View Full Version : TRS PCT starting on sunday!

12-12-2012, 11:01 PM
I really enjoyed my run and with very impressive results I hate to see it end. I'm 5'10 and I started this run at 196 pounds with a bf% of about 16%(fatass). 8 weeks later I'm a very lean 177 pounds. Increases strength roughly 30% across the board.

Wks 1-2 no changes
Wks 3-6 fat loss was impressive. Dropped to 172
Wks 6-8 built lean muscle adding 5 pounds.

What really made it worth it was running into an ex at the mall last weekend and seeing her jaw drop to the ground. She asked if I was on steroids... LMAO!

If I could go back and do it again I would have added another tube of enhance and would have done 6AH instead of 3 per day.

Never lost libido, zero sides and while blood test may tell me otherwise I don't feel shutdown at all.

What should I expect from my TRS pct? And more important when can I start my next cycle? Lol

12-12-2012, 11:13 PM
Guess I should say what I ran with.
Used 4pumps androenhance only on upper body work out days. Probably not the most effective way to use it but I only had one tube.

Next run will be 6weeks
Stano elite
Wks 1-5 600mg
Wks 6 750mg
Wks 1-6 2ml
Epi elite
Wks 1-6 20mg

Pct will include torem, SA and testforce 2

12-25-2012, 12:04 PM
Wow nice results! I missed this one. How is the TRS going?

12-25-2012, 02:45 PM
Honestly didn't even need to start it. Blood work came back better after the cycle than before I started. I'm dying to start my next cycle. Im going to get my blood work checked again soon and if all is well I will start a more aggressive 4 week cycle