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  1. I’m glad to hear it helped you man! Keep up the good work.
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    Hey man,

    Hope you are well. I was wondering if you would mind sharing which doctor you are working with for the gut dysbiosis and methyletion issues? TMO has helped with my mental sides but I still have the same issues (workout intolerance, muscle wasting) as you described..

    Take care
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    Honestly, best way to reverse methylation is HDAC inhibitors, like Sodium Butyrate and Tributyrin. Only B vitamins I've found for PFS throughout my journey was B2, B3, and B6 for neurotransmitters. I conducted a study of sorts with many PFS guys, including myself, to get our neurotransmitters tested and everyone had the same patterns; low GABA and Dopamine. Those B vitamins are very important for neurotransmitters. Also, some supplements from CD's protocol help a lot with that too, like Mucuna, vitamin D, and magnesium for dopamine or Kava, Bacopa, L-Theanine, and Gotu Kola for GABA. The androgen cycles help with, yes, 5ar deficiencies but, more importantly, help with the androgen receptor upregulation that has been studied multiple times. High amounts of endogenous agonists to a receptor downregulates it, which is what we want to do on androgen receptors. Just don't use anything with EpiAndrosterone, like Andro Hard or Ultra Hard. Use R-Andro, which is 100% Androsterone.
  4. For me it just slowly receded until one day I realized it wasn’t there anymore. It was never crippling but it did affect my life and I had to take precautions to not have it Fuck me up like earplugs etc. I’m assuming since your H is drug induced and not from acoustic damage you have a much better chance of pulling through as it is more neurological in nature
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    Yeah, I hear ya. It's a pretty sketchy proposition. T25 has done it a TON of times apparently, and he's doing pretty well. It still scares the crap out of me as well, though. When you're anxious and feeling like crap everything seems super scary. I have all the needed vitamins and co-factors to attempt it, but I have done it yet. Broccoli and other greens done seem to impact me, so I'm not sure that's my problem. I may just need to get my neurotransmitters back in line. Anyway, keep me posted on your progress, and if you ever want to chat email me your number:
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    Dude, just read your latest post. I'm also in a bad downswing. I did the Elemental Diet and in has a ton of B vitamins in it as well. I think it's mainly the methylated vitamins that are suppose to cause problems. I'm 4 months into this DS, but it is getting better, just really slow. I'm not sure if I've got folate issues, or not, but I'm looking into it. Not sure there's anyway to be sure. I chatted with T25 the other night for 2.5hrs. He's a good dude. Feel free to reach out anytime if you're needing some encouragement. If you wanna chat shoot me you number. Hang in there, bro. We're all in this together.
  7. Ah bah on a bien la même chose.
    Ça peut guérir si la cause du problème est résolue. Après je sais pas s'il y a un point où ça peut induire des dommages et j'irais pas vérifier. Tout ce que je sais c'est que récemment un soir c'était quasiment parti, mes oreilles étaient libérées et il me restait juste un léger ultrason au milieu de ma tête que j'ai depuis le début et qui n'est pas gênant, les autres acouphènes à l'oreille droite et gauche étaient partis. J'ai eu énormément de fréquences différentes qui sont tour à tour apparues et repartis, donc ça peut bien guérir
    Je vais personnellement continuer à guetter des allergies et sensibilités à certains aliments puisque ça peut contribuer à la formation de mucus et/ou inflammation. J'essaie aussi d'éviter de stresser car ça empêche la récupération.
    Le reste c'est être à fond sur le protocol!
  8. Salut mec, moi à la base j'avais les oreilles qui pop avec les acouphènes etc. puis ça a évolué en un catarrhe tubaire (je sais pas vraiment si c'est pire ou mieux), c'est une forme d'ETD. J'ai un cliquetis dans l'oreille droite parfois quand j'avale + les acouphènes et l'hyperacousie.
    Je vois pas trop quoi faire d'autre à part essayer les différents traitements que ton ORL te donne et optimiser ton hygiène de vie/ta guérison. Apparemment ça pourrait être d'origine hormonale, mais c'est peut-être autre chose. Je vais retourner voir un ORL bientôt.
    Mais ouais c'est chiant :/
  9. @Outlaw I wouldn’t fuck with the methyl vitamins personally. That’s where my bad experience came from. Too complicated

    Folic acid isn’t great but I’d stick with the normal B complex and see how you feel.
  10. Ok thanks a lot man, fingers crossed. I have the same 30 second bomb sometimes
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