bit of food, watch how happy he will be.

05-19-2018, 07:50 PM
Yeah I’ll stay away from here for a bit. I’m like a sponge right now.. it really is a different for someone my age lol.

The cold showers, bathmate, breathing exercises & 21 day test rotation is something I will be doing forever even after this.

Prohormones could speed things up for me true, but I just wanna wait till I’m 100%. Even if it takes a bit longer..

Could imagine taking my youth. & then putting all these on top of it.. it’s so amazing that it’s actually hard to imagine lol.

I’m just really on this. When I lift or sprint I do it with an intensity like I’m fighting PFS,. I remember when English was recovering, one of his posts he said that he feels like with each workout he’s “squeezing away PFS”.

I’m telling you when the muscle pumps return I will be euphoric.. at that point I would not care if ever had sex again. (Ofc I will have sex again) but when you get hit with bad PFS, you appreciate just being stable mentally.. & everything else improving just makes you happy.

give a man who hasn’t eaten in ages a little bit of food, watch how happy he will be.

No need to stay away bro. I just suggested to back down the aggression....that's all.

It is amazing. It really is. I didn't realize how good someone could feel just.....existing. Just existing is pleasurable beyond measure.

And bathmate....forgot to add that one. I love using it.....lol. I guarantee my erection quality is better now than it was in my 20's.

On top of everything else, which is phenomenal, I think the biggest changes have come from me being completely in the moment...most of the time. Everything is so much better when you live life in the now. This is where the breathing, mediation and cold showers have shined.

I can't imagine a day where I don't do them. I'm in the moment and I feel vital and alive and powerful. No better feeling in this world.

And do yourself a favor....don't wait until you're 100% before running some prohormones. They do speed things up a bit and are relatively harmless. I understand wanting to do it all natural, but there is no award for doing such. This is about getting your life back, and if you can do it quicker, then by all means, you should.

05-19-2018, 08:05 PM
The living in the moment thing looking back is something I only got when doing drugs.. sad actually..? my go go go mentality always got in the way of just stopping and enjoying..

I’ll do the bathmate & in that warm water & when I’m done I’ll do the breathing exercises while laying in the tub.. followed by a cold shower, this time of relaxation is my escape from the world, & I don’t mean escape in a negative way like life is shitty ..it’s just that shutting Off feels so good to me, it’s something I’ve never really done as you can tell.. I actually look forward to all these relaxing mind clearing moments.

That’s why I was talking about Sunday’s just overloading On the mind clearing stuff & take that entire day to do it.. it’s the only day I let myself take naps during the day.. it makes me feel good and very balanced, it carries over to my work week.. & scientifically speaking it HAS to be good for the adrenals.

05-19-2018, 08:09 PM
Is the amount of time with Prohormones vs without THAT drastic? Does not using it slow you down by months or years??

i have nothing morally against it, I know they are safe. I’m just willing to sacrifice some time if it means using them after being 100%

05-19-2018, 08:11 PM
The living in the moment thing looking back is something I only got when doing drugs.. sad actually..? my go go go mentality always got in the way of just stopping and enjoying..

I’ll do the bathmate & in that warm water & when I’m done I’ll do the breathing exercises while laying in the tub.. followed by a cold shower, this time of relaxation is my escape from the world, & I don’t mean escape in a negative way like life is shitty ..it’s just that shutting Off feels so good to me, it’s something I’ve never really done as you can tell.. I actually look forward to all these relaxing mind clearing moments.

That’s why I was talking about Sunday’s just overloading On the mind clearing stuff & take that entire day to do it.. it’s the only day I let myself take naps during the day.. it makes me feel good and very balanced, it carries over to my work week.. & scientifically speaking it HAS to be good for the adrenals.

Once you get used to it and how good it makes life, you get addicted.

Human beings need this down time to use as a reset button. It makes life not only manageable, but fun, exciting and enjoyable. I get pleasure just sitting in my office, tending the garden, etc. Just BEING.

You should take the time and do it once a day....at least. Preferably once in the morning and once in the evening. But once a day yields fantastic results.

05-19-2018, 08:18 PM
Oh no, don’t let my entire Sunday of relaxation fool you. I’ve been doing the breath work/meditationeveryday like you recommended.. (morning & evening) cold showers are after this.

I just don’t work or lift on Sunday so I take the time to go to the park, get sun, & do all these techniques.. at a very high volume. This is my day where not even once I’m thinking about anything. It’s like an entire day on a cloud, no responsibilities, little to no thoughts, me and my nothingness with meditation music.

05-19-2018, 08:18 PM
Is the amount of time with Prohormones vs without THAT drastic? Does not using it slow you down by months or years??

i have nothing morally against it, I know they are safe. I’m just willing to sacrifice some time if it means using them after being 100%

Depends on the person and how bad off you are. You can never tell as everyone's time line is different. I wouldn't say it's a drastic amount, but definitely a nice boost.

My question is, why stay in the state you're in any longer then have to. That is how I approach the thought process with prohormones.

Plus...it's fun....lol

05-19-2018, 08:36 PM
the whole getting stronger without pump, carbs & all these limits literally is my passion. It makes me focus more & forces me to be more intense in the gym knowing this.. & it seems to be working cause I am progressing with weight. It’s like my mind & intent is overcompensating. The mind is powerful. I just envision myself pulling 700 like this, at this weight. I see it.. I walk into a gym 170 lbs, people look at me like an average joe till I move weight & then everyone is shocked ..

I know it’s a fucked mindset to some . I get it, why you don’t want this to end ASAP? You could be cured in 6-8 months or something.. I get it..but it’s like I’m in this shit but so positive in it as well. maybe I really do love the regimen. Here’s the really fucked part...There’s times where I find myself happier now than before this happened seriously.. it’s very brief but it happens at times..the constant working on myself does it for me regardless if my libido is down or my dick is whatever I love not worrying about anyone else & just focusing on me. Weird I know.

I just took my situation & found some type of joy & something to work towards that at the same timeis a cornerstone for recovery but also something i really Loved doing even before all this. & I’m doing it with more challenging variables..It’s impossible for me to have distractions on this journey, I find out about myself..I get to see what I’m made of .I don’t wallow in misery these days. I just think too much at times. But I don’t wallow in my condition anymore.

05-20-2018, 09:51 AM
Is the amount of time with Prohormones vs without THAT drastic? Does not using it slow you down by months or years??

i have nothing morally against it, I know they are safe. I’m just willing to sacrifice some time if it means using them after being 100%

FYI, my R-andro cycle was the biggest turning point for me recovery wise. That's when my mental state really starting improving, everything else has been improving since

05-21-2018, 05:47 PM
FYI, my R-andro cycle was the biggest turning point for me recovery wise. That's when my mental state really starting improving, everything else has been improving since

Yeah...it does seem to have that effect on alot of guys. It seems to be the turning point for many of them. It gives you that little push that you need to take things to the next level.

You can certainly do it without the prohormones, but why bother?

The sooner the PFS is over, the fucking better.

If everyone keeps at it, pretty soon we're going to have a site full of super humans.....lol

05-22-2018, 08:03 AM
Yeah...it does seem to have that effect on alot of guys. It seems to be the turning point for many of them. It gives you that little push that you need to take things to the next level.

You can certainly do it without the prohormones, but why bother?

The sooner the PFS is over, the fucking better.

If everyone keeps at it, pretty soon we're going to have a site full of super humans.....lol

yeah plus staying in pfs will probably cause premature aging. I noticed I have a shitload of white hairs that weren't there before. not sleeping normally for a year will do that to a lot of people.

05-25-2018, 09:41 PM
yeah plus staying in pfs will probably cause premature aging. I noticed I have a shitload of white hairs that weren't there before. not sleeping normally for a year will do that to a lot of people.

I found this strange, but i've actually had several women tell me that they find salt and pepper facial hair attractive.

05-27-2018, 08:16 PM
I found this strange, but i've actually had several women tell me that they find salt and pepper facial hair attractive.

I got a white as snow patch when I was in afghanaland. And I have white scattered all throughout. Girls always love the white hairs on my head. They’re like height ass Snow White. Now that I’m gorwing my hair out you really see them, and everyone digs them. So I agree here.

How old is he? When I got to the end of the first post I was like this guy must be 21 or something. Sounds like Ippy lol

05-28-2018, 08:55 AM
I got a white as snow patch when I was in afghanaland. And I have white scattered all throughout. Girls always love the white hairs on my head. They’re like height ass Snow White. Now that I’m gorwing my hair out you really see them, and everyone digs them. So I agree here.

How old is he? When I got to the end of the first post I was like this guy must be 21 or something. Sounds like Ippy lol


05-28-2018, 11:46 AM
I got a white as snow patch when I was in afghanaland. And I have white scattered all throughout. Girls always love the white hairs on my head. They’re like height ass Snow White. Now that I’m gorwing my hair out you really see them, and everyone digs them. So I agree here.

How old is he? When I got to the end of the first post I was like this guy must be 21 or something. Sounds like Ippy lol

you got white from being in afghanastian. did it come back to normal? I had a stressful period in like 2015 and I got alopetia areata. huge bald spot surrounded with grey and it went away after i layed off the coffee and rested HARD for 3-4 months.

05-31-2018, 06:50 AM
you got white from being in afghanastian. did it come back to normal? I had a stressful period in like 2015 and I got alopetia areata. huge bald spot surrounded with grey and it went away after i layed off the coffee and rested HARD for 3-4 months.

How much fucking coffee were you drinking?

05-31-2018, 10:12 AM
How much fucking coffee were you drinking?

1-2 grandes a day. so between 300-600mg of caffeine a day. that's not what did me in though it was the combo of not sleeping enough / caffeine and working 80 hour work weeks. (was working in sales full time + my music full time). was trying to be superman lol

06-02-2018, 06:11 PM
1-2 grandes a day. so between 300-600mg of caffeine a day. that's not what did me in though it was the combo of not sleeping enough / caffeine and working 80 hour work weeks. (was working in sales full time + my music full time). was trying to be superman lol

Okay, so that's not too bad caffeine wise. But yeah, the combo of everything together wasn't the best, I agree.

06-02-2018, 08:45 PM
I got a white as snow patch when I was in afghanaland. And I have white scattered all throughout. Girls always love the white hairs on my head. They’re like height ass Snow White. Now that I’m gorwing my hair out you really see them, and everyone digs them. So I agree here.

How old is he? When I got to the end of the first post I was like this guy must be 21 or something. Sounds like Ippy lol

Nothing like some quality time in the World's sandbox.

06-03-2018, 08:45 AM
Nothing like some quality time in the World's sandbox.

Thanks for your services brothers.

06-05-2018, 05:26 AM
Nothing like some quality time in the World's sandbox.

The worlds shittiest smelling sandbox lol.. literally.

Thanks for your services brothers.
No worries.

you got white from being in afghanastian. did it come back to normal? I had a stressful period in like 2015 and I got alopetia areata. huge bald spot surrounded with grey and it went away after i layed off the coffee and rested HARD for 3-4 months.

Yeah, one day I woke up, after letting my sides go uncut for a few weeks or so. Someone pointed out that I had a grey spot, like a quarter size, where all my hairs were now white. No it hasn’t gone away, yes I dig it, and so does everyone else lol.

06-05-2018, 05:02 PM
The worlds shittiest smelling sandbox lol.. literally.

No worries.

Yeah, one day I woke up, after letting my sides go uncut for a few weeks or so. Someone pointed out that I had a grey spot, like a quarter size, where all my hairs were now white. No it hasn’t gone away, yes I dig it, and so does everyone else lol.

That's fucking sick dude. I'm in the UK but thanks for the service too.

06-05-2018, 10:26 PM
That's fucking sick dude. I'm in the UK but thanks for the service too.
Neither of you need to thank me lol. Thankless job.

But yeah, honestly it’s pretty sick lol. Nerdy chicks especially love it.

06-06-2018, 08:13 PM
Neither of you need to thank me lol. Thankless job.

But yeah, honestly it’s pretty sick lol. Nerdy chicks especially love it.

I don't have to thank you. I want to thank you. It is what it is.