View Full Version : ¿Can Dr. Jack Kruse´s work help us PFS guys? I think so

12-06-2018, 02:28 PM
Hi there,

I am Pablo, a Spanish 24 year old guy, a PFS sufferer like most of you here. First time I post in a PFS forum. I wanted to do it when I was 100% recovered so my arguments would be more persuasive. I´m still not 100%, I´d say 90%, but I do think I have something important to contribute to all PFS guys trying to recover.

I feel totally recovered from cognitive and emotional issues, which where by far the worst. Libido also pretty high. Erection quality is my achilles tendon right now. I do have them but I´m not 100% there. I think in a very few months I will, especially since in a little more than a week I´ll be able to live a much better lifestyle - right now I´m not... life circumstances.

Do you know about Jack Kruse? I cannot encourage you enough to go, read and apply his stuff. He is changing the way of looking at human physiology, disease and health. This is my story in his forum: Pablo´s Optimal Journal | Jack Kruse Optimal Health Forum (https://forum.jackkruse.com/index.php?threads/pablo%C2%B4s-optimal-journal.22116/)

Right now I´m pretty busy, but I´ll expand much more on what I think is good to do. I love cdnuts protocol, for sure. But I´d like to add a few things I think would speed things up.

You may say..."hey, if you´re not 100% yet, how do you dare to say you can add anything? Well, I have done Kruse´s protocols with varying degrees of consistency, I the more I sticked to them, the better I felt. Also the amount of knowledge of that guy is overwhelming. My thoughts about him could change, of course, but right now I think he´s fucking amazing.

Why am I not sticcking 100% to his protocols? Well, I´m in the city trapped in an office 8 hours/day (no sunlight, lots of EMF´s and indoor shity lights, away from nature...). I´m doing it quite wrong, I think.

What are some things Kruse points out that I haven´t seen people paying too much attention to, and may be super important? Just to be clear, many of them are talked about in cdnuts protocol: sun exposure, cold thermogenesis, paleo diet... those are great. Now, we could probably be more specific about them, an even add a few things:

1-nnEMF´s (non native electromagnetic fields)... What the hell is that? Wireless radiation from technology. I do think avoiding overexposure to it is huge. The data is overwhelming, in the future I can expand a lot here.

2-Circadian rythm: Living as much as posible with the day and night rythms of the earth. This entails:

2.1-Avoiding blue light at night: This one is also super huge. Some of you will probaly know and do this. I think I saw it mentioned in cdnuts website, though not super highlighted.

2.2- Sun exposure during daytime. Now, the timing and the way to do it are super important. You want to get out and see the sunrise. Yeah, that time is critical for circadian entrainment and hormonal production. You should not use contacts (if you can ever) or glasses (this ones you should take them for a while, when outdoors). This may seem crazy but it has its explanation. You get the light signal from the eye in order to tell your body to produce the right hormones. Also skin exposure to the sun is super important, though not only for Vit-D production.

3- Grounding/ Earthing: Google it. Now there are caveats and possible hazards to it. I would not do it if I lived in a 5G city (if you do...I´d recommend moving) or artificially without researching it well. Walking barefoot over the wet sand of the beach would be a great example. There are more ways. If you think this is BS, I can show you the science and testimonials about this. I also thought most of this was pretty weird ar first, but when you try it... you think otherwise.

4- Exercising: I would do it always outdoors, preferably in nature- barefoot in the beach or grass would be "cum laude".

I´ll post back my results when I do this (and other things) I´m preaching for 2- 3 months consistently. I bet I´ll be 100%, but we´ll see...

So... there are many more things, but this are some biggies. I realise this may seem super weird to some people, It´s ok. Just investigate and try some of these things. And take care... this is a life changing situation for all of us. I truly think we can come out from this much wiser and healthier. I see it this way: some things in society - such as healthcare or big pharma, as we´ve experienced - are truly fucked up. Money is god and people´s being goes second.

But there is also a very important thing that is super wrong: the way we, as modern humans, live. We´re not meant to eat the diet most people eat, nor being unexposed to the sun, living under artificial light which has an altered spectrum much different from sunlight- with much more blue, melatonin reducing light- or under boatloads of artificial electromagnetic waves. Add to all of that some 5-alfa-reductase inhibitor and you get a great cocktail. We´ve become disconnected from nature. It is time to reconnect.

Pd: Google Jack Kruse. Some of his writings may be suuuper complicated. His podcasts are usually much easier to begin with. Some people may understand it all easily - not many I bet - but others will struggle. Don´t panic, I also still struggle a lot with understanding, especially with the science part. I´d just focus first on what actionable steps to take. Then, if you are super amazed with the results- as I am now- you can dig into the deep science.

Take care men :)

Pd 2: I was quite shocked and amazed to see that other guy who recovered from PFS talked about some of this. This french guy someone cited on this site talks about sungazing, grounding, and avoiding EMF´s (I don´t agree with his diet recommendations, I would stick to a paleo diet loaded with DHA from seafood). i just thought some of these practices, along with cdnuts awesome protocol, could join together into some epic recovery protocol. Le sungazing - A life after propecia (http://a-life-after-propecia.com/le-sungazing/) Certains pièges à éviter - A life after propecia (http://a-life-after-propecia.com/les-pieges-a-eviter/)

12-06-2018, 05:56 PM
yes I do a lot of this stuff. my weak spot is I stay up way too late / inconsistent

my mood and energy boosted up like crazy ever since I got a sun lamp and I use it same time everyday.

thanks for sharing. you find anything particularly helps libido / sleep for you? these are my lingering issues

12-07-2018, 05:45 AM
yes I do a lot of this stuff. my weak spot is I stay up way too late / inconsistent

my mood and energy boosted up like crazy ever since I got a sun lamp and I use it same time everyday.

thanks for sharing. you find anything particularly helps libido / sleep for you? these are my lingering issues

Could you especify exactly what sun lamp and for which purposes? What time of the day you use it? Full body, naked?

As I said, I am still doing things wrong, in very little time I´ll experiment with all these things and I´ll report back.

Sleep: I sleep like a rockstar. I get outdoors as soon as I wake up and see the sun. Not that I look directly to it, but in its direction (no sunglasees, normal prescription glasses or contacts on, for 10-30 minutes. Do even 5 minutes if you can´t that much). I try so spend as much time outdoors as I can, which us much skin exposed to the sun as it is confortable and socially acceptable. After sunset: I wear blueblocker glasses and avoid as much as possible screen usage.

Libido: My libido is pretty high (different from erection quality). Difficult to say what is the best. I think nude sunbathing is one of the biggest ones. Check the kiniki swimwear, it´s an awesome trick if you are not confortable showing your junk publicly. Cold exposure is another one of the biggies. Time in nature with low EMF: Leave the city, get to the countryside and ditch the wifi and cell phone (or very limited use). Buy and EMF meter and learn about all of this stuff. Walk (or sit) with your bare feet in contact with the grass or sand (wet preferably, it conducts better). Yeah, it conducts electrons from the earth into your body. I know it sounds weird, but it is not science fiction. Try it for 30 minutes and tell me you don´t feel amazing.

Most of this stuff... I´m not doing it consistently right now. Maybe in when someone is super healthy he can do things somewhat wrong and still be ok...for a while. However, people like us with PFS who are not fully recovered, we have to be like fucking ninjas, trying to add up as much positive lifestyle practices as we can. Right now, I still have low erection quality and sensitivity. I bet that will change soon... If this works for me, it will probably work for anybody else.

Google Jack Kruse, learn about what he says, apply and report back your results.

12-07-2018, 05:55 AM
-Less screen time: Install flux or iris for less blue light in your devices. Yes, this is important
-Less cell phone usage: Airplane mode is your friend. The dangers of EMF´s are probably the biggest health hazard to human health right now. Learn about it. There is tons of info about it. Telecom industry is just trying to bury this paying for contradictory studies supporting their economic interests, just as big pharma did with finas. The system works this way.
-Shut down that fucking TV. You think that is information? Does anyone think that is information? As I see it, that is just misinformation. Plus, less screen time and more time to read important books about health or other great topics.
-Read Epi-Paleo RX, Overpowered, Health and Light, Going Somewhere... search: "quantum health books". Knowledge is great, though I´d focus more in applying the practices before reading 40 books about them. Doing it the other way will just slow down the healing process.

12-07-2018, 09:45 AM
Also, regarding penile health... I am still a bit concerned with pumping. I will instead try these exercises for a while: Penis Exercise: Angion Method Demonstrations 18+ - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HJObCtwIPE&t=2s)

This guy is attracting some good attention in the "penis training" world. Check his videos, this guy at least seems to know his stuff. There are good reports from people regarding erection quality and size gains (I´m interested in the former). His exercises seem to pose no danger at all and basically bring a lot of blood into the penis. I do notice my member more venous throughout the day, and my erections a bit fuller, though it is early to say.

I think this could work well once the hormones are more or less in check. As you can see, I am trying to tackle the issue naturally and from many angles... I think this is the way.

12-08-2018, 01:22 PM
I've heard Jack Kruse before on podcasts etc, he's very knowledgeable for sure.
Avoiding EMFs is obviously impossible in today's world, but I try to turn off the WiFi at night, as far as I know though it's not key in recovery or it would be emphasised.
I always wear blue light blockers at night which have worked great, my sleep still needs work though.
I will try adding the grounding, outdoor exposure for 30 mins or so into my daily protocol, and maybe even try looking into the direction of the sun at sunrise for 10 mins.

12-08-2018, 01:24 PM
Can't really expose much skin in the UK in December however 😂

12-09-2018, 07:23 AM
Yeah, avoiding it is impossible, key word here is REDUCING it. You cannot avoid it but surely you can easily reduce it by 80-90%. I have a meter so I have tested this. Don´t have you cell phone switched on while you got it in your pocked, this is probably the nº1 thing to do IMO... If you have the money I would get and EMF meter and test, you´ll learn a lot on how to reduce exposure

[Cellphone electromagnetic radiation damages the testicular ultrastructure of male rats]. - PubMed - NCBI (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28963835) Conclussion of the study: "CER can damage the testicular ultrastructure and increase the apoptosis of spermatogenic cells of the male rat in a time-dependent manner, and the apoptosis of spermatogenic cells may be associated with the damage to mitochondria".

12-09-2018, 10:51 AM
Yeah, avoiding it is impossible, key word here is REDUCING it. You cannot avoid it but surely you can easily reduce it by 80-90%. I have a meter so I have tested this. Don´t have you cell phone switched on while you got it in your pocked, this is probably the nº1 thing to do IMO... If you have the money I would get and EMF meter and test, you´ll learn a lot on how to reduce exposure

[Cellphone electromagnetic radiation damages the testicular ultrastructure of male rats]. - PubMed - NCBI (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28963835) Conclussion of the study: "CER can damage the testicular ultrastructure and increase the apoptosis of spermatogenic cells of the male rat in a time-dependent manner, and the apoptosis of spermatogenic cells may be associated with the damage to mitochondria".

Might look into that, is there any particular EMF meter you recommend?

12-09-2018, 01:46 PM
Mmm difficult so say, it probably depends on your budget. I wanna say that I´m not an expert at all on EMF, I just have read several books and studies and think that it is an issue for any kind of health recovery and that it is wise to reduce exposure. That said, I would probably recommend one of the following:

-I have an "Accousticom 2", and it is quite precise for meassuring things like mobile phones, antennas, wifi and "smart" meters. You´ll also notice that most microwaves leak a lot of MW, so if you probably won´t use/ stay near them anymore. Now I like it, is super simple. Main drawback is it doesn´t meassure thinks like power lines or home appliances. I´ll probably buy another separate meter to test that in the near future,

-Other 2 meters that people usually recommend a lot are the Trifield TF2 (https://www.amazon.com/TriField-EMF-Meter-Model-TF2/dp/B078T2R64C/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1544383672&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=trifield+tf2&psc=1) or the Cornet EDT88 (the link is the older model, I didn´t find the new one: https://www.amazon.com/Cornet-ED78S-Meter-ElectroMagnetic-Detector/dp/B00P67QLA0/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1544383967&sr=8-3-fkmr1&keywords=cornet+ed88t+electrosmog+meter)

Basically these two last meters are much more versatile, and meassure a wider range of frequencies, but they are not very accurate for some of them.

I got the first one because I was willing to spend another 100-150 euros in another one and meassuring most things accurately (300-350€ total). Maybe if you are just willing to spend 180€ you should get one of the 2 last ones. I cannot tell you to buy any specific model really. Do a bit of research first, I just think those are all good options to get a general idea. Before spending money research a bit about EMF dangers and decide weather you think it is a real danger or just bullshit. I think it is a danger, but it wasn´t until I read Martin Blank´s "Overpowered" that I got fully convinced.

I hope this helps...

12-09-2018, 03:15 PM
Wanna learn about EMF´s? Check this 35 world experts free interviews: EMF Health Summit 2018 - Free Online 9-15th December! (https://emfhealthsummit.com/go-2-h2-a/) (Kruse is my favourite)

12-11-2018, 10:38 AM
Mmm difficult so say, it probably depends on your budget. I wanna say that I´m not an expert at all on EMF, I just have read several books and studies and think that it is an issue for any kind of health recovery and that it is wise to reduce exposure. That said, I would probably recommend one of the following:

-I have an "Accousticom 2", and it is quite precise for meassuring things like mobile phones, antennas, wifi and "smart" meters. You´ll also notice that most microwaves leak a lot of MW, so if you probably won´t use/ stay near them anymore. Now I like it, is super simple. Main drawback is it doesn´t meassure thinks like power lines or home appliances. I´ll probably buy another separate meter to test that in the near future,

-Other 2 meters that people usually recommend a lot are the Trifield TF2 (https://www.amazon.com/TriField-EMF-Meter-Model-TF2/dp/B078T2R64C/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1544383672&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=trifield+tf2&psc=1) or the Cornet EDT88 (the link is the older model, I didn´t find the new one: https://www.amazon.com/Cornet-ED78S-Meter-ElectroMagnetic-Detector/dp/B00P67QLA0/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1544383967&sr=8-3-fkmr1&keywords=cornet+ed88t+electrosmog+meter)

Basically these two last meters are much more versatile, and meassure a wider range of frequencies, but they are not very accurate for some of them.

I got the first one because I was willing to spend another 100-150 euros in another one and meassuring most things accurately (300-350€ total). Maybe if you are just willing to spend 180€ you should get one of the 2 last ones. I cannot tell you to buy any specific model really. Do a bit of research first, I just think those are all good options to get a general idea. Before spending money research a bit about EMF dangers and decide weather you think it is a real danger or just bullshit. I think it is a danger, but it wasn´t until I read Martin Blank´s "Overpowered" that I got fully convinced.

I hope this helps...

Thanks for all the info, very helpful indeed.
Going to do more research but I believe it is a health issue and is only getting worse (eg 5g), so will take some steps to reduce my exposure.

12-12-2018, 11:07 AM
Yeah, right now I see it as the biggest health challenge we are going to face as a society in the next years. I´ll avoid it as much as I can until I´m totally recovered from this finasteride mess. Then I´ll make some hardcore opposition to EMF´s and ask for changes in the law (less emissions permited), inform people, etc.

In fact, I´m already connecting with people concerned about this issue, but I don´t want to lose my focus: First, total recovery. Second, changing (at least trying to change) some of the most fucked up things we, as stupid humans, are doing. Also I´ll have to think about my future career, about having awesome sex (something this PFS totally prevente us from) and having and awesome life experience basically... You know, all those things we should do and have... So I would say: PRIORITIZE!!!!

12-12-2018, 02:48 PM
Yeah, right now I see it as the biggest health challenge we are going to face as a society in the next years. I´ll avoid it as much as I can until I´m totally recovered from this finasteride mess. Then I´ll make some hardcore opposition to EMF´s and ask for changes in the law (less emissions permited), inform people, etc.

In fact, I´m already connecting with people concerned about this issue, but I don´t want to lose my focus: First, total recovery. Second, changing (at least trying to change) some of the most fucked up things we, as stupid humans, are doing. Also I´ll have to think about my future career, about having awesome sex (something this PFS totally prevente us from) and having and awesome life experience basically... You know, all those things we should do and have... So I would say: PRIORITIZE!!!!

Amen dude, btw, is it true that we can have all these electronics with a different, safer frequency? But for some reason we chose microwave radiation which is dangerous.

12-14-2018, 02:29 AM
I am not sure what you are referring to. Wired= Safe , Wireless= Not safe. I guess you mean if wireless could be safe if the frequency was changed. I´m not sure, I have to investigate it more, but I think so. According to Dr. Dietritch Klinghardt 2.4 GHz, which is used for most cell phones, wifi, etc., is one of the worst frequencies for living beings, and he suggested that transmiting with a different frequency could reduce harm or even be harmless, so that we just needed to test which frecuencies posed no problems and use those.

I was encouraged when I heard that, for sure. However, I cannot tell how true is that, I am neither an engineer nor a biophysics expert - at the moment hehe- so I´ll have to study it more.

Also, I heard about a router with "eco-wifi" that emits 90% less radiation or something like that. As people wake up to this issue I bet there´ll be tech advances, but right now wireless looks pretty crappy to me.

12-14-2018, 01:39 PM
I am not sure what you are referring to. Wired= Safe , Wireless= Not safe. I guess you mean if wireless could be safe if the frequency was changed. I´m not sure, I have to investigate it more, but I think so. According to Dr. Dietritch Klinghardt 2.4 GHz, which is used for most cell phones, wifi, etc., is one of the worst frequencies for living beings, and he suggested that transmiting with a different frequency could reduce harm or even be harmless, so that we just needed to test which frecuencies posed no problems and use those.

I was encouraged when I heard that, for sure. However, I cannot tell how true is that, I am neither an engineer nor a biophysics expert - at the moment hehe- so I´ll have to study it more.

Also, I heard about a router with "eco-wifi" that emits 90% less radiation or something like that. As people wake up to this issue I bet there´ll be tech advances, but right now wireless looks pretty crappy to me.

Yeah, that's what I meant, that could be hopeful then, if it works (using different frequencies).
I just changed internet providers and have a new router, not sure how much EMF it emits, it's not a smart hub (are they worse, idk?).
But I'm definitely going to look into those eco WiFi routers, thanks for letting me know about them.

12-15-2018, 12:31 PM

I've had one for years. I'm not an affiliate for them...yet