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01-16-2013, 02:23 PM
FlashChat v6.0.8 (http://www.leanbulk.com/forum/chat/)

You need to be a leanbulk member. He's on right now... maybe only for the next 30 minutes

01-16-2013, 02:38 PM
7 minutes left!!

01-16-2013, 02:51 PM
Ask him what his peptopro dosing protocol is?

01-16-2013, 02:52 PM
Damn doesn't look like I can chat from my iPhone.

01-16-2013, 02:57 PM
He says he loves peptopro (ie hydrolyzed casein) and branch cyclic dextrin. Basically, quickly digesting protein and carbs intra workout.

01-16-2013, 03:00 PM
[Right Hook] 2:01 pm: lol I'll just start with an easy one - Do you have plans to compete yourself again? And if so, when?
[mountaindog1] 2:01 pm: Masters nationals 3rd week in July

[Right Hook] 2:02 pm: Nice, doing anything different with your prep this year vs last?
[mountaindog1] 2:03 pm: Last year was really different then years passed. Much higher carbs (but centered around peri workout period), no cardio, and much more weight training sessions. I only got to do that for about 12 weeks, so will just be doing it longer this time...will hit 7 days a week at 20 weeks out..that's the goal

[anthrogeekuconn] 2:05 pm: When you worked at the bank full time, how did you balance work, training, family and your work as a prep coach?
[mountaindog1] 2:06 pm: I worked my nuts off. It was hard. In meetings..doing stuff at work...answering training questions..get home and eat real fast and go to gym...get home play with kids, then up until 2am or so answering training questions...I am not gonna lie - it was hard...
[mountaindog1] 2:08 pm [undefined]: I changed jobs and went to a different bank that was close by to save 1.5 hours during the day from driving, and to come home and see kids at lunch....people were like...seriously..you changed jobs becuase of that...yep

[Young Gotti] 2:08 pm [undefined]: since you've had experience with working and trying to get the proper calories, what was your approach for meal prep?
[mountaindog1] 2:09 pm [undefined]: well the best invention ever is the mocrowave and all these new steamer products that steam in a bag. Trader Joe rice, veggies, and even fish can be steamed in a bag...I do ALOT of that...3 minutes and boom food is ready...I never cook meat in large quantities because I don'tt like to eat it after it's been in the fridge for a while...doesn;t taste as good..

[Right Hook] 2:10 pm [undefined]: Got any good lifts/tricks for someone who has seriously lagging forearms? I already train heavy deads, grip type stuff, etc.
[mountaindog1] 2:11 pm [undefined]: my forearms are my worst bodypart...but when I stick to doing alot of hammer and especially reverse curls they get better...I don't go heavy..I just move fast and go for maximum pump..until it feels like your forearms are on fire..

[KPfigure] 2:11 pm [undefined]: I have a full spinal fusion, and I cannot do any deadlifts, anything bed over (rows, rack pulls..) and try to stay away from backloading with squats. Shelby has directed me to your article on many different ways to use the leg press, which has helped a lot. Any suggestions on modifying others to avoid further back injury ?
[mountaindog1] 2:12 pm [undefined]: when doing leg presses or hacks, dont go so deep your pelvic girdle comes off of pad..don't listen to everybody saying you have to go super deep on everything...

[Right Hook] 2:13 pm [undefined]: Do you have any different strategies when prepping natural guys vs those assisted? Or is it really all the same in the end?
[mountaindog1] 2:14 pm [undefined]: def not the same. Chems can cover up shit ty training and nutrition practices to a degree. Naturals have very little wiggle room. Enhanced guys can just pop some extra t-3 and take more GH. This is one of the things I hate because then people all assume training and nutrition does not matter....the reality is if the person enhanced maximized training and nutriton, with their gear - they will do awesome....but chems can make people lazy..
[mountaindog1] 2:16 pm [undefined]: in terms of strategy, you really have to be careful of naturals eating muscle up...too much cardio...carbs too low for too long..etc...

[anthrogeekuconn] 2:17 pm [undefined]: It's the height of cold season, in your opnion, if sick, should you go to the gym and sweat it out? or take some time off to get better?
[mountaindog1] 2:18 pm [undefined]: I wouldnt train hard..let your immune system recover...and take in more full fat coconut milk and oil for the anitviral benefits of lauric acid...

[KPfigure] 2:19 pm [undefined]: whats your thoughts on people who cut water starting the day before a show and then all day during said show
[mountaindog1] 2:20 pm [undefined]: well that will depend on what they are doing with their sodium and food too...if they took their sodium out...they are in for trouble..headed to flatville....if they keep some sodium in, it can work. This is something that eachperson really has to experiment with..and even when you get it right for one show..things may change for the next one...a 2 week out trial run is extremely important..

[christmas10023] 2:19 pm [undefined]: Any recommended exercies for developing the torso?
[mountaindog1] 3:22 pm: torse - incline barbells....decline (small angle) smith presses, dumbell presses on varying angles...alot of rows and pulls from different angles...check out my youtube channel and you will see alot of exercises that are unique..

[Right Hook] 3:24 pm: Did you ever think Meadows Rows would become so popular so fast??
[mountaindog1] 3:24 pm: haha - once people tried them....they have put more meat on my lats than any other exercise...I do like one arm barbell rows with chains alot too though..

[Young Gotti] 3:25 pm: one arm barbell row with chains.....how much chain do u leave to drag?
[mountaindog1] 3:26 pm: prolly 4 or 5 links.....

[BBG] 3:26 pm: How much protein do you recommend to your clients?
[mountaindog1] 3:27 pm: varies - can be 1.25 to 1.5...in some cases 2...but generally i find 1.25 is about right...

[AndroGenetX] 3:26 pm: Hey John, checked out your site; had some good info but didn't see too much on your basic diet and training principles. I know it is more complicated than a small answer but just hoping you could very briefly shed some light on your basic ideals. Specifically nutrient timing, training organization (ie. compound movements followed by isolation etc.), and rest (required time for cns recovery between training periods).
[mountaindog1] 3:28 pm: I get much deeper into what I am doing on the express site...that is the paid part..here are some thoughts though..

[mountaindog1] 3:28 pm: training
[mountaindog1] 3:29 pm: get specific nutrients into your blood before training....pump the muscle...not in a concentration curl kind of way...in a dumbell press kind of way...
[mountaindog1] 3:29 pm: then hammer it with explosive work and use accomodating resistance when possible....make every fiber fire hard..
[mountaindog1] 3:29 pm: then pump the living daylights out of the muscle...
[mountaindog1] 3:29 pm: once muscle is jacked...work it from a stretched position..
[mountaindog1] 3:30 pm: this sequence addresses hypertrophy form all angles I believe...not just one..
[mountaindog1] 3:30 pm: nutrition..
[mountaindog1] 3:30 pm: 80% of carbs in peri workout (pre, intra, and post)....
[mountaindog1] 3:30 pm: if using animal protiens that have a descent amount of fat..go organic...if lean..don't worry about it..
[mountaindog1] 3:31 pm: fats - don't be scared of them..
[mountaindog1] 3:31 pm: I di 270
[mountaindog1] 3:31 pm: ish
[mountaindog1] 3:32 pm: 40 before - 125-150 during - 80 after
[mountaindog1] 3:32 pm: I like whole eggs the best of any protein source...

[BBG] 3:32 pm: What carb sources for the pre/intra/post?
[mountaindog1] 3:33 pm: pre - cream of rice is awesome..digests great..
[mountaindog1] 3:33 pm: intra - low osmalility carbs like branch cyclic dextrin - clears fast...
[mountaindog1] 3:33 pm: post - white rice
[mountaindog1] 3:33 pm: those are my favorites..not all i do though..I like gluten and wheat free waffles after training sometimes too

[anthrogeekuconn] 3:34 pm: are all your client's diets gluten free?
[mountaindog1] 3:35 pm: well not intentionally..but my food choices kind of make them close to that by accident..
[mountaindog1] 3:35 pm: oats and ezekiel bread have small amounts of gluten...

[BBG] 3:35 pm: Top 3 supplement choices?
[mountaindog1] 3:36 pm: top 3 is casein hydrolysate, branch cyclic dextrin, and fish oil (but I am starting to rethink that one)...

[anthrogeekuconn] 3:36 pm: why are you starting to rethink (fish oil)?
[mountaindog1] 3:36 pm: just keep hearing from people in the industry that most of it is rancid..

[BBG] 3:37 pm: even Flameout (biotest product, john is an author on there ;))?
[mountaindog1] 3:37 pm: well I am taking Flameout now..so I hope not..haha

[Right Hook] 3:38 pm: What about recovery John? Anything other than the typical good amount of sleep?
[mountaindog1] 3:39 pm: recovery - well deep sleep obviously..I do like 5HTP for those who can;t seem to get to sleep....and I think a short nap during the day is pretty big deal..and you know me...intraworkout nutrition is the biggest key by far in recovery

[anthrogeekuconn] 3:38 pm: When do you think the best time to do cardio during contest prep is? AM fasted, post workout?
[mountaindog1] 3:40 pm: cardio - well depends on type of cardio....and the type of diet...if you are low carb and feel like crap..prolly just fasted in am.....if you are eating more and feeling good.prolly HIIT after training, but that could be done anytime really...

[Young Gotti] 3:38 pm: maybe i missed it on the site, but whats your opinion on caffeine? better yet what do u think about the stories that most coffee has mold on it....or adding mct oil and grass fed butter to a cup of coffee?
[mountaindog1] 3:41 pm: caffeine - great ergogenic aid...take before cardio when cutting..it also actually helps with glycogen replenishment too if you take a ton of it..weird huh..
[mountaindog1] 3:42 pm: adding MCT oil I do not like...adding coconut oil with real sources of MCT's I do like..and grass fed butter is fine too..

[Beejis60] 3:40 pm: I find that ALCAR is great for intraworkout. anything you suggest beyond that and likely BCAAs or EAAs?
[mountaindog1] 3:42 pm: AlCAR is very good...intra I prefer casein hydrolysate and low osmalaity carbs..

[AndroGenetX] 3:42 pm: I am not sure of your opinion in this area but please do not be offended by the question if you are against this area of the sport. I am sure the drug use questions get annoying but I am just curious as to whether you use prohormones since many are fairly strong orals.
[mountaindog1] 3:43 pm: I actually don't know anything about prohormones...I just never paid attention to them....I don't even know what brands are out there..

[Beejis60] 3:43 pm: What's with you recommending a lot of organic stuff? I personally am against the notion unless it just happens to be organic.
[mountaindog1] 3:44 pm: toxins in fat cells and fruits like berries only..not everything..saying to buy organic everything is retarded
[mountaindog1] 3:44 pm: so higher fat animal sources yes...lean no

[Beejis60] 3:45 pm: Well since chicken breast is pretty lean, I wouldn't worry too much about it. But what about beef? Rendering out the fat, in theory, should help purge out some of that nonsense, no?
[mountaindog1] 3:45 pm: it def would help yes

[anthrogeekuconn] 3:50 pm: how do you get all your knowledge?
[mountaindog1] 3:51 pm: The more you know..the more you realize you don't know jack...truth...

[anthrogeekuconn] 3:51 pm: any certain journals or books you reccomend?
[mountaindog1] 3:51 pm: I get all the journals....mountain of information for a teaspoon of somethng useful...

[Beejis60] 3:54 pm: John, where are you from? I saw you were at OSU for something
[mountaindog1] 3:55 pm: Columbus Ohio

01-16-2013, 05:32 PM
thanks for putting that up.....first carb hit i got was vpx carbonex, id guess their sales jumped today.....and all of us pepto fans feel pretty smart

01-16-2013, 06:24 PM
thanks for putting that up.....first carb hit i got was vpx carbonex, id guess their sales jumped today.....and all of us pepto fans feel pretty smart

Yeah, I was glad to see his three major supplements are also the three macronutrients.

01-16-2013, 07:08 PM
I updated the chat that I posted. It's color coded, easier to read and has more info (the other chat i posted was missing the beginning).

01-16-2013, 07:22 PM
I updated the chat that I posted. It's color coded, easier to read and has more info (the other chat i posted was missing the beginning).

Reps sent.

01-16-2013, 07:59 PM
I tried the carbonx from vpx. I will start using it intra and see how that goes. Before I was using it after jits, and I did feel like it exited the stomach faster, as I felt less bloated. After I run out though I will not get it again.

01-16-2013, 08:02 PM
I have a shit load of that VPX carbnox from the Olympia expo. They where giving that stuff out like no other.
Last year it seemed like the expo was flooded with powder and liquid carb sources.
The time before that it was flooded with pre workout.

01-16-2013, 08:07 PM
I'd be interested to see how much better one can recover, using something like Carbonx. I'm big on the recovery aspect right now. Part of the reason why I love my cpap machine.

01-16-2013, 08:32 PM
I'd be interested to see how much better one can recover, using something like Carbonx. I'm big on the recovery aspect right now. Part of the reason why I love my cpap machine.

i dont think its any better than any other carb source recovery wise, at the price the vpx or gaspari stuff goes, is it really worth it
im using karbolyn now and see no difference than gatorade powder........it lcears fast so it wont sit and is ideal for someone getting really tight, but even then the average guy should have decent bf without having to spend $50 on a carb drink

that being said the women in me already has it on the radar

01-16-2013, 09:36 PM
i dont think its any better than any other carb source recovery wise, at the price the vpx or gaspari stuff goes, is it really worth it
im using karbolyn now and see no difference than gatorade powder........it lcears fast so it wont sit and is ideal for someone getting really tight, but even then the average guy should have decent bf without having to spend $50 on a carb drink

that being said the women in me already has it on the radarHehe.. I hear that. When I see new shinies, I get the "must have" urge.

01-16-2013, 11:13 PM
So I take away peptopro and carboslin would be a great mix intraworkout.

01-16-2013, 11:25 PM
So I take away peptopro and carboslin would be a great mix intraworkout.

Yup that's what I use

01-17-2013, 06:38 AM
Yup that's what I use

And then a simple carb like basmati rice with the post workout meal?

And with every other meal, if carbs are eaten, they need to be complex.

01-17-2013, 09:28 AM
I don't have any peptopro but I do have hydrolyzed Whey would that work as a pepto replacement?

01-17-2013, 09:35 AM
Is there anything that he recommends that isn't made by Biotest?

01-17-2013, 10:16 AM
Damn the biotest line is expensive!!!!

01-17-2013, 11:43 AM
Damn the biotest line is expensive!!!!
its retarded marketing......look at what is in anaconda and tell me its worth $75 for 14sv

- - - Updated - - -

Is there anything that he recommends that isn't made by Biotest?
hahahah, i went to tnation cause i was curious, and yep now i see all the little plugs......at the rate hes using their anaconda, like a tub a week.....he better pimp their shit so they keep his cupboard full

01-17-2013, 11:45 AM
He has the inside track as he trains Tate these days and EFS is affiliated with T-Nation/Biotest.

01-17-2013, 11:53 AM
Yeah, biotest sucks. I've looked at their stuff a few times. Nothing special. Horrendously overpriced.

01-17-2013, 12:16 PM
its retarded marketing......look at what is in anaconda and tell me its worth $75 for 14sv

- - - Updated - - -

hahahah, i went to tnation cause i was curious, and yep now i see all the little plugs......at the rate hes using their anaconda, like a tub a week.....he better pimp their shit so they keep his cupboard full
Like you I was courious and had to check t-nation out
That's the first product I checked out and that shit is marked up like Crazy!!

01-17-2013, 01:22 PM
Yeah don't ever go biotest...

MAYBE Flameout. MAYBE.

01-17-2013, 01:27 PM
None of that line is worth the cash.
When you asked about flame out he didn't even know if it was good or not he just hoped it was. Lol

01-17-2013, 01:28 PM
None of that line is worth the cash.
When you asked about flame out he didn't even know if it was good or not he just hoped it was. Lol

It is pretty high in omega 3s and has decent ratios, too. But I agree it's not worth it anyway... :) Which is sad :( I have ordered from biotest before

01-17-2013, 01:40 PM
It is pretty high in omega 3s and has decent ratios, too. But I agree it's not worth it anyway... :) Which is sad :( I have ordered from biotest before
I'll stick with regular fish oil and CLA and get the rest from food.
I'm starting CarbNite soon so I'll be pounding lots of meat and fats!!!

01-17-2013, 02:09 PM
flax i like best for omega 3s, blends nice with a shake too

01-17-2013, 02:28 PM
And then a simple carb like basmati rice with the post workout meal?

And with every other meal, if carbs are eaten, they need to be complex.

Isn't rice a complex carb?

01-17-2013, 02:36 PM
Does anyone here take in MCTs in there post workout shake??
Coconut oil or powder is what I'd use.

01-17-2013, 02:57 PM
Isn't rice a complex carb?

Yes, it is.

01-17-2013, 03:40 PM

01-17-2013, 03:41 PM
What are those tacos??

Can't wait for my first CarbNite!!!!

01-17-2013, 03:44 PM
all this carb emptying fast and which protein absorbs faster, ect ect........eat like a man!!!!

yes tacos, :p

01-17-2013, 03:50 PM
They are just regular tacos??
Thought they where something special. Lol
I live in little Mexico so I eat my fair share of tacos.

And the only reason for me trying CarbNite is to see f I can drop some fat while eating good and not doing any cardio.

01-17-2013, 04:03 PM
all this carb emptying fast and which protein absorbs faster, ect ect........eat like a man!!!!

yes tacos, :p

This is where the focus should always be. As I'm typing this, I'm eating a 12oz sirloin burger with bacon and avocado. A good 1000kcal snack before dinner tonight.

01-17-2013, 04:07 PM
This is where the focus should always be. As I'm typing this, I'm eating a 12oz sirloin burger with bacon and avocado. A good 1000kcal snack before dinner tonight.

I'm about to make a 16oz beef patty with cheese and the works!!
Alvocado for sures..
Then I'll have steak and veggies with butter for dinner.

01-17-2013, 05:02 PM
i've just been eating celery lately. I don't even workout; haven't in 6 months.

Oh yeah, and how could I forget the beet juice. I've added some MEGA SIZE from this. :rolleyes:

Right Hook
01-17-2013, 05:04 PM
John is under contract with biotest. I know a former author there who was really against the product plugging but said in the end it was well worth it because they gave him an avenue to get his ideas out to a large audience. And he doesn't push that brand on his clients at all.

01-17-2013, 05:06 PM
i've just been eating celery lately. I don't even workout; haven't in 6 months.

I eat celery too but its covered in peanut butter.

01-17-2013, 05:38 PM
Anyone try the Indigo 3G from Biotest? It was like 160 for one bottle or something.

01-17-2013, 05:43 PM
Anyone try the Indigo 3G from Biotest? It was like 160 for one bottle or something.

And why would anyone here have bought that??
You should test it out, and let us know.

01-17-2013, 06:01 PM
And why would anyone here have bought that??
You should test it out, and let us know.

I drew the line on that one. Too rich for my blood.

For the .5% or more you might see from supps, you pay way too much. That's why a lot of guys eventually start buying aas and steaks.

01-17-2013, 06:08 PM
I drew the line on that one. Too rich for my blood.

For the .5% or more you might see from supps, you pay way too much. That's why a lot of guys eventually start buying aas and steaks.

01-17-2013, 06:10 PM


01-17-2013, 06:10 PM
I drew the line on that one. Too rich for my blood.

For the .5% or more you might see from supps, you pay way too much. That's why a lot of guys eventually start buying aas and steaks.
I find it funny that you think supps will only help .5% but you spend a good amount on them. Lol
So are you moving on to aas and steaks now??

01-17-2013, 06:14 PM
I find it funny that you think supps will only help .5% but you spend a good amount on them. Lol
So are you moving on to aas and steaks now??

Order of supp importance to me:

General health is the first and foremost.

Recovery and support.

and last is performance.

I don't rely on them, they are there for that little extra push. I have the money, so why not? Plus I am a toy kind of guy. I like having toys :)

Yes I would like to dabble in aas, but i'm not ready yet. As for steaks, man I don't know... I am sick of meat to be honest with ya.

01-17-2013, 06:22 PM
Order of supp importance to me:

General health is the first and foremost.

Recovery and support.

and last is performance.

I don't rely on them, they are there for that little extra push. I have the money, so why not? Plus I am a toy kind of guy. I like having toys :)

Yes I would like to dabble in aas, but i'm not ready yet. As for steaks, man I don't know... I am sick of meat to be honest with ya.
Don't take this the wrong way because I'm not tying to call you out or anything but how can you say you don't rely on them when your diet a couple weeks was shake after shake with a Taco Bell meal and something else for dinner.
Your whole day was around protein and BCAA drinks.

01-17-2013, 06:26 PM
Anyways check out this meal..
6 organic eggs made with cream, and 14-16oz turkey breast fried in coconut oil!!
Extra oil ate for added fat.
Is that meal approved?? Lol

01-17-2013, 06:35 PM
Don't take this the wrong way because I'm not tying to call you out or anything but how can you say you don't rely on them when your diet a couple weeks was shake after shake with a Taco Bell meal and something else for dinner.
Your whole day was around protein and BCAA drinks. If I ran out of supplements today... would I be screwed? No. If I ran out of food I would. Yes I may use a lot of protein powder and what not, but who cares? Are you telling me I can only have my supplements if I eat so much whole food? It's not optimal, sure, but my process and way of doing things is getting better every day. Just worry about yourself man, i'll be okay.

01-17-2013, 06:51 PM
If I ran out of supplements today... would I be screwed? No. If I ran out of food I would. Yes I may use a lot of protein powder and what not, but who cares? Are you telling me I can only have my supplements if I eat so much whole food? It's not optimal, sure, but my process and way of doing things is getting better every day. Just worry about yourself man, i'll be okay.

Not trying to tell you how to spend your money or eat so to bad you took it that way.
Good luck on your journey.

01-17-2013, 06:59 PM
Too bad I took it that way? Fuck you dude. Enjoy your 1k Club Membership.

01-17-2013, 07:07 PM
Too bad I took it that way? Fuck you dude. Enjoy your 1k Club Membership.

To funny!!!

01-17-2013, 09:07 PM
Yes, it is.

All rice???

01-17-2013, 09:11 PM
Order of supp importance to me:

General health is the first and foremost.

Recovery and support.

and last is performance.

I don't rely on them, they are there for that little extra push. I have the money, so why not? Plus I am a toy kind of guy. I like having toys :)

Yes I would like to dabble in aas, but i'm not ready yet. As for steaks, man I don't know... I am sick of meat to be honest with ya.

Fkn try out peps or SARms, fk all the other crap OLA!

01-18-2013, 01:07 AM
"Just sayin' if you aren't spending $200 a month on Antaeus Labs products, you're doing everything wrong."

-BBG, supplement marketing guru.

01-18-2013, 07:14 AM
"Just sayin' if you aren't spending $200 a month on Antaeus Labs products, you're doing everything wrong."

-BBG, supplement marketing guru.

awesome post!!!

01-18-2013, 08:13 AM
All rice???

Yes, it's a grain. Although the GI will vary from breed to breed, they're all complex.

01-18-2013, 08:34 AM
"Just sayin' if you aren't spending $200 a month on Antaeus Labs products, you're doing everything wrong."

-BBG, supplement marketing guru.

Will doing that get me jacked and swole??? Lol
I want on the auto ship program.

01-19-2013, 10:12 AM
Here's a simple John Meadows meal plan!!!

I would do 3-4 meals and probably 2 fast-digesting shakes. Here is an example:

Meal 1 – Organic pastured eggs, some avocado, and some veggies
Meal 2 – A high-quality shake (not whey that’s been exposed to heat or acidic treatments which denature the protein), along with some organic nut butter
Meal 3 – Lean meat (could be grass-fed beef), more veggies, and some brown rice
Meal 4 – Another shake with some raw nuts
Meal 5 – Lean fish with some oats and more nut butter
Meal 6 – More lean fish or meat with some sweet potato and some berries

01-20-2013, 11:07 AM
i signed up on mountaindogdiet.com, i really want to take my nutrition and training to the next level this year. his website has a ton of info.

01-20-2013, 11:53 AM
MDog - this has been such an enlightening discussion - ok, something simple, what are your top 10 foods that should be in my diet if I am starting over (I am changing the way I eat 100% to match your recommendations).

Thank you! My list would be
Grass fed beef (Ground beef - all cuts - remember, the magic is in the fat)
organic free range eggs
wild caught salmon
organic blueberries (high on ORAC scale)
Organic Kale (high on ORAC scale)
raw full fat milk
brown rice
Various nuts - soaked if you have any issue at all with digestion
sprouted grains

John, I have had low test levels for the last few years, and working out has been a struggle. I have incorporated your recommendations into my diet, and I have to say, this is the best I have felt in years. My strength is skyrocketing, I am setting new PRs every week, and I just feel so much better mood-wise. Just wanted to thank you. I now love beef liver, whole eggs, and grass fed beef, when I used to mainly eat tuna/chicken and rice. You live and you learn I guess.

I want to talk more about why I believe this gentleman's personal bests are not placebo. I am a huge believer in saturated fat (in the right quantity, and the right type) and fat soluble vitamins A,D,E, and K.

Think about this, we know that Vitamin A is essential for mineral and protein metabolism, production of sex hormones, and thyroid function. Now those sound pretty important to not only someone concerned about general health, but to a bodybuilder as well too right. Now if animals are not consuming green grass - they will be missing a great deal of of Vitamin A (and K actually)...so egg yolks, liver, butterfat in milk etc..will be much lower in fat soluble vitamins...

If an animal is raised in confinement without the sun also, now you have a double whammy - lack of vitamin D ( needed for healthy insulin production, nervous system, and protection against heart disease...hmmm..those sound pretty important too huh...

Those are just a few of the reasons of why I am so anti grain fed and pro grass fed.

01-20-2013, 11:59 AM
I enjoy everything in that list!!!
Time to go shopping again!!
Raw organic cheese FTW!!!

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and post up any good info you find.
I know I'll appreciate it.

01-20-2013, 12:18 PM
I enjoy everything in that list!!!
Time to go shopping again!!
Raw organic cheese FTW!!!

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and post up any good info you find.
I know I'll appreciate it.

of course Scope anything that sticks out was my plan..............like i said he has a boat load of info and archived q&a as far back as 2010 to now.

so yea ill keep this thread going for sure.

01-20-2013, 12:29 PM
of course Scope anything that sticks out was my plan..............like i said he has a boat load of info and archived q&a as far back as 2010 to now.

so yea ill keep this thread going for sure.

Great and thanks!!
Reading what John meadows, John kiefer, and a few others have to say about diet and nutrition was really opened up my eyes and has me switching up my diet plan big time.

01-21-2013, 09:49 PM
CHRIS – Jedi Meadows. In your opinion when does the "post workout-carb-shuttled-to-muscle-not-fat" window actually begin? Once weight is reracked? Once you’re in the car? Etc. I would just like your opinion on when the 30min-1hr window starts.

JOHN: Man there is some serious debtate on that. Here is my gut feeling. If I don't eat carbs within 90 or so minutes, I notice more soreness the next day. In my simplistic way of thinking, this may equate to me missing the window. I never miss the protein part (Casein hydrolysates are huge with recovery), so that is the only variable that changes leading me to believe that. Since everybody has different metabolisms, trains differently, etc, I am sure there is some play in that (less or more). FYI, I wait 30 minutes after training (in which I drank alot of casein hydrolysates), then have 40-50- grams of protein. 45-60 minutes after that I have carbs and more protein most of the time.

JOE: Do you have a multivitamin you recommend?

JOHN: I don’t actually. I think they are unnecessary if your diet is well rounded. I do see the need for supplemental Vitamin D, especially in people that don’t get out in the sun much, and I can also see times of stress where Vitamin C with bioflavonoids can be beneficial. Your body always does better using the nutrients in food form however. So save some money on this one and say no.

01-21-2013, 10:57 PM
John, I am scared to follow your diet because I have always heard cholesterol is bad, please relieve my concerns so that I can make the leap as the others on here have, and experienced great results.

I don't blame you my friend! I was in the same boat as you at one time. I was totally sucked into the lipid hypothesis. I get asked alot about managing cholesterol...

My very short story of what I believe..

First of all, cholesterol is the strongest anti-oxidant in your body. It heals...

Sugar and trans fat cause arterial inflammation....so cholesterol is sent to the arteries to repair them...If you lower refined sugars, and transfats, your total cholesterol will come down. So when you try to eliminate cholesterol from your body, it's kind of like blowing up the ambulance that is going to a car wreck...you're killing the wrong thing.

I have people reduce carbs, and take Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chromiun Piccolinate or both with carb meals (which def helps get you leaner during dieting phases too btw), and it works every time.

Also, low fat, low cholesterol diets are reeeaaly unnatural because of cholesterol being a parent molecule to so many adrenal gland hormones. When I have people with low test levels, I bomb them with Liver and Whole eggs (free range only). They always feel better, feel stronger, and usually their HDL goes up. Now I know that your liver increases or decreases cholesterol output based on your diet, but when you don't eat any saturated fat or cholesterol, you really stress it...

Hope this helps! By the way - cholesterol readings above 200 have never been proven to casue a great incidence in heart disease EVER. Don't even bring up the name Ancel Keys, or we will have a war on our hands. HAHA.

01-21-2013, 11:00 PM
Great stuff ctAL. Appreciate the nuggets.

01-21-2013, 11:05 PM
yea ill keep em comin, i know i missed a few i wanted to post already so i gotta go back i just been reading an reading. damn way past my bed time lol

01-21-2013, 11:18 PM
New interesting info will keep anyone up, and I'm constantly staying up or waking up early to read.

01-22-2013, 06:58 AM

01-22-2013, 01:45 PM
I'd like to watch that movie but its 30 bucks for the DVD.
Need to find someone with fast Internet and a good computer.

01-22-2013, 01:51 PM
Buy the book.

01-22-2013, 02:39 PM
Buy the book.
Good idea.
Did think about there being a book.

01-22-2013, 05:31 PM
John, I am scared to follow your diet because I have always heard cholesterol is bad, please relieve my concerns so that I can make the leap as the others on here have, and experienced great results.

I don't blame you my friend! I was in the same boat as you at one time. I was totally sucked into the lipid hypothesis. I get asked alot about managing cholesterol...

My very short story of what I believe..

First of all, cholesterol is the strongest anti-oxidant in your body. It heals...

Sugar and trans fat cause arterial inflammation....so cholesterol is sent to the arteries to repair them...If you lower refined sugars, and transfats, your total cholesterol will come down. So when you try to eliminate cholesterol from your body, it's kind of like blowing up the ambulance that is going to a car wreck...you're killing the wrong thing.

I have people reduce carbs, and take Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chromiun Piccolinate or both with carb meals (which def helps get you leaner during dieting phases too btw), and it works every time.

Also, low fat, low cholesterol diets are reeeaaly unnatural because of cholesterol being a parent molecule to so many adrenal gland hormones. When I have people with low test levels, I bomb them with Liver and Whole eggs (free range only). They always feel better, feel stronger, and usually their HDL goes up. Now I know that your liver increases or decreases cholesterol output based on your diet, but when you don't eat any saturated fat or cholesterol, you really stress it...

Hope this helps! By the way - cholesterol readings above 200 have never been proven to casue a great incidence in heart disease EVER. Don't even bring up the name Ancel Keys, or we will have a war on our hands. HAHA.

This post has been on my mind since reading it and that is putting it shortly. Besides my latest endeavor to totally revamp the way I eat, I want to start wrapping my mind around FAT! In short, I want to test myself and add mct's and other forms of fat in my diet. I'm already lowering my carb intake dramatically via eliminating processed carbs from the old way of eating. -BUT! I still want to include carbs in my diet from sources such as quinoa, fruits and things like rice and potatoes.

Anyways, I need to get over my fear of fat and try some new things this year.

01-22-2013, 05:35 PM
This post has been on my mind since reading it and that is putting it shortly. Besides my latest endeavor to totally revamp the way I eat, I want to start wrapping my mind around FAT! In short, I want to test myself and add mct's and other forms of fat in my diet. I'm already lowering my carb intake dramatically via eliminating processed carbs from the old way of eating. -BUT! I still want to include carbs in my diet from sources such as quinoa, fruits and things like rice and potatoes.

Anyways, I need to get over my fear of fat and try some new things this year.

There's a reason whole eggs are nature's perfect protein.

01-22-2013, 05:58 PM
NOA can I ask you you fear FAT??

I fear carbs because they make me bloated and FAT, but last Saturday I ate them like no other and it felt great.
I'm so looking forward to my next CarbNite which is Saturday or Sunday.

01-22-2013, 05:59 PM
There's a reason whole eggs are nature's perfect protein.

Whole eggs indeed. Started eating 4 whole eggs a day, divided over 2 meals, since yesterday. Gonna put this to the test, but i'm pretty sure it's going to be a staple for life. So far I have stopped using all protein powders except Peptopro since reading John Meadows Q&A.

01-22-2013, 06:07 PM
Whole eggs indeed. Started eating 4 whole eggs a day, divided over 2 meals, since yesterday. Gonna put this to the test, but i'm pretty sure it's going to be a staple for life. So far I have stopped using all protein powders except Peptopro since reading John Meadows Q&A.

Pfft, 4 whole eggs should be part of breakfast along with some animal flesh and fruit.

01-22-2013, 06:22 PM
Whole eggs indeed. Started eating 4 whole eggs a day, divided over 2 meals, since yesterday. Gonna put this to the test, but i'm pretty sure it's going to be a staple for life. So far I have stopped using all protein powders except Peptopro since reading John Meadows Q&A.

wtf, two meals? i ate 8 eggs for breakfast with a banana!

01-22-2013, 06:25 PM
Pfft, 4 whole eggs should be part of breakfast along with some animal flesh and fruit.

I was really hungry this morning, but mid-way through eating I became really full. To give you a rundown of where i'm at.
Getting over a cold, so my appetitie was crushed for over a week.
My appetite has increased since, but it's less than it was before getting sick.
I'm not lifting at the moment, nor going to jits.
The only activity I do is stairs several times throughout the day and walking.
I'm also practicing portion control to an extreme, to get my appetite under control.

My food intake yesterday.
-peptopro shake with leucine, then small salad and 2 whole eggs.
-peptopro shake with leucine, then small apple and 2 whole eggs.
-peptopro shake with leucine, then cottage cheese with pineapple ( bid handfull of almonds- forgot that ).
-peptopro shake with leucine, then chicken parmesan with broccoli ( 1 and a half chicken breast ).

I went to bed hungry.

Today I am pretty hungry. My intake so far today-
-peptopro shake with leucine, then a small corn chowder soup and 2 whole eggs. I was still hungry and started eating my apple, but I couldn't finish it.
-peptopro shake with leucine. In a bit I will have something else, but I do have cottage cheese and more chicken parmesan and 2 whole eggs on hand.

As I get back to jits and lifting, I am sure I will be eating more. But to mention, I used to be a "2 big meal a day" kind of guy, but my appetite since eating smaller meals has dimisished greatly, plus the elimination of simple sugars has decreased my "urges", and bland food tastes much better- all the while rich foods taste waaay tooo much for my palette now.

01-22-2013, 06:31 PM
I should mention this too. As much as I am digging eating "clean", it's hard to want to eat more of it- for now. My taste is currently switching over from rich foods, to bland good foods. It surely is mental, but I don't want to slip and eat junk food anymore.

01-22-2013, 06:33 PM
I should mention this too. As much as I am digging eating "clean", it's hard to want to eat more of it- for now. My taste is currently switching over from rich foods, to bland good foods. It surely is mental, but I don't want to slip and eat junk food anymore.

steam that broccoli and munch

01-22-2013, 07:02 PM
Ugh.. More broccoli, yay..

I came home and was chowing on the chicken parm. Then the little lady chimes in and says I have to eat the broccoli too. So I douse it with vinegar and combine every bite of broc with a bite of chicken. Anyways, I am looking forward to more nuggets from John M's Q&A.

01-22-2013, 07:11 PM
Ugh.. More broccoli, yay..

I came home and was chowing on the chicken parm. Then the little lady chimes in and says I have to eat the broccoli too. So I douse it with vinegar and combine every bite of broc with a bite of chicken. Anyways, I am looking forward to more nuggets from John M's Q&A.

Try throwing some grass-fed butter and a little sea salt on the broccoli.

01-22-2013, 08:18 PM
Try throwing some grass-fed butter and a little sea salt on the broccoli.

That's what I had last night.
Was killer.

01-22-2013, 08:34 PM
Mountaindog - ok, so you have convinced me to try butter, please ease my wife's concerns that I am not going to drop dead of a heart attack from it.

Butter - I love butter....

Don't buy into the hype that butter clogs up your arteries due to the saturated fat content. Let me tell you what butter really does to your body.
The Omega 3 to 6 ratio is perfect. That equals better health and better fat loss.
It has palmitoleic acid in it, a monsaturated fat, that is very antimicrobial, and is key for communication between cells.
The saturated fats are generally short and medium chain like coconut oil which protects us against infection..
So you have good polys, good monos, and good saturates..

You get a very good dose of Vitamin A that absorbs easy..some would say the most absorbable form there is actually.

You get lots of trace minerals - chromium, zinc copper, selenium (also great antioxidant)..

If its from a grass fed cow - you get CLA.

Actually if it's raw/unpasteurized - you get this stuff called Wulzen Factor which prevents arthritis and relieves joint stiffness in many - that was a key discovery from Dr Weston Price...

So slather on the butter...!

01-22-2013, 08:49 PM
I freakin love this thread! Thanks for the updates ctAL!

01-22-2013, 08:56 PM
I freakin love this thread! Thanks for the updates ctAL!


01-22-2013, 09:00 PM
heres a good one if ya wanna make it easy

Evan: After looking over your offseason diet recommendations, it has led me to rethink some of my food choices specifically grass fed beef and butters, macro's, and other aspects. If you were to compile a list of foods you thought to be essential on an offseason diet, whether they be proteins, fats, carbs, what would they be?


Protein: grass fed beef (4 x a week), wild salmon (2 x a week), Whey Iso CFM or cold filtered, chicken, turkey breast, lean white fish (low mercury), organic free range eggs

Starchy carbs: oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes, Ezekiel bread (toast or muffins)

Fibrous carbs: asparagus, kale greens, other greens, broccoli, green beans, spinach

Fruit: blueberries, raspberries, organic strawberries, pineapple, papaya, grapefruit, lemon

Fat: Virgin unrefined coconut oil, red palm oil, grass fed butter, EVOO

01-22-2013, 09:03 PM
im sure some of us can relate to this

Sam: Quick, yet somewhat profound question. As a guy who has a family, but who also is very passionate about bodybuilding and health would like your thoughts. I find that while certain people are supportive, there are plenty of people who dislike the habit or sport, and feel that it either affects free time, or social occasions, and have other negative associations. Did you just luck out and have an understanding family, or did it take some time to get people to understand where you're coming from?

For example my Dad is cool with it, Mom is fairly ok, but my girlfriend probably thinks its nuts haha.

John: Yes the balance thing I have had to work at that my whole life. I still do daily! I made sure every relationship I got into, I was up front and said that no matter what, I will never stop training, so don't even go there. In terms of family, I never really had one, just a loving grandma that raised me and she was very supportive. I have been on my own much of my life, and am very independent, and let me tell you, it took some adjusting with the new family....funny you ask this. My wife said to me 2 weeks ago, you really are a different person, you are much less selfish with your time, so thanks. I was pretty happy to hear that. Cause if it were just me, I'd go to work, train, go see a movie, eat, write an article and go to bed. One thing that i did that helped with my family, is I made them a part of it (wife) without making them become it. She likes to train a little here and there..eats ok every once in a while, but I never force anything on her. I let her know that she doesn't need to be a figure queen with me. At the same time, I offer her alot of support in things that she likes. THIS IS THE KEY! She volunteers alot, and has a lot of church activities, by being selfless and supporting the things your girlfriend likes, if she is a good person, she will return the favor...if not, well you don't want to know what i think. The lesson is...be selfless IF they deserve it, and support them in the things they like, or it's not fair for you to ask them to support you.

01-22-2013, 09:33 PM
I need to find that girl John is talking about!!!

01-22-2013, 09:35 PM

01-22-2013, 10:15 PM
heres a good one if ya wanna make it easy

Evan: After looking over your offseason diet recommendations, it has led me to rethink some of my food choices specifically grass fed beef and butters, macro's, and other aspects. If you were to compile a list of foods you thought to be essential on an offseason diet, whether they be proteins, fats, carbs, what would they be?


Protein: grass fed beef (4 x a week), wild salmon (2 x a week), Whey Iso CFM or cold filtered, chicken, turkey breast, lean white fish (low mercury), organic free range eggs

Starchy carbs: oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes, Ezekiel bread (toast or muffins)

Fibrous carbs: asparagus, kale greens, other greens, broccoli, green beans, spinach

Fruit: blueberries, raspberries, organic strawberries, pineapple, papaya, grapefruit, lemon

Fat: Virgin unrefined coconut oil, red palm oil, grass fed butter, EVOO

This has been my favorite post... Can't get much simpler of a general breakdown than that.

Thank you sir.

01-24-2013, 09:43 AM
I should mention this too. As much as I am digging eating "clean", it's hard to want to eat more of it- for now. My taste is currently switching over from rich foods, to bland good foods. It surely is mental, but I don't want to slip and eat junk food anymore.

you gotta learn to prepare it where its not bland.......hot sauce, salsa, spice, salt, avocado, all add alot of flavor

01-24-2013, 09:49 AM

02-04-2013, 05:06 PM
So what are people going to start doing January 1st to grow some muscle in the hopes of competing and doing well next year? Well I can’t tell you what everybody is doing, but I can tell you what I am doing and what many of my people are doing!

My first rule in offseason training, with growth as the objective, is to not get sloppy fat. There is no reason why you should ever lose sight of your abs. I expect to at least see the outline of the abs on the people I work with. For most guys it’s somewhere between 8-12% bodyfat, for women 12-18%, it does vary based on the person’s genetic tendency to store fat in certain areas. In terms of the food we will be eating, here are rules that we follow.

1. Do not eat calories for the sake of eating calories. Yes, you have to be above maintenance with your overall calorie level, but don’t do it by eating crap.

2. Make sure you are eating real whole foods. This is not the time to get lazy and start eating a bunch of refined carbs, soy protein bars, corn oil, etc. When you eat something, there better be a vitamin or mineral etc. that benefits you, not just 50 grams of carbs.

3. Make sure that fat and protein levels are adequate. You know that there are essential proteins and essential fats. You can’t take out either for a long period of time. Keep them in.

4. Carbs are going to be our tool to raise bodyweight up and down. If we aren’t gaining, we will eat more, if we are gaining but it’s fat, we will lower them.

5. More on carbs – How do we add when stuck? We start adding in carbs around training time first (pre and post), if that doesn’t work we add them into the earliest meal not around training. That usually does the trick.

Have a plan!

So how much of each should you eat? Obviously this will vary from person to person, but generally I like to keep fat around 28-32% ish, and protein at about 35-45%. The rest comes from carbs.

Shoot for your bodyweight x 15 as your starting overall calories. For example, 220 x 15 = 3300. Adjust from there! For contest time I like to focus on putting 80% of carbs in and around the time you train to facilitate recovery, and to give you energy to get through the training! In the offseason we will spread carbs out a bit more. Here is what I mean.


Meal 1 – eggs, veggies
Meal 2 – low carb shake, nuts, fruit
Meal 3 - fish, veggies
Meal 4 – meat, oats, nut butter
Meal 5 – shake, Ezekiel bread
Meal 6 – meat, brown rice


Meal 1 – eggs, veggies, oats
Meal 2 – low carb shake, nuts, fruit
Meal 3 - fish, veggies, brown rice
Meal 4 – meat, oats, nut butter
Meal 5 – shake, Ezekiel bread
Meal 6 – meat, white rice

So simple concept here. Spread carbs out.

This is not the time to start hammering simple carbs. Keep the carbs clean. I know a lot of guys like to eat tons of simple sugar to get their insulin levels up (very anabolic hormone), but you will also get fat this way, and create inflammation in your body due to the constant insulin elevation.

Fast metabolism people

Sometimes for people in this boat, it is impossible to eat enough clean food to even gain weight. This is reality for many. In this case, I don’t add crappy carbs every single day, I add in high calorie cheat meals. I start with two a week. If that is not enough I do 3, then 4. That usually does it. I can’t think of anybody who I had take more than 4 large cheat meals a week. So what constitutes a cheat meal? I like burgers and fries personally. I also like pizza and milkshakes. Are they good for you, no, but if you are eating the way I am talking about, your body will laugh at a few bad meals. Don’t’ sweat it. I time these meals around the person’s life. If they want to go out with their spouse, and have a nice meal, then do it then. Enjoy life and this will not seem like work.

Slow metabolism people

These people get cheat meals too, just not as many! I also use a lot of glucose disposal agents and insulin sensitizers with carb meals for this body type. This is to ensure blood sugar is getting back to normal levels after meals. It facilitates the process. Lower blood sugar means burning more fat, so less chance on getting doughy. Most guys with slow metabolism have varying degrees of insulin resistance or leptin resistance. I may even have these people do low carb days as needed to help repair insulin resistance.

I am weird about certain things. I actually want people to measure and weigh food IF they are not progressing well. It’s short term and tells me more specifically what they are doing. It’s easy for me to have someone increase food by having them eat 1 cup of something if I they knew they were eating ½ cup before. I don’t like to get obsessive with this too much until contest time.

I also like for people to weigh themselves. Sometimes I think I am the only person who still advocates this. The reason why is because I don’t want to see drastic changes. If someone gains 5 lbs in a week, it probably wasn’t all muscle! I would rather see nice and steady gains of 1-3 lbs a week, depending on the person and the time they have.

That’s it for this short and sweet article. As always, feel free to send me questions via the website!!

Best regards,

02-04-2013, 05:47 PM
you gotta learn to prepare it where its not bland.......hot sauce, salsa, spice, salt, avocado, all add alot of flavor

I use mustard, louisiana hot sauce, vinegar and pepper mostly.

Dig the lastest article too ctAL, thank you.

02-04-2013, 08:52 PM
I use mustard, louisiana hot sauce, vinegar and pepper mostly.

Dig the lastest article too ctAL, thank you.

Try Mrs. Dash seasoning. I use the table blend, garlic herb mix, and lemon pepper. They don't contain any sodium. I use the shit out of these seasoning!

02-07-2013, 09:22 AM

Right Hook
02-07-2013, 09:46 AM
Ctal are you posting information from his paid site?

02-20-2013, 10:32 PM
Ctal are you posting information from his paid site?

The Mountain Dog Diet – A Healthier Way to Get Lean/Add Muscleor Both! (http://articles.elitefts.com/nutrition/the-mountain-dog-diet-%E2%80%93-a-healthier-way-to-get-leanadd-muscle-or-both/)

great article written by john meadows hisself...........not from the paid site

but if you were interested in his diet.........all here. for the most part.

ive changed my diet since ive subscribed to him an i love the changes......its real.