View Full Version : Trenazone/mechabol cycle

01-15-2013, 04:50 PM
A week into 1.5 ml Trenazone/ 100 mg Mechabol per day cycle. Not going to do a log, per se, as I just don' t have the time. I will update from time to time. Just want to say this may be the best cycle I have done ( so far, anyway ). Strength already up. Alpha feeling during work out. Only 1 weird thing - for about 20 min after application of trenazone I feel a slight nausea mixed with euphoria???? Little weird but loving this stuff.

01-15-2013, 05:06 PM
Keep us updated, mechabol & trenazone blew me away. I stocked up for future runs.

What length cycle? support? pct?

01-15-2013, 05:10 PM
Trenazone is freaking awesome. Where are you applying the TZ? I would get an odd feeling after applying it to my clavicle, but it was because the fumes would go up my nose and irritate my sinuses.

01-15-2013, 05:42 PM
Yeah, clavicle area. Could be the fumes, but I think I' m feeling it in another way. Supports are the usual; hawthorne, celery, liver juice, tudca when that runs out, fish oil, toco 8, coq10, letro if e gets silly on me. PCT is PP trs plus daa, sam- e for liver cleanse, torem. Oh, 6 week run looking for a lean bulk - yes, I' m chasing that unicorn ....

01-15-2013, 07:17 PM
I'm going to be running Mecha 100-150 and Tren 2ml next week.. Hoping to add some trest to it. Waiting to see if that happens.

01-15-2013, 08:17 PM
PCT is PP trs plus daa, sam- e for liver cleanse, torem. Oh, 6 week run looking for a lean bulk - yes, I' m chasing that unicorn ....

Are you are using the tcf-1 from the pp trs? I'm not 100% sure but I believe the active in tcf is sodium d-aspartate and d-aspartic acid are the same thing. Using both would be redundant.

2 bottles of trenazone should last about 40 days, be careful not to spill, I lost a few mls down the drain. I was going for 6ish but ended up cutting it short a few days early because I felt so insanely super and I wanted to end on a good note.

Lean bulk should be doable, what does your diet look like?

01-15-2013, 09:06 PM
Yes, tcf-1. Diet is very clean slightly over maintenance.