Did you end up trying it? I was doing amazing after the waterfast. Tinnitus and hyperacusis lessened, felt sexually better, good sleep. Then 2 days ago I ate beef and lamb and ever since I have been having massive tingling in bed, anxiety and falling asleep at 6AM. This is a pattern that I previously noticed: vegetables and beef (which has B12 and folate) make me crash. Before taking the B complex I could eat a lot of them.
If you read my cycle logs, you can see I was pretty close. Mental and sleep were perfect, sexual was getting there and tinnitus was ever slowly decreasing. That dentist and B vitamin fucked everything, but I'm still hopeful to get back to where I was. I'm down to chat man, but right now it's complete hell, I can barely tolerate my own voice with this hyperacusis. When things stabilize I'll hit you up. Sending you lots of good vibes, we need them. Hit me up if there's anything.
Hey J, I understand you're scared to do it. If I ever need to do it, I'll be too. I just want to be certain that's what it is. So if I dont improve, I will test by eating folate to test the reaction to be sure, and I will also do a genetic test with 23&Me to see if I have the predisposition on the MTHFR gene. This will be last resort, because maybe it's only a recrash from the B. If that's the case, my 3day waterfast with another 3 months of protocol should fix it. If not, I will look into it. The week of my recrash (1 month after the B complex), I also noticed I reintroduced glycine. Maybe my system doesn't tolerate it anymore. I'd just be careful adding supps to rebalance your neurotransmitters. Also ran out of chlorella and spirullina (which have B) at that week, so maybe I became B deficient? I don't know honestly, I'm just trying to make sense of it. I always knew what crashed me, this is the first time I don't know. My best guess is it's linked to my B crash last month.
Yeah, I hear ya. It's a pretty sketchy proposition. T25 has done it a TON of times apparently, and he's doing pretty well. It still scares the crap out of me as well, though. When you're anxious and feeling like crap everything seems super scary. I have all the needed vitamins and co-factors to attempt it, but I have done it yet. Broccoli and other greens done seem to impact me, so I'm not sure that's my problem. I may just need to get my neurotransmitters back in line. Anyway, keep me posted on your progress, and if you ever want to chat email me your number: jdonston@gmail.com
Hi man. Thanks a lot for the message. Yeah it's weird, because my B complex had no methyl vitamins (it was cyanocobalamin), but it did have folate, which can put people in paradoxial folate deficiency. Makes sense because when I eat a green juice I get fucked. I got better for 2 weeks, and then recrashed for no reasons. At the time of the crash, I had run out of chlorella et spirulinna (2 sources of b12), I was eating a lot of eggs (like 5 a day) and I reintroducdd glycine after a month of no usage. So 1 of those 3 elements fucked me up, and must be linked to my B crashed. I'm just super scared because T25 spent 6 months in hell and did a risky thing to get out of the folate deficiency. I dont want to risk anything, but I dont want to stay here either. Goodluck with your DS bro, lmk how it goes
Dude, just read your latest post. I'm also in a bad downswing. I did the Elemental Diet and in has a ton of B vitamins in it as well. I think it's mainly the methylated vitamins that are suppose to cause problems. I'm 4 months into this DS, but it is getting better, just really slow. I'm not sure if I've got folate issues, or not, but I'm looking into it. Not sure there's anyway to be sure. I chatted with T25 the other night for 2.5hrs. He's a good dude. Feel free to reach out anytime if you're needing some encouragement. If you wanna chat shoot me you number. Hang in there, bro. We're all in this together.