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View Full Version : Perfect PCT with herbs?

06-12-2022, 11:51 PM
Hey guys, i just wanted to know what part the protocol is good for PCT. Is it comparable to a classical PCT with tamoxifen or Adex?

06-13-2022, 04:04 AM
Hi man !
The entire protocol is a PCT. Cold showers, herbs, sports, the sun...

06-13-2022, 05:04 AM
something causes me to have to high e2. my nipples hurt from some herbs. my balls have shrunken so much i dont know what the cause of this is....

does masturbating causes the HPTA axsis to get messed up?

evertime I wake up in the morning my balls get super tight and it feels so weird. later in the day it gets better and it hangs more. it feels like the testosterone spike in the night is somehow effecting my sleep and body.