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View Full Version : Road Food. What's your staple food or dish if you have one?

12-17-2012, 10:28 AM
Hi Guys. I have a national position for my job which requires weekly travel US and International. It is very challenging to stay lean with my food choices and travel schedule. I typically do not have any cheat meals at home because I need the clean foods that I can prepare. I have learned that I need to order everything dry/grilled/sauces on the side, etc at my eating locations. I always pack a bag of protein/oatmeal with me usually for a good breakfast to start the day. If I'm in a location for 3-4 days I will pick up eggs as well. Almonds and a Chicken salad w/oil is another everyday meal. I try to keep protein and good fat high with lower carbs for maintenance. Airports are horrible to try and find good food in a rush.

My question is what do you try eat if your traveling for work/vacation? Do you have a favorite dish or chain that meets your clean food requirements? I know Pro Wrestlers live this lifestyle as well, trying to stay lean with food on the road, but I also have to use only legal gear.

I'm interested in your feedback.

12-17-2012, 10:39 AM
Jerky, mixed nuts, Quest bars, fruit, the organic meal place in most airports, and the list could go on.
To pre cook and take with you I'd do chicken because it taste good cold or hot.

12-23-2012, 10:08 PM
I haven't travelled a lot for my job, just the occasional out-of-state training or whatever, so my suggestions might not be anything incredible but this is what i found:
o Travel with a shaker cup, protein and a good greens mix. the protein can be whey or a blend of other proteins. the fiber in the greens will slow the whey, and also give you fiber and phytonutrients to avoid that 'road yuck' feeling.
o Buy high-quality jerky like salmon or bison and eat it before a meal so you will eat less of the bad stuff. or, with some fruit or veg, this can become your meal.
o Research where you are going ahead of time so that you can find a decent restaurant or place to buy a few basic supps.
o Drink plenty of water, especially on flights. don't consume alcohol on flights.
o At restaurants, order meals dry and with sauce on side (sounds like you already figured this out). inquire about methods of preparation

12-24-2012, 02:09 AM
Fast food wise, id pick wendy's. Plain chicken breast sandwich and you can add a backed potatoe plain. Travelling sucks because most of the food is loaded with sodium, so drinking plenty of water is a must. Plain almonds, protein shakes, apples are easy to carry around, just have a source of water for your shaker cup.

12-24-2012, 03:55 AM
Quest bars are amazing, I don't travel but I try to keep a tub of protein around, and oatmeal, and a good fat source around incase I have to make some short hand meals, like shakes, or some other random thing that gives me what I need. I just try to get in a good amount of healthy fat, complex carbs and good amounts of protein.

12-24-2012, 04:17 AM
Quest bars are amazing, I don't travel but I try to keep a tub of protein around, and oatmeal, and a good fat source around incase I have to make some short hand meals, like shakes, or some other random thing that gives me what I need. I just try to get in a good amount of healthy fat, complex carbs and good amounts of protein.
Glad I'm not the only one the like those bars..
Damn things are the best bar out taste and health wise..
I get a sample box of both lines every couple months. They are my to to dessert.

12-24-2012, 04:21 AM
Yea dude, they do work hard to use quality ingredients. I found out about them while listening to low-carb podcasts, and then tried them, and was blown away by how good they were. They aren't much more than a usual protein bar which is great, and like I said they use really good ingredients.

12-24-2012, 05:16 AM
I got my first taste for them at the Olympia expo in 2010 and I've been hooked ever since.
Every single bar taste killer and the price is just as good.

12-24-2012, 05:36 PM
I haven't tried the Quest bars before. I will look for those in the future. I always pack my bag of protein and my shaker, but it stays in my checked bag (with all the orals). I haven't thought about picking up greens to use with the shake, good idea.

12-24-2012, 06:03 PM
cheeseburgers, frostys, snicker bars and milk shakes : )