Conversation Between Outlaw and Turnover25

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the clarification man, I'll try that, all the best
  2. Yo I'm sorry to drag this conversation but I don't get it, you say to avoid methyl but you say I can take a B Complex that contains methyl?

    Don't know what to do of this.
  3. Ok I get it.

    But my normal B Complex contains B12 Methylcobalamin.. is this the methyl vitamins you are telling me to avoid?
  4. @Outlaw I wouldn’t fuck with the methyl vitamins personally. That’s where my bad experience came from. Too complicated

    Folic acid isn’t great but I’d stick with the normal B complex and see how you feel.
  5. Hey man, really don't want to bother you, but I have a question regarding B Complex and B12.

    I just bought a B Complex which contains 500mcg of "B12 (Methylcobalamin)" and 200mcg of "Folate (Folic acid)".

    Is this what you were warning people about? I know you were taking straight folate, but could those 2 ingredients dangerous? Or it's only methylated vitamins (but is the "methylcobalamin" a methylated vitamin?)?

    Let me know, if it is I would just take a normal B12.

    I just wanna kill my tinnitus
  6. @Outlaw I really don’t know man. My tinnitus used to be loud, and I would get randomly hit with a really loud ring that would drown everything else out around me for like 30 seconds then go back to normal. I notice it sometimes on cycle, I had a long bout where I took a bunch of vitamin B12 and folate which I think was what got rid of it. It was either that or the Pro hormone cycles.
  7. Hi man,

    I feel bad for writing this, I really do not want to bother you too much.

    I read your tinnitus disappeared after your 1st cycle, and I was just wondering if you did anything specific on top of it to get rid of it. You're the only person I saw that got rid of his longterm tinnitus. As an avid musician it's absolutely killing me. I'm confident the protocol will make me recover, but I'm super afraid the T might stay, as it did for some.

    Huge congrats again for your progress, shit is inspiring
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