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View Full Version : Fuck CD Nuts and Dumb Fuck Damon Knighten

07-26-2023, 05:52 AM
Both yank retards

07-26-2023, 05:36 PM
You probably don't realize this, but you're providing extra motivation for me to get those extra hours of sleep, to take more walks in the sun, to focus on the diet a little more, so that one day i'll make a recovery post here. And you'll still be in the same fucking spot you are now. You are a textbook example of how NOT to go about shit if you get this condition. You've taken a niche and novel community of guys suffering from a rare and ill-understood condition, and for whatever reason you've completely alienated yourself from them by acting like a retard. You've single-handedly tried to spam and ruin the only forum on which there are natural recoveries from said condition.

The worst part? you're in your 50s.

07-26-2023, 06:39 PM
Wrong on every point.

07-26-2023, 06:54 PM
Im.not in my fifties
you won't make a natural recovery
I'm not gimp mobile

07-26-2023, 07:01 PM
I don't hate you despite you being a dick at times to me.

We both made the same catastrophic.mistake and crashed at almost the same time.

In my case I was more recovered and crashed much harder.

You did at least have the guys to go on camera as many says.I

You have this weird thing out me not working but most of your family is unemployed felons you've said which explains your work fetish.

07-26-2023, 07:16 PM
Like 5 alpha victim who I think is J dawg

I actually like that guy but he's a moron who.promotes this shut because he tried Clomid and failed and had no other options but to.believe in this crap

This is a boost your low T programme nothing more

Man in 2018 I felt fucking great I could get drunk and wan k all day great energy et c
So.I believed in this Shi T

Who.knows maybe if I had gone to the gym and not taken swroquel.I could.have posted full recovery here

Taking ducking ssriquelmwas my mistake and there were no warning threads on proepcian hel l plus I hated the revamped website ancient use it atnall.between 2018 and last year.

The reason I'm angry at ThinkPad is that I never went to a urologist for TRT and displace dissuaded me.

My last post as Luclfax says I was taking magnesium but d and zinc and that was all.I was On if I didn't take it i was fine. in had recovered pretty much ninety percent TR T would have made me.feelmamazing

07-26-2023, 07:18 PM
I actually like most of the men here and if and when they recover they should be posting it On PH not letting that place just become a barren empty wasteland of severe cases and negativity however understandable

07-26-2023, 08:01 PM
RWAC who.had the same type of pfs as me said I wouldn't recover in TR T but I was much better off then Tigershull.Who did

07-26-2023, 08:08 PM
I could be in my 80s. I don't run around screeching about my recovery attempts when everything I do makes me worse, you fucking monkey. You're now gloating to others about how you're going to be so much better off naturally. Says a lot. You're a selfish little gimp yank piece of shit who thinks he's the special one who can fix it with vitamin B12 and other shit. You're not special and the world proves that consistently by crashing you each time you embark on some idiotic new protocol.

You feel more motivated? Guess that means more motivated to crash yourself again. Funny thing to be so proud of

"I'll recover and you wont'!" - Monkey Gimp Damon

*6 months later*

"Guys why is my hair falling out I did b12 shot I'm worse now!!!!"

Rinse and repeat. Fucking hick gimp make Forest Gump look like Oppenheimer. Forest GIMP

07-26-2023, 09:13 PM
Fuck Damon, fuck Luckfax, fuck PH, Fuck CD, Fuck that gimp cock gimp mobile fuck Damon again and fuck that doctor who prescribed fin. Fuckin bastards the whole bunch of you

07-26-2023, 09:57 PM
Fuck awor the useless Swiss spastic who fucked off for five years whose as I've was routinely useless and who got Amerikan places to fucking take forever with the studies.

07-26-2023, 10:01 PM
The funniest thing about Damon was Lazarus asking hik.why he took a SSRI

Lazarus the man who hasn't had a hard On for a decade and found propecianhell help three years ago

07-26-2023, 10:04 PM
Damon is so fucking stupid he thinks people called "cookie monsta" on reddit can give him insight into PFS. That's how fucking dumb this piece of shit gimp is

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Fuck yank gimps

07-26-2023, 11:02 PM
You probably don't realize this, but you're providing extra motivation for me to get those extra hours of sleep, to take more walks in the sun, to focus on the diet a little more, so that one day i'll make a recovery post here. And you'll still be in the same fucking spot you are now. You are a textbook example of how NOT to go about shit if you get this condition. You've taken a niche and novel community of guys suffering from a rare and ill-understood condition, and for whatever reason you've completely alienated yourself from them by acting like a retard. You've single-handedly tried to spam and ruin the only forum on which there are natural recoveries from said condition.

The worst part? you're in your 50s.
You won't make a recover post you can't even he a hard on fo.fucks sake

Start donating for your own good

07-26-2023, 11:17 PM
You probably don't realize this, but you're providing extra motivation for me to get those extra hours of sleep, to take more walks in the sun, to focus on the diet a little more, so that one day i'll make a recovery post here. And you'll still be in the same fucking spot you are now. You are a textbook example of how NOT to go about shit if you get this condition. You've taken a niche and novel community of guys suffering from a rare and ill-understood condition, and for whatever reason you've completely alienated yourself from them by acting like a retard. You've single-handedly tried to spam and ruin the only forum on which there are natural recoveries from said condition.

The worst part? you're in your 50s.

The recoveries are bul!Shi T gimp

Men with mild.fucking pfs

I know proepcia hell is useless.for pointing people towards recovery but that doesn't excuse this shite

07-27-2023, 12:32 AM
Mate I actually recovered for a few years so.must have have been doing something right.

07-27-2023, 03:39 AM
Stupid yank shite fuckwit gimp Damon . Can't fucking stand the airhead cunt fucking CD nuts cookie monsta delusional gimp 5 years with PFS and thinks his chicken brain will figure it out

fucking delusional yank gimp

07-27-2023, 06:03 AM
Imagine this stupid yank shite laying in a field with his legs spread sunning his balls because CD nuts told him to. 5 years this cunt makes himself worse constantly and thinks eventually he'll recover. Delusional dumb cunt yanlk shite

07-27-2023, 12:24 PM
You probably don't realize this, but you're providing extra motivation for me to get those extra hours of sleep, to take more walks in the sun, to focus on the diet a little more, so that one day i'll make a recovery post here. And you'll still be in the same fucking spot you are now. You are a textbook example of how NOT to go about shit if you get this condition. You've taken a niche and novel community of guys suffering from a rare and ill-understood condition, and for whatever reason you've completely alienated yourself from them by acting like a retard. You've single-handedly tried to spam and ruin the only forum on which there are natural recoveries from said condition.

The worst part? you're in your 50s.

Love this post!!!
I feel exactly the same! He proves 100% the psychological theory as stated in the stickies by English. He’s just living evidence and like you say is all the motivation you need.
Having said that he’s being a complete twat to any new sufferers who find this place.
As regards to Cdsnuts, he’s a loving guy who for years has helped people like myself, giving them hope in their deepest distress and despair. I stumbled across TMO when I thought my life was fucked. Gladly I found some inner strength and hope and jumped on his protocol straight away. I’m glad to report I’m 100% recovered after 16 months and I owe everything to Cd and the other positive people on this forum and also paddy for proving the biggest battle is psychological.
I’m meeting my girlfriend once again this weekend who I met during Pfs. We do our dating in London and I’m going to make sure she has the time of her life once again, like I always do. I’ve got my life back🥳
All the best friend 👍

07-27-2023, 05:35 PM
Good for you but you have they never even given your story

07-27-2023, 05:42 PM
Mjw I recovered too i also.had a great she i.had alibido.i.let her go thinking I would get other shots this was a few years ago but I never couk d have imagine d Id crash again

Astounds like you recovered naturally in a short time frame....

I.made a colodsal.mistake following stress and took pharmaceutical I wisj I had asked for advice in her.

"Cdnuts" is now elsewhere I. The net and advised guys to take hcg, arriving that Michigan this is just a sham to make money

Fact is it is time I. Get I would have recovered fully

It has to wirk.for everyone not just mild cases! Look at vahn and men like that

07-27-2023, 05:45 PM
I had my .Oracle recovery and ducked it up what a twat.

I had chronic fatigue ifnlibido et c and within four years got it back. Fucjmme.mate what a catastrophe

We need research there needs to be a cure or everyone joyous mild cases

07-27-2023, 05:47 PM
Look uo.finasterude victim in OH wonder if he could cure via Cdnuts shit it must work for everyone

and now younger guys like maxout saying take hcg. He himself probably got better in the haurmineral.test Thing has much as thus

07-27-2023, 05:51 PM
Love this post!!!
I feel exactly the same! He proves 100% the psychological theory as stated in the stickies by English. He’s just living evidence and like you say is all the motivation you need.
Having said that he’s being a complete twat to any new sufferers who find this place.
As regards to Cdsnuts, he’s a loving guy who for years has helped people like myself, giving them hope in their deepest distress and despair. I stumbled across TMO when I thought my life was fucked. Gladly I found some inner strength and hope and jumped on his protocol straight away. I’m glad to report I’m 100% recovered after 16 months and I owe everything to Cd and the other positive people on this forum and also paddy for proving the biggest battle is psychological.
I’m meeting my girlfriend once again this weekend who I met during Pfs. We do our dating in London and I’m going to make sure she has the time of her life once again, like I always do. I’ve got my life back🥳
All the best friend 👍

I don't even know your story painful you have massive muscle wastage etc

07-27-2023, 05:54 PM
It's bs when I was crashing again I read that
Gimp xxxaleksi and this but I'll be ok he had a bad crash and recovered should have gone financially straight away

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Where the fuck is everyone anyway on discord?

07-27-2023, 06:00 PM
Three needs to be recovery for EVERYONE not just mild cases

07-27-2023, 08:05 PM
Where the fuck is everyone anyway on discord?

Well it’s pretty hard to come to this place now a days with all the spam and crazy talk going on.

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and now younger guys like maxout saying take hcg. He himself probably got better in the haurmineral.test Thing has much as thus

How do you know Maxout is saying to take Hcg?

I’ve looked at that Twitter account you say is CD. I’m not saying it is him, but does have a similar tone. You say he recommends people to take Hcg there, but I’ve gone way back through that account and never seen Hcg mentioned once. How do know?

Honest questions

07-27-2023, 08:09 PM
He did On his subreddit

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Maxine said it On discord

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I want to semtex those orange bastards

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I can't ducking believe it I was one recovered than most gimps.in the deck writes section by 2913 could get Sharon from sunbathjng

07-27-2023, 08:17 PM
My Whiteside is ducking inevitable with this shut

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That gimpnxxaleksi he's full of a ducking Shi t
Saying hard-core case and fuckinghisnfppp girlfriend twice early on

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I want to massacre a load of irangebbastards

07-27-2023, 11:25 PM
Good for you but you have they never even given your story

Thats because you’re on here! And you wouldn’t listen anyway, so why ask?

07-27-2023, 11:31 PM
I would listen.

Go on Cheshire cat tell me

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I can't believe that for year all I took was 15mg zinc from.boots
Magnesium from whenever
Vitamin d from.Holland inadvertent
and I felt good after a wan k
Great even
Why the fuck did. Into got to trt

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I .ca by get over it mjw
Imagine at your work they bullied you abductors
In a ducking citizens advice of all places

Mate if I had recovered in try couk d have return a book about his Shi t all the pfs guys would have bought it

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Al!.I did was wan k though
I had an Instagram full.if hot young women

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If I don't top myself and by admirable there is a treatment I'll have had three puberties

07-27-2023, 11:39 PM

Would you top yourself if you could t get a Hardin and muscles were wasted away and you ticked all the idea on propecianhell having not tucked any for years?

07-27-2023, 11:58 PM
Well it’s pretty hard to come to this place now a days with all the spam and crazy talk going on.

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How do you know Maxout is saying to take Hcg?

I’ve looked at that Twitter account you say is CD. I’m not saying it is him, but does have a similar tone. You say he recommends people to take Hcg there, but I’ve gone way back through that account and never seen Hcg mentioned once. How do know?

Honest questions
Are you a multi account?

You say it's pretty hard to come here these days

07-28-2023, 12:12 AM
Should I ducking too myself

07-28-2023, 08:36 AM
Are you a multi account?

You say it's pretty hard to come here these days

No, but I’ve been lurking since last summer before I made this account. I actually tried to share my story a couple times, but was not able to because of your spam rampages. It said I had to be approved by a moderator, which i assume was their way of locking you out of the forum at that time.

Was saying that more as a general term, I’m sure most guys feel that way now. I’ve seen some of the OG’s pop by, give you shit, then haven’t come back since. You’re just hurting people who are trying to get better, it’s sad and very selfish.

07-28-2023, 08:40 AM
No, but I’ve been lurking since last summer before I made this account. I actually tried to share my story a couple times, but was not able to because of your spam rampages. It said I had to be approved by a moderator, which i assume was their way of locking you out of the forum at that time.

Was saying that more as a general term, I’m sure most guys feel that way now. I’ve seen some of the OG’s pop by, give you shit, then haven’t come back since. You’re just hurting people who are trying to get better, it’s sad and very selfish.

This disinterested it

Load of Shi T

I can't slay damon jalapenos two fucking fasts what a gi!p

A simple appointment with a local By a urologist would ahvebsufficed

07-28-2023, 08:44 AM
No, but I’ve been lurking since last summer before I made this account. I actually tried to share my story a couple times, but was not able to because of your spam rampages. It said I had to be approved by a moderator, which i assume was their way of locking you out of the forum at that time.

Was saying that more as a general term, I’m sure most guys feel that way now. I’ve seen some of the OG’s pop by, give you shit, then haven’t come back since. You’re just hurting people who are trying to get better, it’s sad and very selfish.

Im.just as dumb as anyone xo!ing here instead of a urologist

Had nornalmcockmand balls for ten fucking years

07-28-2023, 08:46 AM
You don't even make any sense man.

The irony of going around calling people gimps and that there full of shit is so lost on you.

07-28-2023, 09:03 AM
No, but I’ve been lurking since last summer before I made this account. I actually tried to share my story a couple times, but was not able to because of your spam rampages. It said I had to be approved by a moderator, which i assume was their way of locking you out of the forum at that time.

Was saying that more as a general term, I’m sure most guys feel that way now. I’ve seen some of the OG’s pop by, give you shit, then haven’t come back since. You’re just hurting people who are trying to get better, it’s sad and very selfish.

Lol I'm on a cheap tablet with autocorrect

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No, but I’ve been lurking since last summer before I made this account. I actually tried to share my story a couple times, but was not able to because of your spam rampages. It said I had to be approved by a moderator, which i assume was their way of locking you out of the forum at that time.

Was saying that more as a general term, I’m sure most guys feel that way now. I’ve seen some of the OG’s pop by, give you shit, then haven’t come back since. You’re just hurting people who are trying to get better, it’s sad and very selfish.

What are your symptoms

I am in some terrible Marc Turner rtrip

07-28-2023, 09:26 AM
Can't even distinguish between they're (they are) and there. Fucking gimp shite dumbfuck yank retard can't even speak one fucking language correctly

Yank shite useless gimp

07-28-2023, 10:33 AM
You can’t even put a coherent sentence together most of the time. Autocorrect fixes words, not turn them into gibberish.

You also cry about being bullied at work, then come on here and bully people? Pathetic.

You're a schizophrenic with multiple accounts. When you talk between your accounts it's unbelievably cringe. You are not fooling anyone.

Im done wasting anymore time talking to you, just like Damon I'm going to use you as motivation to not only get better, but to be a better person. Not turn into some miserable old man yelling at strangers on the internet.

07-28-2023, 10:37 AM

I'm not bullying anyone and not making multiple accounts. So that unbelievably cringe bit is wrong.

I don't hate Damon we made the same dumb mistake. And a doctor told him to take b12.

My targets are higher level.

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I'm not fucking schizophrenic either

07-28-2023, 11:33 AM

I'm not bullying anyone and not making multiple accounts. So that unbelievably cringe bit is wrong.

I don't hate Damon we made the same dumb mistake. And a doctor told him to take b12.

My targets are higher level.

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I'm not fucking schizophrenic either

You’re a complete dick head at the very least. But more than likely all the aforementioned also!

07-28-2023, 11:46 AM
Fuck up Cheshire cunt
Tough day or something

07-29-2023, 12:56 AM
Fuck up Cheshire cunt
Tough day or something

Not at all paddy.
Had a fabulous time in Cambridge yesterday! Spent the day alone visiting some of the greatest architecture this country has to offer. Enjoying my time alone is a good way of improving self love.

The rest of the weekend im in London with my girlfriend who i met during pfs! We will go to watch a west end show today, find a stylish restaurant for dinner and listen to some live jazz music back at the one of the hotels cocktail bars.
Oh and have lots of sex… xxx

All the best offing yourself xx

07-29-2023, 01:20 AM
I am taking pills th

Fuck this shut ic.oukd.gomtomwimbkedon went to see A Kraftwerk at the albebahll.alome then those ducking dirty orange bastrds started going on at me in2019 was stressed
2020 felt great
Went to gdansk.within damage button seroquel.again

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I want to ducking topmyself

07-29-2023, 01:25 AM
I am taking pills th

Fuck this shut ic.oukd.gomtomwimbkedon went to see A Kraftwerk at the albebahll.alome then those ducking dirty orange bastrds started going on at me in2019 was stressed
2020 felt great
Went to gdansk.within damage button seroquel.again

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I want to ducking topmyself

Have a nice day mate!

07-29-2023, 01:29 AM
Fuck up.cunt karma will get you

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You never even had pfs by the sound ofmit

07-29-2023, 02:34 AM
Fuck up.cunt karma will get you

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You never even had pfs by the sound ofmit


07-29-2023, 02:41 AM
You had a natural recovery mate

07-29-2023, 04:21 AM
Fuckin Mjw1999 faggot Damon yank sniffing cuck with a transvestite parasite girlfriend from the depths. Spewin off on this pseudo psych garbage while sucking on a tranny cock in old town. Take your pride and fake ass gimp mobile back to the hotel to shuuuut the fuuuuuisck up with Lazarus and Paddy. Damon fetal alcohol syndrome baby PFS since birth shite yank Biden trope. Extra motivation to take more more pills and suck a couple extra cocks. And fuck gimp mobile for good measure that bastard. Mjwcdnutsacksuckinonmypack

07-29-2023, 04:49 AM
Oh and fuck Damon Knighten. This mans mind thinks he's smart enough to get the extra motivation to heal himself from something people have spent countless dollars and doctors on but his sibo and retreat theory and cries for help about hairloss since ssri are going to cure and finally fix him. It's been half a decade and 30 years for the community but he thinks his basement science and physio degree is gonna figure this out with all the other muppets in the chats. This yankee doodle cocksucker looking like a ventriloquist Muppet will put his finger up some young bums ass like Larry Nassar looking like a young Larry Nassar in the waiting. Team USA physio molwster

07-29-2023, 08:29 AM
Fuck Paddy luckfax fuckin Seroquel taking Scottish rat. Always talking about zinc and hcg curing him not doing shite but bitching and complaining all day in the chat instead of fixing this and getting on with a good wank

07-29-2023, 08:38 AM
I wish I had taken hcg

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What's your story

07-29-2023, 08:40 AM
Paddy get to work and start sending your junk pics to raise awareness you lazy fool. People need to know. How the hell do you think we'll ever get out of this mess mate. Sure as shite ain't gonna be Damon Knutsack or his boy toy Mjw with his fancy fuckin life. Take a crap on CD nuts while your at it and keep it moving

07-29-2023, 08:44 AM
I felt dead

07-29-2023, 09:12 AM
Same. Now let's pull ourselves together and do something productive, we have enough energy to fight. For fuck sakes

07-29-2023, 09:19 AM
Are you blake

07-29-2023, 10:26 AM
No you twat. And I won't reveal who I am just that I have some grievances. I want out of this mess asap

07-29-2023, 10:29 AM
You're right I need to get out of bed at least I have ultra severe pfs

My mate just gave me.a phone clal.similar to yours. Fuck if I lost that guy is be totally fucked

07-29-2023, 06:39 PM
Dumbfuck Damon

07-30-2023, 08:25 PM
For fuck sakes. Gimp life

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(1) a derrogatory term for someone that is disabled or has a medicial problem that results in physical impairment.

(2) An insult implying that someone is incompetent, stupid, etc. Can also be used to imply that the person is uncool or can't/won't do what everyone else is doing.

(3) A sex slave or submissive, usually male, as popularlized by the movie Pulp Fiction.

08-04-2023, 12:58 AM
You can’t even put a coherent sentence together most of the time. Autocorrect fixes words, not turn them into gibberish.

You also cry about being bullied at work, then come on here and bully people? Pathetic.

You're a schizophrenic with multiple accounts. When you talk between your accounts it's unbelievably cringe. You are not fooling anyone.

Im done wasting anymore time talking to you, just like Damon I'm going to use you as motivation to not only get better, but to be a better person. Not turn into some miserable old man yelling at strangers on the internet.

Should I off myself biych

08-04-2023, 01:03 AM

Can't be a hard on bitch

08-04-2023, 01:24 AM
You probably don't realize this, but you're providing extra motivation for me to get those extra hours of sleep, to take more walks in the sun, to focus on the diet a little more, so that one day i'll make a recovery post here. And you'll still be in the same fucking spot you are now. You are a textbook example of how NOT to go about shit if you get this condition. You've taken a niche and novel community of guys suffering from a rare and ill-understood condition, and for whatever reason you've completely alienated yourself from them by acting like a retard. You've single-handedly tried to spam and ruin the only forum on which there are natural recoveries from said condition.

The worst part? you're in your 50s.


08-05-2023, 02:28 PM
I honestly think the best thing to do is everything EXCEPT the herbs, because magnesium, exercise, sun, diet does help. The herbs are nonsense, and as we can see maybe even dangerous (lion's mane, ashwagandha). There are more people on reddit's Lion''s Mane recovery group than the Post Finasteride group. That says a lot

Severe cases with muscle loss that don't improve need TRT

08-05-2023, 05:23 PM
Fuck Kenny Rogers and Michael Clement. Useless PFS cunts

08-05-2023, 07:06 PM
I honestly think the best thing to do is everything EXCEPT the herbs, because magnesium, exercise, sun, diet does help. The herbs are nonsense, and as we can see maybe even dangerous (lion's mane, ashwagandha). There are more people on reddit's Lion''s Mane recovery group than the Post Finasteride group. That says a lot

Severe cases with muscle loss that don't improve need TRT

Sever case cantbdonanything

That's the horror of the condition

Yt? Only helps.mild czses

- - - Updated - - -

Fuck Kenny Rogers and Michael Clement. Useless PFS cunts
If Michael Clement is the brain fog only guy I how he ducking dies

08-05-2023, 07:17 PM
Michael Clement eats dog shit for cure

08-05-2023, 10:18 PM
I honestly think the best thing to do is everything EXCEPT the herbs, because magnesium, exercise, sun, diet does help. The herbs are nonsense, and as we can see maybe even dangerous (lion's mane, ashwagandha). There are more people on reddit's Lion''s Mane recovery group than the Post Finasteride group. That says a lot

Severe cases with muscle loss that don't improve need TRT

God TRy InfoWorld Dortmund cases

A guy called quiet recovered on it

This London cuntbcallednscared makemalsomdid

08-06-2023, 12:14 AM
Michael Clement eats dog shit for cure

Who is Michael Ckement?

The yank who.just had brain fog?

08-06-2023, 12:18 AM
hE'S a dumb canadian gimp

08-06-2023, 12:21 AM

08-12-2023, 10:56 PM
You probably don't realize this, but you're providing extra motivation for me to get those extra hours of sleep, to take more walks in the sun, to focus on the diet a little more, so that one day i'll make a recovery post here. And you'll still be in the same fucking spot you are now. You are a textbook example of how NOT to go about shit if you get this condition. You've taken a niche and novel community of guys suffering from a rare and ill-understood condition, and for whatever reason you've completely alienated yourself from them by acting like a retard. You've single-handedly tried to spam and ruin the only forum on which there are natural recoveries from said condition.

The worst part? you're in your 50s.

There's no recoveries inherently would have recovered anyway

I want to machete that English cunt a distinctiveness bastrds out me off going to see a fuckungbsoecialist