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View Full Version : Stay fit, while traveling.

03-04-2013, 11:54 PM
Well I am traveling long-term, for work and i am staying in a resort with no fitness club facilities.
How do i go about staying fit, while using the bare essential? Purchasing any equipment would be a so difficult, task because I have nowhere to put it and it would be a hassle to get rid, of when i have to leave.Any suggestions?
Lakewood fitness (http://befittacomabootcamp.com/lakewood-fitness-tips-for-getting-a-toned-body/)

03-05-2013, 12:20 AM
If it's long term. .. join a gym? I'm sure there's some month to month option somewhere

03-05-2013, 07:19 AM
If it's long term. .. join a gym? I'm sure there's some month to month option somewhere

Probably best shot.

03-05-2013, 07:59 AM
If it's long term. .. join a gym? I'm sure there's some month to month option somewhere

I have the same professional lifestyle and this is what I have done. Since I go to multiple places I chose a gym chain that has locations where I travel. They are not everywhere I go but it works well.

03-05-2013, 03:00 PM
If you find a mom and pop fitness place, they are likely to strike you a pretty good deal. I found that some times I could get a week pass for ten bucks.

03-05-2013, 03:06 PM
lots of free week passes actually. shameful, but many a time i have "evaluated" an anytime fitness or 24 hour fitness

Grape Ape
09-20-2013, 10:28 PM
Get yourself a pair of fitness bands. Bodylastics are pretty solid and well priced. Comes in a small backpack carring bag. Probably your best choice.

RESISTANCE BANDS | STRONGEST | by Bodylastics (http://www.bodylastics.com/)

11-27-2013, 08:33 PM
I stay in hotels about five nights a month for work and was faced with the same problem. One of the guy on another forum recommended resistance bands. Found a company called bodylastics that looks like they make a good product, might buy one of there starter sets and give it a try.

11-28-2013, 07:49 AM
Up the drugs!

11-28-2013, 09:03 AM
I travel a fair bit for work and occasionally end up in hotels that have no gym or crap gym facilities. Bodyweight workouts aren't so bad but I am a pretty small built guy and not trying to maintain a competitive lifting type body. Can often do a workout in a hotel room.

Hindu Pushups
Hindu squats or Prisoner squats
Pistol squats if you can do them - I can't
Tricep dips off a chair or a table
Pushups with feet up on the table or bed
Handstand pushups ( feet against the wall )
Single leg deadlifts with anything that has some mass ( even my suitcase)
Goblet squats with suitcase

There are some great bodyweight workouts on the web.

I will also use it as a time to do more cardio and go for a few more runs. The best case happens if I can run to a place that has a children's park ( wow that sounds creepy but wait ! ) - they often have bars where you can find a place to do dips and pullups. If they have a treadmill at the hotel - I often find I can use the handrails of the treadmill to do dips on.

Diet-wise - I try to go as close to keto as I can while travelling - eggs and meat and some veggies for b'fast - and everyplace I go I order a salad with chicken or steak or salmon.

06-12-2014, 12:42 AM
You can do walking, jogging in place, jumping jacks, push ups, dancing, step exercises, yoga or jump rope to stay active and maintain weight. Besides regular exercises, watch what you eat and follow nutritive meal plan (http://sett.com/doctorstudio/PriapusShot-O-Shot-Sexual-Dysfunction).

06-12-2014, 11:45 AM
Tony Horton from P90x has a lot of workouts on his YouTube page which could either be done with bands or dumbbells, or bodyweight, on the road. I've dabbled with some of it. Cool stuff.

Tony Horton - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtg-WxwloE0cwFeIea7ckqw/videos)

09-12-2014, 04:26 AM
For fitness purpose it is always good to join a gym because t gym we can find all equipment that are useful for doing exercise (http://www.pinterest.com/brienshamp1/san-mateo-boot-camp/). We can also take help of a personal trainer at gym.