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This forum is for general bodybuilding and weight training Discussion.
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This forum is for asking questions that require simple answers.
This forum is for official Competitions
This forum is for Swole Source feedback - Let us know what you think!
A science driven approach to exercise, nutrition, and supplementation
This forum is for the discussion of over the counter non-hormonal supplements. Discussion on supplements and reviews of supplements are welcome.
This forum is dedicated to advanced level discussion of Supplements. Please keep conversation scientific in nature and only post information based on scientific fact/theory.
This forum is for the discussion of Powerlifting, Strength Progression and Strongman.
This forum is for the discussion of Individual Exercise, Exercise theories, and Weekly Routines.
This forum is for the Personal Training Logs. Logs of all kinds (Diet, Hormonal Cycle, Competition Preparation) are welcome.
This forum is for the discussion of Mixed Martial Arts, both conditioning and competition.
This forum is for the discussion of diet theories, personal diets, and micro and macro nutrients.
This forum is dedicated to sharing various recipes that fit the bodybuilding lifestyle.
A Forum dedicated to those that have experience side effects from using Finastride and how to recover from them.
This forum is for the discussion of traditional inject-able and oral AAS.
This forum is for the discussion of Prohormones and Designer Steroids, including currently controlled hormones.
This forum is for the discussion of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), HGH Secretagogues, and other Peptides.
This forum is for the discussion of Men's Health and ancillary medication usage for Hair Loss, ED, Acne, and more.
This forum is dedicated to advanced level discussion for all Enhancement topics. Please keep conversation scientific in nature and only post information based on scientific fact/theory.
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Supplements, Prohormones, PCT products, and more.
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Swole Source's Off Topic Board.
Classified Sections. Advertisement of any scheduled hormone or otherwise illegal item will result in a ban.
Welcome to our newest member, gadiyozooao