Conversation Between Zerolibido and Turnover25

8 Visitor Messages

  1. I was in decline all through 2021
  2. Sorry broseph. I seldomly check this place anymore, I gotta get better at responding. How you doing though man?
  3. Thanks for getting g in touch

    I'm in he'll

    I was in heaven as well and took it for granted

    Imagine being suicidal being dumbbell the. You actually get libido back ducking he'll

    Then you ducking lose it again and not only that but you lose your sleep, your body, your mind
  4. How are you feeling bro? Instead of you blasting the forum, how about we just talk about what you’re going through?
  5. Probably end up topping myself innate this it's unknowable I hate the way it happens too and Inhatenyhat In had recovered and ducked uo
  6. I'm sorry yiubare a good guy most if not alk.the guys On here are

    I'm lashing out at cdnut s maybe with some justification however his shut didn't crash me until I ducking quetipine like an idiot.

    I apologise guys like jointly route outlaw are decent good men in just ducked an venting about pfs in general
  7. Not sure why you’re trying to destroy the forum like that man, what is that supposed to fix?
  8. Hi im.I'm hel l sorry for the mess
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8