Conversation Between Turnover25 and Jado

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks again, man. If you wouldn't mind calling when you're able that'd be great. I won't take up much of your time. If you don't have time I get it, we all got stuff going on. It'd be great to put a voice to the screen name, and just pick your brain a little. Thanks again, man.
  2. Ok. Just so I'm clear.
    Start for 3 days with Vits A, D, E, B Complex with C, and fish oil. Then after a few days of those vitamins start methylB12 and AB12 one tab each at the same time, one in upper lip, one in bottom lip. Supplement with "no salt" potassium or coconut water (can I also just take a k+ tab?). Do this for a few days to see if it helps. If it does, great! Then, finish off with a couple doses of niacin to stop the methylation process? Also, have Metafolin on hand just in case I am folate deficient. Does that sound about right? Man, thanks again for the help. I hope it helps. One more question, is it possible for this to put me in a methyl trap? Also, if niacin stops the methylation couldn't you just take niacin and end the whole process. Obviously, I'm asking from ignorance. Thanks again, man.
  3. @Turnover also the dosages of mfolate and mb12 were only 50mcg and 10mcg respectively. The shake also had niacinamide in it. Mind you I did it for 2 weeks, but with such small amounts do you think it likely the problem? Sorry for all the questions man, I'm just feeling horrible - you know how it is...thanks again.
  4. @Turnover thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it. I'm kinda freakin' out over here. I feel like total crap, but don't want to make myself worse. Any chance yiu could spare a min to chat at some point? 760-560-7004
  5. Man, absolutely. That must have been a bear to figure out. I just would have thought it was another crash - which is what I have thought. It still may be, like you said, my body just couldn't handle all the vits in that diet. I ate some raw broccoli an hour ago, and I havent noticed any negative effects yet. So I guess if anything its gotta be methyltrap. If that's the case I just need to take methylb12 (5mg) for hrs/days/weeks followed by niacin (how much?) to halt methylation? And finish with some potassium gluconate (dose?)?
  6. I'm just looking for a simple "take this and fix the problem" list - while not making myself worse. He seems to go into so much detail while leaving out the simple stuff i.e. supps, dosage, etc. I'll keep looking. If I can't find it eventually, I'll hit you up. I've just been feeling like crap for so long now - different from the initial PFS crash.
  7. Ok, I've been reading all the posts on the links. I see Fredd gives a list of what to get, but I don't see how to take it? He also says getting out of the methyl trap is "easy as falling off a log", but then doesn't state how to do it i.e. what to take and when. I'll keep reading.
  8. So theoretically since I took the methylfolate and methylb12 together I should be ok, or could I still have one of the other PFD or methyl trap?
  9. Trying some broccoli now.
  10. So, before this latest crash, I had been feeling decent most days. The only symptoms I was having were dizziness, and my left testicle is still smaller than the right. Other than that I was doing ok. I started reading how sifo can be a cause of dizziness, and thought maybe that was my issue. So, I did a two-week elemental diet that had the methyltetrahydrofolate and methlycobalamin in it. I finished the diet and felt pretty good initially. Then within a few days I started to feel slightly anxious, and then within 12-24 hrs it was like full blown crash. It's been going on for almost 5 months now with very little improvement. Also, I've had broccoli over the course this time frame and have noticed much, but I'm gonna have it again tonight and see if anything happens. If I don't notice any negative symptoms is it likely methyltrap? Also, I read everything Fredd has to say. I need to get past this and fast.
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