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01-16-2022, 08:30 PM
Hey guys, I crashed in September 2020. All tye symptoms. Discovered TRT helped many PFS guys heal. Started TRT in May 2021. I’m still not completely healed. Brain fog and cognitive symptoms are wretched, but not as bad pre-TRT. Brain fog is still awful. Sexual numbness. My provider is surprised. Brain fog is one of the first symptoms to heal. My guys who heal are sitting at 1500-2000 ng/dl. I’m at 648. Obviously I need to up my dose if I expect symptom resolution. TRT is a life long commitment I’m still unsure I want to take. Potential vascular problems. Atrophied sack and hair like Chewbacca, lol. I’ll do whatever it takes to get my life back which seems to be what men who face this illness have to do. CD’s protocol is different. I’m open to different approaches. Is CD protocol life long commitment as well? Any other advice is appreciated. 🙏

01-16-2022, 11:54 PM
TRT does not have a good track record with healing PFS, and as you know, oftentimes causes more issues. Are you saying that guys who have healed from specifically PFS via TRT have worked their test levels up to 1500-2000 ng/dl? I'm just curious, as I am myself also at 650 total test (I assume you were referring to total?), or at least I was a couple months back prior to beginning the protocol.
CD's protocol is not intended to be a lifetime commitment so far as resolving PFS is concerned, but it can be continued as long as one wishes. As for its application to curing PFS, the general consensus around here seems to be that fairly strict adherence to the protocol will usually yield the intended results in anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. At the very least, it is advised to keep up with the protocol for a few months *after* a few months of symptom resolution has passed. Some, like myself, intend to go beyond simply curing PFS symptoms and wish to take our health to levels upward and onward thereafter, so the protocol is going to be a part of our lives for as long as we wish to keep progressing.

01-17-2022, 12:48 PM
TRT does not have a good track record with healing PFS, and as you know, oftentimes causes more issues. Are you saying that guys who have healed from specifically PFS via TRT have worked their test levels up to 1500-2000 ng/dl? I'm just curious, as I am myself also at 650 total test (I assume you were referring to total?), or at least I was a couple months back prior to beginning the protocol.
CD's protocol is not intended to be a lifetime commitment so far as resolving PFS is concerned, but it can be continued as long as one wishes. As for its application to curing PFS, the general consensus around here seems to be that fairly strict adherence to the protocol will usually yield the intended results in anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. At the very least, it is advised to keep up with the protocol for a few months *after* a few months of symptom resolution has passed. Some, like myself, intend to go beyond simply curing PFS symptoms and wish to take our health to levels upward and onward thereafter, so the protocol is going to be a part of our lives for as long as we wish to keep progressing.


And good for you. Once you get a taste of truly vibrant health, you don't want to settle for anything less. Good luck to you.

01-17-2022, 03:34 PM
Hello If you want my opinion: I was also on TRT for 8 months and was able to benefit from it but it never cured my PFS. It took away my huge brain fog, and it gave me physical and psychological energy. And that's all.

Then I discovered this forum and I was able to understand that TRT is against protocol. I haven't renewed the testosterone injection that I should have done 11 days ago... and honestly I'm neither exhausted nor depressed. The brain fog didn't come back either. I just lost a lot of strength, nothing dramatic.

The most complicated will be to "relaunch the machine" but the protocol should be our crutch. (sorry for my english, I know it is bad)

01-17-2022, 04:11 PM
Hello If you want my opinion: I was also on TRT for 8 months and was able to benefit from it but it never cured my PFS. It took away my huge brain fog, and it gave me physical and psychological energy. And that's all.

Then I discovered this forum and I was able to understand that TRT is against protocol. I haven't renewed the testosterone injection that I should have done 11 days ago... and honestly I'm neither exhausted nor depressed. The brain fog didn't come back either. I just lost a lot of strength, nothing dramatic.

The most complicated will be to "relaunch the machine" but the protocol should be our crutch. (sorry for my english, I know it is bad)

The protocol is the ultimate "restart" Give it time to do it's thing, and it will.

01-17-2022, 10:28 PM
Thanks for weighing in. I’ve talked to two or three guys too healed PFS on TRT. sorry that wasn’t clear. They are sitting at 1500 to 2000 which seems to be the sweet spot for full symptom resolution According to them. Yes I am at 650 ng/dl total test.

01-17-2022, 10:37 PM
Hey thanks for your opinion. I appreciate it. That’s interesting that you resolved we are huge brain fog. That’s my major symptom. I find physical and psychological energy can’t endure daily stress. It’s better than early in my recovery. But temperamental. One step forward two steps back. And so on.

That’s good your mind is still clear and you’re not having mental health issues.

Your English is just fine! Yeah relaunch the machine is a good call. We Can’t live like this! Honestly the recovery stories are ready on here have really pulled me toward this protocol over TRT. Not that i think I could eventually get a full recovery on TRT. But is it worth it in the long run is the question I asked myself. I Use transcrotal cream which is safer than injections. It’s a pain. I need to watch my hct daily. long run, there’s plenty of good medical debate about the potential negative or severe long-term effects. Good evidence on both sides of the TRT debate. I appreciate the recovery stories. CDs protocol has a natural holistic approach to building back what fin damaged and building and maintaining health for a lifetime.

01-17-2022, 10:41 PM
Just curious: what symptoms were left to resolve before you stopped injections and switched protocols? Thanks

01-18-2022, 11:00 AM
Thanks for weighing in. I’ve talked to two or three guys too healed PFS on TRT. sorry that wasn’t clear. They are sitting at 1500 to 2000 which seems to be the sweet spot for full symptom resolution According to them. Yes I am at 650 ng/dl total test.

Regardless of how high they get their test, it will not resolve PFS symptoms. Otherwise, there would be no need for this protocol.

01-18-2022, 03:00 PM
I don’t think there’s success disses your protocol whatsoever. One big encouragement to me is a guy who has recovered for two years now. Who am I to say it’s not a true recovery. The recovery stories here are really encouraging. And there are a lot of them! I just know that TRT for life may not be for me. In fact, I found it interesting that you use a hormone stack. That probably substitutes for TRT in many ways. And I’m wondering if it might be safer. TRT by itself is probably ineffective to treat PFS without addressing neuro and gut which you do here. They’ve eaten incredibly clean. Which is an area I need to work on. I probably haven’t addressed my gut health issues. Certainly, nothing I’m doing is helping my neurological sides much. They tend to think that TRT is the foundation from which all healing from PFS flows. I’m not really interested in getting tribal. I think you’re offering something that’s really substantially helping guys. In fact one of the TRT guys linked to your recovery story page to encourage other guys. That’s how I found you. I just know how draining PFS is. I’m trying to make the best decision for myself and my family. I’m curious to hear your take. Thank you for your reply!

01-18-2022, 03:27 PM
I don’t think there’s success disses your protocol whatsoever. One big encouragement to me is a guy who has recovered for two years now. Who am I to say it’s not a true recovery. The recovery stories here are really encouraging. And there are a lot of them! I just know that TRT for life may not be for me. In fact, I found it interesting that you use a hormone stack. That probably substitutes for TRT in many ways. And I’m wondering if it might be safer. TRT by itself is probably ineffective to treat PFS without addressing neuro and gut which you do here. They’ve eaten incredibly clean. Which is an area I need to work on. I probably haven’t addressed my gut health issues. Certainly, nothing I’m doing is helping my neurological sides much. They tend to think that TRT is the foundation from which all healing from PFS flows. I’m not really interested in getting tribal. I think you’re offering something that’s really substantially helping guys. In fact one of the TRT guys linked to your recovery story page to encourage other guys. That’s how I found you. I just know how draining PFS is. I’m trying to make the best decision for myself and my family. I’m curious to hear your take. Thank you for your reply!

I don't think their success disses my protocol either.

And no, hormone stacks are not even close do doing what TRT does. Completely different animal.

Nothing to think about. it IS substantially CURING guys of their PFS. Has been for over a decade.

Well I certainly appreciate the share.

01-27-2022, 03:19 AM
Thank you CD! Do you have any reservations against TRT? Given your PCT success, TRT may not be as important for my need.

01-31-2022, 07:35 AM
TRT does not work for PFS if you really want to get to the bottom of it. As in: cure yourself completely. It does work for energy. That was the only benefit I got from it. Insane amounts of energy. Maybe more than a "normal healthy" person. Perhaps some PFS people have a good effect from TRT.

For me, mentally I was way worse off. Which eventually you will know is more important. Or at least just as important.

I did TRT/AAS two times. I used nolvadex as PCT first time which was bad (mental effects). Second time I came off without PCT. I tested my hormones after the second time I got off and testosterone levels were at around 650 ng/dl. So PCT is not needed in my opinion unless you used some extreme compounds. Just start doing cdsnuts protocol in this case.

01-31-2022, 11:12 AM
Hi ! I confirm that I was on TRT and I only had energy, that's all. Also, it took the brain fog away from me.

I did not make the injection which was planned for January 4th. And I started the CDnuts protocol on January 1st. Don't worry, the protocol will keep you from feeling exhausted.

Herbal PCT, sport, cold shower... it works. I'm out of shape but I'm no more tired than under TRT.

02-01-2022, 10:45 AM
Thank you CD! Do you have any reservations against TRT? Given your PCT success, TRT may not be as important for my need.

There are many men on PropeciaHelp who have tried TRT, like 15+ years of attempts, but doesn’t work for curing PFS. If the solution was as simple as getting on TRT, that’s probably what CD would’ve done back when he got PFS, and there would be no protocol. There’d be no community of guys suffering, because everyone would just go on TRT.

The reason that TRT does not work is that PFS is not a simple case of testosterone deficiency / hypogonadism. According to the actual scientific research (links available on the post finasteride foundation website,) it is believed to be caused by inactivation of the androgen receptors. It doesn’t matter how much testosterone you have if your body’s ability to USE testosterone is reduced.

The protocol is believed (by me anyway,) to slowly reactivate the body’s androgen receptors, while also restoring natural testosterone production.

TRT causes the body to reduce its own natural testosterone production, because the body thinks it’s getting enough testosterone already. This causes testicular shrinkage, which is not good. Please do not think of TRT as some general helpful thing, and understand what it does to the body’s natural testosterone production.

02-02-2022, 01:53 PM
Thank you CD! Do you have any reservations against TRT? Given your PCT success, TRT may not be as important for my need.

If you're asking me that question then you should do some more reading, no offense. I mean, my website is how to completely optimize the male body NATURALLY.......so....there's your answer.

TRT is just another bandaid.

Go for the cure.

04-02-2022, 06:46 PM
How you doing on the new protocol
Since starting in January?

Hello If you want my opinion: I was also on TRT for 8 months and was able to benefit from it but it never cured my PFS. It took away my huge brain fog, and it gave me physical and psychological energy. And that's all.

Then I discovered this forum and I was able to understand that TRT is against protocol. I haven't renewed the testosterone injection that I should have done 11 days ago... and honestly I'm neither exhausted nor depressed. The brain fog didn't come back either. I just lost a lot of strength, nothing dramatic.

The most complicated will be to "relaunch the machine" but the protocol should be our crutch. (sorry for my english, I know it is bad)

04-03-2022, 01:40 AM
Hi, You can follow my story here: My journal - Start protocole 01/01/2022 (http://www.swolesource.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4336)

I'm doing better with the protocol than under TRT.And I don't regret quitting TRT

On the other hand, I felt a slowdown: I had the covid, and I find it difficult to cope with stressful work. I will stop working for 6 months or 1 year to try to do better.

04-03-2022, 05:53 PM
Great to hear. Keep going!

05-02-2022, 05:16 AM
Hi, You can follow my story here: My journal - Start protocole 01/01/2022 (http://www.swolesource.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4336)

I'm doing better with the protocol than under TRT.And I don't regret quitting TRT

On the other hand, I felt a slowdown: I had the covid, and I find it difficult to cope with stressful work. I will stop working for 6 months or 1 year to try to do better.

If you have the ability or means to do this, DO IT! 100%, all in, all the time. It would be the best decision of your life.

07-25-2023, 12:36 AM
Of you have libido and erections go on TR T

I'll never forgive mysekf.for not going back to specialist formit.

Did man Afghanistan's
We have timeout there mortgages but still
I had very mild pfs for.years was a perfect candidate

No brain fog just s?Might muscle wastage and lower libido

I am positive I would have felt like a god on trt

08-04-2023, 01:26 AM
Hello If you want my opinion: I was also on TRT for 8 months and was able to benefit from it but it never cured my PFS. It took away my huge brain fog, and it gave me physical and psychological energy. And that's all.

Then I discovered this forum and I was able to understand that TRT is against protocol. I haven't renewed the testosterone injection that I should have done 11 days ago... and honestly I'm neither exhausted nor depressed. The brain fog didn't come back either. I just lost a lot of strength, nothing dramatic.

The most complicated will be to "relaunch the machine" but the protocol should be our crutch. (sorry for my english, I know it is bad)

Notch how did you feel.after orgasm before TRt

12-28-2023, 01:29 AM
Fucking dense cunts "the protocol will desensitize receptors Jesus fucking Christ man

Listen mate I was recivered for years
NORMLA loads spontaneous erecyions normal cock and balls great visual libido and lust

Maybe eighty percent or more just the final twenty was pure lust idk I think the spontaneous maybe weren't rock hard boners but they were hard

All I needed was HCG

That isn't even for life eithe

And who gives a fuck if it's for life

So is this stupid protocol

If trt makes you feel amazing why would you stop it anyway?