Conversation Between Cdsnuts and Zerolibido

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Gimp
  2. Want to shit E On your face cunt
  3. Is it true you're off rimming's arses???
  4. I'm going to ducking Kill myself
    Mostly not your fault
    But if I had gone to a urologist would have been cured
    Not this ducking white
    I was ninety percent recovered in 2018
    Stress killed me and self medicating
  5. You ducking have fully recovered for TR T instead unchanging around here with your shite
  6. You ad partly albeit not nearly or remotely fully responsible for me crashinh.I should aubergine tomamspexialist nothing around this ducingnsite
  7. Does the you can't get a Hardin at all dark and Kelly like I bpllocks shrunk etc
  8. Fucking gimp
  9. Scamming cunt pfs is not low testosterone and if it is you can do this much easier going on TRT
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9