Conversation Between Ratchet_V2 and blackkey96

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey its called the Angion Method. I havent tried anything recently because ive been demoralized by that fucking bathmate one time usage that literally gave me thrombosis.
  2. Hey Blackkey,

    Just seeing this. Do you still feel the same way? How has it been going for you? Please point me in the direction of that thread please!

    Hope you're doing well otherwise, all the best,

  3. Hey Ratchet. Hope you are doing well and everything is good with you. The reason I am texting you is because Back in december I think I got the same issue with Bathmate usage, especially on the underside.
    I don't know if you are comfortable talking about it or not, but I found out this method on reddit to improve vascularity, erection quality and true size of the penis (no gimmicks apparently) by using just our hands to encourage optimal blood flow. On that reddit, there are people that have that same problem of indents and what not (and they confirmed that it's not peyronies via ultrasound). Just putting it out there
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