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View Full Version : Resuming the Protocol After a While

02-02-2021, 03:52 PM
Hey everyone, so I started the protocol May 2019, going 100% all the way until the pandemic hit around March 2020. Had to move back home and eating Paleo became nearly impossible with my parents always pressuring me to eat rice and bread. I basically stopped doing most of the protocol after that bc I figured what's the point without the right diet. I fully acknowledge it's my fault and only mine that I'm not back to 100% yet. I'm going to start up on the protocol again, not giving up till I can post on the recoveries section. What I want to know is: Do I have to do a 7 day juice feast again or can I skip this part since I've done it before? Cdsnuts would really appreciate guidance.

02-02-2021, 06:52 PM
Hey everyone, so I started the protocol May 2019, going 100% all the way until the pandemic hit around March 2020. Had to move back home and eating Paleo became nearly impossible with my parents always pressuring me to eat rice and bread. I basically stopped doing most of the protocol after that bc I figured what's the point without the right diet. I fully acknowledge it's my fault and only mine that I'm not back to 100% yet. I'm going to start up on the protocol again, not giving up till I can post on the recoveries section. What I want to know is: Do I have to do a 7 day juice feast again or can I skip this part since I've done it before? Cdsnuts would really appreciate guidance.

I would do it again.

You spent how many months NOT doing the protocol? You've eaten basically whatever you wanted and lived how you wanted. Not to mention one seven day cleanse after a lifetime of cellular waste build up isn't really going to clean you out to the fullest. You would have an easier go around this time by starting proper ALL OVER AGAIN.

Trust me. It's the best way. I would even go for ten days this time if you can swing it. The longer, the better. Your body will be so much more responsive to the healing that way.

And good on you for taking responsibility for yourself and not blaming others for your decisions. Takes a big person to do that. You got this man. All in......start living up to your screen name.....100%

02-02-2021, 06:56 PM
That's the way to go! No time to waste! I also have a quick question. So, since people with PFS have a different immune system than normal, would the COVID vaccine still work with them?

02-02-2021, 07:06 PM
That's the way to go! No time to waste! I also have a quick question. So, since people with PFS have a different immune system than normal, would the COVID vaccine still work with them?

I don't have an answer for that. I personally wouldn't get it. But I don't want to turn this into a vaccine vs non-vax convo. I just really don't trust the pharmaceutical companies that much anymore. They have changed my life for the worst on more then one occasion.

So, that my friend is a personal decision that you must make on your own.

02-02-2021, 07:15 PM
Sure, thanks for your insight. I know this is weird, but when I wasn't on the protocol, my motivation was sky high and my semen was the thickest I've ever seen it be. Is that improvement despite the fact I wasn't on the protocol then?

02-03-2021, 04:18 AM
I don't have an answer for that. I personally wouldn't get it. But I don't want to turn this into a vaccine vs non-vax convo. I just really don't trust the pharmaceutical companies that much anymore. They have changed my life for the worst on more then one occasion.

So, that my friend is a personal decision that you must make on your own.

If you don't mind me asking CD other than the pharmaceutical that we are all here for what other one or ones changed your life for the negative

02-03-2021, 08:54 AM
If you don't mind me asking CD other than the pharmaceutical that we are all here for what other one or ones changed your life for the negative

Not CD, but for another data point - I also took Lexapro (SSRI) for PTSD and Adderall for years which I'm sure contributed to Saw Palmetto getting the nail in my "coffin".

I still to this day have dopamine system-related issues from Adderall. I have little emotion, which my PTSD only makes worse, and I just have zero social empathy. Adderall is a horrible fucking drug and I wish I would've never abused it for almost a decade. My take on pharmaceuticals, if it isn't required to keep me alive, I'm going to pass.

02-03-2021, 09:11 AM
I don’t see why the Covid-19 vaccine wouldn’t work on someone with PFS. If PFS shut down your immune system, that would mean that guys would get the kinds of diseases that people with late-stage AIDS get (a coating of fungus in the mouth and throat, etc.)

Personally, I will get the vaccine, but these choices are up to the individual.

02-03-2021, 09:43 AM
If you don't mind me asking CD other than the pharmaceutical that we are all here for what other one or ones changed your life for the negative

Oxy, xanax, ambien, zoloft, antibiotics, etc.....I can go on, but you get my drift. Before I went on my own journey of self healing, I was on EVERYTHING simply to treat symptoms of something that no one could tell me what it was. ALL of these drugs caused me EXTREME suffering when coming off of them. They had me pumped full of so much shit I don't know what was worse, my pfs, or the drugged up state I was in.

We don't need them. "Maintenance" medications are simply prescribed to people who refuse to change their lifestyle habits and think taking a pill is going to counter act the bad decisions they make on a daily basis.......believe me, they DO NOT. They ALWAYS cause problems.

I was through the ringer man, several times because of the medical community. So really, as far as I'm concerned, if it's not emergency medicine or treatment, it's typically going to do you more harm then good. Because really people need to put down the Mcdonalds, Taco bell, garbage food and eat a fucking apple.....lol

So the take away here is, no matter HOW BAD you currently are, you can over come. I was one fucked up suicidal individual. If I could do it, EVERYONE can.

02-03-2021, 09:47 AM
Not CD, but for another data point - I also took Lexapro (SSRI) for PTSD and Adderall for years which I'm sure contributed to Saw Palmetto getting the nail in my "coffin".

I still to this day have dopamine system-related issues from Adderall. I have little emotion, which my PTSD only makes worse, and I just have zero social empathy. Adderall is a horrible fucking drug and I wish I would've never abused it for almost a decade. My take on pharmaceuticals, if it isn't required to keep me alive, I'm going to pass.

Just out of curiosity, and I'm sure you probably already tried, but have you tried running Mucuna for awhile at high doses? Or any other L-dopa supp?

10yrs on Addy?! Damn dude. That's a hellava run.

02-03-2021, 10:02 AM
Just out of curiosity, and I'm sure you probably already tried, but have you tried running Mucuna for awhile at high doses? Or any other L-dopa supp?

10yrs on Addy?! Damn dude. That's a hellava run.

Yeah it was stupid and abusive looking back. Was a fun time during it though.

I've tried all sorts of dopamine related things and some have helped but nothing exceptional. I am about to run some BPC-157 orally as I've read some great literature and experiences of it treating and potentially reversing the amphetamine-induced "brain injury" which is what I attribute my emotional problems too. Will definitely report back. As a new father, I would like to actually have emotions on big events in my child's life lol.

02-03-2021, 11:38 AM
Yeah it was stupid and abusive looking back. Was a fun time during it though.

I've tried all sorts of dopamine related things and some have helped but nothing exceptional. I am about to run some BPC-157 orally as I've read some great literature and experiences of it treating and potentially reversing the amphetamine-induced "brain injury" which is what I attribute my emotional problems too. Will definitely report back. As a new father, I would like to actually have emotions on big events in my child's life lol.

Congrats! I forgot you were expecting. How old?

02-04-2021, 09:35 PM
Congrats! I forgot you were expecting. How old?

Thanks brother! One month old. Sleep and energy are drained lol.

02-04-2021, 11:12 PM
Thanks brother! One month old. Sleep and energy are drained lol.

Oh I can't even imagine....lol. But man....you're about to experience one of the best reasons for being alive......congrats again Dad.