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View Full Version : Sponsored Antaeus Labs 'Talos' review

03-24-2013, 04:01 PM
Ok, well I guess most of you have heard of the new cycle support from Antaeus Labs, but if not, check it out here: (OK, it's says Demiurge, but the link goes to Talos, honest:) )
Antaeus Labs | Demiurge (http://www.antaeuslabs.com/talos.html)

Antaeus labs have sent me a bottle of Talos that I intend to use on my current Androbulk/Androhard/Mechabol/Dermacrine cycle, but it still hasn't arrived, but as I have faith in the companies product from previous experience, I have bought myself a bottle from Predator.

Anyway, I've been running Mechabol for three weeks now @150mgs ed, and Androbulk/Androhard for four weeks. (I started the AB/AH a week early as I wanted to see how I reacted before adding in Mecha. I've been taking my blood pressure up to three times a day, and it has been actually pretty decent most of the time. I did a couple of weeks of the UD2 diet (ultra low carbs/high fats for six days then very high carbs low fat for 6-8 hours on the seventh day. The large intake of high go carbs sent my blood pressure very high that day, and for that reason when I next do my version of the UD2 I my stick to low medium GI carbs.

Back to Talos, my last reading today at 9.30pm (couple hours after eating) was 128/78 which is pretty good for me.

I have some more bp numbers that I'll add, but so far I'd say that the stack I'm running is pretty much side free, anyway, and perhaps a truer test for Talos would be running Ultradrol and Trenazone. I should add that I'm currently dosing AB @ 9 caps ed and AH @ 5, but I have tried AB at 12 and AH at 6 for a couple of weeks with no discernible sides, with the exception of the AH drying my joints out a bit. 5 AH ed seems to be side free for me.

03-24-2013, 08:27 PM
Sounds like a good run very similar to mine. I was very satisfied with Talos.

Jack O'Neill
04-08-2013, 05:01 AM
I'm in. Will use Talos too in my Nanodrol cycle in 2 weeks

04-08-2013, 09:43 AM
Talos is awesome. I have been using it for 2 months as a staple supplement.

04-08-2013, 10:43 AM
Update. I've finished 5 weeks of a very enjoyable Mechabol AM/AH cycle. Absolutely no sides. I didn't have any bp issues or anything. I still have a couple of weeks on AM/AH, but I'm missing Mechabol, a lot:( As I haven't run Mechabol without Talos and Aegis, I can't make a comparison, but when I ran EPI it wasn't exactly a walk in the park, maybe it would've been with Talos an Aegis, dunno.

Anyway, I now consider Talos / Aegis essential if I am running a methyl or something that can negatively impact health.

04-08-2013, 11:25 AM
Started Talos 3-4 weeks into my cycle and had noticeable improvements! Great supp and it will probably be a staple moving forward

Jack O'Neill
04-08-2013, 12:40 PM
Do you think Talos may calm down blood pressure by itself ?

04-08-2013, 01:17 PM
believe so. My RHR actually went down as well

04-08-2013, 04:19 PM
Do you think Talos may calm down blood pressure by itself ?

Yes, but if you're concerned about it, you could also preload Hawthorne berry extract, and drink Hibiscus tea, but I think Talos will have you covered.