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View Full Version : Blood work

08-27-2019, 02:28 PM
Hey all,

Im new here, made an introductory post a couple weeks ago. I have all my herbs and supplements and will start a water fast tomorrow. I just wanted to post my blood work. I went to dr alan jacobs in ny cause my doctor couldnt get me to see an endo util november and i desperatley wanted to know what my levels were at. I know we dont put much stock in blood work and hormone levels, but i think ive seen that some people add some things to the protocol to tailor their needs and individual situation. If anyone has any inisght into these id love some feedback just for shits and gigs. Also-jacobs wants me to go on TRT which i will not be doing. Ive also never used clomid. Here is his email:

So, your labs are back. bioavailable testosterone is 156.6 (110-575), which puts you at the 10th %ile of the range. Estradiol is 25 (<29), meaning relatively high in its range. This low bio-T and high-ish estradiol is a recipe for poor sexuality. Also, your FSH is elevated at 9.0 (1.6-8.0), which is unexpected, unless you are taking some Clomid? LH is 6.5 (1.5-9.3) . Your SHBG is 47 (10-50), so it being high in its range means your bio-T is very low in its range. Also, estradiol raises SHBG, so your high-ish estradiol is not helpful. Your total testosterone is 723 (250-1100). As an aside, IGF-a and DHEAS were both normal. These labs likely explain why you feel crappy. Are you game to reverse this by using hormone therapy?

08-29-2019, 10:07 AM
Can anyone help with these? I would just like a little idea of what extra herbs i can take for certain levels. Any advice is appreciated