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View Full Version : What to know about Post Cycle?!

12-05-2012, 01:31 PM
As I am getting ready to get off my first aas cycle (test E only), many questions come up!

Do eating habits/ diet have to change?

Does training have to change?

Are there any key supplements to use?


I`m looking for past experiences or any other knowledge that could help me keep the great gains I have worked for during the past months. Basic and advanced info are welcome!!!

Any related info is greatly appreciated!

A little on my first aas experience; started out at 195 (5,11) up to 219 (this morning). bf% going up and down according to the readings but go from 12 to 15 (machine is probably broken). About 3 weeks in the cycle I started suffering from a jumper`s knee (tendonitis) so I had to stop squatting wich was terrible. I will try and upload some pictures later.

Thank-you in advance!

12-05-2012, 01:41 PM
As I am getting ready to get off my first aas cycle (test E only), many questions come up!

Do eating habits/ diet have to change?

Does training have to change?

Are there any key supplements to use?


I`m looking for past experiences or any other knowledge that could help me keep the great gains I have worked for during the past months. Basic and advanced info are welcome!!!

Any related info is greatly appreciated!

A little on my first aas experience; started out at 195 (5,11) up to 219 (this morning). bf% going up and down according to the readings but go from 12 to 15 (machine is probably broken). About 3 weeks in the cycle I started suffering from a jumper`s knee (tendonitis) so I had to stop squatting wich was terrible. I will try and upload some pictures later.

Thank-you in advance!

-Diet habits should change, but they should have changed throughout the cycle. If you end your cycle 10-15 lbs heavier, you have to up your calories to compensate for that weight.

-Training doesn't really have to change, I generally like going lower volume the first week or two, but that is debatable.

-Just your standard stuff. If you are a creatine user, I would continue usage.

12-05-2012, 02:32 PM

sounds fkn familiar jm lol

12-05-2012, 02:53 PM
As stated above, you have to eat enough to support the new muscle, though you may not have to eat as much as it took to gain it. I recommend keeping cals the same as on cycle while in PCT (when your body is solidifying and deciding what mass to keep) and then take note if that amount of cals turned you fatter or not during that period. If not, stay there. If so, drop a couple hundred calories from your daily diet and see if that is the adjustment you need. If necessary, drop another 200 cals, and so on. You will still have to eat more than pre-cycle, though, as that additional 24 lbs needs to be fed.

Train hard, but not stupid hard. Overtraining/underrecovering during PCT can burn muscle at a time when you are not recovering as well. I recommend dropping your volume (number of sets) by 25-30% from what you were doing on cycle.

Anabeta is an excellent non-hormonal product to use during PCT to retain strength and size gains. I recommend it.

12-05-2012, 04:55 PM
I think training for strength helps the body decide to keep the gains. Anabeta or Prime post cycle seems g2g.

12-06-2012, 09:03 PM
Thanks for your feedback, as it may sound logic, I'd rather be aware of everything to maximise gains at the end!

02-26-2013, 10:12 PM
How did everything turn out JM? Did the advice given here help you maintain your weight?

02-27-2013, 12:57 AM
Have you used in HCG during your cycle.

03-25-2013, 02:09 PM
sorry for late response, i've been doing pretty good as to maintain muscle mass. Kept 10 pounds of the 18 I took while on cycle now at 210. This run being my first cycle, i realized that i was pretty estro sensitive. I kept good eating habits and heavy lifting post cycle and dropped lots of water. People in the gym were actually asking me how i had been shredding while keeping the muscle on wich was encouraging.

03-25-2013, 02:12 PM
Next run will be low test for sure. Maybe with tren or EQ.

03-25-2013, 02:15 PM
Next run will be low test for sure. Maybe with tren or EQ.

do the tren, even 200mg will trump eq and you wouldnt feel a side, 300mg+ and you are balling, keep the test low and itll be smooth as tren can be.....a little goes a long way.....ai wise letro 2xwk, or maybe eod in your case, and you should be problem free and see some good results after 5wks and on

this time tho id advise hcg, 500iu 2xwk give or take

03-25-2013, 02:30 PM
do the tren, even 200mg will trump eq and you wouldnt feel a side, 300mg+ and you are balling, keep the test low and itll be smooth as tren can be.....a little goes a long way.....ai wise letro 2xwk, or maybe eod in your case, and you should be problem free and see some good results after 5wks and on

this time tho id advise hcg, 500iu 2xwk give or take

100 mg a Wk of tren = 400 Wk of EQ but you'll still get stronger on the tren.

03-25-2013, 09:30 PM
yeah do the Tren. I am currently at 800mg/week EQ. Size and strength is nothing to write home about, but the endurance is insane. I have 6 weeks left on it so I am working at leaning down a little more. Going to jump on 12-15 weeks of Deca next and then possibly some tren after that.

Keeping my test at 500-700/week until I get to Tren and then will drop to 200/10 days of Test Cyp

03-26-2013, 07:01 AM
Tren it is, i will run it with hcg aswell thanks for your input