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  1. @Outlaw you want to take enough B12, too little and you’ll cause a methyltrap. Which is too little B12 to transport folate so the folate gets trapped in the cell. I loaded up on B12 for a couple days before hand but I don’t think that’s necessary. Too much B12 is bad also. I’d take the couple of B12’s beforehand, take your folate (preferably at least 30,000 mcg) then after I’d do one more of each B12. There’s no blueprint man I just fucked with it, listen to your body. It really will react instantly, like if I take too much B12 and it depletes folate, I’ll know cuz anxiety, then I take more folate, and it stops, vice versa. It’s not that confusing you’d just have to try it to get it.

    Make sure you get the correct brands. Also these are water soluble vitamins, meaning you piss out the excess, it’s not the same as taking a fuck ton of vitamin A, which would be dangerous.
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    I'm trying to figure out from your thread your amount of B12. I think you did
    ((5000mg folate + 1 B12) x 3 )
    + 2 types of b12 + niacin + potassium

    But that's still 5000mg of methylb12, and the recommended RDA is 2.4mg. So I'm still scared as fuck lol
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    Ok I'm seriously considering it. And once I "saturate" my body with folate, my body then learns to methylate without causing such a deficiency, meaning I'm good and I don't need to do this shit forever?

    I ask about the methylb12 because I wanna take as little as possible. If I can simply take it after my rounds of folate that would be cool, but since b12 helps transports folate, wouldn't I also need it after the rounds? Otherwise they would not be efficient?

    I will order the stuff
  4. @Outlaw I’d have to read the thread, I don’t think so? Maybe. But there is no need for that. The only reason I would have done that was to make sure I have enough B12. But I’ve done it dozens of times now just because I feel great at high doses and I don’t do that now.

    You could cure this in 15 minutes. That’s why I’m saying give it a try. The thing you need to realize with methylfolate is that the more you take, the less side effects you get. This is due to folate being used up in methylation causing a deficiency, paradoxically. You take a small amount, methylation kickstarts and rapidly uses up your small amount of folate. Now you’re in a deficiency. Same with broccoli, small amount, methylation, depletion, deficiency.

    There is a medication called Deplin, that is just 7000 mcg of methylfolate. Thats the smallest dose. That’s the amount scientists deemed good enough to stop side effects.
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    Thanks a lot. I understand you took extra B12 after your rounds of folate, but you also still took one 1000mg methylb12 immediately after each folate round?

    So basically I can cure this in a single day? Or I might have to keep doing it a bit.

    I just ordered a 23andme gene test to see if I have the MTHFR mutation.
  6. @Outlaw and those guys got fucked cuz they did it wrong. I read both. Same happened to me. Taking B12 by itself will deplete folate, taking folate by itself will deplete B12. Everyone just plays Russian roulette with supplements and gets surprised when they feel bad
  7. @Outlaw when I would eat folate rich food, I’d get intense anxiety, derealization, etc for about an hour or so then it would return to normal. But I wouldn’t be able to sleep that night.

    Idk man, I took all the other vitamins like E,A, B complex without 12 or folate, fish oil etc for a week, then I took some methylB12 and AdenoB12 (both active forms) to see if it would help, did that for a couple days, didn’t help kinda made it worse, then I took 5000 mcg methylfolate, then 15 min later took 5000 more, 15 min later took 5000 more til I got to like 30,000 mcg, then I felt great. Then I took some more B12 (methyl and adeno) to make sure I had enough, then niacin to demethylate. Potassium later that day to make sure I had enough. Really wasn’t rocket science. That’s it.

    I just took the extra B12 cuz b12 acts as a vehicle to transport folate. You want enough. I kept the B12 it under my lip as it was sublingual or whatever. Easy day. I didn’t know. Just took a lot of both
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    agree. Honestly for now I'm just way too scared to take methylb12. I dont normally go on PH, but I read 2 threads of guys getting completely fucked from methyl12 or Bcomplex that contains some. I have finals in 3 weeks it's a tough gamble.

    I read your methylated thread 4x. When you take 5000-10000mg of folate in one shot, you "immediately" follow up with one 1000mg B12 sublingual? How long do you keep it there, and do you swallow after?

    And how do you know if you need another round The problem is, my symptoms don't seem as intense as yours. They are when I take B vitamins in food, but then I settle to a baseline. So it's not like I would be able to tell after 1 round, "ah, my derealization has lifted".
  9. @Outlaw I think they crash cuz they don’t take it properly, same as what happened to me. You could crash on all sorts of stuff though. Id just try what I did, don’t do a water fast then avoid app sorts of food forever, you’ll just stay like that. Been there
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    Thanks for the reply man, I'm really sorry to take your time with this bullshit. I understand I must take methylfolate to fix my folate deficiency, and that I must take it with methylb12. But lot of PFS guys crash simply by taking methylb12, so I'm running the risk of independently getting fucked by the b12 no?
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